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What happens to our accounts when console moves on?


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So, I just had a thought. Consoles constantly change hardware in the fashion of becoming the next best thing. Playstation five, Xbox two, whatever. Usually, we don't keep these games that live so long, and even if we do our playerbase is separated. The new platform is unable to interact with the previous platform. 


Currently, I'm only keeping my PS4 because Warframe is way harder to get into than it used to be. All my daily login progress, the massive amount of weapons that are now no longer obtainable, exclusive skins blah blah. But (though I don't know if they will make a PS5?) what happens when the next platform upgrade comes out and Warframe can't go forward? Or, even if it does it has only 50/50 of the playerbase, because the other half didn't upgrade, or liked the PS4 better because they have games they enjoy still playing only there. 


I'm not trying to spell doom and gloom, but it was a thought that I had after moving to PC in general. Here, you can change PCs, go a lot of places in the world, whatever. In twenty years, if Warframe still exists it doesn't matter at all. But with each upgrade for consoles, people stay behind or switch sides, changing from Xbox to Playstation to PC or all three. I'd like to hear what everyone thinks, because honestly as I thought about it I was a bit annoyed. Especially because of Sony and Microsoft, things like account transferals are currently a no-go. Or, the far more reasonable option of having synced accounts so that it doesn't matter what you play on.

I'd kind of like to hear from the developers on this. What I think will happen is that accounts on a platform transfer to the next generation, assuming the game always continues to the next generation. But, as that happens the playerbase for each generation is going to bleed. I'm not counting in new players, because welcoming people into this game is already a nightmare. 

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I'd imagine that DE will accommodate those players if there were to be an impasse, i.e. Sony doesn't make another console that integrates with PSN and the associated accounts. It's not as if they'd be thrilled to suddenly lose a few million players so I'm certain that they would work with the companies involved and, as a last resort, offer to transfer to PC if the need was there. 


tl;dr: Don't worry, DE has a financial incentive to keep the console end rolling. 

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1 minute ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

as far as I'm aware this can never happen due to the way Sony and Microsoft hold their databases for account details etc which is why console to PC migration has never been offered previously

Well, I'm sure that DE could work something out despite that if it ever actually came to it. It's not as if it's a small amount of money at stake. 

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I've been wondering the same thing and wanting an answer for a while too... It would be great if someone from DE could provide a statement of their very long term plan for Warframe and how the would handle it if the game was no longer profitable / if things changed in terms of platforms. No game is eternal, and it would be nice to have a guarantee of a certain degree of support and strategies being in place if DE ever decides to work on something else.... Especially for those that spent countless hours and mucho real life cash on the game. I mean, just five days ago, "The Tomorrow Children" was basically shut down on PS4, rendering all my in-game purchases useless and basically making a game I kinda enjoyed unplayable for all eternity... Team didn't even bother to turn it into a single player game to preserve it for the future. So I'm asking , what happens if the game ever stops making DE a profit ?

 My questions would be the following.

1 - What's the plan for next generation ? I'm assuming you'll be porting Warframe to PS5 and Xbox One X one X one 360 or whatever it's called... But what happens if one of platform ever gets bankrupt and there is no console to transition to ? Would you then allow account migration to PC to save our account ? Likewise, what happens if someday , current gen consoles end up not powerful enough to run new content ? Will the current gen version stop getting new content with an "update to PS5 / PS Pro" kind of system...

2 - Likewise, if Warframe ever gets to a point where it's no longer profitable , what's the plan ? Would you pull the plug off the servers and kill the game ? Would you turn the game into a single player only / local coop game to preserve the experience without having to pay server costs? Would you consider maybe taking a loss for a while as the userbase moves to other games and then keep the game running with a small server farm and no new content ? Or would you just keep it running with new tennogen content being added and making some money on player discovering the game late and spending money to catch up (there's still 2000+ hours of stuff to do in the game after all).

3 - Finally, what happens if you guys ever get tired of Warframe and want to work on somthing else full time (Amazing Eternals or some other project). Would you keep Waframe running as a legacy game ? If you ever have/want to pull the plug, any plans to allow users to download the full client and host their own private servers (talking about PC obiviously)...

I know it's never easy to answer to questions like this, but to me it's like writing a will... You don't write it because you want to die, you write it in case you die... So there's a clear plan in place to handle such situations. Honestly, doesn't have to be a detailed anwser, just a small "We would do what's right for you guys and preserve the game in some form" statement would be enough to make me fully secure in the future, instead of pondering what happens in 5-10 years with all that time I spent on this game.

