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How I rate this game after taking a 2 year break.


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22 hours ago, TomCat86 said:

Archwing system -3 The movement is clunky, the camera views are occasionally blocked by your archwing and the missions are not all that fun.

Crafting system -1 poorly done, should emulate a good crafting system like that of Fallout's and the grind in warframes crafting system is too tedious.

Faction/Focus caps -2 Forcing players to play slower and have unwanted grinds.

Focus Tree +0 Its nice to have the ability to further personalize and level up your operator and warframe. However, the way its done and and the benefits granted are nonsensical. Allow all the skills/passives on all the trees to be freely used when you have invested in them. Also lessen the grind.

Warframes artwork -2 Still old and stretchy clay like. The things that are supposed to be cloth even look like clay.

Mods +2 Lots of new mods to mess around with.

RIvens +0 Rivens are a nice addition but there are not enough ways to get them and they are riddled with RNG mechanics not to mention the riven holding cap..

New Warframes +2 Nice to have some more warframes.

Steam skins player made +3, most of these look better than the default and prime warframe skins.

Platinum sinks. -2 Too many platinum sinks. You can play this game without ever having to spend a dime, simply by using warframe.market but the platinum sinks are everywhere.

Mastery rank -1 Still nothing very meaningful comes from your mastery rank. The things currently granted by mastery rank should already be granted to everyone.

More weapons +5 Tons of new weapons that do not look or feel much like the others.

Third person only -3 Having the option of being able to toggle from third to first and even move the camera more left or right in third person would be a huge improvement.

Mod slots. -2, we used to have more mod slots on our warframes, yes they took the skill mods out and added the skills to the frames themselves but I was one of the people who only used one skill on my warframes anyways so I could buff that skill and frame better, now I am more limited.

Forma polarity system. -1, still need to use another forma on an already formed slot if you wish to change its polarity again.

Quests +4 the quests are definitely entertaining for the most part. Credit where its due.

Bugs -1 still some very annoying, time and resource consuming bugs.

Kavats +2 nice to have some cat companions, the artwork on them is great too.

Conclave +0, didnt try it since being back but as I remember from the past it was extremely laggy and unbalanced. But being as I didnt recently try it, I will leave the score as 0, no change.


So all in all I rate the overall experience a 0. No positive or negative outweighing the other. Basically the same as when I took a break some years ago.

Let me know how you would score it in whatever category's you would wish to address.





Thanks for sharing your personal opinion , we definitely need more of these .

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3 hours ago, Spectre-8 said:

Thanks for sharing your personal opinion , we definitely need more of these .

We definitely do. Every bit of feedback helps because not everyone is the same and views things differently at times. Its good to see where others stand on certain issues and if there is something that would make that persons experience better.

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6 hours ago, P0Pz said:


Pointing to failures within a game is now hating. Got ya.

To your surprise i do not play WF since like june/july ?! My last post was also like this date before 2 days.

Bc of this reasons and others. Ofc i play other games which offer at least a correct done improving system. The least you can expect from a game besides it's not installing/starting or crashing.

I like WF, with it's hidden potential.  But at a given point it's broken. So YOU accept this or not or you try to point to the failures or both last ones. I do not accept it ~> stoping to play it but i like the game enough to put effort in pointing to broken stuff. 

As i said. You are right 😥 it is not a FPS.

But as i also said that OP asked for more variations in Perspective & Angles for left/right shoulder. Bringing in a FPS perspective would be nice thought. I do not care if they HAVE to work more for THEIR product, to bring in more different player typs. I care if it is usefull/healthy for the game and gameplay. So yes, i would be happy even if i do not use it everytime. But i could switch to it when i need it for different situations. 

You aren't pointing to failures. You're just railing on it with extreme bias. There's a difference. 

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Honestly OP, a lot of the things you've listed as downsides are major upsides for me. I'd argue, but really, your post is so subjective that I don't see the point. I do think that you might enjoy another game more. You seem to want less grind, less class(frame)-bound stuff, no timegating to your crafting, and a first person perspective.

If it were as advertised, I'd recommend Destiny 2. I hear the first Destiny's still worth playing. Maybe Anthem will suit your preferences more? Oh! And Bethesda's 'Starbound' IP. You seemed positively deposed towards aspects of Fallout.

Sorry I can't be more help. I don't really care for the FPS genre as a whole. I play Overwatch, Bethesda games and Destiny. That's it for my FPS experience. Maybe someone else can help you out more.

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vor 16 Stunden schrieb Valaska:

... You could always go invisible. And enemies are several times more responsive/observant in Warframe than they are in the vast majority of FPS games out there... The only real thing that's necessarily "bad" about the modding system is several mods are mandated rather than optional. It sounds like you just want an experience that panders and hands itself to you.



They will never have "put all the mods you want" on because that takes away the point of having a game where you can build and have builds and options that matter.

Where did i ever said put "All Mods on" ? 🤔 Almost is Not All. 



They'll never make the game FPS because that would require re-scaling the ENTIRE game and slowing enemies down so people like yourself could hit them in the first place. There is quite a lot of depth in how you tool and use your warframes, and I am willing to bet you just simply can't wrap your head around doing that, or don't want to do.

People like me? Uh are you harrasem "my person" or "way of playing" bc it does not fit to your opinion? Interesting.

And... what the heck are you talking about?

It is not about making the game FPS only.

It is an 2nd way of looking to your targets. Not completly killing away 3rd person view.

No one did asked for slowing down enemies lol

You are making up your own story. It's just about an additional way to look at enemies from another perspective.


Honestly, what other game has something called "Stones/Crystals/Shards? I have never seen another game in existence have a parallel to mods called anything like the such...

Are you kidding? 

You seem like you never played different Games. Please do not make your selfe look like a fool. 

What ARE  MODs?

Hard items. Moveable. Placed in Slots. Adding stats and or Sideeffects or even bonus abilities. This is more then 14 years old. 😒

Come down from your white knight horse. Mods are nothing special just bc they are nice designed in a bling bling cover. 

Wow, <~ ofc

Archage, <~ 

Rohan, <~

~> Kingdome of amalur; which got also different weapon stances AND atack combos for each weapon typ as well AND is Hack & Slay and got different ELEMENTS AND GEM'S AND SHARDS TO PLACE IN SLOTS ~ MOOOOODs) wait... 5+ years back 😒

Rappelz, Grandfather of all stones/mods aaaand skillcards...

just to add a feeeew...


WF is nice and all but they invented 0 but the great MOVEMENT. 😏

They refreshed the design of it by the over used standart versions and standart names in a looot of games. That's it <~ !!



In fact the only games I see that are anybit similar to mods are MMO's and such and usually its based on equipment with FAR more rigid options and decisions virtually made for you, certainly not being able to swap them out.

Lol you can swap any of this out and replace them lol. Most of the time at a special NPC for crafting in a town or by your own crafting/combining tools within your "unit"... 😒

It's modding. Additional Modification ways for weapons and gears and pets/creatures/ companions. You mod for different gears AND weapon AND abilities builds. Please stop already...



Why flood the game with a ton of random new mods when there are already mods that work for exactly what they want in terms of weapons...?


Flood with random "new" mods?

Which RNG mods are you talking about hmm? 

Working for excatly what they want in terms of weapons? 

Please exactly explain which of the weapon typs you are talking about? Handweapons or mind weapons? Bc this are exactly the main weapons we have in WF.

Handweapons; They want to powercreep the hole game. Got ya.

Mind weapons; They want useless and powerfull ones. Got ya

So all in all you are telling basicly this:

"WE NEED DAMAGE most over by handweapons. We need 0 withstandings. You want to be a paperboy with a trillion dmg dealing handweapon to stay invisible with 1-2 extrem abilities that supports exactly this while 2 abilities suck balls. Got ya."




The only reason they got their own Steel Fiber etc was because they needed to have different numbers. "Resulting in power transfer to 2 abilities but downgrading other abilities" uhh no duh, this is called min-maxing and plays an intregal role in building a warframe to do what you want it to do. Saryn Prime with OverExtended for instance, and then making up the negative with power strength monds all in order to spread her spores further. Or, on the opposite side, a melee Saryn Prime with Blind Rage and Narrow Minded with Condition Overload to absolutely rip things to pieces in one or two hits.

