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Opinion on rivens


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The sheer existence of meta Rivens causes a lot of players to completely ignore the intended purpose (buffing less popular weapons) in favour of endlessly striving for a new meta Riven.

You know if people want 1-2 k for non meta rivens you might as well just buy a meta one for the same price or use a meta weapon without a riven.

Again. If rivens for trash weapons would be better in general that wouldn't be such a major thing - just imagine if they *mostly* came with +300 damage / +200 crit chance /+ 120% crit damage/ + 200 multishot/ ect. Rivens for unpopular weapons should cost like 300 at worst with really good stats. Instead, only mediocre cost like that and good ones are still insanely expensive.

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2 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

You know if people want 1-2 k for non meta rivens you might as well just buy a meta one for the same price or use a meat weapon without a riven.

Again. If rivens for trash weapons would be better in general that wouldn't be such a major thing - just imagine if they *mostly* came with +300 damage / +200 crit chance /+ 120% crit damage/ + 200 multishot/ ect. Rivens for unpopular weapons should cost like 300 at worst with really good stats. Instead, only mediocre cost like that and good ones are still insanely expensive.

300 would be like horrible like plat is not easy to come buy if you play free.

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The only way in which they failed to make players want to use weaker weapons because they have a riven for it is that you can trade them.

If players could not trade them then getting a riven for something like the Tiberon or Supra would be a reason to use the said weapon if you get a riven with good stats for said weapon.

But since someone can trade for a dread or any other weapon that is considered top tier there is no reason to focus on weaker weapon rivens.

But if they had not made rivens tradeable people would have been upset about that.

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3 минуты назад, S.Dust сказал:

300 would be like horrible like plat is not easy to come buy if you play free.

It's better than 1k lmao.

See the problem whoever asked above? The usable rivens  for non-meta weapons start at 100. Like I can't stress it enough. This stuff isn't cheap.

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29 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

So why is that bad? No one needs a Riven. It's a luxury for a meta weapon and cheap for a non-meta supposedly.

I do fine without buying meta Rivens. 

RNG is a bad thing. I am also comfortable without using rivens but the idea of some people having very powerful mods for no reason-effort is wrong. There will be always people with unlucky and lucky streaks. The system forces unlucky players to pay insane amounts of platinum if they want a good mod. Earning platinum and items were always a goal and work. Now a random buddy can be space rich in a day just because of pure luck. So the progression between two players can be very different because of RNG.

Before the rivens heaviest RNG was the void drops and Imho it's the best way to implement it. You work towards a prime and sooner or later you get it. Even if you can't get it for a long time the value of other drops let you trade for that specific part. Rivens are in totally different level. You can't even chose the weapon type. 

I can't work towards something like akzani. If I could choose the riven for a specific weapon, only rolling for stats would make sense. But it doesn't.

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They are completely awful and basically the antithesis of everything I love about Warframe.

As it stands, Rivens are a failure on every front except making money.  I am more discouraged to get a Riven (And by extension, Kuva) from a Sortie than an Ayatan, because that means I got borderline nothing.  Kuva is useless to me except for a few crafting recipes, and those ask for amounts that are easily farmable.  Sure, I could just sell them for plat, but that would be supporting a system I want to stop existing entirely.  The only thing I'm happy about (more like not-angry than happy, though) in relation to Rivens is that they haven't badly tainted the rest of the game, outside of implementing more sources of otherwise-useless Kuva.

I'm still hoping that someday Cephalon Samodeus is like "lol thanks nerds" and all of his bits that we've been gathering fly off into space and he re-forms into a giant superboss or something.

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5 hours ago, YUNoJump said:

The sheer existence of meta Rivens causes a lot of players to completely ignore the intended purpose (buffing less popular weapons) in favour of endlessly striving for a new meta Riven. It's the equivalent of refusing to enter a relationship with anyone at all in the hopes that a supermodel pops up in front of you and falls deeply in love. There's lots of fun to be had with the intended purpose of Rivens, but people ignore it and get mad that they aren't rolling 1000p Rivens when that was never the idea behind the system.

