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D20 Concept : Rubah. Kitsune Themed warframe (PRIME TIME FEATURED).


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5 hours ago, D20 said:

I think a concept has to remain rather simple. Sure more complicated warframes can be made like Chroma or Nidus, but the overall idea has to remain simple. Overloading a spell with effects like I did in my old version of Rubah with the 4th power usually isn't something you want to do. 

I am in agreement.  These are old concepts and I feel I need to go over them and 2.0 a few to make them better, or less complicated.  I still like the duality idea part for my kitsune, but the fourth is the one on mine I see the most problematic. 

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1 hour ago, D20 said:

I still await for some more artworks. If you guys wish to participate, just draw something and post it. :p

Might be getting that annoying attrition issue that alotta folks get eventually when everybody moves on to the "next best thing" suh/mam. Might recommend manuvering onto the Discord and show what you have there as well.

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Very small update. I changed the fourth power's name from Vixen's Agility to Vixen's Dance. It makes a bit more sense like that.


On 02/11/2017 at 4:55 PM, Unus said:

Might be getting that annoying attrition issue that alotta folks get eventually when everybody moves on to the "next best thing" suh/mam. Might recommend manuvering onto the Discord and show what you have there as well.

I don't think those people would appreciate if I did some advertising for my own threads in thir Discord. Unless I am mistaken ?

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14 minutes ago, D20 said:

Very small update. I changed the fourth power's name from Vixen's Agility to Vixen's Dance. It makes a bit more sense like that.


I don't think those people would appreciate if I did some advertising for my own threads in thir Discord. Unless I am mistaken ?

OH, don't you worry about sir/mam, there's a section on the Discord COMPLETELY dedicated to the "advertising" of configured concepts. Given you already have some artistic pieces, your already quite far ahead in the "advertiseing" department. A short description, a link to here, and of course the existing assets, and you'll be right as rain asking folks there.

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17 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

Here is my attempt for a design :

Bloody ell Mr./Mrs. U! I think I'm gonna have to ask you about a little project of mine at some point!

Theres just something about the lopsidedness of it, intermingled with both the modern and mythical aspects of it that reminds me of the recently-departed Myniki. I also like how some of the "tails" also happen to be intermingled with the rest of the suit, acting as a pseudo-kimono. 

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While I feel like the rest of the kit seems great, I'm not so sure about the third ability. Why not make it a channeled ability that'll automatically skip reloads and knockdowns for 3/4ths the cost (7-8 per) but have a small energy-over-time loss as well? I wouldn't want to hit my 3 key every time I wanted to reload to make my Tigris Prime into a meme machine, or whenever I was knocked down or commander-switch-teleported. I feel like I'd forget about that ability in those very important moments and it wouldn't have it's full potential realized. Also, to prevent someone taking a tigris prime, binding their fire key to the scroll wheel, and scrolling with this ability active, there could be a small delay between each usage of this ability while it's channeled, like maybe 1 or 0.5 seconds.

Also, how many shields does she have?

Edited by Omega_DarkPotato
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14 hours ago, Omega_DarkPotato said:

While I feel like the rest of the kit seems great, I'm not so sure about the third ability. Why not make it a channeled ability that'll automatically skip reloads and knockdowns for 3/4ths the cost (7-8 per) but have a small energy-over-time loss as well? I wouldn't want to hit my 3 key every time I wanted to reload to make my Tigris Prime into a meme machine, or whenever I was knocked down or commander-switch-teleported. I feel like I'd forget about that ability in those very important moments and it wouldn't have it's full potential realized. Also, to prevent someone taking a tigris prime, binding their fire key to the scroll wheel, and scrolling with this ability active, there could be a small delay between each usage of this ability while it's channeled, like maybe 1 or 0.5 seconds.

Also, how many shields does she have?

I have no clue how the shield value disappeared from the thread. Anyway, I updated the main thread to put it back. She's supposed to have a good 100 of base shields, so 300 at max rank. To be honest the more I think about it, the more I feel like it's a bit too much, especially for a warframe that can turn invisible. I should probably consider making it 90, like Nekros.

About Instant Reflex (the 3rd power), I actually had this discussion with another user on Discord. I refuse to turn it into a toggleable for several reasons :

  • I want this warframe to value the user's reflexes. Changing instant reflex into something that automatically cancels reloads, knockdowns and stuff like that when they happens felt too easy. I don't know if the current kit successfully reward that kind of playstyle, but I really don't want to create a Warframe that feels as easy as most Warframes in the game. No autotargetting attacks, no huge CC, it's about the player's control.
  • I hate cooldowns, and Warframe doesn't revolve around them. Creating cooldowns just for that specific ability as you suggested to mitigate weapons like Tigris might feel out of place with the game.
  • Rubah is more meant to be played in a playstyle that requires you to "domino effect" all enemies on the map with a single shot/melee strike than taking down enemies "one by one", a bit like how Saryn currently works. Instead of gunning stuff down, you would try to touch as much enemies as possible, and finish them all at once with a strong weapon. You shouldn't be in front of an enemy actively trying to gun them down with a Tigris by spamming Instant Reflex and you fire button. You're supposed to use it once in a while when the situation requires it.

However, there is probably a way to make Instant Reflex feel less gimmicky by turning it into some kind of evasive power, so players would be less likely to forget it, and even use it more commonly for other purposes than protection in a legit way. I'm still thinking about a correct way to implement it. So far I thought about some kind of backwards teleport, putting you back at the position you were a few seconds sooner, or a giant backflip that makes you back off from several feets while cleansing status, reloading weapons and more. 