Wtf. You can still mod for different builds or gameplays. It changes 0 at that point but all 4 abilities "can" stay at the current power of level. 😒

The current system is NOT win maxing. It's called power transfer. In a such big false way that their current level of power is going down.

So you have 2 lvl 5/6 skills instead lvl 4 but have 2 skills at lvl 1 or 2 instead 4. This is NOT winmaxing. This is downgrading the overall kit. The already limited amount of Abilities (4) even further effective reduced to boring 2 powerfull and 2 downgraded abilities. This is a fake improvment. This ability mod system is full of failures. Stop coming up with such excuses.

If you had them seperated for EACH ability, you could mod every ability as you like. But you can't mod all stats to the max. Just like we are ALREADY DOING. With a difference..you are NOT downgrading every single skill influenced by any single ability mod which is the next fail in the current system as well as Aug mods, which fake to be skillcards. You, as player, are deciding which state you will not push to the max. You create your own trade off. Free by choosing your path of powers aaaand which NOT. WHILE keeping UP the minimum level of power at this ability and increases just some stats ~ equal winmaxing !!

The current system limits you everywhere in each region. It downgrades the level of abilities so far they can't uphold their own lvl of power. Extrem trade offs, at wrong places (Warframe) where they DO NOT BELONGING TO. Failure. They belong to their own section. Abilities. Seperated each into (4) ability modding areas.




I don't think you have even a basic understanding of Games, let alone Warframe. Every MMO worth its salt out.. 

Spare me the work.

You showed me above already how limited and short minded you are, looking at some gameing experiences, trying to tell me Mods are not like stones/shards ect. And you know no game with it using such... ooookay.

You do not need to know everything but then do not come up with something can't excist, just bc YOU do not know a single one of them inclusive zero knowlege about how they work/are for/mechanic's/sideeffects. Note: some gems/shard/stones can be combined and creating different element powers as well or create even passive acting active abilities. Just like..well... in WF ffs.

Beeing able to "drag & drop" those stone/shards/ crystals/ mods makes it just a flexible stone/shard/ crystal/ mod

.. but they are what they are. The basic and the possible stats/sideeffect/abilities within those is still the same ffs.

Google would helped you aleady... even youtube...

Btw following game also got Dash forward and dashing with different elemental dmg typs if enemies get hit by it while you are dashing., Hack & Slay, Shards/Gems slots on weapon and gears, replaceable at any crafting spot in a town..

 Ffs 😒


Edited by P0Pz
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1 hour ago, P0Pz said:


Where did i ever said put "All Mods on" ? 🤔 Almost is Not All. 

People like me? Uh are you harrasem "my person" or "way of playing" bc it does not fit to your opinion? Interesting.

And... what the heck are you talking about?

It is not about making the game FPS only.

It is an 2nd way of looking to your targets. Not completly killing away 3rd person view.

No one did asked for slowing down enemies lol

You are making up your own story. It's just about an additional way to look at enemies from another perspective.

Are you kidding? 

You seem like you never played different Games. Please do not make your selfe look like a fool. 

What ARE  MODs?

Hard items. Moveable. Placed in Slots. Adding stats and or Sideeffects or even bonus abilities. This is more then 14 years old. 😒

Come down from your white knight horse. Mods are nothing special just bc they are nice designed in a bling bling cover. 

Wow, <~ ofc

Archage, <~ 

Rohan, <~

~> Kingdome of amalur; which got also different weapon stances AND atack combos for each weapon typ as well AND is Hack & Slay and got different ELEMENTS AND GEM'S AND SHARDS TO PLACE IN SLOTS ~ MOOOOODs) wait... 5+ years back 😒

Rappelz, Grandfather of all stones/mods aaaand skillcards...

just to add a feeeew...


WF is nice and all but they invented 0 but the great MOVEMENT. 😏

They refreshed the design of it by the over used standart versions and standart names in a looot of games. That's it <~ !!


Lol you can swap any of this out and replace them lol. Most of the time at a special NPC for crafting in a town or by your own crafting/combining tools within your "unit"... 😒

It's modding. Additional Modification ways for weapons and gears and pets/creatures/ companions. You mod for different gears AND weapon AND abilities builds. Please stop already...


Flood with random "new" mods?

Which RNG mods are you talking about hmm? 

Working for excatly what they want in terms of weapons? 

Please exactly explain which of the weapon typs you are talking about? Handweapons or mind weapons? Bc this are exactly the main weapons we have in WF.

Handweapons; They want to powercreep the hole game. Got ya.

Mind weapons; They want useless and powerfull ones. Got ya

So all in all you are telling basicly this:

"WE NEED DAMAGE most over by handweapons. We need 0 withstandings. You want to be a paperboy with a trillion dmg dealing handweapon to stay invisible with 1-2 extrem abilities that supports exactly this while 2 abilities suck balls. Got ya."


Wtf. You can still mod for different builds or gameplays. It changes 0 at that point but all 4 abilities "can" stay at the current power of level. 😒

The current system is NOT win maxing. It's called power transfer. In a such big false way that their current level of power is going down.

So you have 2 lvl 5/6 skills instead lvl 4 but have 2 skills at lvl 1 or 2 instead 4. This is NOT winmaxing. This is downgrading the overall kit. The already limited amount of Abilities (4) even further effective reduced to boring 2 powerfull and 2 downgraded abilities. This is a fake improvment. This ability mod system is full of failures. Stop coming up with such excuses.

If you had them seperated for EACH ability, you could mod every ability as you like. But you can't mod all stats to the max. Just like we are ALREADY DOING. With a difference..you are NOT downgrading every single skill influenced by any single ability mod which is the next fail in the current system as well as Aug mods, which fake to be skillcards. You, as player, are deciding which state you will not push to the max. You create your own trade off. Free by choosing your path of powers aaaand which NOT. WHILE keeping UP the minimum level of power at this ability and increases just some stats ~ equal winmaxing !!

The current system limits you everywhere in each region. It downgrades the level of abilities so far they can't uphold their own lvl of power. Extrem trade offs, at wrong places (Warframe) where they DO NOT BELONGING TO. Failure. They belong to their own section. Abilities. Seperated each into (4) ability modding areas.


Spare me the work.

You showed me above already how limited and short minded you are, looking at some gameing experiences, trying to tell me Mods are not like stones/shards ect. And you know no game with it using such... ooookay.

You do not need to know everything but then do not come up with something can't excist, just bc YOU do not know a single one of them inclusive zero knowlege about how they work/are for/mechanic's/sideeffects. Note: some gems/shard/stones can be combined and creating different element powers as well or create even passive acting active abilities. Just like..well... in WF ffs.

Beeing able to "drag & drop" those stone/shards/ crystals/ mods makes it just a flexible stone/shard/ crystal/ mod

.. but they are what they are. The basic and the possible stats/sideeffect/abilities within those is still the same ffs.

Google would helped you aleady... even youtube...

Btw following game also got Dash forward and dashing with different elemental dmg typs if enemies get hit by it while you are dashing., Hack & Slay, Shards/Gems slots on weapon and gears, replaceable at any crafting spot in a town..

 Ffs 😒


Yeah that shards system doesn't work like mods as it seems to allow you to pick it all if you want to. So that's an extremely weak comparison. Anywho!


You basically were stating that because you had to choose mods the game was bad, that you couldn't just throw on some maximum power thing and that there were corrupt mods somehow this game "fails" on depth. Despite the fact that a lot of depth is gained by having the corrupt mods etc as it allows you to tailor and truly maximize your frames in amazingly awesome and unique ways. Want to stop screwing over your entire team as Limbo and play like a team player? Throw on Narrow Minded! Want to drop ripline and eternal war and go full out rage kitten as Valkyr? Narrow Mnded. Etc.

I dunno, am I "harrasem"ing you? Would you consider you and the OP basically saying "WARFRAME IS AWFUL, I NEED ANOTHER GAME COMPLETELY! DE MAKE WARFRAME DUMBED DOWN FOR ME" considered harassment? Do you consider basically stating every design choice Digital Extremes have taken with this game are "complete trash" and on a negative scale harassment? If you don't consider what you did harassment then neither was me pointing out you're wrong. You're not going to get an echo chamber here, people will voice their opinions right back at you mate.

