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Aura Mods: Consistency and Player Choice


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Aura Mods currently are one of the prime examples where modding limits player choice. You usually fit into 3 categories (with some gray areas in between) when choosing an Aura:

- Lower/Mid Tier player running whatever polarity matches and Steel Charge for Extra mod points on Madurai polarity Warframes.

- Higher Tier player running Growing Power on Madurai, Rejuvenation on Vazarin, and Corrosive Projection/Energy Siphon on Naramon polarities.

- Top Tier player running Corrosive Projection on strictly everything with a few exceptions for min-maxing. Ex: Growing Power sometimes on Ember(Prime).

We need Aura mods to give players more freedom and standardize what we have. Auras should all be a new polarity across the board, and players who have forma'd their Aura slot, be granted with a polarized slot. Primed Warframes will have this Aura installed by default, and players who have forma'd a Prime Warframe Aura will be given 1 forma per frame polarized. The Aura polarity could be the same as the mod type as such:


Players can polarize the slot to get more mod points. Instead of restricting themselves to certain polarities, they are free to choose any Aura they want and change them based on mission. All Aura mods will give a bonus of 7 (14 in the polarized slot). All the Auras I mention below will be at Max Rank.

Brief Respite
Current: Casting an ability grants additional shields equal to 150% of the energy spent when Overshields are inactive.
Proposal: Casting an ability grants additional shields equal to 150% of the energy spent(regardless if Overshields are active).

Corrosive Projection
Current: Reduces enemy armor by 30%.
Proposal: No change.

Dead Eye
Current: Increases Sniper damage by 52.5%.
Proposal: Increase Snipers by 40% and Bow damage by 45% (Added after modding like Faction damage mods).

EMP Aura
Current: Reduces the accuracy of Corpus enemies (-15% hit chance).
Proposal: Reduces the speed and accuracy of Corpus enemies (-18% hit chance, -20% movement speed).

Empowered Blades
Current: Increases the Status chance and Status damage of charged melee attacks by 60%, but drain shields by 90 per hit.
Proposal: Increases the Status chance and damage of all melee attacks by 50%, but drain shields by 90 per hit.

Enemy Radar
Current: +30m enemy radar.
Proposal: Add a highlight mechanic similar to the Argonak rifle. (Credits to @Helaton for this concept idea).

Energy Siphon
Current: +0.6 energy regeneration per second.
Proposal: +1 energy regeneration per second.

Growing Power
Current: Status Effects increase Power Strength by 25% for 6 seconds.
Proposal: No change.

Infested Impedance
Current: Reduces the speed of Infested enemies by 18%.
Proposal: Reduces the speed and accuracy of Infested enemies (-18% hit chance, -20% movement speed).

Loot Detector
Current: +30m loot radar.
Proposal: +20m loot radar, +5m Vacuum. (Credits to @Helaton for this concept idea).

Current: Increases maximum health 18%.
Proposal: Increases maximum health by 45% (and possibly add a flat bonus of armor/shields on top of the health percentage bonus).

Pistol Amp
Current: Increases pistol damage by 27%.
Proposal: Increases pistol damage by 40% (Added after modding like Faction damage mods).

Pistol Scavenger
Current: Increases pistol ammo pickup by 150%.
Proposal: After reading some comments, remove this mod and view the new Aura mod idea: "Weapon Scavenger".

Current: +3 health regeneration per second.
Proposal: +8 health regeneration per second.

Rifle Amp
Current: Increases rifle damage by 27%.
Proposal: Increases rifle damage by 40% (Added after modding like Faction damage mods).

Rifle Scavenger
Current: Increases rifle ammo pickup by 150%.
Proposal: After reading some comments, remove this mod and view the new Aura mod idea: "Weapon Scavenger".

Shield Disruption
Current: Reduces enemy shields by 24%.
Proposal: Reduces enemy shields by 30% (like Corrosive Projection).

