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Isn't it about time we got a vaccine option?


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Ever since Nidus came out, we've had to suffer through a week of watching every new and shiny Warframe we get grow an ugly cyst on their neck before we get to remove it. I'm sick (no pun intended) of having to go through this process even though I fully intend on never draining this cyst since I already bred a Helminth Charger way back with Nidus. The game, however, does not realize this and just continues on giving me new "chances" to breed more of them without ever asking me if I actually want to. This must've been suggested before, but I couldn't find it when I searched, so here I am. Please give us the option (whether it's in the same chair or a foundry item you build or whatever) to vaccinate our newly built frames against this cyst so that we don't have to sit through a week of watching that thing before we actually get to remove it.

What's your take on this? Does it bother you as much? Has this been talked about in a recent dev stream that I missed? Let me know.

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1 minute ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

imo it's more important than having a customizable obstacle course or operator quarters on the orbiter. But that's me, I dun think those things matter at all.

A single use option that just allows you to do something sooner than normal is more important than all new content? Suuurrreeee... 

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I don't think it matters that much. Just a week of a little tiny pink thing on your neck. As you said, you care more about this pink dot you only get once per frame than Ikeaframe and Dojo customization but I am positive way more people care about that new content.

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7 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

A single use option that just allows you to do something sooner than normal is more important than all new content? Suuurrreeee... 

No, I just don't think that stuff like that counts as new content. I believe multiplayer orbiter and obstacle course is a huge waste of time and effort on dev's part. While making a vaccine for spaceaids would be faster and better per se because of the less time wasted.

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Guess it's kind of an OCD thing I have then, since the majority isn't bothered by it. One thing though, I don't see why this has anything to do with the new quarters and other content and stuff. It's not like these things are mutually exclusive. I'm excited for all the new things too, but getting this extra option for all the people who do care about it would be great.

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4 minutes ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

Guess it's kind of an OCD thing I have then, since the majority isn't bothered by it. One thing though, I don't see why this has anything to do with the new quarters and other content and stuff. It's not like these things are mutually exclusive. I'm excited for all the new things too, but getting this extra option for all the people who do care about it would be great.

they kinda are mutually exclusive. DE have limited time and resources and as far as I understand, same stuff does multiple things. But yeah, I'm not so much talking about the vaccines in particular, as much as I'm annoyed by the fact that little things like multiplayer orbiter take attention of devs away from generally neglected gameplay updates.

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1 minute ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

they kinda are mutually exclusive. DE have limited time and resources and as far as I understand, same stuff does multiple things. But yeah, I'm not so much talking about this one thing in particular, as much as I'm annoyed by the fact that little things like multiplayer orbiter take attantion of devs away from generally neglected gameplay updates.

No. They're not. Sure, new content and updates always take up resources. Adding a small option (whether it's a new interaction or a new item to be built in the foundry etc.) is barely considered a reallocation of resources. It's like saying adding QoL changes aren't worth it because it would take away from DE's resources for other things.

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6 minutes ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

No. They're not. Sure, new content and updates always take up resources. Adding a small option (whether it's a new interaction or a new item to be built in the foundry etc.) is barely considered a reallocation of resources. It's like saying adding QoL changes aren't worth it because it would take away from DE's resources for other things.

If stuff like that wasn't mutually exclusive, we wouldn't have had the year of Wait Within and another year of quests, when the biggest gameplay update was kuva missions. DE can only do one thing at a time. And when they work on useless stuff, they neglect everything else. They're a small team.

Edit: And QoL is a different issue entirely. That's gameplay. And that's the most of the gameplay updates we usually get - QoL

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19 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

No, I just don't think that stuff like that counts as new content. I believe multiplayer orbiter and obstacle course is a huge waste of time and effort on dev's part. While making a vaccine for spaceaids would be faster and better per se because of the less time wasted.

you must love having all the fun sucked out of your game or something.

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3 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

you must love having all the fun sucked out of your game or something.

that's void 2.0

Edit: and Void 2.0 happened when DE tried to do two things at the same time. Didn't go so well.

Edit 2: But I suppose it made farming prime parts "easier", so it should be good, right?

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7 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

that's void 2.0

Edit: and Void 2.0 happened when DE tried to do two things at the same time. Didn't go so well.

Edit 2: But I suppose it made farming prime parts "easier", so it should be good, right?

Uh. You really pulled out the most random topic out of a hat. That didn't back up your statement: " I believe multiplayer orbiter and obstacle course is a huge waste of time and effort on dev's part."

But I guess since you bring up the void out of no where to start an entirely different discussion, yes Void 2.0 is WAY better, yes it made farming parts WAY easier, and yes it is good, hell it's GREAT!

But it doesn't compare to a simple boil on your neck that can be removed with ease over a few days. It isn't ruining your gameplay experience. Void 1.0 sure as hell was, with months of grinding for singular parts. Plus as stated in a devstream a long time ago, the cyst will have more use in the future.

These updates that you refer to as "a waste of time and effort" are still bringing gameplay and enjoyment for players everywhere. DE isn't just working on one little thing as a time, I'm sure they got 5+ projects at once they're drilling down on to make this game a more fun environment, and in all honesty, a cyst vaccine is definitely not on the priority.

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il y a 49 minutes, Miser_able a dit :

A single use option that just allows you to do something sooner than normal is more important than all new content? Suuurrreeee... 

A single use option that allow you to not having to wait a week in order to suppress an horrible pink dot that ruin your fashion frame is imoprtant, yes.

In my opinion, this cyst should never have existed and I'm probably not the only one to think this way. It's just a bad game decision that should be looked at. This this have no interest at all outside of letting you create a useless mutant Kubrow get 6k MR points.

