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Nitan Extract for adults


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vor 15 Stunden schrieb MagPrime:

And here I was expecting some XXX Nitain requests.

I could get behind putting 3 Nitain back in the Sortie reward table.  Not the best solution but it would cut a few weeks off someone's grinding easily.  

Hopefully they don't do that, sortie loot table is already trashy enough.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)RANGER936 said:

I'm not asking them to change the times, I'm asking them to have more alerts in the evenings as well. Even if it means 8 alerts a day.

What if, instead of having more alerts per day, each alert was longer? Say maybe 3 or 4 hours. That way it would give more people access to them, without dramatically increasing the rate at which people could get them.

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On 1/21/2018 at 4:46 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

nothing's stopping you from farming Caches, you can find Nitain in those (rarely). just gotta check if there's one when you have a spare moment.

DE aren't going to try and base their game around your work life, I'm afraid.

Yeah farming for a 2% maximum chance drop once every 5-10 minutes, if you're fast and know all the cache locations, is a totally fair and 100% fun way to farm nitain. No one farms caches because caches have such a stupidly low chance to drop the thing you need.

The nitain alerts being only 4 a day completely screws over anyone with a life from getting more than 2 nitain a day if they are lucky and the nitain system should be completely reworked to be something that is actually viably farmable rather than having to wait for a alert that happens only once while twice while you're online if you're lucky, or farming for a small drop from a slow mission. 

But DE won't do that because if they did people might be able to have lives outside their game. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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11 minutes ago, Lt_Hobo said:

Yeah farming for a 2% maximum chance drop once every 5-10 minutes, if you're fast and know all the cache locations, is a totally fair and 100% fun way to farm nitain. No one farms caches because caches have such a stupidly low chance to drop the thing you need.

The nitain alerts being only 4 a day completely screws over anyone with a life from getting more than 2 nitain a day if they are lucky and the nitain system should be completely reworked to be something that is actually viably farmable rather than having to wait for a alert that happens only once while twice while you're online if you're lucky, or farming for a small drop from a slow mission. 

But DE won't do that because if they did people might be able to have lives outside their game. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I really wish people would stop with this line of hyperbole.

Even when I was working 12 hour days, I was able to hit 2 Nitains a day, and all 4 on the weekends, and I acknowledge that it's mainly due to my time zone.  Yes, it takes a long time, but it's not "punishing people with lives and family" like so many enjoy to claim.

Should it have an alternate farming option?  Yes.  100% yes it should.  Either increase it's drop rate in the caches, or put it in Excavations (so you can extract it, dur dur) or have it be an exclusive reward from Lua Spy missions or something.  

But please stop playing the victim card.  It's tired and makes a lot of people roll their eyes and keep scrolling, and it certainly isn't working on DE. 

Edited by MagPrime
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5 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

I really wish people would stop with this line of hyperbole.

Even when I was working 12 hour days, I was able to hit 2 Nitains a day, and all 4 on the weekends, and I acknowledge that it's mainly due to my time zone.  Yes, it takes a long time, but it's not "punishing people with lives and family" like so many enjoy to claim.

Should it have an alternate farming option?  Yes.  100% yes it should.  Either increase it's drop rate in the caches, or put it in Excavations (so you can extract it, dur dur) or have it be an exclusive reward from Lua Spy missions or something.  

But please stop playing the victim card.  It's tired and makes a lot of people roll their eyes and keep scrolling, and it certainly isn't working on DE. 

Being an exception to the majority doesn't make the the system okay. The fact that it can take multiple days to get the resources you need in a game is pretty bs in itself, but when you tack on the rng that alerts have with the limit of them per day it becomes an issue for most normal people to gather that resource. 

Even if you could get 2 a day or 4 on a weekend that doesn't mean that it's possible for every player to do so, especially for the majority that live in a timezone that gives them even more trouble being online.