Shotgun Amp
Current: Increases shotgun damage by 18%.
Proposal: Increases shotgun damage by 30% (Added after modding like Faction damage mods).

Shotgun Scavenger
Current: Increases shotgun ammo pickup by 150%.
Proposal: After reading some comments, remove this mod and view the new Aura mod idea: "Weapon Scavenger".

Sniper Scavenger
Current: Increases sniper ammo pickup by 150%.
Proposal: After reading some comments, remove this mod and view the new Aura mod idea: "Weapon Scavenger".

Speed Holster
Current: Increases weapon swap speed by 120%.
Proposal: Remove from the game, and make weapon swap speed increased by about 100% default. 

Sprint Boost
Current: Increases sprint speed by 15%.
Proposal: Increases movement by 0.2 (like conclave movement mods) or Increases sprint speed by 20%.

Stand United
Current: Increases armor by 25.5%.
Proposal: Increases armor by 50, stacking with melee combo meter.

Steel Charge
Current: Increases melee damage by 60%.
Proposal: Reduce Aura to 7 bonus instead of 9 to standardize with every other Aura Mod. Increases melee damage by 20% (Added after modding like Faction damage mods). 

Toxin Resistance
Current: Reduces toxin damage taken by 15%.
Proposal: Change name to "Elemental Resistance". Reduces elemental damage taken by 40% (Credits to @Andele3025 for this concept idea). Similar to Corrosive Projection and allows players to reach 100% Toxin Resistance with 3 players or 2 players using Coaction Drift which creates diverse niche team compositions.

NEW AURA: Kuva Conundrum
Proposal: Reduces the speed and accuracy of Grineer enemies (-18% hit chance, -20% movement speed).
Acquisition: Kuva Sabotage reward.

NEW AURA: Weapon Scavenger

Proposal: All weapons gain 150% ammo mutation while equipped. This removes all the current "Scavenger" auras and puts it into a new mod that would see more use than what we currently have.
Acquisition: Add to alert rotations.

Concept: Possibly moving Infested Impedance, EMP Aura, and a Grineer version into 2 mods. One mod would be for -enemy movement while the other could be for -weapon accuracy.

All in all, I believe that Aura mods should be tweaked to be more interesting, and allow players to create diverse team setups when thinking about Aura mods. This also allows player cohesion within a team, and moves away from the Corrosive Projection meta at times within a full squad without nerfing it into the ground.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
Edited number values. Tweaked ideas for many Auras.
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11 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Speed Holster
Current: Increases weapon swap speed by 120%.
Proposal: Remove from the game, and make weapon swap speed increased by about 100% default. 

Agreed. Holster speeds currently are way too slow to be able to utilize effectively. 

11 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Steel Charge
Proposal: Reduce Aura to 7 bonus instead of 9 to standardize with every other Aura Mod. 

Best suggestion.

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This feedback convinced me that Corrosive Projection should either be nerfed or removed from the game. Corrosive Projection is not the problem, the problem is armor scaling. Corrosive Projection is just a bad solution to the problem that is armor scaling and it is aiding a mindset of: 

3 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

- Top Tier player running Corrosive Projection on strictly everything with a few exceptions for min-maxing

Yes Corrosive Projection serves a purpose, but it creates situations where it needs to be nerfed whenever new enemy types are released (trivializing the content) the same as with Shield Disruption. Those 2 mods are like handing the player base kryptonite and expecting us to not use it all the time. Maybe it was ok for these mods to exist in 2013 when they were initially released. But the game has matured since then and it is time for the player base to hand the kryptonite back to the devs so that they can properly fix the way armor works on higher level enemies. (this to a lesser extent applies to Shield Disruption)  

  • --Q--Voltage has great ideas on buff/changes to the Aura mods that exist in the game. 
  • I agree with yles9056- don't get rid of the scavenger mods just merge them 
  • Sprint boost is changes are nice, but i view it similarly to the way --Q--Voltage and Viyrew look at the Speed Holster mod. I believe that all the warframes can deal with a slight boost to their base sprint speed. It would make some of the slower frames feel so much better and the faster frames would still be faster than the slower ones.     


