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Banshee gets top damage in Hydron and no one blinks an eye


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1 minute ago, Legion-Shields said:

Right, next time I run into someone who brags about their damage dealt while spamming smiley faces in chat I'll be sure to think of the outliers in this thread who redefined my outlook on the attitude of the average gamer.

Yes, because the same individual bragging about their damage is always the same one who leaves solely because he actually cared enough about a MAG user being helpful to the team, its clearly never for any of the reasons i stated earlier or any other reason what so ever...

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30 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Yes, because the same individual bragging about their damage is always the same one who leaves solely because he actually cared enough about a MAG user being helpful to the team, its clearly never for any of the reasons i stated earlier or any other reason what so ever...

You like it when a Mag puts Magnetize over something you want dead? We need more like you :)

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On 03/01/2018 at 7:51 AM, Legion-Shields said:



As someone who sees things that re not there sometimes... I genuinely think you are misreading coincidences. I am almost 100% certain it has nothing to do with Mag, which is what makes me thinks you're jumping the gun a bit.

Maybe when you kill lots or the way you kill lots of enemies annoys people a bit. Large powerful AOE moves spammed on defense missions are annoying. However; that's nothing to do with you or mag. That's just the game. It gets a bit annoying because as others try to play, a bit large AOE disrupts their play style. It's a little frustrating. Banshee is one of the most annoying for that (because not only does it disrupt play styles, it means people have to go search for loot). Being followed by a maiming strike spin top is even more annoying!


This however has nothing to do with you or Mag. There is also zero way to test it either. Because you think people think it's fine if Banshee does it but not if Mag does it, yet there is no hard proof of that. Just your anecdotal experience.

Correlation isn't causation! 

Honestly (as people have said) people leave groups after missions all the time for many reasons. Also it only takes the host to leave before you lose every member in your party; so you'll never know if the others wanted to play with you.


Finally,why not just give people benefit of the doubt.? Be humble and realise this game is bigger than you. Just smile and be happy you got the biggest kill feed that time. Happy for others when they get more orange numbers. I play Limbo a lot. I try to be considerate and skilled a player with him as possible, but you can't please everyone (and you don't want to).


So just... let this one go. It can't lead to anywhere useful. It will just lead you to paranoia.

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16 hours ago, Lanying said:

As someone who sees things that re not there sometimes... I genuinely think you are misreading coincidences. I am almost 100% certain it has nothing to do with Mag, which is what makes me thinks you're jumping the gun a bit.

Maybe when you kill lots or the way you kill lots of enemies annoys people a bit. Large powerful AOE moves spammed on defense missions are annoying. However; that's nothing to do with you or mag. That's just the game. It gets a bit annoying because as others try to play, a bit large AOE disrupts their play style. It's a little frustrating. Banshee is one of the most annoying for that (because not only does it disrupt play styles, it means people have to go search for loot). Being followed by a maiming strike spin top is even more annoying!


This however has nothing to do with you or Mag. There is also zero way to test it either. Because you think people think it's fine if Banshee does it but not if Mag does it, yet there is no hard proof of that. Just your anecdotal experience.

Correlation isn't causation! 

Honestly (as people have said) people leave groups after missions all the time for many reasons. Also it only takes the host to leave before you lose every member in your party; so you'll never know if the others wanted to play with you.


Finally,why not just give people benefit of the doubt.? Be humble and realise this game is bigger than you. Just smile and be happy you got the biggest kill feed that time. Happy for others when they get more orange numbers. I play Limbo a lot. I try to be considerate and skilled a player with him as possible, but you can't please everyone (and you don't want to).


So just... let this one go. It can't lead to anywhere useful. It will just lead you to paranoia.

Why does everyone here keep responding as if I'm basing this thread off of a couple random incidents? This is hundreds of hours of play, most of which is me doing nothing while my squad does everything, and the few moments where I finally decide I want to do something suddenly everyone leaves. The difference is night and day. I can't play to my hearts content unless I'm playing a frame who isn't Mag. That's irritating.

