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What Happens When All Frames Get Their Deluxe Bundle?


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With DE's recent heightened rate of deluxe skin output, I think it's safe to say that in a year or two all frames are gonna get theirs.

Question is, what then? Is this a one-and-done? Or will we get a new category of skins to replace the occasional produce of deluxe ones?

Also, how will this work with newer frames? Suppose new deluxe variants come out, will new frames get two skins after a while? 

Blah blah blah, you get the point. 

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It is kinda the same situation as with primes - as long as new frames come out, there will be catching up.

Now it is a personal point of view that I prefer quality over quantity in both Primes and Deluxe.


Just now, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

This is the question for when they eventually stop making more frames, which they will do someday because there is only so many times you can rehash the same mechanics under a different paint brush.

New frames and gear are the life blood of Warframe. The moment they stop is the moment in which we are entering rapid decaying.

Edited by phoenix1992
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1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

This is the question for when they eventually stop making more frames, which they will do someday because there is only so many times you can rehash the same mechanics under a different paint brush.

Pretty much this but it seems there are still ideas for paint brush. There is a lot of ideas, lot of variations and one theme can be used more ways only depend on the devs if they can do it uniquely or not.

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2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

It is kinda the same situation as with primes - as long as new frames come out, there will be catching up.

Now it is a personal point of view that I prefer quality over quantity in both Primes and Deluxe.


New frames and gear are the life blood of Warframe. The moment they stop is the moment in which we are entering rapid decaying.


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2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

New frames and gear are the life blood of Warframe. The moment they stop is the moment in which we are entering rapid decaying

All games decay eventually. People will eventually get bored of seeing the same mechanics used on a different warframe with slight tweaks. "Oh hey another tank that can increase his damage through the environment. That's a thing that Chroma does right?" or "Oh hey another CC frame that can stop enemies in their tracks. Don't we have like at least twelve other frames that can do that but in a more reliable way?"

4 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Pretty much this but it seems there are still ideas for paint brush. There is a lot of ideas, lot of variations and one theme can be used more ways only depend on the devs if they can do it uniquely or not.

There is only so many times you can repaint a healing, damage or  CC mechanic before it becomes clear that new concepts simply are not happening and DE are just running the mechanics like Assassins Creed and COD; same thing, different paint brush. 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

All games decay eventually. People will eventually get bored of seeing the same mechanics used on a different warframe with slight tweaks. "Oh hey another tank that can increase his damage through the environment. That's a thing that Chroma does right?" or "Oh hey another CC frame that can stop enemies in their tracks. Don't we have like at least twelve other frames that can do that but in a more reliable way?"

There is only so many times you can repaint a healing, damage or  CC mechanic before it becomes clear that new concepts simply are not happening and DE are just running the mechanics like Assassins Creed and COD; same thing, different paint brush. 

Like all other company does because the mechanics are coded into the engine. If an engine cannot handle different mechanics then you can use that set what coded in the engine and if the engine capable to do something with upgrade, then you can calcul the costs of the developement. Many peoples not bored at all because the mechanics are clear here, sometimes they can add new things but the variations limited. Still the abilities and skins are differ but in every video game there are clear mechanics and that's all you cannot push more if the game engine cannot handle more. 

I have no problem with the same mechanics with a new shape if they all are creative enough and can add new ones. "depend on the limits"

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52 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

in a year or two all frames are gonna get theirs

Please no, with the rate of current deluxes every frame that needs one will just have.. something.. but surely not a deluxe skin at all. It is already happening since nova (ofc some exception)

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We'll likely just get more skins. Since the deluxe ones have fancy names I don't see a naming issue. They'll just probably be another deluxe skin with abother look with another name. 

It might take longer than 2 years factoring in new frames and possible delays like with the Zephyr skin.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

You were trying to make a point about engine limitations and costs? That has absolutely nothing to do with what I was trying to say.