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4 hours ago, zfenty said:

This feedback convinced me that Corrosive Projection should either be nerfed or removed from the game. Corrosive Projection is not the problem, the problem is armor scaling. Corrosive Projection is just a bad solution to the problem that is armor scaling and it is aiding a mindset of: 

Yes Corrosive Projection serves a purpose, but it creates situations where it needs to be nerfed whenever new enemy types are released (trivializing the content) the same as with Shield Disruption. Those 2 mods are like handing the player base kryptonite and expecting us to not use it all the time. Maybe it was ok for these mods to exist in 2013 when they were initially released. But the game has matured since then and it is time for the player base to hand the kryptonite back to the devs so that they can properly fix the way armor works on higher level enemies. (this to a lesser extent applies to Shield Disruption)  

  • --Q--Voltage has great ideas on buff/changes to the Aura mods that exist in the game. 
  • I agree with yles9056- don't get rid of the scavenger mods just merge them 
  • Sprint boost is changes are nice, but i view it similarly to the way --Q--Voltage and Viyrew look at the Speed Holster mod. I believe that all the warframes can deal with a slight boost to their base sprint speed. It would make some of the slower frames feel so much better and the faster frames would still be faster than the slower ones.     


Until enemy armor scaling is fixed, I think Corrosive Projection can be reduced in use if players have more aura mods to experiment with and be rewarded with team cohesion on what they are doing. Why swing the nerf bat when the mod isn't to blame? The same reason why Telos Boltace is now terrible. The problem was the way it was modded, and the slash damage, not the wave mechanic. Shield Disruption is barely used by the playerbase. It was used for Eidolons and fixed, and the only other place to use it is in special sortie modifiers.

EDIT: Sprint Boost also doesn't need to be innate. It serves its purpose, and I use it quite often as well as seen others use it quite often. It fills a niche role where you want to increase team wide speed. Your argument is to just make everything faster. Should we also just remove the damage auras and make those all innate to weapons? I don't think so.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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8 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Infested Impedance
Current: Reduces the speed of Infested enemies by 18%.
Proposal: Reduces the speed and accuracy of Infested enemies (-25% hit chance, -20% movement speed).


8 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

NEW AURA: Kuva Conundrum
Proposal: Reduces the speed and accuracy of Grineer enemies (-25% hit chance, -20% movement speed).


8 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

EMP Aura
Current: Reduces the accuracy of Corpus enemies (-15% hit chance).
Proposal: Reduces the speed and accuracy of Corpus enemies (-25% hit chance, -20% movement speed).

lol, let's ust get 4 of those and get -100% hit chance...

jokes aside, Scavenger mods should not be removed, and the number proposed are "a bit" off

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8 hours ago, Emulad0or said:

lol, let's ust get 4 of those and get -100% hit chance...

jokes aside, Scavenger mods should not be removed, and the number proposed are "a bit" off

- Edited numbers as -100% hit chance is ridiculous.

- As mentioned above, they could be merged into one Aura mod much like Ammo Case, but as they are now, they just hurt your team composition. I realized how useful they could be if merged, and edited my proposal.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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Unless armour scaling is removed I can't support these changes. Even with virtually every aura being utterly useless I still find myself in level 100 grineer missions where almost no one ever brings CP. Buffing the other auras will probably just make this worse.

Armour scaling is simply broken and must go, it seems so obvious, but I fear that DE sees this as their endgame challenge - enemies have millions of EHP, engame. It's ludicrous.

This is even worse now that DE seems to be determined to further increase the disparity between damage types and weapons, while reportedly aiming to do the opposite. All armour scaling does is massively limit our build choices and strategies, auras included.

It's not like any aura will ever be able to compete with this:


Edited by Mudfam
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19 minutes ago, Mudfam said:

Unless armour scaling is removed I can't support these changes. Even with virtually every aura being utterly useless I still find myself in level 100 grineer missions where almost no one ever brings CP. Buffing the other auras will probably just make this worse.