Like I said in the OP, I tried to ignore it thinking it's nothing, but over time that becomes harder and harder. 


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i think the issue is any AOE frame can  [irritate] squad mates due to lack of kill saturation you can do on small maps 

my mag is  another that is a 50/50 when playing with others, i either get things as you say people leaving by wave 5 or "wow didnt know mag could nuke[or something along these lines] " and they stay  till wave 15

but i do notice using my banshee or saryn which are nuke frames, people will stay longer

use ember/mirage[spamulor] or mag ,gara , ect they leave around 5-10

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33 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

i think the issue is any AOE frame can  [irritate] squad mates due to lack of kill saturation you can do on small maps 

my mag is  another that is a 50/50 when playing with others, i either get things as you say people leaving by wave 5 or "wow didnt know mag could nuke[or something along these lines] " and they stay  till wave 15

but i do notice using my banshee or saryn which are nuke frames, people will stay longer

use ember/mirage[spamulor] or mag ,gara , ect they leave around 5-10

You know what's really funny? How this thread is full of people who act shocked that there are people out there who pay attention to their squad mates, as if the mere existence of some subjective standard of maturity is proof that everyone who plays video games is going to meet it. 


What's even funnier is how said standard completely contradicts ones ability to constructively comment in this thread. On one hand they don't care about what the people in their squad are doing. On the other hand they seem to be convinced that everyone they play with must be just like them, to the point where they have the confidence to tell someone who actually pays attention and takes notes that they think the world revolves around them, all while the people pointing the finger have zero clue themselves, precisely because they pay zero attention.






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43 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:


dunno its a plain rng factor of how typical players [randoms] behave or accept the actions of their fellows

many people are focused on getting kills or at least "doing" something within a mission, i get bored for example if i cant contribute  

but most people do think in the sense of self, as the player apparent you care more of your experience then others

weather your try-harding or passively nuking, it can be an issue , kill starving the team dosnt really affect you, more the squad mates experience, but it in no way happens your play other then speeding up the rounds 

mag using her 3 can help squad by ripping armor if it donst kill , making it easier for say the squad members to kill, whereas the banshee quake takes all the kills and play factor away from the squad and leaving it to a single unit 

  the aspect of some frames is to deal aoe ranged damage and keep the unit far from harm and thats a factor of squad tactics using ranged offense to tear through the cannon fodder leaving the bigger weaker enemies to the other units  , problem is some aoes if built right simply kill everything so fast the big enemies dont stay alive long either 


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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

mag using her 3 can help squad by ripping armor if it donst kill , making it easier for say the squad members to kill,

I was helping a dude yesterday with Index using Mag.  I was doing just that.  After the mission that same guy asked me why don't I use a frame to strip their shields.  I just said calmly to him that my whole frame build and equipped weapons were all for stripping or bypassing shields.  He was so busy trying to count kills that he completely missed why he was even able to get them in the first place.  Next round I decided to merc everything in sight since he had also tried to say that I wasn't killing anything.  :smile:  

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7 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I was helping a dude yesterday with Index using Mag.  I was doing just that.  After the mission that same guy asked me why don't I use a frame to strip their shields.  I just said calmly to him that my whole frame build and equipped weapons were all for stripping or bypassing shields.  He was so busy trying to count kills that he completely missed why he was even able to get them in the first place.  Next round I decided to merc everything in sight since he had also tried to say that I wasn't killing anything.  :smile:  

yeah ive seen that happen, and had those talks

as i said people focus on their own play  and can often be oblivious to the help others provide 

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15 hours ago, Lanying said:

Finally,why not just give people benefit of the doubt.? Be humble and realise this game is bigger than you. Just smile and be happy you got the biggest kill feed that time. Happy for others when they get more orange numbers. I play Limbo a lot. I try to be considerate and skilled a player with him as possible, but you can't please everyone (and you don't want to).


So just... let this one go. It can't lead to anywhere useful. It will just lead you to paranoia.

A road to good health.