Mods are more flexible as a system than nearly every other MMORPG out there, while at the same time retaining hard decisions and choices. Your own example of "Kingdoms of Amalur" outright allows you to choose everything... Especially if you pay heavily into the game. So there's no forethought, there's no planning or such. It's simply lumping on as many positives as you can. That's not interesting, that's not deep, Everquest and Diablo had more depth than that with having you make meaningful choices.

1 hour ago, P0Pz said:

Flood with random "new" mods?

That was in regards to you wanting a whole new set of mods just for sentinel weapons. Its needless, and outright pointless.

1 hour ago, P0Pz said:

Wtf. You can still mod for different builds or gameplays. It changes 0 at that point but all 4 abilities "can" stay at the current power of level. 😒

The current system is NOT win maxing. It's called power transfer. In a such big false way that their current level of power is going down.

So you have 2 lvl 5/6 skills instead lvl 4 but have 2 skills at lvl 1 or 2 instead 4. This is NOT winmaxing. This is downgrading the overall kit. The already limited amount of Abilities (4) even further effective reduced to boring 2 powerfull and 2 downgraded abilities. This is a fake improvment. This ability mod system is full of failures. Stop coming up with such excuses.

If you had them seperated for EACH ability, you could mod every ability as you like. But you can't mod all stats to the max. Just like we are ALREADY DOING. With a difference..you are NOT downgrading every single skill influenced by any single ability mod which is the next fail in the current system as well as Aug mods, which fake to be skillcards. You, as player, are deciding which state you will not push to the max. You create your own trade off. Free by choosing your path of powers aaaand which NOT. WHILE keeping UP the minimum level of power at this ability and increases just some stats ~ equal winmaxing !!

The current system limits you everywhere in each region. It downgrades the level of abilities so far they can't uphold their own lvl of power. Extrem trade offs, at wrong places (Warframe) where they DO NOT BELONGING TO. Failure. They belong to their own section. Abilities. Seperated each into (4) ability modding areas.

lol let me stop you right here because you seem to have... Zero undestanding f what you're talking about. The 4 abilities you have can be upgraded, or changed with negatives to be better in different ways. Valkyr, as I've pointed out multiple times, might get weaker on her ripline or paralysis, but massively amps her Hysteria and even her Warcry by using something like narrowminded. Saryn Prime, as I also pointed out and you ignored, might lack abit on power strength with over extended but it gives her an amazing ability to affect an entire map with 1/2 HP and constant damage ticks which just keep spreading. Or, you could likewise go narrow minded which drops the range but can make her one of the most amazing melee power houses in the game.

This is choice, this is min-maxing. What you obviously want is a game where you can do nothing but upgrade and become more and more powerful. One where you can do nothing wrong... Sorry, but Warframe takes abit of thought, trial, and even error to get the most out of the mod system. You just don't sound capable of putting forward the thought to do so. I'm not bothering responding to anything else because you so amazingly fail at recognizing what makes this minmaxing that it is obvious and apparently you aren't capable of understanding. Likely because you just want to be hostile and antagonizing, which is apparent with your completely non-constructive criticism of warframe which essentially demands Digital Extremes remake the entire game into something completely different...


Have you tried out Destiny? I bet its what you're looking for.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

Yeah that shards system doesn't work like mods as it seems to allow you to pick it all if you want to. So that's an extremely weak comparison. Anywho!

Wtf. 😂😂

It allows you to use any of the TYP of stones into a limited slot amount of IT'S typ. Sooooo NO. You might can choose 1 or 2 or... X stones but limited by the typ of slot it represents. 


vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

You basically were stating that because you had to choose mods the game was bad, that you couldn't just throw on some maximum power thing and that there were corrupt mods somehow this game "fails" on depth.

Wrong. Never said that in that way 😥

I said all ability mods are "corrupted mods". Every single one is trading off stats from ANY other ability. Instead just for the current to mod ability.

While every single handweapon got it's OWN MOD TYP. Which ALWAYS give straight + stats to this weapon. But their "Corrupted Weapon MOD TYP" WHICH ONLY trade off stats WITHIN IT'S PLACED WEAPON TYP. Not crossover trade offing to every single other handweapon. Got it? 😒

vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

Despite the fact that a lot of depth is gained by having the corrupt mods etc as it allows you to tailor and truly maximize your frames in amazingly awesome and unique ways.

You are kidding me?

Corrupted mods are a good way. To add another variation of modding to the 'standart paths' of modding. But this is not unipue. Other games does this exactly BEFORE WF was even started to think about creating. FFS. Combining different elemental damage typs to create an new powerful superior 'Tier' element is also over 14 years old ffs. NOTHING NEW !! But good to have yes.


vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

Want to stop screwing over your entire team as Limbo and play like a team player? Throw on Narrow Minded! Want to drop ripline and eternal war and go full out rage kitten as Valkyr? Narrow Mnded. Etc.

Want to let your companions tank for you?

Or want to use range companions to increase your ranged gameplay?

Want to make Finisher moves with different animations or combo ways getting an/some enemie/s under 5/6/7% health?

Want to be a crit king with daggers with an atkspeed WF is grand grandma atkspeed?

Want to use TWO 1h Daggers?

2 different 1h daggers?

Or 1h sword + 1h shield/ axe/ spear*/ chakra*/ Staff*/ Blunt* / Hammer/ Pistol/ Gun/... ?

TOO BAD... WF does not know frames got TWO HANDS. You are more limited here as a 2000 rpg game.

vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

I dunno, am I "harrasem"ing you? Would you consider you and the OP basically saying "WARFRAME IS AWFUL, I NEED ANOTHER GAME COMPLETELY! DE MAKE WARFRAME DUMBED DOWN FOR ME" considered harassment? Do you consider basically stating every design choice Digital Extremes have taken with this game are "complete trash" and on a negative scale harassment?

This is their product offering to play for every player. When a player sees failur in (most over players notice them during actual gameplay faster as Devs) then they will point it out. If the system is trash then you have to tell it with an alternative way explaining why its failing and how the solution can look like. Pointing into the right direction.

Again i said i like WF. I do not hate it. I want to see it to evolve. Not bc of my bias or prefered gameplay style. Bc of the health of it when you notice a lot of total broken points.

vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

If you don't consider what you did harassment then neither was me pointing out you're wrong. You're not going to get an echo chamber here, people will voice their opinions right back at you mate.

Like you said i am wrong with mods ~ shards? 🤔 i see ya. You "think" it can't be but never made an effort to look at it and then just blindly white knight anything accuring arround this given point. Loving it ♡


vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

Mods are more flexible as a system than nearly every other MMORPG out there, while at the same time retaining hard decisions and choices.

Nothing new. Way less paths of choosing. Just stop sugar coating WF. 

Lets JUST compare modding slots to other games on heros/champs/Frame. ARE YOU RDY?

WF: 10 + 8 + 9= 27 slots. For ANYTHING

Other Game: have on eachbweapon 2 or 4. Deppending if 1h or 2h. WF does not now the difference either. 😒

Any gear, Belt, Armor, Gloves, Helmet, Cloak, Shoes,... and every single deco costum for EACH of this gears have 2 or 4 slots. Belts can have 6 slots.

An at least slot amount of 46 slots.

Buuut WAIT. Every gear is upgradeable AND can be enhanced by a 3rd way "Cubing" which adds another lvl on top of the max lvl if successful. <~ item sink. You know stuff games use if using deepthoughts...

WE still are NOT finish... we have more Slots to count... SKILL CARD SLOTS. 

EVERY SINGLE skill in game got a skill card. Placed on every skill it is representing. THIS skill card increases the ability level by +1. BUT WAIT. Since lvling an ability is done within the "skill tree" you reach lets say there the maximum lvl 30, your 1 x skill card increases it up to lvl 31. 

But again stop. Each skill card can be upgraded with another skill card. With a succesrate (item sink) if successfully comboning you gain a +2 skillcard which adds and rewards you with another increasing lvl there. So we use now 1 slot for 2 Mods. Since you can only combine two same high skill cards +1 & +1 or +2 & +2 to gain a +2 or a +3 card, this 1 slot is at this one ability uses up to over 200 skill cards to reach the maximum +10 to gain a lvl 40 instead lvl 30 ability strenght by using this slot. LMAO.