If only 1 to 4 nitain were needed for any craft the issue wouldn't exist because it would take far less time to get the nitain a player would need for one thing, but if you get 2 minimum a day when some blueprints require 5 nitain to craft it starts to be a massive hindrance to players. 3 days of watching alerts, be it from either from twitter, some discord server, or other site, is ridiculous. In Vauban prime's case it equates up to 5 days of watching alerts if you get all 4 nitain a day, 10 if you get 2, or 20 days of waiting for an alert if you don't have enough time to be on constantly just to finish him off. When you factor in the 3 and a half days of crafting time it just equates to making the game a very long waiting game.

At that point most casual or new players will have dropped the game for something else. Playing the victim card may not work but nitain has had this issue for so long it seems like DE won't listen to actual logical arguments for changing it either. If there's good proof that's it's part of the reason the player base dies slowly after every major update they might consider making changes.

Although a more likely case is they'll just keep working on new content to drag people back once every few months rather than bringing in major changes that could keep people around, since that's all they seem interested in doing.

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Just now, Lt_Hobo said:

Being an exception to the majority doesn't make the the system okay. The fact that it can take multiple days to get the resources you need in a game is pretty bs in itself, but when you tack on the rng that alerts have with the limit of them per day it becomes an issue for most normal people to gather that resource. 

Even if you could get 2 a day or 4 on a weekend that doesn't mean that it's possible for every player to do so, especially for the majority that live in a timezone that gives them even more trouble being online.

If only 1 to 4 nitain were needed for any craft the issue wouldn't exist because it would take far less time to get the nitain a player would need for one thing, but if you get 2 minimum a day when some blueprints require 5 nitain to craft it starts to be a massive hindrance to players. 3 days of watching alerts, be it from either from twitter, some discord server, or other site, is ridiculous. In Vauban prime's case it equates up to 5 days of watching alerts if you get all 4 nitain a day, 10 if you get 2, or 20 days of waiting for an alert if you don't have enough time to be on constantly just to finish him off. When you factor in the 3 and a half days of crafting time it just equates to making the game a very long waiting game.

At that point most casual or new players will have dropped the game for something else. Playing the victim card may not work but nitain has had this issue for so long it seems like DE won't listen to actual logical arguments for changing it either. If there's good proof that's it's part of the reason the player base dies slowly after every major update they might consider making changes.

Although a more likely case is they'll just keep working on new content to drag people back once every few months rather than bringing in major changes that could keep people around, since that's all they seem interested in doing.

Read my post again.  

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I have to agree with MagPrime.  I work a full time job and still have over 60 Nitain.  This is even after using some for crafting frames and helping clan with dojo.  

I've always just passively farmed it by doing the alerts when i see them.  This way I always have a stock of them for whatever.  The only time Nitain is a problem is if you haven't been doing the alerts and wait until you need it.  

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I work full time and I have helped fund all my Clan's research and built everything that requires it and have about 170 or so laying about and have stopped bothering to grab it (Though I still will at times).

So the issue is with you, not the game. Not every game in the world needs to cater to the most casual of players who expect to keep up with people who put in time and effort.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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2 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I have to agree with MagPrime.  I work a full time job and still have over 60 Nitain.  This is even after using some for crafting frames and helping clan with dojo.  

I've always just passively farmed it by doing the alerts when i see them.  This way I always have a stock of them for whatever.  The only time Nitain is a problem is if you haven't been doing the alerts and wait until you need it.  

  I think part of the problem with perception of the time it takes is that if you don't really need Nitain for anything it just piles up.  So if you've been playing regularly for 1-2+ years it doesn't seem like much of a problem.

10 hours ago, MagPrime said:

I really wish people would stop with this line of hyperbole.

Even when I was working 12 hour days, I was able to hit 2 Nitains a day, and all 4 on the weekends, and I acknowledge that it's mainly due to my time zone.  Yes, it takes a long time, but it's not "punishing people with lives and family" like so many enjoy to claim.

Should it have an alternate farming option?  Yes.  100% yes it should.  Either increase it's drop rate in the caches, or put it in Excavations (so you can extract it, dur dur) or have it be an exclusive reward from Lua Spy missions or something.  