I just try to enjoy what happens and push to do better each time - its one of the ways I have fun.  I try to get top kills in missions as Zephyr or Harrow, or more damage, but if I don't, I don't really care, I'd rather people have fun or have an easy time (but ultimately I want to be doing something with my time). Even if I'm taking poo weapons and leveling them and someone does something cool, looks cool, buffs me a few times, res's me, whatever, I let them know I appreciate it.

I also find just trying to have a good time and talking about other people in a good light leads to more long runs and things.  Which runs towrad: 

2 hours ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

use ember/mirage[spamulor] or mag ,gara , ect they leave around 5-10

I get people to stay till 25 at times and I just run Ember, sometimes Saryn, on Hydron.  I don't even run optimal build for map-nuke of low level stuff most of the time.I'm running, sliding, rolling, and bullet jumping from one corner of the map as mobs spawn in, so people see me and trails of fires (firewalker lulz) all over.

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6 minutes ago, Terrornaut said:

A road to good health.

I just try to enjoy what happens and push to do better each time - its one of the ways I have fun.  I try to get top kills in missions as Zephyr or Harrow, or more damage, but if I don't, I don't really care, I'd rather people have fun or have an easy time (but ultimately I want to be doing something with my time). Even if I'm taking poo weapons and leveling them and someone does something cool, looks cool, buffs me a few times, res's me, whatever, I let them know I appreciate it.

for me most of the time it's enough to just admire the beautiful graphics and res people when they go down. I'm so far past the point of trying to "up my game" that I don't even know how to respond to the people in this thread who make the assumption that I'm some tryhard who needs to always have the most kills and damage. I've already found the playstyle that's perfect for me. It's simply a matter of needing to let loose every now and then.

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22 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Wait... that's a... thing people hate?

Why even?...

My ignorant assumption is that people don't like it because all damage that occurs inside the bubble is credited to the Mag who cast it. Teamwork never even enters the picture...and it's funny because I see the exact same treatment toward Nyx's 4. Whenever I see one I shoot at it with everything I've got, and the only "help" I see from teammates is some Meme Striker trying to kill all the enemies that the Nyx is trying to absorb damage from.



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I only leave when limbo shows up because even a thoughtful limbo is still a troll.  His skill set is designed to f'up everyone's game. 


I even leave when a limbo shows up on a rescue mission because I hate the frame that much.  He is for solo only.  Anyone who brings a limbo to a public match should be drug out into the street and beaten. 


Mag, no prob but I admit shooting from inside the orb is annoying and when bubbles are everywhere, it is easier to leave.  

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Oooooh, that's why eveyone leaves from my Sorties... I'm sorry that Atlas is that powerful, ok?
I don't know, I'm so used to the people leaving instantly every single mission that I don't really care now, the only times people stays is when they are MR 12 or below, and I don't mind them there.

And yes, I do use Atlas for almost everything. :crylaugh:

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I thought this was gonna be a banshee nerf thread. But no, just was pleasantly surprised.


Also, can I possibly have your mag builds and a quick explanation of how you play her? I kinda know how to play her and I know she can be insanely broken OP, but I don't think I've unlocked that potential properly

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1 hour ago, Legion-Shields said:

My ignorant assumption is that people don't like it because all damage that occurs inside the bubble is credited to the Mag who cast it. Teamwork never even enters the picture...and it's funny because I see the exact same treatment toward Nyx's 4. Whenever I see one I shoot at it with everything I've got, and the only "help" I see from teammates is some Meme Striker trying to kill all the enemies that the Nyx is trying to absorb damage from.



Your topic does not make sense with how you point out how people don't leave when Banshee wipes the map on Hydron(Apparently the only place you care about and as such, want sweeping changes due to it.). If even this were true then clearly something else beyond kill count and damage is afoot.

This otherwise comes off as a "I use Mag, she's actually really powerful guys, please pat me on the back for my kills." topic.


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15 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

Your topic does not make sense with how you point out how people don't leave when Banshee wipes the map on Hydron(Apparently the only place you care about and as such, want sweeping changes due to it.). If even this were true then clearly something else beyond kill count and damage is afoot.






