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Banshee gets top damage in Hydron and no one blinks an eye


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2 hours ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

Allow me to introduce you to the most evil Syndicate Augment in the Warframe Universe.


On a lark, I tested this in Akkad this week, just messing around, went to 10 waves before the team had enough and left out and I'm pretty sure I could have swung it to 20 solo as long as I could keep the power going inbetween waves and cast before the toxics got to me or the objective.  

Just Bring in a Firequake Ember, an Equinox, and a Nova and eat sandwiches for 30 minutes...

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2 hours ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

Allow me to introduce you to the most evil Syndicate Augment in the Warframe Universe.


On a lark, I tested this in Akkad this week, just messing around, went to 10 waves before the team had enough and left out and I'm pretty sure I could have swung it to 20 solo as long as I could keep the power going inbetween waves and cast before the toxics got to me or the objective.  


I am aware of this mod. Even without it, Akkad (small-map Defense against mostly-melee enemies) is also easy-cheese mode for an SQ Banshee, and as some others have said, any team that can provide Bansh with proper Energy and cover can sit back and let her vibrate the life out of everything in the tileset.

Incidentally, I tried this mod out a few months back running Void Fissures. On a Mobile Defense I snagged the Corruption buff on Banshee (doubled Strength and Range) approaching the last terminal. I felt that at that point I had to do it and locked into RQuake. We saw nothing of the enemy but Affinity numbers on the edges of the screen. Squad said they weren't even mad, it was just too funny.

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5 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:
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I am aware of this mod. Even without it, Akkad (small-map Defense against mostly-melee enemies) is also easy-cheese mode for an SQ Banshee, and as some others have said, any team that can provide Bansh with proper Energy and cover can sit back and let her vibrate the life out of everything in the tileset.

Incidentally, I tried this mod out a few months back running Void Fissures. On a Mobile Defense I snagged the Corruption buff on Banshee (doubled Strength and Range) approaching the last terminal. I felt that at that point I had to do it and locked into RQuake. We saw nothing of the enemy but Affinity numbers on the edges of the screen. Squad said they weren't even mad, it was just too funny.

It does the same on Draco.  The whole thing.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

IIRC this started shortly after the community started organizing clan battles (because Zipper sucked and wouldn't implement it in game).  One of the active clans at the time (and I can't remember which or which faction) started using it as criteria for membership.  The MAG board was one of the most active boards I've ever seen, especially for an FPS, so it wasn't long before it spread.  

The game was already in decline, servers were starting to lag, Zipper had moved onto SOCOM 4 and had left a contractor in charge of the dev duties.  Again, all of this is as I recollect it and may not be 100% accurate.  

The problem with MAG was that from a gameplay perspective, nothing else ever made could touch it.  It's ruined every other FPS for me.  PS2 could get close, but then Daybreak broke it.  Its funny that every time I bring it up, no matter what forum or where, someone always pipes in with a reply similar to yours-fond memories.  Too bad Sony owns it, it can never be revived.  

PS Pink Fluffy Bunnies and Raven for life.  


It breaks my heart so much I'll never get a game like MAG. I even tried ps2 as well, I couldn't find the charm, and quit pretty quick. Too much updating! I remember the PRO clan on MAG, and how they were on every sver game! SVER might be my #1 choice, but raven was my original choice! I still preferred their sniper over sver's any day! I'll miss it greatly... 

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Don't take it personally when people leave between sortie missions. I almost always leave between missions and it has nothing to do with squadmates. I want to quickly change my gear (if necessary) and jump into the next mission without waiting for anyone else to click the Accept button. The only time I don't leave is if I'm having a conversation with someone in the squad chat.

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11 hours ago, Tizodd said:

The end of mission summary screen is bad in any pve multiplayer game.  Players are supposed to be working together towards a goal, but the numbers at the end of the mission make most players view their teammates as competition.

The fact that this topic is even a thing is sad.  Warframe is primarily a pve multiplayer cooperative game, not a pvp epeen competition.  I'd be really happy if [DE] does away with the mission summary stats, or makes it so we can only see our own numbers.

Nah, I like to guage results in a team setting, helps me know what's complimentary. In fact, I think more stat details could stand to be added, in relevance to support.

Information should not be covered up or removed just because it makes someone feel inferior, or strokes someone's "epeen". I care not to coddle those with inferiority hang ups, nor to merely remove something just to spite someone with an ego, which won't remedy the real hangup, IE people being people. Even without the stat details, people will still insist that they did all the work or complain about how they were not allowed to do anything because Banshee killed everyone. Its all in how an individual responds to things in general, not the accessibility of info itself.

