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Favorite Warframe based on looks and personal meaning


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Just want to see why some people love a certain Warframe over others for reasons beyond the battle capabilities. Most Warframes are more or less just cold warriors, but when we become them and control them, a piece of us is embedded in them. A fragment that is able to defeat the sentient sword at the last moment. What fragments have you all found in your warframes?


Personally I love Frost Prime because he was my first Prime and I just love the ice theme. Mainly because he looks badass. But there is a slight element of relating to him. I see a complex character that can be cold or a joker at any moment.

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Limbo by a longshot. Being a developer I've always sort of lived in my own private world until later in adult life when I became more social. The idea of a world between worlds resonates perfectly with me! Tuning out the rest of the world with my own real-life cataclysm while I sit down in my own world for hours on end. A world most of my friends do not understand. A world where I am the creator of my future. To the outside world it is merely a rift, but to this Tennogen - it's a way of life.

I suppose throwing on the latest tennogen also further amplifies my love of steampunk and top hats, too!

Edited by Frosthaven83
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Valkyr. Her lore reminds me of Logan from the Marvel comics and she actually has a real reason for battling the Corpus. (Which is the faction I hate the most)

I was especially excited when her Delusion tennogen skin came out. 

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Once upon a time, I played this really unheard of game called Final Fantasy XI from this little indie developer known as Square Enix. It had a bunch of different job classes you could pick from, and I settled on Paladin. For my class the most sought after item was the legendary sword Excalibur from the Authurian legends. I sought after Excalibur and spent a lot of time with my friends fighting the nether dimension of Dynamis to acquire one. That sword has a special meaning to me. It isn't just powerful, but it represents the bonds of friendship I forged playing that game, friends that I still call family to this day. 

So obviously my favorite frame is Nova. 


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I really like Octavia, but I think Titania has my favorite flavor. I've always loved the Fae aesthetic, especially the big ears on her default helmet. The idea of a pixie frame built by someone who wanted to protect the earth was really neat.

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Hmm. Based on looks alone...

Maybe mag or nova. They both look incredibly sexy to me. Large t!ts and large as5es are not my think at all. I prefer slim bodies. 

Based on abilities, maybe mesa or nova again. I love mesa cause she's both a tank and a dps. And I love nova for her portals and mp. I would love an augment for her portals that makes them more like portals from the game portal. Or a visual redesign of her portals that makes them more like portals. Super swirly and like a work hole from the movie interstellar. 

I also love Titania, but she looks too cluttered for me. Her frame is just way too busy. If they make a deluxe skin if her, I would like if they made it really simple and less cluttered. I love the new Nekros skin cause it makes Nekros look 100 times less cluttered and busy. 

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My favorite warframe by look and personnel is Volt cause he was my starter frame and love his Jack of All traits power since that's my play style. He was also there when I need help speeding through mission and zapping enemies while I'm behind my shield , laughing at them while their brains fried.

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A long time ago, I heard of a game called Tribes:Ascend, and I started to play it. It was a high mobility, fun action shooter game which was free, but the community had died a long time ago.


Skip a few weeks later, and I see a “new”( I hadn’t seen it before) game called Warframe, that was on the front page of the steam free-to-play page. I see the trailers, instantly install, and then it asks for if I want to be a swordman, a magic person, or an electric thing that’s really fast. Guess which one I chose.


Volt, the electric speeder that everyone knows but hardly anyone plays. Then 300 hours into the game, I realise I could make more than 1 warframe, build Frost, get bored, build Valkyr, don’t let go of until I have to (I still want her prime), build Trinity, Oberon and Vauban, Trin&Vauban go instantly.


Then I learn how to build primes, my first warframe was Volt, my first prime was Volt, my first bow was MK1Paris, my first prime weapon was Paris, my first melee was MK1Bo, and my first prime melee was Orthos Prime, because I couldn’t get BoPrime.


TL;DR this is my longest post on the forums ever, and my favorites are Volt, Valkyr and Oberon.

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I've loved Frost (and his Prime version) for so long, I thought he was undefeated as my favourite 'frame... then Atlas, Inaros and Limbo appeared, but when I got my hands on some beauty I loved as much as Frost with her abilities, appearance and cinematic which appealed to me on the "Hunting Time" which was amazing! I would be disrespecting many other Warframes by choosing Banshee Prime, especially taking into account how amazing all of them are, but yes... she got plenty of love from me.


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Trinity. I really liked her original power set waaaaaay back.and then just after that no matter mow much they twisted that power set (looking at you trinity nerf Wednesdays and especially you update 9.8). The rigid lobster tail never bothered me and kinda grew on me to be honest. Shes a shadow of her former self  but shes still my favorite.

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6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:


For many reasons.  I live in Texas, and love westerns. That and I have professional and personal ties to Mesa as a concept. So for me it's only natural that I'm drawn to her concept as a gun fighter. 

I'm guessing by your screen name, Roland Deschain? The Gunslinger?


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Just now, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

Umm, well yes I'm a fan of that series obviously. But moreover my profession and hobbies involve firearm instruction and manipulation. 

I was just randomly commenting on it, not trying to take away from what you were saying or anything. I'm just a big fan of the series and was happy to spot someone else that likes it. I actually have been trying to get a dual Vasto riven to make them end game, sense they are the only revolvers in the game, because of the gunslinger.

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7 minutes ago, Gabenight7 said:

I'm just a big fan of the series and was happy to spot someone else that likes it.

Nice! I'm Currently reading it for the 8th time lol I'm the middle of Wolves of the Calla.

7 minutes ago, Gabenight7 said:

dual Vasto riven to make them end game, sense they are the only revolvers in the game, because of the gunslinger.

Cool, yeah Akvasto is nice, I just wish we could get AkVasto Prime..also Mesa has dual pistols for her forth her pistols are called regulators. And Akmagnus are also considered revolvers. My favorite secondary is Pandero by far tho, mainly because of its "fan hammer" alt fire. I love it!

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Valkyr -

A) I love cats of all kinds

B) her primal screams of anger and energy claws are just freaking awesome - every time I she screams out its like hitting the turbo button - its GO TIME.

C) shes the only frame I had something of an emotional reaction for, ie: felt bad for, due to her suffering at the hands of the Corpus - which is a little strange considering the frame itself, at least as we know it thus far, has some sort of inner 'workings' but no true sentience. Perhaps Valks original operator felt much of the 'pain' Valk went thru and it left a transference based anguish upon the frame itself? But then the question begs, why didnt the operator just disconnect? Heh, Im guessing this topic may have been gone over in the past, but I digress.


Mesa is a close second, just because I've always loved gunfighters and gunfighter mythos.

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