When I encounter a SQ Banshee on Hydron and she isn't with a group the other two players typically camp the spawns and try to kill as many enemies as they can. When she's playing with her clan mates they stick within affinity range and feed her energy.


I'm not sure I see the contradiction as far as Mag is concerned. People accept Banshee as a strong frame, and thus may expect her performance to reflect that. I still encounter people who say Mag is weak on a regular basis.



as far as there being something beyond damage and kill count, it was the presence of competition in this game that we already went over. Please consider how my original stance on that ties in with your assumption that I'm looking for a pat on the back :)

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1 hour ago, Legion-Shields said:

My ignorant assumption is that people don't like it because all damage that occurs inside the bubble is credited to the Mag who cast it. Teamwork never even enters the picture...and it's funny because I see the exact same treatment toward Nyx's 4. Whenever I see one I shoot at it with everything I've got, and the only "help" I see from teammates is some Meme Striker trying to kill all the enemies that the Nyx is trying to absorb damage from.

But then, the figures don't mean anything.

I mean the affinity (exp) is shared anyway so it really doesn't matter who did the killing.

In fact, you doing the killing means they get experience for all the equipment (including frame) they have on them whereas if they used an ability to kill the enemies themselves, they will have all the experience go to their frame and none to their weapons.

Teammate affinity from teammate kills are the same as if they used a weapon to kill themselves.

They get affinity for the frame and all weapons. 25% to frame with the remaining 75% split equally among the weapons if I remember correctly.

So, most likely those people do not know this concept or have huge egos and need to see a number that does absolutely nothing go up in order to keep playing.

I think it is more likely that they have leveled everything they needed, have other real life urgencies, and/or simply don't wanna risk playing in higher wave levels while using underleveled (even if they reach high level mid-mission) gear which have no mods installed at the beginning.

Some people don't like the idea of plvling or leeching and so while at lower waves, their equipment may still allow them to help do some damage, they may feel like they are leeching off you fully when they can no longer do any damage or kill anything.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)dZy_dEviL said:

I just want people to love and appreciate my mass range avalanche Frosty 😭.

I swear I'm only using my 4 to give you guys icy armor and have greater survivability.  If I wanted to get all the kills I'd just use Mesa or Nova w/Amprex every single time.

More proof that Frost players truly are the best.

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On 1/2/2018 at 11:51 PM, Legion-Shields said:

Seriously, I could practically afk and we'll go to wave 15 no problem, but if I'm mindlessly spamming Polarize just like everyone else is spamming Meme Strike then suddenly it's "oh, my weapons are maxed" at wave 5, then they leave the instant they get to orbit so nobody can check. This has happened far too many times with too many unique players to be mere coincidence.

Idk. I use dps Mag, and I've never had people leave at W5; it's usually me because I'm carrying some lvl 29 pistol and I'm just trying to get that last bit of XP that I would've gotten last run if that AFK dude didn't let me die and lose XP reviving lol. 

Idk man? Maybe you should pray that you meet better players on pub? 


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В 06.01.2018 в 09:00, UrielColtan сказал:

Nah, I like to guage results in a team setting, helps me know what's complimentary. In fact, I think more stat details could stand to be added, in relevance to support.

Information should not be covered up or removed just because it makes someone feel inferior, or strokes someone's "epeen". I care not to coddle those with inferiority hang ups, nor to merely remove something just to spite someone with an ego, which won't remedy the real hangup, IE people being people. Even without the stat details, people will still insist that they did all the work or complain about how they were not allowed to do anything because Banshee killed everyone. Its all in how an individual responds to things in general, not the accessibility of info itself.

There's no real "information" because none of those stats matter. The information that might matter to people is located on top and on the left i.e exp earned, loot gathered and maybe total amount of kills in case you need it for something like comparing exp/affinity in different misisons.

The only somewhat not useful but funny one is number of revives that makes you laugh when you see some ridiculous number like 15-20 in one of the sortie (usually defense) and think why your teammates are like that.


Overwatch is PVP or vs computer, since last I checked, only having a Team is obligated if not doing 1v1.

