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Is there a point to Operators?


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The point of operators is plot reasons, kuva, teralyst and killing shadow stalker in a couple seconds.

They're still in development though, as they are only looked at during major updates so far, so I'm n the future they could be a lot better and have more use. Towards the game they are still quite new. I know second dream happened long ago already, and in that time they could've gotten more than they did so far, but as I said they only seem to get attention in major updates, so it'll likely be a slow progress.

I hope it's not that slow though, I'd rather if they can expand on them quick enough for them to be useful and fun to play as while not affecting the pace of the game. With the future addition of operator melees and such we might be seeing an improvement that will make the playerbase's view of operators better.

And if not, they will still be the panic button if you are leveling everything and stalker pays a visit for an easy kill.

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I use my naramon operator to disarm enemies, open them up to continuous finishers, reviving, void dashing, escaping.. They are definitely more useful now than they were before 

I particular enjoy the combo of melee, operator void dash,finisher. It's not as fluid as it could be, but it's far better than it was. There's are times when I disarm and confuse a group of enemies that have napalm. I'm not doing it just for kicks either, it seriously helps some weaker frames. It's a free mini Loki radiating-disarm.

I still don't agree with the idea of physical operators, but I am able to use what they've given us.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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5 hours ago, (PS4)RefleX666 said:

Actually if you allow yourself to think otherwise and just play the plains the point is starting to come. Having amps, focus 2.0, armor and Teraylists actually makes the operator fun. It gives a new dimension to the game and makes sense. Yes there will be grinding but the grinding is fun and really not that hard.

No, the operator is not made fun by intentionally gimping our frames. No, the grind for Quills is NOT fun. At all.

Operators are pointless, circular grinds that exist to make terrible mechanics we already hate suck slightly less. At best, that's all they accomplish.

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i just finished the war within and I think their point is to channel void energy 

I realized this when I reawoke the tenno’s powers.

when you melee channel, you don’t channel ice for Frost, magnetic for Mag, etc

they all channel the same non-elemental energy!

so channeling is not an undeveloped system they really were channeling void stuff to swords 

does that mean the enemies that disappear go to the void? 

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4 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

Right now Operators take a MASSIVE grind to get anywhere good, but once you do, you're basically playing Hyper-light Drifter in a game with Space Ninjas, and playing two Warframe Units at once. You can combo a crowd control Star Child with your non-Crowd Control Frames, or combo an Energy Regen child with your Energy Heavy Spammers, Etc.

Now, that said, you don't put a CC Star Child right next to Rhino and go "AUGH! Worthless Sh*t can't compare to my Main Frame!!!". No, you pair a Stealth Child with your Rhino, or an Energy Regen one, or a Healer one. This is the point of them. Not to bring Outclassed Gear to the Battle Field, but to bring MORE gear to the battle field.

(But still though that grind and farm uuuuuuuugh.)

I like this train of thought and it does apply in the field!

Warframe, weapon, operator all seamlessly synergising in battle (defeating Kuva guards trained us well) 

It’s so good that on my second day with it I already have synergies and tactics with operator and magnetize. I trap vomvalysts with Mag, dash right through bubbles to relocate with operator 

So yeah they’re not pointless. Thanks for the revive tip btw

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Damage being lower I can agree on but survivability that I can't. My operator with 1125 health and 300+ armor + stealth to avoid damage. Is not weaker then the frames that die in 1 hit for they got no sheild or health. My operator can survive alot more then some of the frames I refuse to play for they can't stand to get hit without going down.

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I honestly use my Operator all the time to run missions. He has solid damage that can match end game enemies and is just fun to play as in general. My clan actually runs challenges to see how long we can go as the Operator before dying. And when you've put the time and arcanes into him, its pretty solid.

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I think this is their "do over" in some respects, if they really did put any thought into it but the jury is still out. How do you work around giving the player so much power that you can't really challenge them? Have them start over with the operator and have a better control of the damage they can do. I wouldn't be surprised if every boss fight going forward forces you to use the operator.


They just don't understand this whole thing sucks. It's sucks transitioning out of the operator smoothly, it sucks controlling them, their abilities suck compared to what your warframe can do, they also suck cosmetically compared to warframes. If the day comes that they release a skin so that when you jump out of your warframe you look like Clem I'll tolerate it but until then ehhh...  I still sigh when I have to screw around trying to make a dash register so I can get my energy and the fact I have to do this repeatedly makes it worse when before I could use it and deal with the operator's brief cameo and move on.

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Here's the thing you can do using operator, assuming you're not soloing missions;

- You can use void mode to go invisible and revive allies at the same time, very useful when surrounded by enemies

- You can kill stalker with operator

- Void dash "Can be used to bypass Corpus laser barriers or Grineer energy barriers" 


I am one of the few who like to use operator in missions.

Edited by saltygr33n
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I have a CC/Stealth frame in my pocket all all times regardless of which frame I'm actually using.  What's not to like?  I haven't even gotten enough focus to have significant upgrades on him and still only have the Mote amp.

Despite that, running Corpus Spy missions with Operator Only is fun and kind of funny.  Also playing as him feels different than standard Warframe gameplay and sometimes you want a slightly different experience.

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If you're old enough to remember Microsoft in the 80's and 90's, DE and operators are like that.

'You think you own your computer, but we run your computer's OS, and we know what's best for us. And you. So -politely- sit down, shut up, and do what we tell you. You're not in charge.'

DE clearly believes it has the right to tell us how to play it's game, and they've decided we ARE going to play with Operators, whether we want to use them or not. And that's that. Because we aren't in charge.

That may be a little blunt, and over-simplified, but IMHO it's true.

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