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This needs to stop [Limbo]


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Maybe DE should nerf Nova. Infested guys become soooooo sloooow that I can't feel any challenge beating them. Or maybe they should remove invisibility from the game because it's sooooooo boooooring to complete spy/rescue sorties with Loki. Nah, better idea, they should nerf every single ability in this game and make some sort of pve oriented CS:GO, maybe that will stop threads like this from appearing? Oh, forget, make all weapons be S#&$ty as gorgon, remove rivens, melee as class and acrobatics. Yeah, then these guys that just missed the game icon entering warframe instead of cs will be happy.

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1 minute ago, Whitefang_Dizentegrator said:

Maybe DE should nerf Nova. Infested guys become soooooo sloooow that I can't feel any challenge beating them. Or maybe they should remove invisibility from the game because it's sooooooo boooooring to complete spy/rescue sorties with Loki. Nah, better idea, they should nerf every single ability in this game and make some sort of pve oriented CS:GO, maybe that will stop threads like this from appearing? Oh, forget, make all weapons be S#&$ty as gorgon, remove rivens, melee as class and acrobatics. Yeah, then these guys that just missed the game icon entering warframe instead of cs will be happy.

Well, to be fair, they should absolutely remove rivens.

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22 hours ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

High level enemies and the occasional eximus condition make Sortie a very efficient place to get focus considering that I'm going to be doing it anyway for the challenge and the rewards.

Ever heard of recruiting chat?
I'm not gonna refrain from casting stasis just because your god weapon wants to kill stuff. I want to protect the objective, and I'll do so to Limbo's abilities

Edited by _Ruby_Rose_
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On 30/1/2018 at 4:02 AM, Rabbid- said:

I woke up every morning to see what new challenges DE gave me for sortie, but then there's mobile defense, I went into the game only to be standing idle for a few minutes, and then move to the next location, rinse and repeat. Now, I could just solo'd the mission, yea I could but I cant manage to solo every single one of the mission you know. So please, I beg Limbo players to be more considerate with how big the bubble can be . #MakeWarframeGreatAgain

Many will tell you that anyone is free to play as they prefer in a public session, so if you want a particular kind of gameplay you should stand apart.

Unfortunately in any other game, a mechanic which completely shut down the map would never exist or be accepted by the community but here the situation can go only in 2 directions : the ability stay OP and totally broken or it is nerfed to the ground at the point of becoming useless.

First option is the lesser of two evils, and luckily you have ways to damage even with stasis active.

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On 2/2/2018 at 12:06 PM, (Xbox One)Timidobserver said:

I just leave group if I notice a limbo.

Yeah, as soon as that cata bubble goes up and my bullets stop moving, I leave.  It's incredible, really; no other frame chases people out of a party like Limbo does.  Every other frame in the game, people are usually fine, but when you've got a trollimbo?  Usually turns into a 1-person party real fast.  Not sure how the people playing like this haven't noticed how nobody wants to play with them.

Edited by megalomaniacalHalide
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I was just on Hydron and the Limbo kept banishing the last enemy so no one could kill it, making the defense take way too long. Well, I was stuck underneath a staircase because I completed a finisher. It's sad really, because I've run into a magnificent Limbo player once and got to see just how beneficial Limbo can be to a group in the right hands. I jokingly tell people that Limbo should be the first warframe that requires an IQ test (and must 21 or over) before being able to craft.

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I ask limbo if i can kill enemies plz or let me unlock the lockdown...that is as unacceptible as anything can be!!!!  no rolling dosnt work for whatever limbo does to me!!! ...someone said my every experiance of not beign able to roll out is bug... but constantly needing a good melee just so i can hope to "play" witha limbo on team... THIS HAS TO STOP!!! Make his ability not effect other players! Now when i see a limbo i dont ask i afk next to him becuase NO I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE AN OPENING TO RANDOM TROLLS BY ASKING them IF I CAN PLAY!... i am going to stop playing if i havent been baned already

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If limbo is considerate and skillfull limbo is always an asset, becuase of those things beign needed he is almost always used to intentfully troll.

My personal limbo troll list is

Enemies can attack def. Target u cant attack enemies


You cant interact with anything elevators panles of anykind and rolling doosnt work...or he follows u and puts u in again after roll i thought they were 2 different abilities but maybe its related to another bug where...


The whole map is in limbo and none of my abilities can be used ... must be a bug had happen 3 or 4 times only.


Survival stalk where limbo just goes afk in the void and follows u around


Simaris foil, where he constantly switches the target from void to not, preventing scan


I cant use weapons unless limbo lets me or i stay away from that invisible tiny white name in the visual cocophany (his location)


Whenever he is bulletjumping in front of me i have to dodge constantly i dont like having him effect me in Any way! how could any of this be a good idea to anyone?


Limbo exists in a superpostion troll state where u have to collapse the wave form (ask him to let you play) to determine if he is a troll or not.


Edited by dyewithasmile
added levity
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So 2 more


Spy stalk, where limbo follows u and puts u back in the void evry time you roll while at c hack terminal ( sometimes limbo alrerts guard outside the void too)


And where limbo goes into void therfore disengaging law of retrobution buttons... this last might have been fixed... i havent played lor since my old clan had a limbo troll with a lag switch modded into their router so tgis might have changed

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On 02/02/2018 at 8:55 PM, (Xbox One)Bieltan said:

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person around who doesnt mind an occasional easy ride :/

with you on that.