I might rework Instant Reflex soon basically, but it's out of question for me to make the power not requesting an actual reflex from the player. It's just the opposite of what I wanted that power to be.

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I was thinking about her first power, what if she could use ninetails?

Her first power fires 1 blast for 1 tap, but holding the button charges up to 9 orbs

Once you hit 9 it stops charging and you can release the button to fire 9 projectile 

You may release at any time to fire off however many you charged up

But you can max out at 9

It would be cool to release a barrage of fox fire projectiles

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Also another thought


What if instant reflex persisted for 1 instance after it is cast

Say you use it to skip an any effect

It would remain as a buff that will basically free cast for you as a self instant reflex 

Like you swap a weapon, then use reflex, it skips that swap animation. Then procs a persist, so when you reload that weapon it skips its animation instead and removes the persist buff

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On 07/11/2017 at 7:14 PM, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

I was thinking about her first power, what if she could use ninetails?

Her first power fires 1 blast for 1 tap, but holding the button charges up to 9 orbs

Once you hit 9 it stops charging and you can release the button to fire 9 projectile 

You may release at any time to fire off however many you charged up

But you can max out at 9

It would be cool to release a barrage of fox fire projectiles

That's... Actually kind of a neat and original idea. I guess it could act in an horizontal spread, and instead of exploding it gets punch through. A few things might be an issue though : first of all, how spaced the tails are between themselves might be an issue, as some enemies would be very likely to go between two tails. Second, I'm afraid about a full burst bringing a bit too much of CC. There's likely a way to work around that though. Maybe I can adapt it in a nice way.

On 07/11/2017 at 7:22 PM, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

Also another thought


What if instant reflex persisted for 1 instance after it is cast

Say you use it to skip an any effect

It would remain as a buff that will basically free cast for you as a self instant reflex 

Like you swap a weapon, then use reflex, it skips that swap animation. Then procs a persist, so when you reload that weapon it skips its animation instead and removes the persist buff

A persisting bonus coming from Instant Reflex was actually one of my original ideas for the power. Upon triggering it, the player would have recieved a token allowing for one instant reload, instant weapon switch, instant recuperation after knockdown or instant cleanse of the next status proc. However, it felt kind of gimmicky, and I wasn't happy about the fact that it didn't directly involved a reflex from the player. So instead I turned it into the current iteration, also allowing an emergency 1s of invincibility that would allow reactive players to avoid the most dangerous attacks skillfully.

Your idea actually suggest to add that old token idea to the current version of Instant Reflex (or actually this is how I understand it). To be honest I'm not such a great fan of that idea. It just doesn't please me that much. There's likely a more elegant way to re-do Instant Reflex while keeping its current core mecanics.

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The idea is great! Im just concerned about one of your abilities effects

On 16.10.2017 at 12:33, D20 said:

Allies can be hit with that power as well, giving them additional damage as fire damage, and cursing all enemies they touch with their body or powers. 

Im thinking about novas molecular p or embers fire blast (i think those are the names of the abilities im thinking of. An expanding ring or bubble that pretty much affects all enemies). Those would be a bit ridiculous with the cursing power, because of their range and them going through walls. Maybe tweak that part a bit?

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19 hours ago, EpicBred said:

The idea is great! Im just concerned about one of your abilities effects

Im thinking about novas molecular p or embers fire blast (i think those are the names of the abilities im thinking of. An expanding ring or bubble that pretty much affects all enemies). Those would be a bit ridiculous with the cursing power, because of their range and them going through walls. Maybe tweak that part a bit?

That part about targetting allies doesn't even seem that much needed to be honest. I might edit it soon.

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Fox fire : Cost reduced to 15 energy per cast. The power can now be charged to add up to 8 more projectiles to the attack, bringing the total count to 9 projectiles. They are thrown in a half-circle pattern. Each additional projectile will increase the cost of fox fire by 5 energy. The cost increase is, of course, affected by power efficiency. Range isn't improved on direct hit anymore. This is based on @Tomplexthis suggestion.

Mischief : Now only act on enemies, and reveal the player as soon as they deal damage to another enemy (this does not include bullet jumping and air kicks). You are still awarded bonus damage on your next strike as long as you are invisible. This is applied because invisibility is already extremely powerful in Warframe. For 25 energy, considering the actual synergies, that power already brings a lot for the player.

Instant Reflex : REWORKED ! Instant Reflex is now called "Escape", and teleports the user in the direction he is running while cleansing him from all status effects and crowd control effects, and instantly reloading the current weapon. The power can be used when the user is knocked down, which will teleport the user backwards and automatically wake him up. After the power is triggered, the warframe earns a 1s invincibility time frame. Unaffected by duration mod. Enemies in the path of the Warframe during the teleportation will also be cursed. Cost increased to 25 energy. Reworked so the power appears less gimmicky and more like something a player would use rather commonly.

Vixen's Dance remains unchanged.

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The new "escape" fit better into warframe and still have the initial idea of rewarding the player for its reflexes.

However, I think it could be improved by adding a special mechanic that would increase ths feeling of rewarding players for their reflexe, give more mobility to the frame and make the power a bit stronger because it's a 3rd power that seems like a 1st/2nd power.

The idea is to add a combo system that stack with number of enemies hit for each successive dash during the invulnerability period.
So, for example, you would get -1 energy cost per enemi hit with the dash, for the next one if you do it during the next second. This effect may stack for each successive dash (capped at a certain percentage of reduction like 25-50%).
This is not a that much but woud reward fast analyse of the battlefield and precision with lower energy cost to curse a bunch of enemies or just travel faster.

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