Armour scaling is simply broken and must go, it seems so obvious, but I fear that DE sees this as their endgame challenge - enemies have millions of EHP, engame. It's ludicrous.

This is even worse now that DE seems to be determined to further increase the disparity between damage types and weapons, while reportedly aiming to do the opposite. All armour scaling does is massively limit our build choices and strategies, auras included.

- The reason pubs or casuals don't run CP in your level 100 missions is because Steel Charge gives more points, and everything else is useless. If other aura mods were useful, you would see less CP which is what you are on about. Why should we not fix the problem because you enjoy the 1 crutch mod not being used by other people due to poor consistency?

- You and I don't know what DE wants in terms of "end-game". We can only guess. Likewise, if armor scaling was fixed after all these years, I would have different suggestions. Maybe I'm pesimistic, but armor scaling will probably not happen for a long while.

- Almost all content in this game is mid tier for an experienced player. The reason Aura mod choice is hindered is because of stupid things like steel charge and lack of meaningful auras. Please tell me where universal Aura polarities will reduce freedom of modding, and buffing garbage aura mods will reduce player choice.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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2 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

- The reason pubs of casuals don't run CP in your level 100 missions is because Steel Charge gives more points, and everything else is useless. If other aura mods were useful, you would see less CP which is what you are on about. Why should we not fix the problem because you enjoy the 1 crutch mod not being used by other people due to poor consistency?

I think the main reason "casuals" use auras other than CP is because they don't understand the game's broken and obscure armour scaling mechanics. They think it's normal that enemies suddenly take their entire ammo reserve to kill, that they might as well not bother trying to kill them, that they have a really, really hard time doing the mission, because it's high level and that's how it is. It's not just steel charge, people use all sorts of random useless auras because they think all auras are pretty much useless or actually do what the games claims they do (+60% damage...). I think you'll find that if you take the time to explain to them what CP actually does they will usually be thoroughly impressed.

7 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

- You and I don't know what DE wants in terms of "end-game". We can only guess. Likewise, if armor scaling was fixed after all these years, I would have different suggestions. Maybe I'm pesimistic, but armor scaling will probably not happen for a long while.

I don't think they know either. but that is what I fear. For many players high level armour is the biggest "challenge" they face, and they don't realise they can simply remove it from the equation by equipping CP.

9 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

- Almost all content in this game is mid tier for an experienced player. The reason Aura mod choice is hindered is because of stupid things like steel charge and lack of meaningful auras. Please tell me where universal Aura polarities will reduce freedom of modding, and buffing garbage aura mods will reduce player choice.

I do agree with your points and proposed changes in theory, but as long as armour scaling remains in this utterly broken state I will always use CP and I will always want everyone else to use CP too. No buff to any aura can ever come remotely close to countering the fact that most damage types, abilities and weapons are rendered completely invalid by armour scaling.

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5 hours ago, zfenty said:

This feedback convinced me that Corrosive Projection should either be nerfed or removed from the game. Corrosive Projection is not the problem, the problem is armor scaling. Corrosive Projection is just a bad solution to the problem that is armor scaling and it is aiding a mindset of: 

Yes Corrosive Projection serves a purpose, but it creates situations where it needs to be nerfed whenever new enemy types are released (trivializing the content) the same as with Shield Disruption. Those 2 mods are like handing the player base kryptonite and expecting us to not use it all the time. Maybe it was ok for these mods to exist in 2013 when they were initially released. But the game has matured since then and it is time for the player base to hand the kryptonite back to the devs so that they can properly fix the way armor works on higher level enemies. (this to a lesser extent applies to Shield Disruption)  

  • --Q--Voltage has great ideas on buff/changes to the Aura mods that exist in the game. 
  • I agree with yles9056- don't get rid of the scavenger mods just merge them 
  • Sprint boost is changes are nice, but i view it similarly to the way --Q--Voltage and Viyrew look at the Speed Holster mod. I believe that all the warframes can deal with a slight boost to their base sprint speed. It would make some of the slower frames feel so much better and the faster frames would still be faster than the slower ones.     