Edited by UrielColtan
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6 hours ago, VirtualViolet said:

Don't take it personally when people leave between sortie missions. I almost always leave between missions and it has nothing to do with squadmates. I want to quickly change my gear (if necessary) and jump into the next mission without waiting for anyone else to click the Accept button. The only time I don't leave is if I'm having a conversation with someone in the squad chat.


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I'll only leave a squad on a Sortie if I feel like they're going to struggle on the next tier. Ain't nobody got time for that. I usually run with my clan but if we get a pub who spams WoF, mirage simulor, limbo or whatever they're running to steal kills let em have em. Saves me from having to pay attention. You and your mag can carry me ;) .

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)goodboxgonebad said:

I'll only leave a squad on a Sortie if I feel like they're going to struggle on the next tier. Ain't nobody got time for that. I usually run with my clan but if we get a pub who spams WoF, mirage simulor, limbo or whatever they're running to steal kills let em have em. Saves me from having to pay attention. You and your mag can carry me ;) .

Nobody leeches harder than I do. Nobody.


Edit: ok that's exaggerating a little bit. But the majority of the time I do prefer to sit back and enjoy the pretty graphics while my team cleans up the mobs.

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I know exactly what you're talking about because I do it

You're reading way too much into it, they're farming Focus.

When a focus orb spawns, I pick up the orb, go to the center of the map and press 4 until my focus orb is used up.

Rinse and repeat.

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12 minutes ago, grrmisfit said:

It a sad limbo gets such a bad rep that it effects others, take yesterday's sortie, grinneer mobile defense.. easy limbo run but I went solo so as not to piss anyone off or go thru constant leaves

I ran with my RQ Banshee. Easy Peasy and I actually get Affinity.

And to rub salt into the Thread OP's wounds, my teammates provided me with Pizza, unasked for.

They love the skirt flipping quakes.

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On 1/5/2018 at 9:00 PM, UrielColtan said:

Nah, I like to guage results in a team setting, helps me know what's complimentary. In fact, I think more stat details could stand to be added, in relevance to support.

Information should not be covered up or removed just because it makes someone feel inferior, or strokes someone's "epeen". I care not to coddle those with inferiority hang ups, nor to merely remove something just to spite someone with an ego, which won't remedy the real hangup, IE people being people. Even without the stat details, people will still insist that they did all the work or complain about how they were not allowed to do anything because Banshee killed everyone. Its all in how an individual responds to things in general, not the accessibility of info itself.

It's not about someone "feeling inferior".  It's about the stat summary working against the core game ideas.  Warframe is a cooperative game, but the stats make people feel like they're competing against their teammates.

I don't play as often as I used to since I'm MR24 and am pretty burned out for the most part...but when I played often, I saw all kinds of instances where downed players would remain downed because no one wanted to stop their killing spree to revive; people would get too far from an objective because they were chasing a line of enemies down halls to add to their mission summary numbers; survival missions where the group spreads out and goes in every direction because they want to be sure they're the first to get a big group of enemies to kill; etc.

All of those things are counterproductive in a co-op game and are a result of the mission summary screen.  Rather than working together to achieve a goal, people are trying to beat their teammates to kills.  Actual mission objectives are often an afterthought.  I don't have an issue with seeing your own stats after the mission, but I feel seeing everyone else's stats is a bad thing in a co-op game.  Especially when the highest numbers are highlighted like some kind of award.

I'm sure someone will argue that it doesn't matter because most content is super easy so we don't even need to be concerned with working together anyway.  I agree, 99.9% of Warframe content is easily soloable, but it doesn't change the fact that Warframe is a co-op game.  The mission summary stats work against co-op and makes it feel like "every frame for himself".

For me, it's more of a conceptual thing than something that really affects gameplay.  If I do play, I usually just solo the sorties and log off now-a-days so it does't matter to me either way.  But when I was an active player playing in public groups, it would annoy me that I was the only one keeping an eye on the sortie defense target; or the only one staying near the hijack objective to keep it powered; or the only one protecting the extractor; etc because everyone else was too busy trying to pad their end of mission numbers.

If the mission summary screen wasn't there, I'm willing to bet Warframe would be played much more like a co-op/team based game.  More people would bring support frames to help with energy, healing, and buffs.  Some might bring tanky frames to soak up damage with [Guardian Derision].  Imo it would be a better experience with much more variation.  Right now, everyone's main goal is usually to kill faster than anyone else so they can see their stats highlighted at the end of the mission.