I agree. The issue is more about meta mentality than the system itself. Almost everyone and their mothers seem to only want so called "current meta" weapons ("..." because it's rarely the most efficient choice, more like the most trendy at the time), even if all they do is 30-50 level content and a Sortie. The fact is rivens are an awesome way to resurrect some old, forgotten, less powerful weapons and make them feel strong and fun again without worrying they fall off quickly.

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I really like the idea behind rivens, which is to make less-used weapons more common and viable. I think it’s great in that sense and it succeeds somewhat.

The issue, as has been said, is the RNG involved which bloats prices. You can either acquire a cheap riven and hope rolls go your way, spend 100-300 on a solid mid-range deal, or offer your newborn for the exact stats you want. That’s not viable.

If there were a way to push the riven stats towards what you want for your weapon rather than let it be pure RNG, it might do a lot to keep the system healthy. There are many weapons for which I’d love to get a riven, but won’t, for the simple fact that it is too time- and plat-intensive.

It does not help, either, that rivens impact server performance. That is a serious limitation.

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Rivens are probably the biggest mistake in the game when it comes down to it as it's unnecessary power creep to just bandaid weapons and stave off buffing all the weapons and as more and more get added they're just digging themselves into a deeper hole if they're ever satisfied with weapons and decide to remove them. People are spending thousands of plat on just one of these sometimes and it's all just a goddamned mess. They make some weapons fun but it's not worth it.

I'm just happy warframe rivens won't be a thing.

Also it's #*($%%@ trade char i want a blanket riven blocking ability in there please.

Edited by (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam
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Rivens renewed my interest in the game when they were released, they got some issues still going, but the only serious one is the lack of update towards Disposition. As I see it, Disposition needs to be adjusted maybe every 3 or 4 months to account for the meta changing towards other weapons, that way you won't have the current situation where extremely popular weapons have a 4 or 5 Star Disposition they simply shouldn't have.

Other than that, I love the idea of Rivens, they're the only reason to do Sorties, they allow me to customize all weapons I got a Riven for, you can now Minmax every damn weapon in the game and make it viable and unique because not many will have the exact same Riven as you have. That's amazing. And yes, of course meta weapons should have Rivens too, or do you want to exclude players from getting a Riven for their favorite weapon just because it's considered "meta"? That would be terrible, Rivens are for all weapons, they're more needed on the worse ones, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be an option to improve the good ones as well.

And as for the Pricing, who cares what other people buy or sell their Rivens for... Negotiate with others and you can get almost everything you want, and you won't need to pay much for unpopular weapons, if you do that's your own fault because it's entirely a free player made market. The issue here seems more that people are unable to negotiate or be patient when it comes to acquiring a certain Riven.

I always facepalm when people type "WTB X... PMO" in chat, and when you message them with a price they simply answer with a "No" instead of trying to change the price. My offer will obviously be higher than what I actually want for X, because you need room for negotiation, but most players won't even try.:facepalm:

All in all, I think there's a lot of unreasonable hatred towards Rivens that stems from ignorance or maybe jealousy, even tho there's no reason to be jealous, rather enjoy the insane amount of possibilties and customization this system offers. I don't think the randomness is a problem either, if you really want a certain Riven and you're constantly unlucky with Sorties, you can always sell or trade the ones you got to get the one you want eventually. Being able to chose which weapon to get a Riven for would be really bad, then everyone would just select his 2-3 favorite weapons and forget about it afterwards, now I found so many weapons that are actually fun using which I would've never tried without randomly getting a Riven for them. 

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I always facepalm when people type "WTB X... PMO" in chat, and when you message them with a price they simply answer with a "No" instead of trying to change the price. My offer will obviously be higher than what I actually want for X

That doesn't matter because if someone says 500, 1500 or 5000 plat quite obviously the difference will not make a difference. (Even if someone says 300 it's VERY unlikely he wil agree to sell the thing for 200-150 because it's literally 50% difference that is not how things work when you try to negotiate). Unless you're gonna convince us right now it's possible to bring it down to 250 for example from those nuts numbers. But we both know it won't happen.

