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4 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

And still... not everyone picked the same option in this case. So it's not really trolling. Just think for yourself: Is it a good idea to stay? No, I leave, safe my progress, and come back to it later. It seems like it's really difficult to think that way.

I would agree with you if it didn't happen at the last possible moment, when the counter is ticking 1 and leaves me no time to change my choice.

As you advised earlier, I will place the mouse on extract and be ready to click at a moment's notice.

And will also try to talk in chat, even if I have nearly never seen someone typing (the exeption being the orokin derelicts)

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I'm at the point now where if someone still hasn't readied by the time the clock hits 3 or 4 second, I extract.

You know what's worse than having everyone leave at the last second and getting stuck solo? Having the host leave and getting glitched out of the mission during host migration. If there's even a risk of someone leaving now, I bail.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

I'm at the point now where if someone still hasn't readied by the time the clock hits 3 or 4 second, I extract.

You know what's worse than having everyone leave at the last second and getting stuck solo? Having the host leave and getting glitched out of the mission during host migration. If there's even a risk of someone leaving now, I bail.

Do you apply this rule at every level of defence? or do you apply it for Axi and Neo relics farm or fissure? 

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Basically the only way to ever deal with public missions is this: If you cannot carry the mission yourself solo, don't stay for the next round. Period. 

If you lose your exp from failure there's really no one else to blame. You walked in over your depth and you get to pay for it and learn for next time 

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43 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

you don't

Please, complete sentences

you don't if you survive alone the next 5 rounds

and a level 20 to 25 a new player (no forma) even with maxed warframe and weapons might have some problems

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45 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

Basically the only way to ever deal with public missions is this: If you cannot carry the mission yourself solo, don't stay for the next round. Period. 

If you lose your exp from failure there's really no one else to blame. You walked in over your depth and you get to pay for it and learn for next time 

Interesting advise

So basically solo everything until you find the wall, and then upgrade and see if you can overcome another set of rounds.

Btw, I'm not blaming anybody, I simply asked if the fact that sometime peeps bail at the last second is a common issue, since it happened to me a few times. sometime I held the next rounds sometimes I died and lost everything. My question was if that was a common issue and how to counter it. No blames and finger-pointing. 

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Yes, it happens. For all kinds of reasons, especially if the person carrying the room decided to leave, then most bail with them. Don't select you'll fight until you know what your carries are going to do or you're confident you can keep the room yourself. If you hold tab in the game it'll bring up instant stats during the session. Hopefully this was a more helpful answer than some of the smart comments left by a-holes. The forums have a bad tendency to have an immediate smart &#! reply or basically a useless response to forum posts that get upvoted for some inexplicable reason. There seems to be a loyal following who cant take any variant on criticism without going ad hominem on the OP. It's getting old. 

Edited by komoriblues
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1 hour ago, sshar22 said:

Interesting advise

So basically solo everything until you find the wall, and then upgrade and see if you can overcome another set of rounds.

Btw, I'm not blaming anybody, I simply asked if the fact that sometime peeps bail at the last second is a common issue, since it happened to me a few times. sometime I held the next rounds sometimes I died and lost everything. My question was if that was a common issue and how to counter it. No blames and finger-pointing. 

I know you werent blaming anyone ^-^ its just much better as an idea to blame yourself if you cant carry yourself, then think of ways to improve that, be it through damage, frame and weapon choices, elemental choices etc. For example i now take irradiating disarm on loki for almost everything, purely because i've found that the few seconds the radiation buys me lets me focus on killing priority targets easier. That sort of thing

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This has never happened to me!  If one person stays neutral, it was a rather difficult past 5 waves, and 3 of us are select on "Battle On", there'll be a rush to extract with a few seconds left, but that's to be expected honestly.  With only 3 people, the next 5 waves might be a struggle, or take too long to be worth it.  I've never seen it happen with 1 second left though and see anyone get stranded.  

I will say that if you're not confident you can solo the next 5 waves, pay close attention in the last 5 seconds in case people change their minds and extract.

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6 hours ago, sshar22 said:

Please, complete sentences

you don't if you survive alone the next 5 rounds

and a level 20 to 25 a new player (no forma) even with maxed warframe and weapons might have some problems

Claims isn't sassy after it's pointed out on page 1. Is sassy again on page 2. :thumbup:

Whilst Rawbeard didn't explain well they are right, you still keep relic rewards even if the mission fails due to you aborting or whatever. 

