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Banshee gets top damage in Hydron and no one blinks an eye


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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

There has to be more variables considered in context other than raw numbers 

Today on Ambulas sortie my Mag was top DPS on defense too. 

Sure I brought max arca plasmor and prepped it with mods but if you look at my squad: 2 Rhino cc tanks and 1 Volt that spammed shileds to protect the operative. 2 tanks 1 barrier that made me the dedicated dps cc 

In Overwatch there’s stats for damage taken by barriers and health restored by the support. Can this help foster support/tanking attitudes so we don’t overly focus on DPS? Will it make us more coop than competitive? 

Also, it’s known that AI mode is friendlier and nicer than competitive mode. I don’t think it’s the stats or the loot but something is making people more friendly in OW AI. 



I'll take anything that will erase the competitive feeling out of this game. I've already rebinded the missions stats button to be as far away from my hands as possible, otherwise I can't stop worrying about it. Even better would be an option to unbind it entirely.

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4 minutes ago, Osis said:

When one guy kills most enemies people leave because they can't level their stuff with affinity.

They always run from my Saryn and Ember because of that.

This is 100% not how leveling works and leaving because someone else is, "keeping you from gaining affinity," is factually causing you to level slower.

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26 minutes ago, Lahared said:

It doesn't always lead to that, and I don't know why you're making an assumption on the behalf of a large number of players.

assumption on the behalf of a large number of players? like this:

11 hours ago, Legion-Shields said:

everyone leaves at wave 5.


Every. Single. Time.


Edited by (XB1)Tucker D Dawg
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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg said:

assumption on the behalf of a large number of players? like this:


Well, you said 'overly sensitive people' which would draw most people to the conclusion of more than just a group. I guess, if you wish to compare to the scale of the conjecture.

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Just now, (Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg said:

assumption on the half of a large number of players? like this:


Only when I do a certain thing. If I don't do that thing, people always want to stay until 10 or 15. More than 60% of my time in Hydron is spent defending the pod while someone else does the heavy lifting. The number of people in those missions who choose to leave at wave 5 is significantly lower (like 99% lower) than in the remaining percentage of missions where I'm top damage, even though oftentimes the amount by which I'm outdamaging the rest of the team is no more than I'm being outdamaged in the missions I choose to spend defending the pod. How many coincidences do I need to witness before it's safe to draw a pattern or bias?

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Huh, I've never really had much luck with mag, though i don't play her as much as i could. never really liked the way she looked and all that. It would be cool if you had some pointers for her.

7 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

Sorry m8, but this have to be coincidences. People can't be that dumb and egocentric.

You underestimate the amount of stupid people can hold in one body.

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In Overwatch there’s stats for damage taken by barriers and health restored by the support. Can this help foster support/tanking attitudes so we don’t overly focus on DPS? Will it make us more coop than competitive? 

Yep let's make even more pointless stats for league-cod kids that t confused this casual pve horde shooter with some cs go.


Also, it’s known that AI mode is friendlier and nicer than competitive mode.

AI mode in Ovewratch is bad a*. It is so bad you can build a Torb turret, throw an armor at your feet and basically afk - ai won't kill you, unless it's hard difficulty. However. If AI manage to push the payload or capture the final point the "friendliness" will dissapear just like that, at least there's a high chance at it because people don't even imagine they can lose to those bots. People are only "friendly" when they have it their way aka winning. Whenever they lose or have a chance to lose you *will* see the salt. That's why events like Junkenstein's revenge though it's also AI aren't as chill, especially if you will play on anything but the easiest difficulty. Trying to get achievments there always makes people salty as hell.

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2 hours ago, Legion-Shields said:

I've never understood this part. Magnetize cannot be cast unless there's an enemy to cast it on. If you see a Magnetize Bubble it means shooting it will damage enemies, amplify your damage, and cause a huge satisfying explosion once the bubble's duration ends. Every time I see a Nyx use her 4 I shoot into it because it helps clear enemies. Same with other Mag players and their bubbles. What's the big deal?