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21 minutes ago, Tizodd said:

It's not about someone "feeling inferior".  It's about the stat summary working against the core game ideas.  Warframe is a cooperative game, but the stats make people feel like they're competing against their teammates.

I don't play as often as I used to since I'm MR24 and am pretty burned out for the most part...but when I played often, I saw all kinds of instances where downed players would remain downed because no one wanted to stop their killing spree to revive; people would get too far from an objective because they were chasing a line of enemies down halls to add to their mission summary numbers; survival missions where the group spreads out and goes in every direction because they want to be sure they're the first to get a big group of enemies to kill; etc.

All of those things are counterproductive in a co-op game and are a result of the mission summary screen.  Rather than working together to achieve a goal, people are trying to beat their teammates to kills.  Actual mission objectives are often an afterthought.  I don't have an issue with seeing your own stats after the mission, but I feel seeing everyone else's stats is a bad thing in a co-op game.  Especially when the highest numbers are highlighted like some kind of award.

I'm sure someone will argue that it doesn't matter because most content is super easy so we don't even need to be concerned with working together anyway.  I agree, 99.9% of Warframe content is easily soloable, but it doesn't change the fact that Warframe is a co-op game.  The mission summary stats work against co-op and makes it feel like "every frame for himself".

For me, it's more of a conceptual thing than something that really affects gameplay.  If I do play, I usually just solo the sorties and log off now-a-days so it does't matter to me either way.  But when I was an active player playing in public groups, it would annoy me that I was the only one keeping an eye on the sortie defense target; or the only one staying near the hijack objective to keep it powered; or the only one protecting the extractor; etc because everyone else was too busy trying to pad their end of mission numbers.

If the mission summary screen wasn't there, I'm willing to bet Warframe would be played much more like a co-op/team based game.  More people would bring support frames to help with energy, healing, and buffs.  Some might bring tanky frames to soak up damage with [Guardian Derision].  Imo it would be a better experience with much more variation.  Right now, everyone's main goal is usually to kill faster than anyone else so they can see their stats highlighted at the end of the mission.

Said far better than I ever could.

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This is the most ridiculous thread I've ever seen, OP needs to realize no one is out to get him and not everything is about him.
People are doing their own thing, why would they care about what frame you are on.

They maxed their weapon so they are leaving, not because you pressed your ability button.


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26 minutes ago, Kayll said:

This is the most ridiculous thread I've ever seen, OP needs to realize no one is out to get him and not everything is about him.
People are doing their own thing, why would they care about what frame you are on.

They maxed their weapon so they are leaving, not because you pressed your ability button.


Why do their weapons only max when I happen to be playing Mag, and only when I'm top damage? More than half the time I'm just sitting on the pod, and nobody leaves at wave 5 when that happens.

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On 1/3/2018 at 12:51 AM, Legion-Shields said:


Edit: I'm totally open to the possibility that I'm just seeing things that aren't there. I know I can be pretty sensitive. But some questions just need to be answered...

And let me be one of the first to tell you that you are imagining things, it is normal for people to exit out suddenly because they have maxed their weapons, and just as normal to immediately leave the squad if anyone extracted with them. People don't usually get mad about many warframes... In fact many people are pretty OK with the magnetize bubbles. About the only two frames I know people can really dislike are limbo (when played in a trolling manner) or Loki (also when played in a trolling manmer).


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2 hours ago, Tizodd said:

It's not about someone "feeling inferior".  It's about the stat summary working against the core game ideas.  Warframe is a cooperative game, but the stats make people feel like they're competing against their teammates.

I don't play as often as I used to since I'm MR24 and am pretty burned out for the most part...but when I played often, I saw all kinds of instances where downed players would remain downed because no one wanted to stop their killing spree to revive; people would get too far from an objective because they were chasing a line of enemies down halls to add to their mission summary numbers; survival missions where the group spreads out and goes in every direction because they want to be sure they're the first to get a big group of enemies to kill; etc.

All of those things are counterproductive in a co-op game and are a result of the mission summary screen.  Rather than working together to achieve a goal, people are trying to beat their teammates to kills.  Actual mission objectives are often an afterthought.  I don't have an issue with seeing your own stats after the mission, but I feel seeing everyone else's stats is a bad thing in a co-op game.  Especially when the highest numbers are highlighted like some kind of award.