But please stop playing the victim card.  It's tired and makes a lot of people roll their eyes and keep scrolling, and it certainly isn't working on DE. 

 Normal people working that kind of schedule will likely not see a single nitain alert on a workday.  It is absolutely ridiculous to imply that someone working a sixty hour work week would somehow be able to get two alerts during the four hour window they have before they have to go to sleep.  More likely than not they've got other commitments and responsibilities that would prevent them from getting even one nitain.  What you have to acknowledge is that you are an outlier because you clearly prioritized Warframe to an abnormal degree.

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10 minutes ago, Urabask said:

you clearly prioritized Warframe

Exactly. The whole game design, let alone nitain, rewards you for prioritizing it and putting time and effort towards it. To be completely blunt, if you want better and more rewards, you need to put warframe on a higher priority. Warframe is NOT a single player, story-driven experience that you can just pick up for an hour a week and enjoy. It’s a quasi-mmo looter-shooter. That whole genre (destiny, even borderlands) is designed so that you are required to put dedicated time and effort into farming the resources/gear/loot you want. If you’re not willing to do that, then by the genre’s design you’re not “worthy” of the loot, to put it bluntly. And if you’re not willing to do that, then sorry but maybe this isn’t the game for you.

10 hours ago, Lt_Hobo said:

The fact that it can take multiple days to get the resources you need in a game is pretty bs in itself

 No it’s not, actually. That’s how (quasi) MMO’s, and especially free to play MMO’s, work. It’s a mechanic designed to increase the playtime. In this type of game where the the goal is to keep players playing for as long as possible, there needs to be some gameplay loop of see a goal, work towards goal, reach goal, feel rewarded, repeat. There needs to be something there to increase the time that loop takes so that players don’t “complete” the game in a month and then leave from boredom of nothing else to work towards. You wanna see an actual BS progression system in a game of the same genre? Look at destiny 2 (a very much NOT free to play game with a AAA price tag and PAID dlc, btw). There, once you hit the “soft” level cap, you are allowed to get a few pieces of gear per WEEK that can help you increase you power level. Oh, but they’re all random, and heaven forbid you actually roll those gear items for the two slots that are 10 levels behind everything else, holding your overall level back. That’s an actual BS progression system. Warframe actually gives you the ability to have a focused grind towards what you want (even if it is only a 2% drop chance, it’s still much better than a 0% drop chance).

Nitain really isn’t the awful atrocity that people make it out to be. It’s a resource that is perfectly manageable if you’re good about grabbing it when you see it. That’s how a lot of people (myself included) have 100+ of it (and yes, I have a job and life too. You’re not the only person in the world who has priorities other than warframe). And I’ve built vauban p and most of the other nitain heavy blueprints. Yes sometimes it takes a while to accumulate enough for what you want, but that’s ok. You don’t NEED everything today, that’s not how games of this genre work, they need things that are mid-term grinds to keep people coming back each day. There’s plenty of other things to build, level, and play with in the meantime. It’s not like you’re just sitting there twiddling your thumbs with absolutely nothing to do other than wait for nitain alerts. Enjoy the rest of the game.

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10 minutes ago, Xaranoth said:

Exactly. The whole game design, let alone nitain, rewards you for prioritizing it and putting time and effort towards it. To be completely blunt, if you want better and more rewards, you need to put warframe on a higher priority. Warframe is NOT a single player, story-driven experience that you can just pick up for an hour a week and enjoy. It’s a quasi-mmo looter-shooter. That whole genre (destiny, even borderlands) is designed so that you are required to put dedicated time and effort into farming the resources/gear/loot you want. If you’re not willing to do that, then by the genre’s design you’re not “worthy” of the loot, to put it bluntly. And if you’re not willing to do that, then sorry but maybe this isn’t the game for you

There's a difference between prioritizing the game to play it a couple hours a day, and dropping everything to hit the two alerts (frankly even that is an exaggeration because it's more like 0 to 1 alerts) that potentially pop up when you only have a four hour window to get them.  That's why I qualified it as abnormal prioritization.  The fact that someone could play the game for two hours a day for 4-5 days a week and not get any nitain clearly illustrates the need for some changes.  Players like that are the bread and butter of MMOs and it's ridiculous to imply that they should find another game to play because you wouldn't have a game to play without them.