Good luck convincing DE to remove armor scaling. You can complain about it all you want but unless you have a good enough solution to create a hard level barrier  that players cant past it will never happen

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1 minute ago, Eureka.seveN said:

Good luck convincing DE to remove armor scaling. You can complain about it all you want but unless you have a good enough solution to create a hard level barrier  that players cant past it will never happen

There is no such barrier, it just limits how we overcome it. We use CP or other methods to strip or ignore armour, because it's the only way to do damage. Anything that isn't capable of doing this becomes completely redundant. Niiiice balance there. Look at all the absurdity with IPS changes, it's really all about armour scaling, nothing else.

Everything in the game already scales exponentially with level. Armour scales exponentially AND interacts with exponentially scaling health, going completely out of control and creating a gigantic disparity between factions and enemy types. These enemies don't just become tougher, do more damage etc., they effectively become completely immune to damage until you remove their armour.

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il y a 9 minutes, Mudfam a dit :

I do agree with your points and proposed changes in theory, but as long as armour scaling remains in this utterly broken state I will always use CP and I will always want everyone else to use CP too. No buff to any aura can ever come remotely close to countering the fact that most damage types, abilities and weapons are rendered completely invalid by armour scaling.

I'm not 100% with you on this one. This used to be the case a couple of years ago, but now we have a lot of choices when it comes to shredding and or bypassing armour entirely, so CP might not be the optimal choice in many cases. 

That said i fully support Voltage in his aura changes. 

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35 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

I'm not 100% with you on this one. This used to be the case a couple of years ago, but now we have a lot of choices when it comes to shredding and or bypassing armour entirely, so CP might not be the optimal choice in many cases. 

That said i fully support Voltage in his aura changes. 

What's changed in the past 2 years? The addition of hunter munitions? The zenistar? What about like every other mod / build, every weapon that can't proc slash or stack corrosive procs really fast? What about every other damage type, every warframe ability that can deal damage? They simply cease to function, completely.

A heavy unit has 62.5% damage reduction at base level along with their exponentially scaling health. That's reason enough to want to remove their armour, they are still the toughest units in the game, even if you don't scale their armour at all. At least we're faced with a real choice, do I want to deal 300% damage by stripping armour, or do I want to take a different avenue? It's a real meaningful choice, right now we don't have any.

There are so many mods, augments, abilities, weapons in this game that sound really cool and fun, interesting builds you could theory craft, if not that you'll always arrive at the same conclusion: armour will completely and utterly defeat them. Or I can't, because I need this instead.  Back to the same old boring tried and tested methods.

I'm sick of being cornered into ultra specific (boring, cookie-cutter) builds and strategies when the game would otherwise offer so many interesting options. I would like nothing more than to actually have alternative viable options of auras and builds, but they cannot exist as long armour scaling prevents 95% of options from functioning at all and locks me into a handful of mandatory strategies, negating everything else.

Anyway, I feel like I'm hijacking this thread now so I'll leave.

Edited by Mudfam
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39 minutes ago, Mudfam said:

I'm sick of being cornered into ultra specific (boring, cookie-cutter) builds and strategies when the game would otherwise offer so many interesting options. I would like nothing more than to actually have alternative viable options of auras and builds, but they cannot exist as long armour scaling prevents 95% of options from functioning at all and locks me into a handful of mandatory strategies, negating everything else.

I think that's a you problem there is a lot of niche and non meta builds that worm fine for typical casual content.


The problem resides in IPS but that does not mean that there is only 1 kind of build I this meta that is viable 

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Ugh, I really wanted to avoid derailing the thread any further but...

54 minutes ago, Eureka.seveN said:

I think that's a you problem there is a lot of niche and non meta builds that worm fine for typical casual content.