Since we are talking about more then 18 active skills on EACH char, that evolves at different lvls (10/ 60/ 125/ 145) and offers a player for his char 2/3 paths each time, where he can choose one path and then add this choosen paths new skill tree, on the players char to be able to upgrade the new passives and actives and ofc use it's new actives if skilled. This way every single hero/champ/frame can completly differ. Completely.

We are talking here about 14 (1 skill card on each skill slot)+ 56(gear) + 56(deco gear) = 126 slots to use different typs of additional typs of moddifications that uses SLOTS.

You are talking about deepness without knowing what deepness can be.

If you add stats like Vit, it not only increases simple HP but also hp regen/sec.

You have no clue that there are more stats available then the handfull WF offers. You think your elemental combination is unique and big while it is not. Flat limited. Even way more different enemie typs.

You have no clue what is out there in world. Btw THIS all above and waaaaay more is within 1 game.

vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

Your own example of "Kingdoms of Amalur" outright allows you to choose everything... Especially if you pay heavily into the game. So there's no forethought, there's no planning or such. It's simply lumping on as many positives as you can. That's not interesting,

Ffs WTF are you talking about. 😂😂😂😂

Only positives? Why? Bc this one game does not use corrupted modding versions which give and take ~ tradeoffing. Jezz the player DOES it'd own tradeoffs there. His slots are limited. Slots are mod typ locked. It's called balancing the content to the gameplay content it is used to fight against. 😂😂 well ofc since i know you love to stay invisible and powercreeping. Like using cheat modes but got none to add health to your char so you get still 1 shooted. Lol i call this "Total Broken".

vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

that's not deep, Everquest and Diablo had more depth than that with having you make meaningful choices.

😂 okay. RAPPELZ got more deepth then WF and diablo together eat this 😥 talking about meaningful choices...

Where are the choices of withstandings in WF? Please explain me. And do not dare to point an Ability here. We talk about choices to improve our core. Our Frame. Talk please... 😏

vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

That was in regards to you wanting a whole new set of mods just for sentinel weapons. Its needless, and outright pointless.

Never said i wanted a whole new set of mods for sentinels... 😫

vor 1 Minute schrieb Valaska:

lol let me stop you right here because you seem to have... Zero undestanding f what you're talking about. The 4 abilities you have can be upgraded, or changed with negatives to be better in different ways. Valkyr, as I've pointed out multiple times, might get weaker on her ripline or paralysis, but massively amps her Hysteria and even her Warcry by using something like narrowminded. Saryn Prime, as I also pointed out and you ignored, might lack abit on power strength with over extended but it gives her an amazing ability to affect an entire map with 1/2 HP and constant damage ticks which just keep spreading. Or, you could likewise go narrow minded which drops the range but can make her one of the most amazing melee power houses in the game...

Wtf is wrong with you?

You still don't get it. You can't max a/some stats but increase some others WHILE your lvl4 skill power is NOT under lvl4 ever. This is what is working wrong. You can improve but can't max all. Your our own choosen trade off.

You still don't know why not seperatly 4 ability mod areas are part about our withstanding problem in higher regions. WF got a deep rooting modding prob witch limites it selfe NEVER to be able for regular high lvls.

If you can't make deep thoughts about the why & what you will keep standing in mind like you are now. Limited. Unique WF content which isn't by far unique. Blame something isn't the same but it is. LoL.

Spare my time please. 😏

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A lil correction to Mod Slots comparing between WF and other games...


--------- Mod-Slots are nothing new -----------

Riven as a item content, for a game, to improve weapons with 'random-stats' is nothing new. Your 300* weapons stay at 300*, with or without rivens.

A low 'tier' weapon with riven vs a high 'tier' weapon with riven, can not get on the higher 'tiers' range. Simple as that. Superior stays superior. 'Tier'- bounded.

WF gear improvment system(s)/mechanic(s) are veeeery limited compared to other mmo's systems/mechanics. Mods are also absolutly nothing new. Just another name for the same improvment stuff other mmo's use like 'stones/shards/crystals/...'

Those have also 'slots' on gear and weapons. Adding stats and/or side effects. Equal until this point. Then they start to differ. In WF you get waaay less ways for gear improvments. You get on a frame 8 +2 slots, guns 8 slots melee 8+1 slots. Total amount of 10+8+9 = 27 slots. While in some other mmo's they have on each 'gear-item' (Helmet/Gloves/Shoes/Armor/ Cloak/ Belt/ Mask/... and on costums  2-5 slots and on Weapons 2-4 + 2-4 special slots to place in stats/side-effect(s) adding gear improvment items. Total amount of 8 × 5= 40 + 8 = 48 slots for improvments. But STOP. Those games have also 'skill mods' for every single active skill on a 'unit' which are at minimim 14. Those 'skill mods' are even stackable...so 14 × 10 (10 different high skill cards successful, stacked over each, all together way over 200 single skill cards for each single skill to reach the maximum +10) = 

Some other mmo's slots for improvments 140 + 48 = 188 slots vs 27 WF slots...

After reaching skill max lvl10 or 20 or 30 (depending on skill), additional skill cards, allows a player to go beyond this lvl and 'add' additional increasing multiplicators of the next skill lvl OR a sideeffects/changing ability mechanics skillcards (stackable and placed equipted direct on the skill) exc.:



WF mods give a 'user' a illusion of deppness without actualy doing so but looking 'fresh-modern'. Elemental combining and ressistances are nothing new at all. This mmo's with above said  '188+ total 'improvment slots', got that 12+ years ago... 


------- Random bonus stats Numbers -------

On items, esp. on weapons is also nothing new. Like 10 years ago some mmo's got them as "Dura- Gear/-Item".

So actualy compared to WF, the frame could add bonus random stats & side-effects on every single gear-part item inside the 'unit', well... in other mmo's. Not adding here 'Set-Bonus' (1 weapon and same gear could apear in 30+ different set typs) offering additional bonus side effects/stats on each single weapon/gear part(s)...


- Why need to point this all out?

WF lacks to deliver 1 clean finished game content with deeper thoughts. If other games had ZERO problems to add random 'stats' to theire belonging items... 10 years ago... with way more total weapons plus additional set-bonus stats/side-effects...

Why is WF today NOT able to add this item with ease... ??

Half backed. Tweaking arround lil things like there is no real point of improvment to make. Realy?!

Riven show up a real problem...the game isn't prepared for such items...no deeper thoughts...


----------------------- Wondering ----------------------

I still wonder why we cant 'fusion' 2 different Mods of the same mod typ, and gain a hybrid mod with their stats or superior Mod stats on one side (rng which side is increasing and by which amount)... such mechanics are old ffs. Why stay so deepless?

Nvm... DE has to wake up. Improve the core of WF and start to ffs focus the game. Use what is already there. No new weapons or frames which actualy add nothing to the gameplay improvments and just for the 'moment' adds something to do/ have fun with before boringness hits in again in with all it's broken mechanics. Deeper thoughts and handing out completed content is needed if so.


1 random stats generating mod, is complex?

How can this following random stats (Purple colored) on much more different gears and much more different weapons over 10 years ago happen to work? And a lot more total amount of different randome stats/side-effects ??

Perfectly as intended... rivens are a joke compared to all that RNG generated stats! Those stats could have also a lot different rng passive acting active abilities...ffs


Watch at every list bottom...there you see their "Mod/Stone/Shards/..." slots. What you see here on the picture is just 'a bit' from all parts. 😒

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13 hours ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

For those wondering how warframe would play in FPS ... I had this bug a couple of years ago...


I love this so much. You can even see how the weapon models and firing works if you have someone shooting you can stand right behind them and look down the barrel of their gun, exactly like first person and no models even needed. Its already done. All that you need to technically do is just allow more camera movement.

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On 1/14/2018 at 7:41 PM, Volinus7 said:
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It's DE design choices that tilted heavily towards player retention and disregarded everything else, there were a lot of fiascos(e.g., hema, vacuum, ignis w, riven) and controversies. 

Many new frames are just cross matched recycled versions of previous ones, for example nezha-rhino redundancy upon release. Enemies are still very unrefined, no attempt to fix I/O busted difficulties like OHKO environment, perma CC, cheap invisibility. You could call it the stagnation of Warframe as a game(not as a cash cow), however you get plenty of pRNGs, incremental bars to be filled, and login milestones to keep you inside the skinner box. 