The reward screen won't show it, but it's in your inventory nonetheless.

You can even force quit the entire game and you get an inbox message containing the relic rewards.

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3 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Claims isn't sassy after it's pointed out on page 1. Is sassy again on page 2. :thumbup:

Whilst Rawbeard didn't explain well they are right, you still keep relic rewards even if the mission fails due to you aborting or whatever. 

The reward screen won't show it, but it's in your inventory nonetheless.

You can even force quit the entire game and you get an inbox message containing the relic rewards.

Could you please provide a link or any info pertaining the fact that even if you die or abort a defence mission things get added because I just checked my inbox and there isn't anything beside the stalker and the quest messages. Because I was very glad to have found some very specific prime parts that I was missing, and currently I still miss them.

So if you could (without again twisting what I mean) provide any info, because that means that I should send a support ticket as clearly something hasn't worked in the game. 

And dont worry, I will refrain for ever posting again in this forum so that you all will be safe from my sassiness.

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2 hours ago, sshar22 said:

Could you please provide a link or any info pertaining the fact that even if you die or abort a defence mission things get added because I just checked my inbox and there isn't anything beside the stalker and the quest messages. Because I was very glad to have found some very specific prime parts that I was missing, and currently I still miss them.

So if you could (without again twisting what I mean) provide any info, because that means that I should send a support ticket as clearly something hasn't worked in the game. 

And dont worry, I will refrain for ever posting again in this forum so that you all will be safe from my sassiness.





Aborted mission: 




Never once twisted what you meant.

Don't play the victim. I pointed out you were unfairly sassy (don't get me wrong, I'll guilty of the same all the time), but you then denied it and did the exact same thing a few posts later.

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15 hours ago, sshar22 said:

Hi community,

New player here,

I would like to ask f this sort of "trolling" behaviour is common on the defence missions and if it can be addressed.

I mean: at wave 15 or 20 when deciding to battle or to extract, after everyone seems bent on progressing the battle, they bail out at the last second and I'm left alone in the next 5 waves.

On a normal defence mission one can loose the collected relics, minor harm done, but this on Fissure defense missions you loose the refined relic drops.

One can imagine how frustrating this is. 

So, it happened to me a few times, and my question is: Is it common? and how can one prevent this?


Hard to prove it's trolling without them full on admitting it in a PM or something.  It could simply have been a lag issue (I've experienced this myself) or a miscommunication between people on the team, never know.

However, there is a relatively new feature where you keep your Relic rewards (nothing else) if you abort or lose connection.  I experimented with aborting earlier today; ran a Lith Defense, aborted after getting Odonanta Prime BP, end of mission stats showed nothing in the reward screen but I checked my inventory and the Odonata Prime BP was there.  (I know I didn't have one before, I turned it into Ducats on Baro's last visit)

And there was an instance where I crashed because my cat turned off the internet accidentally.  Logged back in and had an email with all my bits waiting for me.

So, in the instance of this happening, you do have the option of ALT + F4, ESC> Abort, or going on until you can't go any further if you don't want to lose the affinity/resource/mods/credits you earned during the mission. 

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I'll ask support about what happened, because I don't see 2 rare neo drops I got from that failed mission. (neither in the inbox nor in the inventory)

Anyway, a big thank you to those people in the community for providing real meaningful answers, I now see the it can happen but it should not be a common occurrence.

Probably I was unlucky to have stumbled upon this, let's call it odd behaviour (since "trolling" seems to ruffle too many feathers) a few times

Many thanks for those ideas on how to counteract and prepare for such events.

Have fun

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23 hours ago, sshar22 said:

Hi community,

New player here,

I would like to ask f this sort of "trolling" behaviour is common on the defence missions and if it can be addressed.

I mean: at wave 15 or 20 when deciding to battle or to extract, after everyone seems bent on progressing the battle, they bail out at the last second and I'm left alone in the next 5 waves.

On a normal defence mission one can loose the collected relics, minor harm done, but this on Fissure defense missions you loose the refined relic drops.

One can imagine how frustrating this is. 

So, it happened to me a few times, and my question is: Is it common? and how can one prevent this?


Welcome to warframe,

Yes that is a common trolling experience, so always watchout when the timer is ticking at the last seconds.

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