10 minutes ago, Xaranoth said:

Nitain really isn’t the awful atrocity that people make it out to be. It’s a resource that is perfectly manageable if you’re good about grabbing it when you see it. That’s how a lot of people (myself included) have 100+ of it (and yes, I have a job and life too. You’re not the only person in the world who has priorities other than warframe). And I’ve built vauban p and most of the other nitain heavy blueprints. Yes sometimes it takes a while to accumulate enough for what you want, but that’s ok. You don’t NEED everything today, that’s not how games of this genre work, they need things that are mid-term grinds to keep people coming back each day. There’s plenty of other things to build, level, and play with in the meantime. It’s not like you’re just sitting there twiddling your thumbs with absolutely nothing to do other than wait for nitain alerts. Enjoy the rest of the game.

And you've been playing for at least a year so it's like saying that Nitain is fine because I have 100 since I've built everything that needs it and don't use any of it until DE releases a new item that needs it.  There is plenty of content to keep people occupied without Nitain being so heavily RNG gated.

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25 minutes ago, Xaranoth said:

Exactly. The whole game design, let alone nitain, rewards you for prioritizing it and putting time and effort towards it. To be completely blunt, if you want better and more rewards, you need to put warframe on a higher priority. Warframe is NOT a single player, story-driven experience that you can just pick up for an hour a week and enjoy. It’s a quasi-mmo looter-shooter. That whole genre (destiny, even borderlands) is designed so that you are required to put dedicated time and effort into farming the resources/gear/loot you want. If you’re not willing to do that, then by the genre’s design you’re not “worthy” of the loot, to put it bluntly. And if you’re not willing to do that, then sorry but maybe this isn’t the game for you.

 No it’s not, actually. That’s how (quasi) MMO’s, and especially free to play MMO’s, work. It’s a mechanic designed to increase the playtime. In this type of game where the the goal is to keep players playing for as long as possible, there needs to be some gameplay loop of see a goal, work towards goal, reach goal, feel rewarded, repeat. There needs to be something there to increase the time that loop takes so that players don’t “complete” the game in a month and then leave from boredom of nothing else to work towards. 

There are free to play mmo's that don't require you to make the entire game your main priority in order for you to gain it's resources and enjoy the game. Path of Exile doesn't lock anything behind time walls like Warframe does. You get all of the content without needing to wait for random resources to show up in time limited random events. You simply find where the stuff you want drops and you go farm it at your leisure. Borderlands doesn't into this issue because nothing is time limited with random drops, you put in the time and effort when you can and want to, rather than when the game decides that it's time for you to have a small window to go get it.

Getting screwed over by rng is fine when you can put in massive time to actual farm rather than having to wait for the chance to get the thing you need and hoping you're not asleep or at work when it happens. Warframe is definitely not good for casual players and shouldn't be played by anyone that simply wants a small time waster game to play while waiting for new game releases, but mechanics like this end up hurting even the people that want to put thousands of hours into the game because it turns the game from a looting shooter into a waiting game where nothing happens for the majority of the time. The time on crafting items or waiting for alerts that drop the stuff you need, such as Vauban parts or invasions for weapon parts, is better spent doing anything other than playing warframe and just watching for the alerts on a separate website. It's wasted time that makes it contradictory to the method of giving people a reason to increase their playtime.

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I personally don't like Nitain at all. I feel connecting an extremely important resource to time sensitive missions you can only do 4 times a day is absolutely terrible logic. I mean look at Vauban Prime. Off the top of my head, he needs a whopping 15 nitain to fully complete.