And if you didn't know, DE sold themselves to gain publishers in China and became Leyou subsidiary. 


Remember when they chopped Warframe into two pieces with conclave because they want to sweep balancing duty under the rug, they did it again at PoE to hide those excessive recycled grind bars and rng. At this point some players have to tell themselves that they have fun playing WF because of sunk cost fallacy rather than play WF to have fun. 

Perhaps it's a false belief of players from golden age of WF that there is enough sincerity to keep Warframe away from being another bloated mmorpg or pointless incremental clicking game. 

I was ready to drop the bombs on some people's complaints but then you came, you sir, you get it what is wrong with the game, specially on the hidden part and i`m not talking about the fiascos but the lingering problems wf has always had and still has.

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On 1/14/2018 at 12:44 PM, TomCat86 said:

Platinum sinks. -2 Too many platinum sinks. You can play this game without ever having to spend a dime, simply by using warframe.market but the platinum sinks are everywhere.

Next weapon that gets released and I will be rank 25. So essentially I have ranked up every single item in teh game save for a few exclusive items. 

I have spend....200? ish plat the entire ~3-4 years I have been playing warframe. All of that was gained via trading, and almost all of it was spent on slots. 

You do not need to buy plat or spend plat for anything in this game, so I don't know what plat sinks you are referring to. 

Unless it is fashion frame. 

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11 hours ago, P0Pz said:


A lil correction to Mod Slots comparing between WF and other games...


--------- Mod-Slots are nothing new -----------

Riven as a item content, for a game, to improve weapons with 'random-stats' is nothing new. Your 300* weapons stay at 300*, with or without rivens.

A low 'tier' weapon with riven vs a high 'tier' weapon with riven, can not get on the higher 'tiers' range. Simple as that. Superior stays superior. 'Tier'- bounded.

WF gear improvment system(s)/mechanic(s) are veeeery limited compared to other mmo's systems/mechanics. Mods are also absolutly nothing new. Just another name for the same improvment stuff other mmo's use like 'stones/shards/crystals/...'

Those have also 'slots' on gear and weapons. Adding stats and/or side effects. Equal until this point. Then they start to differ. In WF you get waaay less ways for gear improvments. You get on a frame 8 +2 slots, guns 8 slots melee 8+1 slots. Total amount of 10+8+9 = 27 slots. While in some other mmo's they have on each 'gear-item' (Helmet/Gloves/Shoes/Armor/ Cloak/ Belt/ Mask/... and on costums  2-5 slots and on Weapons 2-4 + 2-4 special slots to place in stats/side-effect(s) adding gear improvment items. Total amount of 8 × 5= 40 + 8 = 48 slots for improvments. But STOP. Those games have also 'skill mods' for every single active skill on a 'unit' which are at minimim 14. Those 'skill mods' are even stackable...so 14 × 10 (10 different high skill cards successful, stacked over each, all together way over 200 single skill cards for each single skill to reach the maximum +10) = 

Some other mmo's slots for improvments 140 + 48 = 188 slots vs 27 WF slots...

After reaching skill max lvl10 or 20 or 30 (depending on skill), additional skill cards, allows a player to go beyond this lvl and 'add' additional increasing multiplicators of the next skill lvl OR a sideeffects/changing ability mechanics skillcards (stackable and placed equipted direct on the skill) exc.:



WF mods give a 'user' a illusion of deppness without actualy doing so but looking 'fresh-modern'. Elemental combining and ressistances are nothing new at all. This mmo's with above said  '188+ total 'improvment slots', got that 12+ years ago... 


------- Random bonus stats Numbers -------

On items, esp. on weapons is also nothing new. Like 10 years ago some mmo's got them as "Dura- Gear/-Item".

So actualy compared to WF, the frame could add bonus random stats & side-effects on every single gear-part item inside the 'unit', well... in other mmo's. Not adding here 'Set-Bonus' (1 weapon and same gear could apear in 30+ different set typs) offering additional bonus side effects/stats on each single weapon/gear part(s)...


- Why need to point this all out?

WF lacks to deliver 1 clean finished game content with deeper thoughts. If other games had ZERO problems to add random 'stats' to theire belonging items... 10 years ago... with way more total weapons plus additional set-bonus stats/side-effects...

Why is WF today NOT able to add this item with ease... ??

Half backed. Tweaking arround lil things like there is no real point of improvment to make. Realy?!

Riven show up a real problem...the game isn't prepared for such items...no deeper thoughts...


----------------------- Wondering ----------------------

I still wonder why we cant 'fusion' 2 different Mods of the same mod typ, and gain a hybrid mod with their stats or superior Mod stats on one side (rng which side is increasing and by which amount)... such mechanics are old ffs. Why stay so deepless?

Nvm... DE has to wake up. Improve the core of WF and start to ffs focus the game. Use what is already there. No new weapons or frames which actualy add nothing to the gameplay improvments and just for the 'moment' adds something to do/ have fun with before boringness hits in again in with all it's broken mechanics. Deeper thoughts and handing out completed content is needed if so.


1 random stats generating mod, is complex?

How can this following random stats (Purple colored) on much more different gears and much more different weapons over 10 years ago happen to work? And a lot more total amount of different randome stats/side-effects ??

Perfectly as intended... rivens are a joke compared to all that RNG generated stats! Those stats could have also a lot different rng passive acting active abilities...ffs


Watch at every list bottom...there you see their "Mod/Stone/Shards/..." slots. What you see here on the picture is just 'a bit' from all parts. 😒

All lead to nothing but a system that has maximums and no negatives based on completely RNG such and such. It's far more rigid, and far less inspired and deep than what mods can offer.

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4 hours ago, Dornez said:

Next weapon that gets released and I will be rank 25. So essentially I have ranked up every single item in teh game save for a few exclusive items. 

I have spend....200? ish plat the entire ~3-4 years I have been playing warframe. All of that was gained via trading, and almost all of it was spent on slots. 

You do not need to buy plat or spend plat for anything in this game, so I don't know what plat sinks you are referring to. 

Unless it is fashion frame. 

2 weapon slots 12 plat, 1 warframe slot 20 plat, 1 companion slot 10 plat ect ect. You must be playing a different game or throw away everything after you have ranked it up.

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This is so discouraging for others, I don’t see this as a feedback after talking rubish about warframe arts, I absolutely love their interesting art style. Make them look very individual such as mirage prime, nekros etc. absolutely gorgeous. I doubt you even played many characters and used most weapons. 

there are some truths in your post like gated content plat sink etc. I was very annoyed when they charge 60plat for 3 riven slots , made them look greedy.

But you should play a different game. It’s okay.

Edited by (PS4)smilebull
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vor 11 Stunden schrieb Valaska:

All lead to nothing but a system that has maximums and no negatives based on completely RNG such and such. It's far more rigid, and far less inspired and deep than what mods can offer.


Yet, Mods are Stones/Gems/Shards/...

Offering exactly the same. Exactly. Even better, since combineable while WF mods can't even this.


If you can't add positives you are staying at a lvl without further improvments. Fact.

0 real Improvments paths for your frame,...

Which i asked you to count for me how many *direct* withstanding "options/paths" we got for our frames 😏

No answer buddy? 😏

We got for EACH frame stats 2 direct mods and 1 hybrid mod ~ 2/3 Mods.

Placed in a 10 slot box for FIVE different mod typs. 😏

Yeee that's as deep as a empty coffee cup. Lol

0 negatives? Bc the negatives are not pressed into your face by notes/words/numbers? LMAO

If you use in 2 mod slot, TWO from lets say 80 different mods for this mod slot typ you TRADEOFF. You cant + 78 other directions. Which is a - in improvment already. Your only + is at those 2 points. You choose which build/gameplay you want to support and which you do not support.

Stop already. WF's improvment system is total broken. Total.

Edit: Fun fact; WF offers not even an frame hull improvment path to incresse it's basic stats. Stay Tier1. Fight Tier3/4++ damage. 🤔


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... What? Mods are nothing but improvements. Hell I just put transient fortitude on my melee Saryn because it lets me smack things just that much harder and the duration is a fair trade off. Trade-off's make the game a lot more deep because you need to figure out what you want to move towards.