What's "typical casual content"? Because I see MR 5 (I know, MR doesn't matter - that's not the point) players with subpar gear in sorties and kuva floods all the time. These are missions any player can just click on, landing them straight into a level 100 mission. It's as casual as it gets. High level enemy scaling isn't something only endurance runners encounter anymore, it's basic common content now.

I personally don't do much that is below that level, because I don't need to anymore and it's generally not worth my time. But even if I did, it's orders of mangitude easier, I don't even need a build, the enemies basically all die of terror the instant I jump off my landing craft and can't really harm me. I only ever need to optimise my builds for the level 100 stuff.

56 minutes ago, Eureka.seveN said:

The problem resides in IPS but that does not mean that there is only 1 kind of build I this meta that is viable 

No, there's more than 1 build, but there aren't many, and that's a really senseless justification. The point is that everything else is completely negated. ALL my weapons must work, ALL my powers, ALL my elements. Yes, some should be situationally stronger than others of course, but the vast, vast majority becoming completely worthless is beyond idiotic, no matter how you look at it. Simply flat out removing most of the content, tools and strategies at our disposal, reducing our kit to a couple of effective things in a sea of dysfunctional trash is just an inconceivably bad thing for the game to do to itself.


Seriously, I know we're all used to this being the state of the game by now, but take a step back and think about what it actually means. It's just preposterous that the game knowingly destroys most of its gameplay features like this.

We should not simply accept this, it is not acceptable, and it's only getting worse, not better. Now DE in their infinite wisdom, instead of dealing with this, the root of all problems past and future, are making it so our impact weapons will ragdoll enemies to safety so we can't kill them at all, and our dominant slash weapons get even stronger, further narrowing the niche of most viable strategies to tackle the fantastically broken armour scaling.

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Instead of simply removing speed holster, here's an interesting idea I had: Along with the swap speed increase, it could also add a damage bonus of some sort for 3~5 seconds after swapping. I am not sure if a straight damage boost, or crit and status boosts would be best, but it should be fairly large I think. Like +200% base damage, or a flat 20% crit and status chance boost.

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4 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

EDIT: Sprint Boost also doesn't need to be innate. It serves its purpose, and I use it quite often as well as seen others use it quite often. It fills a niche role where you want to increase team wide speed. Your argument is to just make everything faster. Should we also just remove the damage auras and make those all innate to weapons? I don't think so.

  • I don't want innate sprint boost, I do want a slight buff on warframe sprint speeds
  • I am not saying get rid of sprint boost 
  • I do not want de to remove damage aura mods (even though i never use them) 
  • I am not arguing it is just a suggestion 
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15 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Infested Impedance
Current: Reduces the speed of Infested enemies by 18%.
Proposal: Reduces the speed and accuracy of Infested enemies (-18% hit chance, -20% movement speed).

i like this idea....however everyone seems to forget that there is a hidden range limit on this aura of only around 8-10 meters or so....maybe if this range was upped to say, 30 meters at -20% movement...and as the infested get closer they get slower? (yes i know that current auras are stacking...but so few people EVER use IP as there ARE better auras out there for D polarity)


15 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Steel Charge
Current: Increases melee damage by 60%.
Proposal: Reduce Aura to 7 bonus instead of 9 to standardize with every other Aura Mod.

OR just buff every aura to match SC......I hate how limiting it is with the auras....as you say yourself earlier...a lost of players use SC FOR those 4 extra mod lots...which can quite often SAVE a forma elsewhere on a frame.

for the scavenger auras....I'd much rather see them changed to a single ammo mutation...makes sense as a weapon needs to be actively equipped to mutate the ammo anyways....would also free up a slot on ammo hungry weapons....to an extent

Edited by Kalvorax
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1 hour ago, Kalvorax said:

OR just buff every aura to match SC......I hate how limiting it is with the auras....as you say yourself earlier...a lost of players use SC FOR those 4 extra mod lots...which can quite often SAVE a forma elsewhere on a frame.

for the scavenger auras....I'd much rather see them changed to a single ammo mutation...makes sense as a weapon needs to be actively equipped to mutate the ammo anyways....would also free up a slot on ammo hungry weapons....to an extent

For Steel Charge, I think it should be brought down to 7/14 and not 9/18. The reasoning of "it saves forma" is quite bad when it is one Aura out of the many we have. Investing forma has never, and will never be an issue in this game because of the nature of it. I think 7/14 is very reasonable.