I understand needing to keep them rare and their obtainment at a trickle for player retention, but it greatly shafts us adults who have too many obligations that pull us away from this game for most of the day.

Not only that, having to constantly wait for an alert to pop up with Nitain is also aggravating. Those who actually advocate this: Do you really enjoy having to check your chosen Alert Checker program all day just to hope a Nitain drop happens while you're able to get it? How does it feel when you rush back to your computer only to find you just barely missed it? Sucks, doesn't it?

I propose simply connecting Nitain to some sort of daily missions. This way, players will still need to "work" for it, but will be able to do it at any time of day or night. Could even go so far as to have that daily mission grade you on your performance in some way, and give you 1 to 4 nitain depending on how successful you were. This solution, in my opinion, would make everyone happy and keep Nitain still pretty rare.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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3 hours ago, Urabask said:

I think part of the problem with perception of the time it takes is that if you don't really need Nitain for anything it just piles up.  So if you've been playing regularly for 1-2+ years it doesn't seem like much of a problem.

I can agree with this, to an extent.  However, I agree with Dark overall. 

3 hours ago, Urabask said:

Normal people working that kind of schedule will likely not see a single nitain alert on a workday.  It is absolutely ridiculous to imply that someone working a sixty hour work week would somehow be able to get two alerts during the four hour window they have before they have to go to sleep.  More likely than not they've got other commitments and responsibilities that would prevent them from getting even one nitain.  What you have to acknowledge is that you are an outlier because you clearly prioritized Warframe to an abnormal degree.

This however, is blatant assumption and I cannot agree with it.  You know absolutely nothing about my time zone, let alone schedule at the time, so you cannot with any authority or credibility claim that I have an abnormal prioritization.   And what you seem to have missed is that I did acknowledge that I am an outlier in this situation due to my time zone and schedule.

You should really take a moment to actually read my posts to understand them, instead of simply rushing in to respond and cherry picking from them.

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1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

I can agree with this, to an extent.  However, I agree with Dark overall. 

This however, is blatant assumption and I cannot agree with it.  You know absolutely nothing about my time zone, let alone schedule at the time, so you cannot with any authority or credibility claim that I have an abnormal prioritization.   And what you seem to have missed is that I did acknowledge that I am an outlier in this situation due to my time zone and schedule.

You should really take a moment to actually read my posts to understand them, instead of simply rushing in to respond and cherry picking from them.

What's he exagerating?  Even if you were sleeping only 6 hours a day that'd leave you only 6 hours per day to even try to get to warframe.  If you sleep the normal 7-8 most people do, that leaves you 4-5 hours a day to do anything, let alone warframe.  Time zone isn't terribly relevant since alerts are random.  Most people have obligations to family and friends that can easily eat up most of those 4-5 hours a day you'd have free so it's not unreasonable to assume that someone with 4-5 free hours a day who manages to get 2 out of the average 4 nitain alerts a day is an outlier.

Frankly speaking, the "look at me I'm special" defenders of garbage RNG like you are among some of the most annoying people in this community.  We get it, you somehow make the system work, but there are literally millions of people playing this game and there is no good reason DE couldn't ease up just a little on the RNG here.

Also, throwing your anecdotal example out as though it is a worthwhile comparison to judge everyone else's experience with nitain alerts is just as silly as whatever off base assumptions you think he's making.  I know parents working part time jobs that get maybe an hour a day gaming if they get in any at all.  But hey, they're not working 12 hour shifts so they must just be unlucky or something, right?

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3 minutes ago, Aggh said:

What's he exagerating?  Even if you were sleeping only 6 hours a day that'd leave you only 6 hours per day to even try to get to warframe.  If you sleep the normal 7-8 most people do, that leaves you 4-5 hours a day to do anything, let alone warframe.  Time zone isn't terribly relevant since alerts are random.  Most people have obligations to family and friends that can easily eat up most of those 4-5 hours a day you'd have free so it's not unreasonable to assume that someone with 4-5 free hours a day who manages to get 2 out of the average 4 nitain alerts a day is an outlier. 