Your point is basically "What if DE runs out of creativity?" In that case Warframe will just stop development, Warframes are the game and when DE stops making them, that basically means the game ended. in that scenario Deluxe skins should be the least of our concern.

And your 2nd point is Warframe mechanics and that somehow there are no new mechanics being rolled out which is completely false, If we are talking the past 5 Frames released, You have Titania Which is the oldest, Has buffs based on the type of enemy she's facing, she has Pacifying CC which i don't recall we have ever had in the game. and the first time we have ever seen Archwing on ground missions.

Nidus, The first frame that uses a stack system and has abilities that use and modify based on those stacks.

Octavia, The first frame that have buffs based on the sound produced in the map, has summoning which we only recently saw at the time with Nidus & Titania's Ults ( but they were fairly limited ) & shes the only frame that have buffs that change based on the action you are doing whether it is Crouching/Jumping/Firing/Melee, and of course Mandachord.

Harrow has a buffs that last based on the amount of shields you used I dont recall we have ever seen that , and a flat out mass invulnerability.

Gara the first frame that i know of that can change physical damage types between slash and puncture based on how she uses her abilities.

New mechanics are constantly being rolled out and it seems that DE has more ideas for the future, If league of legends can manage rolling out 134 characters, im sure Warframe is fine.

Edited by Midrib
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44 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Your point is basically "What if DE runs out of creativity?"

No, my point is DE have run out of creativity. They are just reusing mechanics that were introduced with the early Warframes over and over again. Ask yourself this; once the basic frames got the basic mechanics down, did we really need any other frames at all beyond that?

44 minutes ago, Midrib said:

And your 2nd point is Warframe mechanics and that somehow there are no new mechanics being rolled out which is completely false

No. New mechanics as in something beyond healing, damage or CC. Those three basic mechanics have been recycled with every single frame with different tweaks and have become more tedious/complicated as time has gone on. You mentioned Titania. She is a perfect example of this. 

44 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Nidus, The first frame that uses a stack system and has abilities that use and modify based on those stacks.

And those abilities are a reworked Frost Ice Wave, a infested Vortex, a 90% damage reduction (Trinity, Mesa, Nekros), and an AOE heal. 

44 minutes ago, Midrib said:

has summoning which we only recently saw at the time with Nidus & Titania's Ults

So....she is using the same mechanic as other frames?

44 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Harrow has a buffs that last based on the amount of shields you used I dont recall we have ever seen that

*Stares at Chroma* 

44 minutes ago, Midrib said:

and a flat out mass invulnerability.

*Limbo appears behind Chroma*

44 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Gara the first frame that i know of that can change physical damage types between slash and puncture based on how she uses her abilities.

So again, using existing mechanics but with a different paint brush.

44 minutes ago, Midrib said:

New mechanics are constantly being rolled out

Wrong. New ways of reusing old mechanics are being rolled out. There is a difference. Like I said, there is only so many times you can implement a healing mechanic before you simply run out of ways to do so and end up just going full circle back to the beginning.

When I said "new mechanics" I literally mean completely new mechanics. For example, a new damage type beyond slash/impact/puncture.

Deny it all you want, the simple truth of the matter is; Warframe is going to end someday. One day DE will turn around and say "Sorry guys, no more frames. We are out of ideas on how to implement the same thing for 1000th time."

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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57 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

And those abilities ar a reworked Frost Ice Wave, a infested Vortex, a 90% damage reduction (Trinity, Mesa, Nekros), and an AOE heal. 

Irrelevant, of course they are going to reuse preexisting mechanics to combine with their new additions, if that's your basis on DE lacking creativity then DE lacked creativity since 2012.

57 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

So....she is using the same mechanic as other frames?

Great job ignoring the other reasons, but sure she is using the same mechanic as other frames, frames that i pointed out have new mechanics, so i guess i'm right either way, they will use pre existing work that they have done, because that's how games work.

57 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

*Stares at Chroma* 

*Stares at the Chroma's abilities that say nothing about the ability to sacrifice shields for buffs, and having the duration of those buffs change based on how much you sacrifice* wut even are you staring at.