And most of those who sell good rivens (doesn't matter for meta weapons or not) only want an offer to later choose from a bunch of offers the highest, they're not there to "negotiate" or asign reasonable price. The only people willing to sell for a normal price are just not greedy ones or those who just can't sell items for the plat they want. And guess what? Even then most of them will not lower the price. Like I remember when I wanted a riven for a niche, not really popular but okeyish weapon and was only able to get it for 150p. And whoever sold it told later he couldn't sell it for a long a** time. And yet he still decided to keep the price rather than lowering it to sell faster and was "thinking" for a solid 3-5 minutes until he "decided" to even consider an offer in 100.


and you won't need to pay much for unpopular weapons

Define "much". My "much" starts from 200p. I will not consider buying a mod no matter it's stats for more than 150-200 p but guess what, rivens for unpopular weapons but with good stats (crit chance, crit damage, damage, multishot, sometimes slash or something like that) rarely even cost around 100p. Rivens with at least 2 of those stats especially any of crit stats can cost up to 500-1k. Can argue all you wnat but sniper rifles, sicarus or snipetron are not popular that's just couple of examples. The medium price for those will be around 200-300p. They aren't the absolute trash like idk ether sword but they are not popular otherwise they would'nt have a disposition like that.

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I don't agree that rivens should be removed nor do I think that they will be removed as they increase variety in usable weapons; however, there are certainly things that they could change with the way things are that would make things more fair and less ridiculous. The riven system is a great concept imo, but they just need to change/add some things. There is no problem with powerful weapons getting rivens and great stats. Those who are willing to invest their time, enjoy those weapons and want to take things even further for the fun of it, or are lucky should have them. Warframe is mostly rng based overall so complaining about it being purely rng based is not a good argument in removing them. It's just a matter of the rng behind rivens being too unreasonable.

Things that would help:

1. Kuva Siphon/Flood tab: just like relic missions have random repeatable missions that cycle around every hour and let those who want to run kuva floods back to back in return for facing high leveled enemies do so as those who are unlucky enough to hit 9+ rolls will already have to do 3 kuva floods for 1 reroll which is insane already considering the rng behind these rivens.

2.Riven alerts. We had 1 maybe 2 total. Riven alerts would be a great way for those who are not very lucky in sorties or unlucky in getting the riven for the weapon they want while at the same time not making rivens too common to get. This would allow for more opportunities in getting riven mods for the common player and a nice alternative for people who don't like sorties and rolling the dice hoping they get a riven mod. Maybe have 1 every week.

3. Decent alternatives for obtaining kuva. Aside from sortie rewards which can only be gotten once every 24hrs and is packed behing rng and bounties which give too little of an amount and is also packed behind rng, we need other reliable ways we can farm a decent amount of kuva that breaks the tedious flow of doing kuva siphon missions over and over and over...

4. Double the amount of kuva earned. Seriously as was said in point 1, you would have to do 3 kuva floods to reroll a riven once if you are not lucky and have hit the 9+ roll mark which most get to pretty quickly and still need to reroll for decent stats. When you get to this point, normal kuva siphons just don't feel worth it anymore and the choice would be to have to buy a resource booster or only do kuva floods or buy rivens if you don't want to run 7 regular kuva missions to reroll once. This would make the grind more bearable, but not eliminate the fact that you are purely relying on luck when rerolling the riven.


Edit: Personally, I like rivens. They keep me and probably other players playing the game. it's a goal i can set for myself to get a riven for a weapon I like. I don't get/keep rivens for weapons I don't like to use no matter how powerful they are (looking at you opticor). The best way I can describe my relationship with rivens as a player is:

-*sees interesting or fun weapon*>get riven>roll the riven to make the weapon viable if it's not already and if it is allow me a way to get certain bonuses without feeling like it's wasting a slot for example reload/flight speed>has fun testing weapon with riven.

-New weapon> new riven>if weapon is fun keep playing to either farm stuff to sell for plat that i could use to buy riven or get it as a reward someday.

Edited by EtherealSlasher
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On 12/7/2017 at 1:53 AM, S.Dust said:

I feel rivens have completely failed.