Overwatch vs AI is a **** joke, it's not even worth mentioning when you talk about the game. It's less than a mode, it's just a exp grinder for those who just does NOT want to play atm or at all but want lootboxes.


If you don't care enough to notice what's going on around you then perhaps you shouldn't be trying to argue as if you are aware of what's going on around you.

Because nothing goes around most players and their games are uneventful and chill. It's mainly here on the forums you hear the horror stories about palyers being "harrased" over their warframes' choices and such while in the actual game I've already forgotten when it was that someone else talked about anything other than saying that mission reward sucks or rocks.

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Going with the assumption that the patterns you have noticed are indeed related to Mag specifically (we should entertain both possibilities here of course) there is a potential reason behind it.  And it's due to how Mag functions in a team environment, comparatively so something like Banshee or others.  I'll preface this by saying I'm speaking both from an observational standpoint, and a personal one.

While I'm one who's fond of teamwork, I'll often do my darn'dest to avoid firing shots into a Magnetize bubble myself.  Reason there being, most of the time I'm running slow weapons like a sniper or Euphona Prime.  Part of the personal joy I derrive from these weapons is blasting and one-shotting high HP targets because I aimed at them well.  Magnetize takes aim out of the equation and, for me, that's dreadfully droll.  If I ran a Sortie and a Mag were spam-casting Magnetize all throughout the mission, even if it were a resounding success, chances are I'd leave that squad once the mission is done.

The same issue is present for players who enjoy using AoE weaponry.  A Magnetize bubble will eat up that explosive and render what normally would've been a small crowd killshot into something uneventful and dreadfully boring.  When a player shoots their weapon at a target they generally expect that shot to land upon a target they aimed at.  Having an allied ability interrupt their gunplay is almost always going to be received negatively.  This issue being felt in full force towards Limbo for example, who garners quite a lot of hate due to the mechanics of his Stasis.

Though Mag is a fine frame, needing a few things smoothed out/QoL based tweaks only, the base parts of her functionality often cause her to be a bit in the way just by doing what she does.  Mind you, Mag isn't nightmarishly obtrusive to squad-play as much as something like Limbo, but she does fall partly into that same boat.  Pull for example, while useful in its own right, is real, real, real annoying for allies.  Trying to fight enemies, now boom suddenly they all go flying over yonder, but aren't dead.  This semi-obtrusive nature often mixes in with the meme-hatetrain that Mag has gained over time, causing a lot of folks to just have a general distaste for Mag overall.

Using myself as an example here (since technically I can only truly speak for myself) I recognize that Mag is a useful frame.  However, I also recognize that I have nearly no interest in playing Mag, and generally prefer not being paired with one in a squad.  Of course I'd never say rude things to any Mag ally I random into in the joy that is public matchmaking, I'll just respectfully bow out once the mission has been completed successfully, unless of course that Mag goes light on their power usage.  A Mag who uses powers more sparse in turn is less annoying (to me, on a solely personal level) so I'll probably stick with that squad if it wasn't a one-off mission.

So the reason folks specifically leave "when you preform well" is likely tied to how your performance impacts their enjoyment during play.  Again assuming there is a correlation going on here and it's not merely coincidental.

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4 minutes ago, Bobtm said:

Using myself as an example here (since technically I can only truly speak for myself) I recognize that Mag is a useful frame.  However, I also recognize that I have nearly no interest in playing Mag, and generally prefer not being paired with one in a squad. 


I hear all the time that Mag is bad etc. but they are just not able to play her. you, my friend, need a medal, cause you said it: Mag is a useful frame.

I kinda like playing Mag, but I don't use her magnetize. Yep, it's boring. And since I'm more into meleeing stuff, I made a fun Maggy build with Greedy Pull and darn.... I instantly fell in love. Kinda like the crowd control it gives me and it's just god damn satisfying to get your enemies directly at your feet to chop them xD

But yes, even that build is nothing sqaud-technically useful. You want to aim at an enemy BOOM too bad you didn't hit him because he just flew through the whole map... Oh you want to finish him off with a shot while he lies on the ground? too bad, he already got chopped. Try again next time...

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