Also, throwing your anecdotal example out as though it is a worthwhile comparison to judge everyone else's experience with nitain alerts is just as silly as whatever off base assumptions you think he's making.  I know parents working part time jobs that get maybe an hour a day gaming if they get in any at all.  But hey, they're not working 12 hour shifts so they must just be unlucky or something, right?

I didn't say they were exaggerating, just that they were making a blatant assumption that I abnormally prioritize a video game.  Nor am I judging anyone. I acknowledge that my experience isn't the same as everyone elses as well. 

What you seem to have missed is that I agree there needs to be a change, and even provided some examples.  But since it's contrary to whatever agenda you have, you've chosen to ignore it and make a hostile post for...what, upvotes?  By the tone of your post, you're clearly not here to have a discussion of any kind.

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7 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

I didn't say they were exaggerating, just that they were making a blatant assumption that I abnormally prioritize a video game.  Nor am I judging anyone. I acknowledge that my experience isn't the same as everyone elses as well. 

What you seem to have missed is that I agree there needs to be a change, and even provided some examples.  But since it's contrary to whatever agenda you have, you've chosen to ignore it and make a hostile post for...what, upvotes?  By the tone of your post, you're clearly not here to have a discussion of any kind.

If you only have 4-5 free hours a day and you can hit 2/4 random alerts every day, it's very likely that you do abnormally prioritize the game compared to most players.  Most people don't have time to do that on a schedule like that.  

As for not judging people, you literally posted that people are playing the victim card.  If that's not judgemental, I don't know what is.

No, I didn't miss that, it just seemed pretty disingenuous when lined up with the rest of your post :/

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Just now, Aggh said:

If you only have 4-5 hours a day and you can hit 2/4 random alerts every day, it's very likely that you do abnormally prioritize the game compared to most players.  Most people don't have time to do that on a schedule like that.  

As for not judging people, you literally posted that people are playing the victim card.  If that's not judgemental, I don't know what is.

No, I didn't miss that, it just seemed pretty disingenuous when lined up with the rest of your post :/


I have insomnia.  I don't sleep the "average" 7-8 hours a night.  If I get to sleep, it's only a handful of hours.  So, no, I don't abnormally prioritize a game.  Most of the time, it's the only thing I can do when I want to be sleeping.

And they are playing the victim card.  "I'm being punished by a video game for having a life!!1!"  that's a near perfect example of victimization.  You call it being judgemental of others, ok.  I call it calling a spade a spade.  That type of behavior will get people no where in this environment.  DE doesn't care about your life, they care about money, they care about the numbers that they see on their side, showing that Nitain is working just fine.   It the end, it detracts from the viability of any feedback and doesn't help anything.  And my god is it pathetic.  

So you acknowledge my feedback and my stance, but chose to go on an ad hominem rant for, again, upvotes?  If you don't like what I post, put me on ignore. 

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1 minute ago, Aggh said:

If you only have 4-5 hours a day and you can hit 2/4 random alerts every day, it's very likely that you do abnormally prioritize the game compared to most players.  Most people don't have time to do that on a schedule like that.

Uhhh, but I don't Prioritize the game or even getting Nitain.  I might play 2-3 hours a day and even skip some days.  So how is it that I have a nice stock pile of Nitain.  All I do is do the alerts when I see them if I happen to already be in the game.  

I'm not meaning to be argumentative, but I just had to dispute the "abnormally prioritize" thing.  :smile:

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14 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

I have insomnia.  I don't sleep the "average" 7-8 hours a night.  If I get to sleep, it's only a handful of hours.  So, no, I don't abnormally prioritize a game.  Most of the time, it's the only thing I can do when I want to be sleeping.

So basically people would have to give up sleep to be able to hit as many Nitain alerts as you.  Good to know.  Insomina affects about 10% of the general population so that makes you even more of an outlier.