I'm sure someone will argue that it doesn't matter because most content is super easy so we don't even need to be concerned with working together anyway.  I agree, 99.9% of Warframe content is easily soloable, but it doesn't change the fact that Warframe is a co-op game.  The mission summary stats work against co-op and makes it feel like "every frame for himself".

For me, it's more of a conceptual thing than something that really affects gameplay.  If I do play, I usually just solo the sorties and log off now-a-days so it does't matter to me either way.  But when I was an active player playing in public groups, it would annoy me that I was the only one keeping an eye on the sortie defense target; or the only one staying near the hijack objective to keep it powered; or the only one protecting the extractor; etc because everyone else was too busy trying to pad their end of mission numbers.

If the mission summary screen wasn't there, I'm willing to bet Warframe would be played much more like a co-op/team based game.  More people would bring support frames to help with energy, healing, and buffs.  Some might bring tanky frames to soak up damage with [Guardian Derision].  Imo it would be a better experience with much more variation.  Right now, everyone's main goal is usually to kill faster than anyone else so they can see their stats highlighted at the end of the mission.

So its about you feeling inferior, like pointed out. It does not induce competition seeing as you get the same rewards, this is more so just a personal problem inducing that feeling, which will exist even without the stat tally at the end, because of this fact.

I like the stat screen, so I want to keep it around, and with more details added in fact, they can just add an option for someone like you who feels bothered by it, allowing you to hide it from your HUD.

Warframe is already played like a co-op game, and  more people use the likes of Trinity and Rhino than arguably the highest DPS frame Octavia, who also has support, most of the frames save Ash have team utility in fact. What you apparently want is for Warframe to play like something else that it is not. PUBG, Rainbow Six or Overwatch perhaps? Games that actually are more comptetive based and deal less with hoardes, which encourage killing? We are not there to simply tickle these armies.

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The biggest issue I have with Mag is that, even with a reasonable build, her power's effects on the various enemies are...inconsistent.  For example, she should be able to virtually annihilate Corpus, especially the proxies, at virtually all levels, but sometimes I'll hit up an alert on Venus and Polarize will just wash over them like a spring breeze and then the next time they explode like a bomb.  Meanwhile, it reliably strips Grineer units of armor...most of the time.  Like I said, it's inconsistent.  I like her look and the idea of her powers, but consistency is needed thing too.

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15 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

So its about you feeling inferior, like pointed out. It does not induce competition seeing as you get the same rewards, this is more so just a personal neurosis inducing that feeling, which will exist even without the stat tally at the end, because of this fact.

I like the stat screen, so I want to keep it around, and with more details added in fact, they can just add an option for someone like you who feels triggered by it, allowing you to hide it from your HUD.

Warframe is already played like a co-op game, and  more people use the lijes of Trinity and Rhino than one of the highest DPS frames like Octavia. What you apparently want is for Warframe to play like something else that it is not. PUBG, Rainbow Six or Overwatch perhaps? Games that actually are more comptetive based and deal less with hoardes, which encourage killing? We are not there to simply tickle the enemies.

How does less competitive + more team-oriented  translate to games like PUBG?


as far as not inducing competition, someone else already pointed out how the FPS crowd lives for stats, and couldn't give a damn how the rest of the game goes. Stat padding is a real thing, and in Overwatch it's impossible to avoid  the effect your stats will have on how your teammates react to your decisions. 



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13 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

I'm sure someone will argue that it doesn't matter because most content is super easy so we don't even need to be concerned with working together anyway.  I agree, 99.9% of Warframe content is easily soloable, but it doesn't change the fact that Warframe is a co-op game.  The mission summary stats work against co-op and makes it feel like "every frame for himself".

Its not the mission summary stats that drive this - that's a minor symptom.  Its the lack of danger in this game that conditions people into going off on their own directions or straying far from others, then when the cosmically rare occurance of failing a mission comes up, people are like lol oops because failure generally doesn't matter. Its time wasted yes, but rarely is it major resources and whatnot lost.

There is so much safety on non tank/survival frames, even with largely offensive frames, that people can afford to be totally independent.

Also, kills contributes to loot dropped, so there is that, but many people may not realize xp is boosted/shared when people are together. The gameplay of WF does very little to demand teamplay - it encourages it sure, but, well, aside from two abilities that use affinity range, one that modifies it, and shared xp, there's little reason or need to stay together..unfortunately  (imo). I, rarely ever playing immortal frames, rarely die and a fair portion of those times are due to doing something dumb like Zarr-ing myself, getting one shot by a void shotgunner or bombard, jumping straight at enemies, etc.


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