15 minutes ago, P0Pz said:

No answer buddy? 😏

I've already shown how many different builds are enabled by corrupt and just normal mods. You can make a warframe that focuses on certain playstyles that fit your own preferences by THINKING and planning it out. There are, for some frames, literally half a dozen or more ways to built it to get what you want to out of it. Heck with equinox there's even more, etc.

And you are compairing it to this Kingdom or whatever... Which simply just lets you choose every single power and ability in the game by buying or unlocking shards... How is that depth? How is that thinking? That is, literally, just amping up everything all at once with no sacrifice or fore-thought.


18 minutes ago, P0Pz said:

0 negatives? Bc the negatives are not pressed into your face by notes/words/numbers? LMAO

I'm sorry I mean no offense but, is english not your native tongue?


18 minutes ago, P0Pz said:

If you use in 2 mod slot, TWO from lets say 80 different mods for this mod slot typ you TRADEOFF. You cant + 78 other directions. Which is a - in improvment already. Your only + is at those 2 points. You choose which build/gameplay you want to support and which you do not support.

Stop already. WF's improvment system is total broken. Total.

Again I can barely follow what you're saying here. Are you honestly saying that without being able to use... Everymod in the game, all at once on a frame... Without that, warframe will lack depth? Because I mean, there's no feckin way to show you how wrong you are if thats something you actually thing.

Limitations like what Warframe have make you THINK, make you actually approach building the frame a specific and tailored way. There's a lot of ways you can mess up making your warframe in Warframe, and that's a good thing. There's also A LOT of ways to make something unique and what you and only you use. That's something special to Warframe, and extremely unique compared to a lot of games which hand you the entire experience these days with no thought.

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Man, you sit and throw in us "wtflolyouarewrongfakesomethingololo" (even if you say something productive you can just leave this patronizing behavior behind and go to straight up facts without trying to belittling people who discuss with you). Get some chill at first.

Second, Warframe provides system where you are limited on purpose, whole system consists from overcoming those limits (I doubt warframes default power goes in 100% accidently, it's their "normal" state which you are supposed to overcome), it's whole goal is not to give your all the plushes from from the shelf, it asks you to choose from limited pool which activities and powers you want to increase in order to be effective and it's a way to improve and upgrade too. It always was main game goal, to overcome limits, not to grab all power like in WoW where 99% of content becomes useless once you reached max level (which is not even max at all, it's only until next expansion). WoW, Tera offer you relatively unlimited grow in power/level while Warframe always had limit, it was 30 level. I have no idea what will happen when we'll reach it but currently overall system looks pretty much simple. Yes, it goes from older ones. But DE took different path in changing this system and modifying it (no pun intended). Everything you ask is to scrap it and to make game "like I like". Without even evidence why devs must do it. They look completely fine right now, especially after PoE.

Pay attention please that I never said system is perfect and doesn't need to be adjusted. But after reading I see that you just want to scrap it. Because in current state they can't "just" add system you desire. They choosed do not use armor for slots because they wanted to keep it purely cosmetic so you can use it for your own amusement and won't sit between classic "more slots" and "better looking" like WoW before transmogrification. They wanted to keep warframe activities and warframe look apart, I doubt it was by accident too. Mods work as complex builds not as separate slot gems in armor if you know what I mean. Many of them work only in bond with others that means you have to count not possibility to put 1 mod out of X but possibility of combinations of mods inside box. Even changing one mod will change build, sometimes completely. It's just different system

If you want 100500 slots in everything without choosing what to add and what to lose (I still never said it's bad, but it IS completely different style of ranking), I think you need different game.


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Valaska:

... What? Mods are nothing but improvements. Hell I just put transient fortitude on my melee Saryn because it lets me smack things just that much harder and the duration is a fair trade off. Trade-off's make the game a lot more deep because you need to figure out what you want to move towards.

Yep. Exactly mods are nothing then improvments just like shards/gems/stones/...

The tradeoff apears when you got more different moddifications items to place in/on a slot as you got slots in total.

At THIS point each player decides which gameplay/build/abilities/weapon/Char stats he want to support.

The minus/negative is created by choosing. Done by the player. Offered by the game creators.

If i put a DEX stone on my ranged  weapon it supports my Ranged weapon skilltree if choosen on my Char, and let me hit harder physical damage while also increases how accurate i shot (miss chance).

On the other side i could put in an Agility stone in which increases my atack speed and my physical hit evasion.

Raw dmg path vs Atack speed path.

Since 2 slots on a 1h weapon or small gear typ, i could add both. More faster burst damaging. While more accurate hitting and adding increasing my chance to let targets atacking my char with physical dmging weapons.

Atk Speed, raw dmg and a bit increasing my deff by evading some hits.

But not any target atacks by physical damage. Some use ability power. WIS would offer me some deff agains ability damage and increasing my chars chance to let my char evade some abilities. Enemie ability miss rate increasing. 

But using this would completly make me open and less secured vs physical dmg. Adding raw Vit + Deff stones would increase my healthpoints, Hp regen/sec and my armor.

But then i have nothing to increase my dmg. Well i could add Deff + crit stones to increase my physical armor and adding increased crit chance.

But now i have nothing to improve my abilities to keep them spamable. So i could use crit + INT stones which lets my physical AND abilities add increased crit chances and increasing my energy + energy regen/sec.

But what if i need to switch into close range melee fight surrounded by mobs and i want to be able to eat as much dmg as possible with shield? I could use Block deff stones to increase my damage block rate and a chance to nullify physical dmg if a shield is equiped.



See the tradeoffs? See how you have to think about your build for your gameplay and abilities and all of your passives supporting areas but not all...

While you improve over time some points more and more the not supported points reduces more and more.

You can balance stuff out. Or you improve some and ignore others for a given minimum. 



I've already shown how many different builds are enabled by corrupt and just normal mods. You can make a warframe that focuses on certain playstyles that fit your own preferences by THINKING and planning it out. There are, for some frames, literally half a dozen or more ways to built it to get what you want to out of it. Heck with equinox there's even more, etc.

Which frame can't get 1 hited without using abilities 😏

Now go out and test at which lvl range all frames can eat at least 2/3 hits without using abilities. That's the overall frame lvl of withstanding in WF. Everything beyond it is not reachable by improvments.



That is, literally, just amping up everything all at once with no sacrifice or fore-thought.

Read above. Everything explained. 😏



I'm sorry I mean no offense but, is english not your native tongue?

Nope. But thanks for no offense.


Again I can barely follow what you're saying here. Are you honestly saying that without being able to use... Everymod in the game, all at once on a frame... Without that, warframe will lack depth? Because I mean, there's no feckin way to show you how wrong you are if thats something you actually thing.

No. Read above. Using everything without a need to think about pro/contra or tradeoffs is not what i ever said. 

You should be able to use all mods from lets say Vit typs. But limited by a lower amount of slots. Which means if you could use 20 different VIT mods but can only use 10 of them. So you have to check which of them work for your gameplay and abilities and/or passives, plus your weapons you want to use (melee/ranged).

Extrem excamble, but you get it now.

Since this 10 slots are FOR the FRAME and offers also moddifications for Shield and Armor, the balance of all 3 "basic frame stats" are 4:3:3. 

Which further reduces from our fictive 20 vit mods down from 10 to 3/4 maximum slot using IF a player want to have a "somehow" balanced config there.

The prob now...

He can't in our current WF system. Additional 4 more mod typs for completly 4 different areas are also used in this 10 mod slots. Frame/ Abilities/ Aura/ Aug/ Utility Mods.

So the improving paths are now so strong limited that we can't tell at THIS point we are able to improve all 5 mod typ areas in a balanced way at all.

To much trade offs. Limited slots just by to much different mod typs which are NOT belonging to this "Frame body" modding area.

Hopefully explaining you this time a bit more with 'respect', you can see where i am pointing to. I think i was over doing it and seemed to make fun one your cost. Sorry for that. Was childish at this point.


Limitations like what Warframe have make you THINK, make you actually approach building the frame a specific and tailored way. There's a lot of ways you can mess up making your warframe in Warframe, and that's a good thing. There's also A LOT of ways to make something unique and what you and only you use.

As above said. This all makes a game interesting. Should increase deepness. If correct done. If a improving system got a failure within it, it can result in a nightmare and dead ends which blocks further improvments for higher content and unbalancing in our case in a to strong way our abilities as well as frame withstanding.