57 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

*Limbo appears behind Chroma*

Banish is a completely different ability.

and on Gara, Point me to a frame that changes physical damage types in game.

Call it denial or whatever you feel like calling it, you are still wrong, every frame in the game can be lumped up to Cc/damage/support, every character in a game that has different characters can basically be lumped up into those categories. Oh Excal? hes a damage frame, Oh nyx shes a CC frame, if thats your basis then in your eyes DE never had creativity in the first place. because every game in existence that uses different characters has those categories. 

By all means if you have any suggestions on abilities that can not be lumped up to those 3 categories, feel free to educate me on them. Because unless you want an ability to summon the Egyptian pharaoh to challenge the grineer to a duel, no mechanic is going to satisfy you.



Edited by Midrib
I f'd up
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14 minutes ago, Midrib said:


Not really since that was my entire point.

14 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Great job ignoring the other reasons

You mean the ability where she has old mechanics applied to her based on how she moves? Yea I ignored that.

15 minutes ago, Midrib said:

but sure she is using the same mechanic as other frames

I.e; Nothing truly new whatsoever.

15 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Stares at the Chroma's abilities that say nothing about the ability to sacrifice shields for buffs

*Stares at enemy shooting at Chroma, therefore granting him a 500% increase in armour*

16 minutes ago, Midrib said:

and having the duration of those buffs change based on how much you sacrifice

Again, different way of adding buffs based on shields. Chroma did it first. How Harrow did it, is not important because the concept of purposely sacrificing shields for buffs, whether it by your own hand or an enemies, has already been explored.

17 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Banish is a completely different ability.

Nope. Limbo can give mass invincibility for a group. Only it's 100x more useful than Harrow's as it lasts a lot longer and grants increased energy regeneration.

20 minutes ago, Midrib said:

and on Gara, Point me to a frame that changes physical damage types in game

There isn't one who changes damage types in a mission. Chroma can change damage types though. Also again, are her damage types anything new? No.

21 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Call it denial or whatever you feel like calling it, you are still wrong

I'm wrong for saying Warframe is going to end one day, or the simple truth that no truly new mechanics have been introduced? 

22 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Oh Excal? hes a damage frame, Oh nyx shes a CC frame

Exactly. They are the first frames who got the basic categories down. Everything else beyond them is purely to extend the games life. Nothing truly new has been introduced since them. One day, that is going to stop.

23 minutes ago, Midrib said:

By all means if you have any suggestions on abilities that can not be lumped up to those 3 categories, feel free to educate me on them

I don't. That's the point I'm trying to make. This grand illusion where people say "Oh cool a new warframe with new mechanics" is nothing but that; an illusion. Nothing truly new has been added since the base frames.

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Yours arguing over abilities that are completely different and going into X is better so Y isn't a new mechanic argument which again is false, the mechanics are new whether its a new way to apply an ability or a new CC, or a new way to scale damage, or a way to change damage types in missions. it's literally the definition of mechanics


No you are not wrong for saying that games decay, you are wrong for believing that every single frame that can be lumped up to cc/damage/support is somehow not new or doesn't have new mechanics.


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3 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Yours arguing over abilities that are completely different

They are not different in what resulting mechanics they give. They are different in which the results are approached. Same stuff, different paint brush. That is not false. That is truth.

5 minutes ago, Midrib said:

you are wrong for believing that every single frame that can be lumped up to cc/damage/support is somehow not new or doesn't have new mechanics.

Clearly I'm not, since you just tried to give examples that only further highlighted how nothing has actually truly changed and everything is just a remix. Excalibur first introduced damage. Loki first introduced utility. Trinity first introduced healing. Rhino first introduced face-tanking. Vauban first introduced game breaking CC. Chroma first introduced the concept of loosing shields for benefits. Nekros first introduced summoning minions. Frost first introduced defence. Beyond that, nothing. The end result is always the same.


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