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4 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

Uh. You really pulled out the most random topic out of a hat. That didn't back up your statement: " I believe multiplayer orbiter and obstacle course is a huge waste of time and effort on dev's part."

But I guess since you bring up the void out of no where to start an entirely different discussion, yes Void 2.0 is WAY better, yes it made farming parts WAY easier, and yes it is good, hell it's GREAT!

But it doesn't compare to a simple boil on your neck that can be removed with ease over a few days. It isn't ruining your gameplay experience. Void 1.0 sure as hell was, with months of grinding for singular parts. Plus as stated in a devstream a long time ago, the cyst will have more use in the future.

These updates that you refer to as "a waste of time and effort" are still bringing gameplay and enjoyment for players everywhere. DE isn't just working on one little thing as a time, I'm sure they got 5+ projects at once they're drilling down on to make this game a more fun environment, and in all honesty, a cyst vaccine is definitely not on the priority.

 Void 2.0 introduced completely faceless rewards, took the choice of a mission away from players, demolished the game's effort-reward structure, destroyed whatever semblance of high-level content Warframe had and completely devaluated the prime gear to the point where DE have to Vault a ton of gear now just to have something expensive in the game for people to buy plat for. Sure, amazing update.

 And "this enjoyment" would barely last a couple of hours before all the noggles are set in place and the obstacle course gets boring. For an individual player these "joyful" updates wont even provide more playthrough time than the working hours spent on making them. It's... ah, I'll go make a thread about it. 

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1 minute ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 Void 2.0 introduced completely faceless rewards, took the choice of a mission away from players, demolished the game's effort-reward structure, destroyed whatever semblance of high-level content Warframe had and completely devaluated the prime gear to the point where DE have to Vault a ton of gear now just to have something expensive in the game for people to buy plat for. Sure, amazing update.

 And "this enjoyment" would barely last a couple of hours before all the noggles are set in place and the obstacle course gets boring. For an individual player these "joyful" updates wont even provide more playthrough time than the working hours spent on making them. It's... ah, I'll go make a thread about it. 

faceless rewards? You know what you're gonna have a chance of getting when you choose your relics, you have a 3/4ths more chance of getting the item you want if you're with a team that has the same relic than the void 1.0.

"Took choice of mission away from players", yeaaaaaahh because we all want to spam the same mission over and over and over again for weeks at a time trying to get the same reward. The change in missions for relics helps make the grind feels less GRINDY. Makes sense? Try being stuck on a mobile defense with 2 minutes per console for 4 times with a squad that's doing void key share. That means you'd have to do the mission 4 times, each player using the same key in hopes to get the drop, 6 minutes a mission, 24-30 minutes a team. Yeah that sounds so good, lets go back to those days!

Relics make it 1/4th the time consumed, and greatens the chance of getting the parts with radiant. Did you honestly forget the pain void 1.0 was?

"demolish game's reward structure." The rewards are easier to get now, and it's much less grindy. I'm rather happy I don't have to spent hours a day for one little part. No one wants that again. We want our rewards ASAP, and have as little grind as possible. Void 2.0 greatly improved the reward.

high level content? You mean sitting at T4 defense for 40-60 minutes and still not get the reward you want? Yep, sounds like void 1.0 alright.

DE didn't vault relics because it was devaluating prime parts, they did it because if those were'nt vaulted, there'd be almost twice as much relics in drop tables, making relic farming twice as hard. Imagine having 20-30+ relics per axi, meso, neo and lith. Yeah that would be fun! Doing missions that have an even lower chance of getting the relic you want because it keeps dropping duplicates more than it currently does. OH BOY!

And your view on enjoyment is VERY subjective in terms of new updates. People will have fun with the new stuff, yes people will grow tired, doesn't mean it vanishes off the face of the earth and everyone quits it. People will still use the systems. Don't like the updates? Don't use them. No one is forcing you to touch the new orbiter room or make a course.

And back on topic: You say people will just forget these new updates and move on? Guess what! People have with the cysts, it's no longer a popular debate, people are patient and just remove the cyst when it comes time to.

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3 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

faceless rewards? You know what you're gonna have a chance of getting when you choose your relics, you have a 3/4ths more chance of getting the item you want if you're with a team that has the same relic than the void 1.0.

Relics are the faceless reward. I'll go, it's off topic anyway.

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47 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

A single use option that allow you to not having to wait a week in order to suppress an horrible pink dot that ruin your fashion frame is imoprtant, yes.

In my opinion, this cyst should never have existed and I'm probably not the only one to think this way. It's just a bad game decision that should be looked at. This this have no interest at all outside of letting you create a useless mutant Kubrow get 6k MR points.

Glad to see at least one person agrees with me. I think removing them from the game at this point would be too far, however introducing an optional vaccine that works within the lore to never get them in the first place would be good enough. I honestly thought more people would agree with me considering how fashion frame is a pretty big thing, but it really seems no one really cares about a gigantic pink hairy ball on their neck for a week.

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People, really, removing the week required to remove the Cyst from a frame wouldn't take more than deleting/editing a/couple line/s of code.

You don't even need to remove the week of maduration for the Cyst before turning it into a Kubrow, if that's the issue.

Implying the implementation of a faster counter-meassure for Space Aids, or the removal of the Week of wait would take any time away from the development of other features is just ridiculous.

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i will NEVER cure my frames... to much fun triggering snowflakes by running through their shiny new frames making sure they are infected

every time a new frame comes out, the next couple of weeks i suck up hating pug groups and run as many missions as possible targeting the new frames

for fun, i will even run random missions on earth/venus/merc just to infect new player frames... why because we can =)


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