Again. We have 0 paths to improve our frame basic stats. Our current "frame hull" represents a Tier1. We need to be able to improve or upgrade it somehow to get into a Tier2 typ. So mods working with "basic stats" further improve the frame.


That's something special to Warframe, and extremely unique compared to a lot of games which hand you the entire experience these days with no thought.

WF trys to offer this above while not able to do it correct by their failures. 

WF's mechanics are NOT unique. Stances where there before WF. MODs where there before WF. Augs, which try to fake Skillcards where there before WF's. The space ninja theme and it's movment "was" Unique until other games used that sort of movment too.

Dashing is also not unique to only WF. KoA R. for excamble. Maybe some combinations of them are/was unique to WF. But looking at each seperatly was by far not unique to WF exclusive ever. WF copyed a lot of different stuff and made them look modern or different to the standart versions in other games before, which IS nice. But in the end changes not that it is what other games also use for the same reasons by same mechanics.

*Able to combine different mods like other games do with their modding items would be great thought.


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В 14.01.2018 в 22:44, TomCat86 сказал:





Welp. Decided to try rating it by myself too.

1. Since they removed Archwing from several plot quests I'm fine, almost, It's still really clunky but it is not part of core gameplay anymore and I lived without it freely a lot of months. Yet it still need to be fixed. I would give it -1.

2. Crafting system is 0 since I'm completely neutral to it. I could add as minus that we need to wait but we can do a lot of other activities instead so..bruh.

3. Faction/Focus Caps will be -1 from me because while Faction cap is really way too little, Focus one is necessary. I got a lot of lenses and use them actively during missions. During 10 round Interception 37-41 lvl I got around 50 000 focus, it's with warframe and weapon as I recall. It means that for reaching cap daily I need to do 40 rounds of high Intercept (it's most fruitful on XP and always was) which is not a goal every player can and wants to accomplish. Cap is reasonable, even for 20th rank or around.

4. Focus tree +2 because DE really tried to change operators better way (and I think they did actually, amp adds a lot to their power though) and decreased cost of trees twice or even thrice during time it exists.

5. Warframes artwork is very biased from me since I play on max framerate, good ping and with almost every graphic on ultra + I like overall designs and their uniqueness. I guess I'll just add 2 points for 2 pluses (graphs and design, especially for potato with outdated videocard (and it still could handle high graph) I played for like most of time until I got nice comp)

6. Mods are +1 since I goodly progressed with them and think there is no problem with it.

7. Rivens are +1 since DE balanced core weapons with super-rare drop of rivens and weak weapons got another chance to shine.

8. New warframes are +1, I will persist and won't add more than 1 since my further sympathies will apply to design and amusing how WF still keeps it's uniqueness in this way.

9. Steam skins added so much to Warframe fashion that I will gladly give them +2 points. They gave me masses and masses of joy. Plus it's very inspiring to watch after creators work.

10. Platinum is biased to me asweel since I was lucky to get -75% discount when it was necessary. I didn't add a dime in game until I think rank 12 (I'm 19 rank now) but I enjoyed to add some support to game. In same time I can understand hat OP means since every crafting skip asks plat. So 0.

11. Mastery rank is harsh question for me since I get feel of satisfaction when I rank but I think that current trials are very bugged to actually enjoy them and count like decent challenges. On other hand imo we get way better rewards per login than per rank (we can't skip leveling process even if we buy every weapon in game, that means that person can't just boost and skip lvling at all, they will need to power grind for fast ranking and that will take time too). So I guess in sum it's -2. Login reward is better than rank one and this feels unfair for me as much as bugged trials.

12. More weapons and variations get +1 from me since searching decent or loveable (personally) weapon can be as much amusing (and sooo good looking) as annoying because many weapons shine after long forming and you can simply miss it. Guides from players help but I wish we had more clarity in game how to orient in weapons. So I can't give so much pluses for it. It's good but not glorious. 

13. Third person only is actually +1 from me because I used to hate FPS in first place. I want to see by who I play and how. I want to see body I control in enviroment, it helps me to control overall process way better and I'm ready to forgive way more fast and pacing game process for it. Handling hard game situations through it is very fascinating. I played several FPS shooters since then to fight my bias in order to try new and good games but I prefer TPS way more.

14. Mode slots are complicated question since I managed to handle capacity in them and feel completely fine yet I see that in my builds I barely use augments bc even if they are good, they simply don't fit in complex build. When whole category of mods barely fits in place, this not that good even IF I understand why DE place those limitations on us and even if I'm personally completely fine, It can be bad for other players who really want to use augments. Still big thanks to DE that we can look as we wish without WoW and other MMOs typical troubles I ate enough of this so I'm really glad. It could be + 1 but I think it's 0 for me bc of balancing between - and +.

15. Forma is clearly -1 for repolaring existing slot. I completely understand when we need to put forma in empty slot but repolaring slot we already polared and lvled is clearly too time consuming.

16. Quests get +3 from me since I greatly enjoyed them even if some of plot decisions keep me worried about place which operators will take in future.

17. Bugs are thing I used to but they are annoying, yes. -1

18. Kavats as much as Kubrows are neutral 0 for me.They are fun to interract and usefull as ferocious battle pets but possibility they can die, lose sympathy and lose health makes me sad and worried way too much (I know it can be justified by free stasis but still) + no univac makes them difficult to use on missions with big territories (which are like 90% of game) but I think minus is balanced by fact they are not useless, just niche. Plus they are not mandatory to have.

19. I don't like classic Conclave at all and refuse to go in it again but I enjoyed winter events with snowdown a lot and gained some rep and good cosmetics, so 0.

So in sum it's:8

Game in most of things satisfies me but needs adjustments so it can't allow me to put 9 or 10. Maybe I would consider to rewatch my score later ot even would scrap it but it's the way I think right now about it.





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vor 2 Stunden schrieb ThousandLights:



You are right.

I was childish even trying to be productive. Sorry for that. Thanks.

I guess i will try explain it in my next edit in this post/answer to you in a only ptoductive way to explain where i am pointing to.

Note: NEVER did i say or wanted to be able to EQ every single WF mod typ to it's belonging Mod area.

We all share to fav. the same pro/contra , tradeoff creating system which make you think more then twice about a build/ability skilling/modding while need to add into account which weapons we might want to use and if we want to go *close* or *ranged* or even kinda balanced *close & ranged* fighting enemies.


Read above, my post to another guy, trying to explain it better.

Will edit later my promised deeper explained details what  is wrong in our improvment system.



Better explained: Improvment mistakes.




You have to ask the right question(s) first...

WHY is armor from enemies a problem in higher regions?

What represents Armor in true form? Healthpoints ~ TIME

If time is the problem, bc of what?

Our side got not enough time to beat the other sides time with their damage they do to our time.

Answer: Our TIME is to low, since time is healthpoints... our side, frames, got a problem in health/substance/withstanding in general.


Well it is PART of the hole problem WF got. The real prob is deeper...

Starting with our core. Our own Warframes. The improvment system fails in all regions but handweapons (sometimes even going into extrems ~ doing way to much damage), Reason why abilities working with handweapons are always superior damaging then pure "mind weapons".

All this poisen or DoT stuff we get ezy wracked by seconds or 1 shoted by enemies or useless skills doing not enough dmg or to low by the "power level" have the same source of reason. This all are results. From a false working improvment/upgrade system.


First of all:

WHY are handweapons or abilities working with handweapons superior in damaging then those abilties without?

• Just Handweapons:

They got 8 or 9 mod slots. Pure. For their OWN weapon typ. 95%+ of those mod typs are straight adding +. 0 trade off to the weapon they are used on OR to every other weapon typ. See where i am pointing to? 

• Abilities working with handweapons:

They share their mod slots (10) with 4 other mod typs. 5 all together. Frame, Abilities, Aura, Augs and Utility Mods.

Every skill may have like 3-4 Ability mods and maybe 1 Aug. While the aug only benefits/add something or changes something at 1 skill. 

Now lets check; the skill(s) working w/ weapons have now 3/4 mods + working with 8 or 9 weapon mods + the weapon stats/damage/elements + in some cases the crit possibility (Mag).

Those skills without handweapon mechanics: have 3/4 mods on the frame. Finish. 