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1 hour ago, Felixdb said:

So, I just had a thought. Consoles constantly change hardware in the fashion of becoming the next best thing. Playstation five, Xbox two, whatever. Usually, we don't keep these games that live so long, and even if we do our playerbase is separated. The new platform is unable to interact with the previous platform. 


Currently, I'm only keeping my PS4 because Warframe is way harder to get into than it used to be. All my daily login progress, the massive amount of weapons that are now no longer obtainable, exclusive skins blah blah. But (though I don't know if they will make a PS5?) what happens when the next platform upgrade comes out and Warframe can't go forward? Or, even if it does it has only 50/50 of the playerbase, because the other half didn't upgrade, or liked the PS4 better because they have games they enjoy still playing only there. 


I'm not trying to spell doom and gloom, but it was a thought that I had after moving to PC in general. Here, you can change PCs, go a lot of places in the world, whatever. In twenty years, if Warframe still exists it doesn't matter at all. But with each upgrade for consoles, people stay behind or switch sides, changing from Xbox to Playstation to PC or all three. I'd like to hear what everyone thinks, because honestly as I thought about it I was a bit annoyed. Especially because of Sony and Microsoft, things like account transferals are currently a no-go. Or, the far more reasonable option of having synced accounts so that it doesn't matter what you play on.

I'd kind of like to hear from the developers on this. What I think will happen is that accounts on a platform transfer to the next generation, assuming the game always continues to the next generation. But, as that happens the playerbase for each generation is going to bleed. I'm not counting in new players, because welcoming people into this game is already a nightmare. 

  "the massive amount of weapons that are now no longer obtainable " .... ? founders things are the only that are not going to be available for you in the future , its hardly a "massive amount" .

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7 hours ago, Yagamilight123 said:

  "the massive amount of weapons that are now no longer obtainable " .... ? founders things are the only that are not going to be available for you in the future , its hardly a "massive amount" .

Tell that to my full collection of arcane helmets, all my vaulted primes and 2000 hours worth of player progression.

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9 hours ago, Yagamilight123 said:

  "the massive amount of weapons that are now no longer obtainable " .... ? founders things are the only that are not going to be available for you in the future , its hardly a "massive amount" .

Honestly, being obtainable in the future doesn't help me right now. Waiting three hundred days for a really good weapon, or waiting months for an event that brings it back is being no longer obtainable. It's like someone telling you there's a finish line somewhere on the horizon, and you run for it. No matter how long you run, you never find it. The person who told you about the finish line has yet to draw it. The finish is not obtainable until it exists, and no matter how far you run it's always going to be ahead of where you are now, making all your work beforehand feel pointless. 

I understand we play this game for the long term -- I'm the one who made a post talking about the next generation of console that hasn't even been announced yet -- but burnouts are rampant in this game. Not having the goal even visible right now, and not knowing when it's going to be in the future, does NOT help someone continue playing this game. 

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11 hours ago, JuicyPop said:

tl;dr: Don't worry, DE has a financial incentive to keep the console end rolling. 

But do they really? Already, there are bonuses that come from dropping console support entirely. 

Think about it, if they dropped console support they wouldn't have to pay for certification process anymore, the employees who I assume are only there for console conversion could work on the PC version, and they could certainly probably upgrade the game more readily. They have to think about the console version each time they make an upgrade. 


As far as I know, PC has the most players of warframe, and definitely the largest playerbase of the three. I used to think it was around a 33% split for each, but honestly that wouldn't make sense. Maybe even if Warframe follows forward on the next console, if they playerbase gets split we might just see console support end, with account information (minus platform exclusives) just being transferred to PC in wait, in case anyone decides to switch. I do acknowledge this: 

10 hours ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

as far as I'm aware this can never happen due to the way Sony and Microsoft hold their databases for account details etc which is why console to PC migration has never been offered previously

but I don't believe it's any technical blockage, but rather Sony and Microsoft saying no because they don't want to lose the money. 

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This would be entirely up to the console platform companies to allow progress to be transferred to the new console. DE would have almost no hand in this outside of making the game work on the console and requesting the feature to move to the new platform within the company line.

