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Why don't you let me play, Spacemom?


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7 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I've recently hit MR 23 and realized I just really don't need to go higher at all. 


5 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

This account is MR21 and haven't seen the point in ranking up any further.

Still ranking weapons, it's habit more than anything now, but not running the MR tests.  

It is a ploy. A trick by the Sentients.

Provide grand blueprints from the ether. Strokes of brilliance in weapons technology. Then, when the Tenno grow irreversibly dependent upon the false arsenal, it is all destroyed.

This is how it ends.


Only that which is marked with the holy seal of MK-1 is immune to their tampering. It is why this is what we were put into cryosleep with. We once knew, we once remembered why. A thousand stories built upon the altar of MK-1, and you threw it away for an Atterax. The Sentient lure you from the truth, toward your doom, with the sweet scent of alternate weaponry.

Only those whom have seen into the infinite know the truth.

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2 minutes ago, Megafrayme said:

and you threw it away for an Atterax

You got the wrong Tenno with that one.  I value style over the ugliness of the Attarax.  I never liked it because it's ugly.  Yes I said it.  LOL   The first baby Tenno melee that I loved were the Dual Ethers.  

As for the Sentients, they can take a MK-1 Paris powered Artemis Bow shot to the face.  

P.S. That reminds me that I  have never tried to stealth kill one of those things.  Hmmmmmm

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Just now, DatDarkOne said:

You got the wrong Tenno with that one.  I value style over the ugliness of the Attarax.  I never liked it because it's ugly.  Yes I said it.  LOL   The first baby Tenno melee that I loved were the Dual Ethers.  

The Pangolin is my noobish pleasure. 

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2 hours ago, Megafrayme said:

Because I see people talk about mastery rank like it means skill. So I decided to be the best MR2 ever.

Actually everyone's been talking about the opposite.

Of course being MR2 often means you're still a starter, but by the time you get to perhaps MR7 or 8 you should have a firm grasp on the game, by the time you get to let's say MR10 skill-wise you'll practically be no different from MR15s, 20s or even 24s, MR1~10 often means your progression through learning the game, MR10 to 24 just mean's gear.

I don't think I've seen/heard anyone say MR means skill, and often when people do they get a ton of backlash because it's not only simply not true, but just a weak and meek source of ego boost they're desperately looking for.

So dude, just MR up dude, you're not impressing anyone or doing yourself any favors by staying MR2.

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8 hours ago, Megafrayme said:

I don't WANT any other weapons other than MK-1's. They can be good. All must learn.

I am not saying they're not bad...I can make mine end game worthy. But whats the fun of not trying some new weps? Or Experimenting play styles...warframe is mean't for that. You are the first to do such a thing. I mean trust me, I give no two S#&$s about my mastery rank. I'm like rank 16. And I've been playing since closed beta, so it shows I don't care as well. But if you want to have fun, you gotta learn like every other mmo game that has a level up system, is ..you gotta level up

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@Megafrayme,amusing roleplaying aside, you need to level up. you're seriously gimping your Warframe experience: there's no point being a master of MK-1 weapons when you can't use them against genuine threats like Eidolons. nobody is saying give up your starting weapons, you can always Forma them and take them whenever you aren't levelling. not all high MR's are bad at the game, and MR is NOT a skill indicator: I have seen plenty good MR2s and plenty bad MR24s. time played is a better way to measure someone's skill, besides actually playing with them.

MR only reflects the gear you've levelled and Junctions completed. level up everything and when it gets to high level content, cinematic quests etc, take your starter loadout if that's what makes you feel better. but like it or not, without mastery you won't be taken seriously by the close-minded masses, nor will you be able to play most of the game. level 1 weapon or frame a day, then spend the rest of your time with your favourite gear if that's what it takes.

it's your life, but the great "master of MK-1 weapons" can't prove how good they are if he isn't a high enough MR to enter a relay.


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8 hours ago, MagPrime said:

We should start new accounts and keep them at MR2.  Make a Clan, an Alliance even!

We would be named The Terrible 2's ( don't want 3 T's, ruins everything) 

I already did it.

Also to the op. better to work for to remain neutral and no murder any mobs in game. "best roleplaying"

Edited by Sziklamester
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