Now all the crys about skill x or skills x & z are to weak/useless but A & B  are powerfull...

What you expect? All the Ability mods are "Corrupted Mods". Every single one takes and gives something from/to ALL skills. You "tranfer power away" ~ fake improving.

Why fake improving?

Remember the point on handweapons? 95% of mods do just add + to 1 weapon. And if adding a "corrupted mod", the trade off is only within this weapon.

Not for abilities. Wrong placement by to strong and heavy tradeoffs. Resulting that NEVER all 4 skills can work with maximum power or level strenght.


Additional failures, drifting now slowly back to armor/health point on frames:

As above said, Abilities share with 5 improving mod typs 10 slots. 10 slots on the Frame. First failure there. EACH ability needs it's own 8 slot mod area. Each seperated from anything else. You want to add max power to your first skill? Do it but your tradeoff will be you CAN't max one other point. But this doesn't effect skill 2/3/4. You can now adjust every single skill deeper. Each by their own trade offs. All ability mods should STOP to take away something. Failur 2. Talking about the "standart" ability mods. Adding currupted skill mods, equal to handweapons.

Now that all skills ability mods are out of the warframe modding area, our frame got 3/4 free slots to use for improving our frames. 

But this is still not correct as it should be. Aug mods still there. 

Aug mods should be completly killed. And reintroduced as "Skill Cards/Mods" as they faked to be. First of all, every "standart" ability of ALL frames skill should be created. EACH frame skill card is placed on the Ability icon (new slot beside each skill icon). And Skillcards for every single ability with different sideeffects/mechanics which can change parts or completly how this one skill works. This way NO mod slot is again taken within each skill if someone wants to use and skillcard.

Using a skillcard that way needs an extra trad off? NO.

The trade off is already done by choosing NOT to use the original path of power within the skill. Choosing is always creating your own trade off. Eat bread or aple? Choosing bread is not giving you juicy sweet taste. You traded off for something else. Bread. If you want aple you have to put down the bread and eat the aple. No more bread but aple. You choose. You trade off your path of going. Can't use the both paths of power. You choosed one. Trade off done.

Abilities now correct? NO. "Some abilities" need to be able to crit.

• Ability crit chance. NOW they can be EQAL to handweapons, which can crit too. Needs adjustments ofc.


Back to frame slots,

We got now 3/4 + 1 = 4/5 free mod slots only for our Frame & substance.

But wait..

What are all the mods with movment speed ect doing still in there? Frame related? Yes. Correct placed? NO.


They are in a mod area which is needed for the frame basic stats. Health, Armor and Shields.

So. Where are they belonging to then? Frame Utility modding area. Remember, we used to build up a frame with 3 parts? Representing "brain" , "inner bodymatrix" and "lower bodymatrix/legs". Each of them need a modding area. Seperated from each. How many slots? To be honest i dunno. I guess 3 slots for each 3 parts should be okay. I guess.

Now we have Aura mods and Frame slots left in our 10 slot frame area.

Enough to EQ almost all current frame body mods to the frame section.

But this is NOT enough... WHY?

A lot of mods work with basic frame stats. This means, we need to "upgrade" our frame hull.

What you mean? Look. Our current "frame hull/armory" represent a Tier1. We have to up it to Hull Tier2 then Tier3 ect. Every time we reach a given point in game and upgrade a Hull into the next higher Tier, the Frame basic stats grow. Therefore any mod working with "basic stats" is also increasing it's effects for the Frame.

Now add also that improving the said 3 inner bodyparts by a upgrading system, unlocks or increases new stats. Lets say a player can choose paths within those upgrading.  All 3 parts can offer every possible paths. For examble, at cerebrium you can add one of this: Agility (Evasion)/health regen/ energy regen/ ect. Now the other 2 parts have the same paths to choose. This means a player can choose 3 x Agility or 1 x Agility and 2 other or 2 x Agility and 1 other or of course 3 x something else then Agility. Free. But chooses. Tradeoff. Path choosing.

Now every Improving section is correct. Every section can be adjusted by players deeply. More variations. But all weapons are equal/similar in power to mod. Devs can now adjust/rework/fix any skill reperatly if needed without working arround the other frame skills.

This all above finaly gives us all an improving system we can withstand the current lets say Tier4/5 damage sources at lvl100 we are actualy fighting with a Tier1 armory/substance improving system which downgrades additional our abilitys and adds to much trade offs while not correct seperated all needed mod areas.

This way, we can play again. We can reach points to improve even more our withstands finaly. Finaly able to deal with high dmg. DE can creat better balanced content for us. Knowing, they can add new upgrading for to us so we can fight it. Reason to play. Get better stronger parts. Fight. Improve. Go higher stages. Fight. Improve go higher stages.


All this above counts also to ALL companions. With additional points.

0 "Natural Weapon" modding Area.

0 Commands.

0 Active Skills.

0 Inner upgrade parts.

All the different mod typs mixed like in our current frame in a 8 slot box and called companion. Inclusive their "weapon/damage" mods. Inclusive "body mods". Inclusive all their PASSIVE typ Abilities (there are NO single active skills on any Companion, reached for excamble over button combo: TAB 1/2/3/4). Inclusive Utility mods ect.

Companions need a "Evolution system" as well. To gain also higher hull Tiers but called EVO1/2/3/... Since also here mods work with basic frame stats.


Then and only then. With a correct improving system. WF will be able to kill it's failures and finaly is ready for regular higher lvl content this Dev's might want to create.

Note: this all above is one from different ways to fix the current broken improvment system.

I hope this explains better where i did trying pointing to.


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34 минуты назад, P0Pz сказал:

You are right.

I was childish even trying to be productive. Sorry for that. Thanks.

I guess i will try explain it in my next edit in this post/answer to you in a only ptoductive way to explain where i am pointing to.

Note: NEVER did i say or wanted to be able to EQ every single WF mod typ to it's belonging Mod area.

We all share to fav. the same pro/contra , tradeoff creating system which make you think more then twice about a build/ability skilling/modding while need to add into account which weapons we might want to use and if we want to go *close* or *ranged* or even kinda balanced *close & ranged* fighting enemies.


Read above, my post to another guy, trying to explain it better.

Will edit later my promised deeper explained details what  is wrong in our improvment system.


I'm just glad we reached agreement. No problem (anymore? I guess).

I actually have read it. I will answer less technically, just as I see this. I think those trade-offs should be balanced by your choosing of weapons, like, your weapons and their modding should answer and be prepared to certain amount of situations where warframe can't handle it alone or simply is out of energy (even if you are godlike formed and prepared, it simply happens in end-game). It really makes you think twice, some missions even can be failed because of it. I'm agreed it's tough, especially for players who just step into endgame field. I think DE could improve this system by adding weapons with higher range of "bright" advantages so we could easier adapt and use weapons for those certain situations (even if it would make them niche) than bunch of jacks of all trades, note, both bad and godlike (maybe the only exclusion is primes, that's why they are best in first place and because they actually need to sell PA). Also DE could provide possible recommendations (having so little guides in Codex is honestly a bit shameful, DE surely have a way deeper game than their codex provides + we need more information about persons we met, information can improve with cinematic quests progression so we'll have some upgrading bios at least instead of only collecting it bit by bit like cephalon fragments and keeping them in mind, I think we deserved to have bunch of text, especially after completing quests) about how much power is need to not be instantly killed. Something similar to D2 power count, just without goofy mandatories, simply giving newer players a bit of clue what to expect instead of forcing them to run into youtube guides and wiki. I'm not completely sure which way would be most healthy for game to provide my idea but I think I'll try to sum it later.

Returning to topic.

I would be glad if DE would provide more mod places for us (but would wish a lot it would remain only in warframes and weapons (pets aside) bc I was extremely tired from armor choces in other games and don't want sweet fashion to be taken from me here) yet I think they simply don't have intention to make game too easy. Here exists big argue what is easy and what is not since players and DE expectations are very different about this. DE seem to want reward us for long, very long run playing (look at gooody rewards from login), they actually could award us for rank or login by additional slots. It can be something very endgame but this is also when we actually need it because we already formed and maxed everything, newbie usually has no idea they actually can X or Y.

P.S. Since DE hinted we gonna have damage changes, it can drastically change current weapons balance. We should look into it and think what to expect.

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