I think you are wrong. Rivens made some previosly unused weapons playable now, made some mediocre weapon - top tier. Yes, not all trash tiers from before even with best stat riven can be used for endgame, but that is mostly because they are so old, some from DMG 1.0 and have stats to match. Rivens made a new meta. If you think Tigris P is still king, try Strun P with a good riven. The only reason why old meta weapons are a bit more expensive is that on general, ppl don't know better. All heard about Tigris P, but not that many tried Strun with great riven etc.. 

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On 12/7/2017 at 2:08 AM, -Temp0- said:

Yeah no they will be.

lu2hFzj.jpg Gv3ktSd.jpg C59LidB.jpg

Noticed how none of these are rolled more than ~15 times as well? Yeah it's all about luck, that's what's the worst there.

Meanwhile, you get trash rivens for trash weapons that aren't even worth anything after 30+ rolls. THAT is the real problem. People get THAT and you can't get stats even close to those on absolute trash weapons. Like seriously? This is the most flawed thing about them. Weapons with strong disposition should have stats like this, no buts, no insane negatives too in order to use them. Instead, you keep getting total trash like at best one of those stats garbage like +reload speed or something like that. Like seriously the only luck I personally had was with euphona and I got +damage and +crit chance (or damage don't remember) in 10th or so try. The rest of like 60+ rivens I've gotten? Not even worth kuva spent on, not even close to bringing trash weapons out of their trash can. And I'm not even planning to sell rivens. I want them for myself. But nah you gotta get screwed over and you can't even get a decent roll on unpopular snipetron or mediocre rubico only good for eidolon hunt.

Just a mention, Opticor was hyped but not played before. It is one of those new meta stuff thanks to rivens. And your soma riven should be totaly maxed because then ppl can see the traah dispo Soma has. Less or close to just 100% cc and cd with a negative. Noe try Harpak/Paracyst/etc vs Soma and tell me how they compare.

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Only Rivens I ever had were for Vectis and Grakata. I love the free Vectis I got from DE and the unrolled Riven for it was terrible but still increased dmg so would have been decent till I rolled it. The Grakata I never had so can't comment on it. I figured that Rivens weren't for me cause I want to max every frame (and own them) and max every weapon and rolling a Riven till it was decent would take away from the resources I needed to buy bp's and such so I sold them for around 150 plat total. It worked out for me cause I bought frame slots and I'm happy. Personally I think Rivens are more for end gamers who want to max the potential of a weapon or for those who stick with one frame and a certain weapon. I am neither cause I like alts and to theme my frames. But I have noticed that good or great weapons have a higher demand for Rivens then crap weapons you don't see very often if at all. If Rivens were meant to bring trash weapons up to par or at the very least make them somewhat viable then they failed.

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11 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

That doesn't matter because if someone says 500, 1500 or 5000 plat quite obviously the difference will not make a difference. (Even if someone says 300 it's VERY unlikely he wil agree to sell the thing for 200-150 because it's literally 50% difference that is not how things work when you try to negotiate). Unless you're gonna convince us right now it's possible to bring it down to 250 for example from those nuts numbers. But we both know it won't happen.

And most of those who sell good rivens (doesn't matter for meta weapons or not) only want an offer to later choose from a bunch of offers the highest, they're not there to "negotiate" or asign reasonable price. The only people willing to sell for a normal price are just not greedy ones or those who just can't sell items for the plat they want. And guess what? Even then most of them will not lower the price. Like I remember when I wanted a riven for a niche, not really popular but okeyish weapon and was only able to get it for 150p. And whoever sold it told later he couldn't sell it for a long a** time. And yet he still decided to keep the price rather than lowering it to sell faster and was "thinking" for a solid 3-5 minutes until he "decided" to even consider an offer in 100.

Define "much". My "much" starts from 200p. I will not consider buying a mod no matter it's stats for more than 150-200 p but guess what, rivens for unpopular weapons but with good stats (crit chance, crit damage, damage, multishot, sometimes slash or something like that) rarely even cost around 100p. Rivens with at least 2 of those stats especially any of crit stats can cost up to 500-1k. Can argue all you wnat but sniper rifles, sicarus or snipetron are not popular that's just couple of examples. The medium price for those will be around 200-300p. They aren't the absolute trash like idk ether sword but they are not popular otherwise they would'nt have a disposition like that.