Never reallly understood the prob with mag bubbles, they're like less obnoxious frost bubbles that actually help you get things done instead of risking killing you if you use self damage weapons.

39 minutes ago, Osis said:

When one guy kills most enemies people leave because they can't level their stuff with affinity.

They always run from my Saryn and Ember because of that.

Incorrect factually, though if people perceive that to be the truth, that's different entirely.

But, when I'm Ember, the speed at which I clear Hydron or other endless/def maps (I hate def but it works), by using weapons a bit more than what my frame kills (I generally am there for focus, sometimes to level weapons), usually inspires people to hang around to wave 15-25.  I also tend to talk a bit in missions, so a lot of times I run into fun people and we end up doing multiple runs even though I'd rather stay till 35 or something.  I typically kill 3-5x more than allies with my loadout in most missions, and definitely on Hydron, unless a RQ banshee is present.  Sometimes a Saryn.  Either way, don't generally mind as long as its not a map killer.

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1 hour ago, Legion-Shields said:

I'll take anything that will erase the competitive feeling out of this game. I've already rebinded the missions stats button to be as far away from my hands as possible, otherwise I can't stop worrying about it. Even better would be an option to unbind it entirely.

Today’s Ambulas sortie was actually fodder for Mag equipped with triple duration mods to strip shields or to bubble the chokes 

But it also has a lesson from its main villain. He says “This is the future. Power, Precision, Prestige the pinnacle of the war-smith’s art!” 

I think we are not careful we can become like Corpus in our attitudes towards those 3 Ps. 

One way to get over it I think is to appreciate your Tenno squad mates. This can melt your ego over your own role imo. 

If not for the Volt who dutifully shielded the objective, the Nova who teleported the datamass, the tanks who cc, & the healers who gave me power I won’t be able to do my role and ace the missions. 

So Mag just do your role well; be powerful at it even, but beware the pitfall that Ambulas has gone to.

Edited by (PS4)Chel-El
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I very rarely see anyone stick around past round 10 regardless.  I'm pretty sure its because with a booster all my stuff gets maxed out in 10 waves, especially if someone else is doing the killing so my unranked weapons get more affinity.  I heard its a 25/75 affinity split between Frame/Weapons regardless of # of equipped weapons, so by you killing more things they are maxing out sooner than if they killed the mobs themselves.

I have tried Hydron/Helene with multiple different clear frames (including Mag), and people tend to leave at 5~10 in my personal experience.  Sometimes I do run into misguided people thinking I am somehow 'stealing' their kills/affinity though.  But usually unless someone talks the run ends at 5~10 regardless, if there's discussion though, we often stay until 20~40.

I've seen a relatively large number of Mags at Helene/Hydron in recent weeks, I wouldn't really consider her non-meta at this point.  I certainly prefer her to Banshee (who is admittedly good for Helene, but bad for Hydron) who hits a brick wall if either an Arson or Arctic Eximus spawns.  Mag has little CC (this alone makes her superior to most other clear frames within 20 waves) so can only really be obstructive when she bubbles a Nox I want to headshot.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

Today’s Ambulas sortie was actually fodder for Mag equipped with triple duration mods to strip shields or to bubble the chokes 

But it also has a lesson from its main villain. He says “This is the future. Power, Precision, Prestige the pinnacle of the war-smith’s art!” 

I think we are not careful we can become like Corpus in our attitudes towards those 3 Ps. 

One way to get over it I think is to appreciate your Tenno squad mates. This can melt your ego over your own role imo. 

If not for the Volt who dutifully shielded the objective, the Nova who teleported the datamass, the tanks who cc, & the healers who gave me power I won’t be able to do my role and ace the missions. 

So Mag just do your role well; be powerful at it even, but beware the pitfall that Ambulas has gone to.

Most people who I've played with in this game would probably consider me a leecher.


I've made no secret on this forum about how much I hate it when I have to "fight for scraps" because everyone is racing each other for kills, so when I meet players like that I tone my gameplay way down and let them do everything (unless it's a genuinely difficult mission or people keep dying).

you're way off the mark.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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I personally couldn't care less who is doing all the killing as long as I get my xp gains.  