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After the xbone x launches microsft have stated, somewhere, no more 'new' consoles, instead it will be iteration's of the same console with newer upgraded hardware, pc in a box basically with none of the pc benefits,basically if you play warframe today on xbox in 10 years you still can on same account on newer system an with microsft basically in the fore right now for 'championing' cross platform aswell as bringing all there platforms closer together, phone/xbox/windows, it wouldn't surprise me if xbox/windows users in certain games will play together in the near future. I can see the xbox/windows community's coming closer as a result of xbox just becoming a convenient med range pc. My windows account is my xbox account how much work is required nowadays to have save data work for both if the game is out for both? Prob not as much if it was p4 to whatever

Sony with there stance against nigh everything cross platform, well thats them i guess.

Basically xbox/microsoft seem to want to promote everything cross platform, sony do not, xbox/windows will prob grow ever closer, sony will not, if there a chance of save data cross platform it will be with xbox/windows with sony holding it back.

There will be some iteration of xbox long after im dead i have no worries there, even if it just another pc brand like alienware


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Well... DE has 3 ways to operate after PS5 gets released:


1. (Worst case scenario) they say goodbye to every ps4 players and move on to pc only.

2. (Most likely) They'll do like DC Universe did and put warframe in ps5 aswell, having shared servers between ps4 and ps5.

3. They'll abandon the consoles entirely and transfer the accounts to pc.


PS: on the 2nd option, they do the same with xbox aswell, for that matter (from the previous version to the new version).

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14 hours ago, Sweetea17 said:

Oh that is easy, you just start all over with the new console. I mean you play on a console

its what you are used to.

clearly has no clue that save transfers are possible.(while not used a lot they still exist in rare examples)


But yeah think the most obvious one is going to be being able to support it on the new gen.Both PS and Xbox have an account system that is shared throught the various supported platforms.

So for example if PS5 came out and WF is supported on it, all I would have to do is jut log in with my PSN account and my stuff would be there since WF savedata is saved to the account online.

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On 11/6/2017 at 6:33 AM, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

clearly has no clue that save transfers are possible.(while not used a lot they still exist in rare examples)


But yeah think the most obvious one is going to be being able to support it on the new gen.Both PS and Xbox have an account system that is shared throught the various supported platforms.

So for example if PS5 came out and WF is supported on it, all I would have to do is jut log in with my PSN account and my stuff would be there since WF savedata is saved to the account online.

Clearly has no clue that save transfers would not be possible because we need the money in your wallet. (while not used a lot) OH GEEZ I WONDER WHY. Maybe its because WE WANT YOUR MONEY.

I have no pity for console users, they confined their fates to terrible frame rates and horrible upgrades every few years. Let them restart.

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4 hours ago, Sweetea17 said:

Clearly has no clue that save transfers would not be possible because we need the money in your wallet. (while not used a lot) OH GEEZ I WONDER WHY. Maybe its because WE WANT YOUR MONEY.

I have no pity for console users, they confined their fates to terrible frame rates and horrible upgrades every few years. Let them restart.

Oh I didn't know that a save transfer would make them lose money(guess what, not because it has no impact on it, logic)

So yeah, keep your PC mustard rice BS to yourself and stop talking nonsense on stuff which you clearly have no idea about, such behaviour is not welcome here as the whole community acts respectful on that matter.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

Oh I didn't know that a save transfer would make them lose money(guess what, not because it has no impact on it, logic)

So yeah, keep your PC mustard rice BS to yourself and stop talking nonsense on stuff which you clearly have no idea about, such behaviour is not welcome here as the whole community acts respectful on that matter.

Agreed. The players who think one platform is better than another quite frankly have no legs to stand on.

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On 11/5/2017 at 3:06 PM, Jorak_Falconstar said:

as far as I'm aware this can never happen due to the way Sony and Microsoft hold their databases for account details etc which is why console to PC migration has never been offered previously

GTA V had the option for players to transfer their accounts to PC, except it ended now, no idea why but probably stated somewhere.

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46 minutes ago, Inanegrain62 said:

GTA V had the option for players to transfer their accounts to PC, except it ended now, no idea why but probably stated somewhere.

That option was first given when they made next gen. consoles(now current gen.) so that people could transfer their accounts from last gen to current gen.(Example: PS3 to PS4) And later on when PC version got released the same option was given aswell.

Reason why it ended probably is to prevent account cheating as some have found a way to modify accounts so that when they transfer they have stuff that they didn't earn or can't be owned.But yeah it was going on for a long time so that by that point everyone who owned the game on one platform and made the switch to the other has done it.

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