16 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

And they are playing the victim card.  "I'm being punished by a video game for having a life!!1!"  that's a near perfect example of victimization.  You call it being judgemental of others, ok.  I call it calling a spade a spade.  That type of behavior will get people no where in this environment.  DE doesn't care about your life, they care about money, they care about the numbers that they see on their side, showing that Nitain is working just fine.   It the end, it detracts from the viability of any feedback and doesn't help anything.  And my god is it pathetic.  

They're not even directly making money on Nitain.  At best it can be considered something that gets people in the door more often which in turn typically does increase the chance of people spending money.  The flip side to this is that unnecessary RNG walls do tend to turn off players.  Also, loooool at the idea of an unchanged system being proof that DE is ok with how its working.  That is some stellar logic there :|

Also, you're still judging those players.  Reaaallly doesn't line up with your supposed interest in seeing the system changed.

Could care less about upvotes, just really don't like the way you've been framing your argument.


22 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

Uhhh, but I don't Prioritize the game or even getting Nitain.  I might play 2-3 hours a day and even skip some days.  So how is it that I have a nice stock pile of Nitain.  All I do is do the alerts when I see them if I happen to already be in the game.  

Most players average ~7 hours a week (which is actually an impressive number for a f2p game) so that puts you at well above average play time.  If you don't spend it of course you'll have a stock pile.  That's like wondering why new players don't have millions of polymer bundles :/

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9 minutes ago, Aggh said:

So basically people would have to give up sleep to be able to hit as many Nitain alerts as you.  Good to know.  Insomina affects about 10% of the general population so that makes you even more of an outlier.

I never denied being an outlier.  Please, take the time to reread my initial post and highlight where I ever said that I'm holding anyone to my baseline. 

9 minutes ago, Aggh said:

They're not even directly making money on Nitain.  At best it can be considered something that gets people in the door more often which in turn typically does increase the chance of people spending money.  The flip side to this is that unnecessary RNG walls do tend to turn off players.  Also, loooool at the idea of an unchanged system being proof that DE is ok with how its working.  That is some stellar logic there :|

Are you certain they aren't making money on Nitain being hard to obtain?  Because there are multiple cosmetic items and weapons that are purchasable from the Market with plat.  

And thank you, it is some nice logic considering it's been like this for how long...?  And how many people have complained, whined, and victimized themselves for a change in that time...?  Yeah, the system is working for DE, so they aren't making changes, because they have no reason to.

9 minutes ago, Aggh said:

Also, you're still judging those players.  Reaaallly doesn't line up with your supposed interest in seeing the system changed.

Then you're having a hard time understanding my post.  The two parts are not dependant on each other.  My opinion of cop out behavior has no bearing on my opinion that the system could change for the better.  Claiming they are, is like claiming my opinion on my car invalidates my opinion on how I like my salad.

9 minutes ago, Aggh said:

Could care less about upvotes, just really don't like the way you've been framing your argument.

My argument that posts like that don't help push any kind of change in a multi-million dollar game like Warframe, or my argument that Nitain acquisition could stand a change?

I really don't care if you like how I frame things, but at least try to stay on topic.  Because at this point you've acknowledged that you simply don't like how I said something and are entirely bent on derailing the topic just to prove a point of some kind, and not that I'm wrong in regards to the topic at hand.

Edited by MagPrime
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1 hour ago, Aggh said:

Frankly speaking, the "look at me I'm special" defenders of garbage RNG like you are among some of the most annoying people in this community.  We get it, you somehow make the system work, but there are literally millions of people playing this game and there is no good reason DE couldn't ease up just a little on the RNG here.

I love it when people edit their posts after I've responded.

You've already acknowledged that you read and understood my post, where I flat out say that things could stand a change and am in no way defending the current state of Nitains RNG, and here, you're claiming I said otherwise.  Yet, I'm the one who is framing things poorly and needs to be taken to task? 

You can't even maintain your position, let alone stay on topic.  You're being rather hypocritical and ironic, don't you think?

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