I understand the reasoning of this Scavenger Aura idea, and integrated it into my post :)

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Digging your proposals personally.

Only one thing I would suggest being different, however. Physique, rather than simply being a larger HP bonus, should be 25% Health Bonus and +100 Armor (flat bonus).


Oh also, Speed Holster? Nah man, don't need to remove it, just need to enhance it. Make it also affect reload speeds. Whole point is it increases dexterity and precision of your fingers, yeah? Well, shouldn't it also buff reloads? ;p

Edited by DiosGX
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1 hour ago, DiosGX said:

Digging your proposals personally.

Only one thing I would suggest being different, however. Physique, rather than simply being a larger HP bonus, should be 25% Health Bonus and +100 Armor (flat bonus).

Thank you. You can expect a similar post about Arcanes in the future.

About Physique. Maybe that would make it more desirable, but we do have Stand United, so the armor isn't very interesting. Maybe have it add shields and health and make it like a "poor mans (Primed)Vigor"? 

EDIT: Added a combination of our thoughts to the description of Physique's proposal.

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18 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Enemy Radar
Current: +30 enemy radar. (its not a %)
Proposal: Show an Argonak style outline around enemies.

Infested Impedance
Current: Reduces the speed of Infested enemies by 18%.
Proposal: Reduces the speed of Infested enemies (-20% movement speed), reduce detection radius of infested by 10m.

Loot Detector
Current: +30 loot radar
Proposal: +20 loot radar, +5 vacuum

Current: Increases maximum health 18%.
Proposal: Increases maximum health by 18% and maximum shields by 18%.

Toxin Resistance
Current: Reduces toxin damage taken by 15%.
Proposal: Reduces toxin damage by 18%. Reduces status effect duration by 18%

This probably what I would change instead. There are some good points, but some of it is putting too much emphasis on the Aura that will only make people run certain auras anyways even more-so.

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2 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Thank you. You can expect a similar post about Arcanes in the future.

About Physique. Maybe that would make it more desirable, but we do have Stand United, so the armor isn't very interesting. Maybe have it add shields and health and make it like a "poor mans (Primed)Vigor"? 

Arcanes def need to be looked over again. I mean c'mon who actually uses resist a cold proc? Maybe if it was "chance to REFLECT x-proc back onto the attacker," that'd be pretty cool. Turn those radiation-damage enhanced enemies back against themselves? I'd love that, especially since we can freely swap arcanes around now.

As for Physique and Stand United, I honestly somehow missed Stand United when it was added, totally didn't know it was there. Making it add percentile health and FLAT shield bonus might be best. I mean, you gotta be careful about adding even more shield+ when frames like Zephyr, Volt Prime and Frost Prime can already reach ridiculous numbers via percentile increases. A flat, after-the-fact bonus of +100 shields at max rank perhaps?

I admire your dedication. Fight the good fight.

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On 2017-12-19 at 2:23 AM, --Q--Voltage said:

Sprint Boost
Current: Increases sprint speed by 15%.
Proposal: Increases movement by 0.1 (like conclave movement mods).

Steel Charge
Current: Increases melee damage by 60%.
Proposal: Reduce Aura to 7 bonus instead of 9 to standardize with every other Aura Mod. Increases melee damage by 20% (Added after modding like Faction damage mods). 

I would like to hear your resoning on nerfing these two auras... The sprint boost nerf espeasialy puzzles me...

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