1. If someone says PMO, doesn't hurt you at all to say how much are you willing to spend.( But when you ask price, I will always say the number in my mind. PMO is ther mostly to get the touch of interest and make a price that will get the riven sold in not too much time, while not be a material for resselers. ) Negotiations go from there.

2. Perfect stats for trash tier weapons aren't any easier to aquire then for good ones. Prices for those is already lower, usually avaraging about 1k. If you think those should be 200p, go farm your own kuva.


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if someone says PMO, doesn't hurt you at all to say how much are you willing to spend

Yeah so they (if they will at all) reply that they want x2-5 times more or reply with "lol it costs 500-1500-whatever".

I had someone quite long ago on a friendlist trying to sell vengeful revenant always saying pmo and eventually he or she got mad that no one (apparently) offered even close to what he wanted, about 500p at the time so that person enver even replied to "low" offers. That's what most people do.  


Perfect stats for trash tier weapons aren't any easier to aquire then for good ones


Most of the people I've seen are literall just got lucky - you can see a couple of examples on the first page here's more.

3AgNSbi.jpg toZvywb.jpg V2tK7nc.jpg

Many unroleld rivens, many with 5-10-15 maximum rolls. Meanwhile, I had to roll most of the meh weapons rivens I get up to 30-35 times in order to get good enough stats to use them for myself, not to sell. Rivens with 20, 30, 50 rolls are exception in trades and for that point of view, only then you can even begin justifying those nuts prices. But it's absolutely the other way around, more times you roll it for less you will sell.

And see this rubico with just 5 rolls with +200% stats? Now compare what 35 rolls will get you if you're literally just not lucky.



If you think those should be 200p, go farm your own kuva.

Yes they fn *should be*. Why. WHY the heck would you even CONSIDER buying a riven for unpopular, weak weapon for 1,5k? Are you nuts? When you can just buy a riven for meta weapon for that price just as easily or get by without them. Rivens for weapons that have strong disposition should be way better than they are now, you should not roll them insane amount of times to get useful stats, there's a reason they have insane disposition to begin with yet you still get + zoom +reload speed and that trash and useful stats onl onc in like 10 rolls.

I farmed enough *** kuva to roll dozens of rivens about 30+ times, it doesn't make it less rng or luck based thank you very much for that condescending b&. Even rolling it 100 times doesn't not guarantee you will get stats that you want. It's all about luck. 

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28 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:



Yes they fn *should be*. Why. WHY the heck would you even CONSIDER buying a riven for unpopular, weak weapon for 1,5k? Are you nuts? When you can just buy a riven for meta weapon for that price just as easily or get by without them. Rivens for weapons that have strong disposition should be way better than they are now, you should not roll them insane amount of times to get useful stats, there's a reason they have insane disposition to begin with yet you still get + zoom +reload speed and that trash and useful stats onl onc in like 10 rolls.

I farmed enough *** kuva to roll dozens of rivens about 30+ times, it doesn't make it less rng or luck based thank you very much for that condescending b&. Even rolling it 100 times doesn't not guarantee you will get stats that you want. It's all about luck. 

You don't have to buy the rivens for meta weapons and not everyone is trying to maximize damage numbers. Meta weapons are meta for a reason. You can use them without rivens just fine. 

If I want a stradavar riven I'm not going to buy an Opticor riven if it's the same price. This substitution effect you're speaking of is not something that applies to everyone.

And the alternative can be to buy the riven for the weapon you want with trash stats and just casually reroll it. No need too rush things. 

As for prices you can't blame people for maximizing their profit. If you don't think they are worth a certain amount don't buy them. People sell them at a certain price because they think it can be bought around that price. You don't need rivens at all to play the game.

Edit: As far as prices go I've been able with patience find buyers who were willing to sell at my price. I have yet to buy a riven for 1k plat. You can too. If you're looking for a riven for a not so great weapon you can certainly find a someone selling it for low eventually.

Edited by EtherealSlasher
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You don't have to buy the rivens for meta weapons and not everyone is trying to maximize damage numbers. Meta weapons are meta for a reason. You can use them without rivens just fine.

That's the whole point.