Every time I join up with a Banshee at Hydron I cry tears of joy inside b/c leveling up that mastery fodder will be that much quicker and easier.  Others who hate Banshee at Hydron is playing the game wrong :highfive:

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)dZy_dEviL said:

I personally couldn't care less who is doing all the killing as long as I get my xp gains.  

Every time I join up with a Banshee at Hydron I cry tears of joy inside b/c leveling up that mastery fodder will be that much quicker and easier.  Others who hate Banshee at Hydron is playing the game wrong :highfive:

I've always been jealous of people who are good at not caring.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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When it comes to XP (Hydron), Relic, or resource farming. Faster is better to me.

For testing new weapon/warframe builds, solo up a high level capture. Clear the objective and start "testing" things.

Kill total in this game means nothing. Not sure why it upsets so many and I see it sometimes leads to nerf talk about certain WF abilities or weapon mods in these forums. Its not that serious.

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9 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

Sorry m8, but this have to be coincidences. People can't be that dumb and egocentric.

As an Oberon main, I can safely say this isn’t the case. Granted the Oberon hate train has lessened as of late, but around of time of his rework I picked him back up and actually had success with him. And he only ever got better with subsequent updates.

But a lot of people couldn’t accept that. On the rare occasion that I died, I was left bleeding out with a minute long timer. Only to be left there, no one reviving me. And when I put in chat something along the lines of, “Thanks for the revive, guys.” I get a response like, “Well that’s what you get for playing a crap frame.” Cool. Awesome. Great. 

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27 minutes ago, KnightOw7 said:

When it comes to XP (Hydron), Relic, or resource farming. Faster is better to me.

For testing new weapon/warframe builds, solo up a high level capture. Clear the objective and start "testing" things.

Kill total in this game means nothing. Not sure why it upsets so many and I see it sometimes leads to nerf talk about certain WF abilities or weapon mods in these forums. Its not that serious.

That's all I'm saying.  No idea why people get mad at Banshee on Hydron or Ember on exterminate missions.  In these cases faster = better and more efficient.  Otherwise solo queue is always an option.

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I really don't bat an eye at what other players do in my missions. As someone who mostly plays Nidus unless another frame is needed, this means I don't even sweat stacking mutation if there's not enough to go around. I don't need to be in the spotlight and I don't care who is, as long as I do what I needed to do in a mission I'm good to go. 

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I've had the few occurrences of people complaining about my Mag. Demanding that I don't use my bullet attractor. And then say that Mag sucks, why do anyone uses her. Then the sortie ends, they got downed 3-5 times, I never died, and I dealt the most damage, with the most kills and some don't even break 100 in a tier 2 sortie survival.

Don't let people who don't understand how to Warframe to bring you down.

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54 минуты назад, (Xbox One)Ivan of Jupiter сказал:

But a lot of people couldn’t accept that. On the rare occasion that I died, I was left bleeding out with a minute long timer. Only to be left there, no one reviving me. And when I put in chat something along the lines of, “Thanks for the revive, guys.” I get a response like, “Well that’s what you get for playing a crap frame.” Cool. Awesome. Great. 

You chose a frame that people see as "weak" and went down. Then you complained that no one revived you (Newsflash. No one has to). So after going down and complaining you expect another response other than something just as borderlie insulting/annoyed as yours? Yeah that's not how it works.

No one cares what you play as long as you at least don't complain that you died. When you start complaining, however...

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26 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

You chose a frame that people see as "weak" and went down. Then you complained that no one revived you (Newsflash. No one has to). So after going down and complaining you expect another response other than something just as borderlie insulting/annoyed as yours? Yeah that's not how it works.

No one cares what you play as long as you at least don't complain that you died. When you start complaining, however...

Except I wasn’t complaining that I died. I was complaining that I wasn’t revived. Perhaps I omitted that fact that they even stood around my dying body? 

As for no one has to revive... newsflash, but when you play in a co op environment, it’s kind of expected. If you’re going to be an uncooperative $&*^, play solo.

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