As I said, DE can either stop pretending that rivens aren't just a money grab or rework the system to actually give weaker weapons a chance by making rivens for them better and more accessible. No one in thier right mind woul want to buy a riven for weak weapon for 1,5 or roll it 30 to 50 times in order to make weak weapon better.

Even if you didn't buy it but go from sortie you have 99% better chances to get useful stats by buying riven for that weapon than rolling yourself. That's the freaking problem.


As for prices you can't blame people for maximizing their profit

I never "blamed" people. I blame De for making rivens such a mess. Rivens for weapons with strong disposition should have a way higher chances to have useful and strong stats ( +damage, +crt chance, + crit damge, + multishot, + toxin/electiricty/ect - NOT weapon recoil, not flight speed, not zoom, not damage to factions) like that +200% damage and 200% crit chance rubico. Ideally, the more times you roll them more chances you should have - that's at least, but they should be better in general. Otherwise, there's no point. There's no point buying unpopular bad rivens OR trying to roll them. IF unpopular weapons rivens generall were good you could 1 buy them for a more or less fair price of around 50-200p 2 being able to roll yourself if you got it from a sortie. As it is of now, it's pointless trying to do either of those things.


 I have yet to buy a riven for 1k plat.

***load of them. It's full of rivens for 500 and above.

Literally just open the trade chat-



As far as prices go I've been able with patience find buyers who were willing to sell at my price.

I've seen a couple of times rives for about the price I would buy them. Guess what? They were sold in a literal second, sooner than I could type "I'll buy it" and 50% of chances, those rivens you will see later selling x3 more price from a different person.

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21 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:


I never "blamed" people. I blame De for making rivens such a mess. 


Perhaps blame was the wrong word. Just a phrase I used to mean it's reasonable people are selling at that price. Poor phrasing on my part I guess.

21 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:


***load of them. It's full of rivens for 500 and above.

Literally just open the trade chat-


I've seen a couple of times rives for about the price I would buy them. Guess what? They were sold in a literal second, sooner than I could type "I'll buy it" and 50% of chances, those rivens you will see later selling x3 more price from a different person.

I'm not saying they aren't being sold for 500+ I'm say you don't have to buy them at that price. As you said there were people that were trying to sell them at a price you would buy them. Them being sold in a second is more of a problem with other people being faster than you in trade chat.

If you want to buy them lower than market price, you'll just have to wait. As I said last post no rush in getting a riven with stats you want. The option to buy rivens with bad stats and reroll is there for you if you don't want to spend the extra plat.

If you don't want to spend too much plat on rivens don't buy them.

I think the issue is that there is really only one way to obtain riven mods. They need to have a riven alert every week or something.

Edit: And as I said in a post earlier we get too little kuva in kuva siphons/floods and kuva can only be reliably farmed 1 way. They need more methods.

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I'm not saying they aren't being sold for 500+ I'm say you don't have to buy them at that price. 

Yeah you're also not reading in general.

I already said everything about "trying to buy" them, trying to roll them and so on. 


As you said there were people that were trying to sell them at a price you would buy them. Them being sold in a second is more of a problem with other people being faster than you in trade chat.


I'm done with you, you're unable to read and unable to make logical assumptions.

If someone's selling a thing for 150p that others would try to sell for 300-1500 there will be ***TON of people messaging him in seconds - which is infenitely easier now with chat filters as well, possibly offering more than 150p too so your chances to get the thing are slim as **** regardless of how "fast" you are. And considering how rare those offers are (basically maybe one in several days), gl trying to be "faster" than everyone else and betting on it just because you got lucky once.

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7 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:



I'm done with you, you're unable to read and unable to make logical assumptions.


Thank you for basically calling me an idiot as a way to respond to my comment.

7 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:


If someone's selling a thing for 150p that others would try to sell for 300-1500 there will be ***TON of people messaging him in seconds - which is infenitely easier now with chat filters as well, possibly offering more than 150p too so your chances to get the thing are slim as **** regardless of how "fast" you are. And considering how rare those offers are (basically maybe one in several days), gl trying to be "faster" than everyone else and betting on it just because you got lucky once.

That's your personal experience.

Guess I'm done too as the direction this is going is not looking constructive. 

Edited by EtherealSlasher
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