Been trolled by stupid Limbo players but as long as he/she focuses on getting the objective done........

Many a times it was Limbo who saved a mission from total failure.


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11 hours ago, dyewithasmile said:


I think it is great when people give Limbo players a "How to troll guide".


I have never had a Limbo troll, ever. Every single Limbo player I have found has been happy to drop their abilities on request (provided we are not asking at an important time). Sometimes Limbo's are not the most productive frames, but they are good for missions where you have to defend something, and Spy missions. 


In my opinion: A Limbo player can do whatever they like, provided they are not counterproductive.

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So if you are complaining about Limbo, are you going to complain about Ember? Banshee? Equinox?  Octavia?  Nova?  Any other frames I missed which have a very annoying mechanic?  I personally dislike Ember's WoF and Banshee's quake build more than any limbo.  I would rather have my enemies stuck in a bubble I can see, rather than not even getting a chance to hit enemies at all.

On 1/29/2018 at 9:02 PM, Rabbid- said:

I woke up every morning to see what new challenges DE gave me for sortie, but then there's mobile defense, I went into the game only to be standing idle for a few minutes, and then move to the next location, rinse and repeat. Now, I could just solo'd the mission, yea I could but I cant manage to solo every single one of the mission you know. So please, I beg Limbo players to be more considerate with how big the bubble can be . #MakeWarframeGreatAgain


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Here's a short guide on how to play limbo.

1) Change your energy color to something nice and bright.

2) Pay attention to chat.

There. That's it. If all you see are trolling Limbo's it's because you're not noticing the one's that just saved the defense objective with a quick stasis.

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On 2.02.2018 at 3:42 PM, rune_me said:

In all honesty I find resonating quake Banshee to be by far the most annoying teammate that can show up on my team. I would rather have 3 Limbos than one of her. I know its an unpopular opinion, but I'm kind of glad they are nerfing Banshee.

This is pure gold right here. All this thread you go for the holier-than-thou approach "How dare you tell Limbo how to play!? He can play however he damn pleases and you have no right to tell him otherwise! Go solo or make a group, you selfish hypocrite!", and then "But it's good they nerf Banshee tho, she annoys me." I love this community. 

Which leads into my actual point regarding the thread. The "Everyone should play the way they want" argument is moot because it's a paradox. It's impossible for everyone to play how they want all the time, because different playstyles will clash against each other e.g. this thread. And this is where game design comes in. The problem is the DE often designs things in a limbo (geddit?) - Stasis is a very cool ability, but throwing in an ability that stops shooting on one player's whim, in a multiplayer horde shooter (in which people want to, shockingly, shoot things) is asking for trouble. My guess is that unless everyone starts maining Limbo, they are unlikely to touch it in the next couple years. Sadly OP, you need to avoid them or troll them right back until then.

TL;DR - Keep calm, and blame DE.

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The game just needs a better matchmaking system that allows us to filter out certain frames, gear, MR etc. from public joins. It would be great to get an option that allows you to select your "gameplay style(s)" in your profile so you auto join squads with similar tastes. 

The game is supposed to be fun. That's its main goal. Limbo is usually not very fun to be in a squad with. Several other frames are the same way. It's not fun to waste your time trying to recruit through that awful chat window. It's not fun having to ask someone else to stop having fun so you can have fun. I shouldn't have to change my loadout in anticipation for there being a certain frame in the next mission. Other people shouldn't have to stop playing the limbo they've worked hard to get and enjoy playing with. We just need a way to avoid each other and do our own thing, without losing the convenience of quickly joining a public mission. 

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Player kept saying that warframes has weird scales on their skills but the one that is scaling the skills is the players themselves.

No, I don't get mad when Banshee/Ember or other frames such as them kills every enemy in the map because at least I can try to kill them before they get to do all the killing

No, I'm not saying limbo should stop using his bubble, I'm saying that they should be considerate on putting range onto his skills.The only thing that Limbo needs to defend in MB mission is the console which if you don't know...is heck small.Putting an excessive amount of range into limbo just to "save others from dying" and disabling them to kill enemies in a specific way is just making the mission more frustrating.Yea, Ember gets the job done, Nova does, Banshee and Equinox too, and what do they have in common. They can still let you kill enemies regardless how fast they kill with their skills.

"Yea well DE is the one that makes limbo like that" dude you have the mods section for a reason, to balance things out.

You know what mission can limbo be good at other than mobile defense?
Rescue mission - The moment you let the prisoner out, use your big bubble to run out from the prison without getting the eximus warden to kill you if running away doesn't work
Interception - The map is big enough for Limbo to not cover all 4 capture points unless you're unlucky to have 3 limbos in your games which isn't bad since you can still have the space to do what you want in your capture point without limbo interfering

Heck, Ember and banshee maybe even better in mobile defense sortie since they can't instakill enemies with their skills and actually gives a decent  crowd control and the ability to kill enemies with normal weapons  

Edited by Rabbid-
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I'm not far enough into the game to be running Sorties yet and I don't have Limbo so I don't know how his Cataclysm ability works. But in MD missions I usually run Frost Prime with Streamline and Stretch build, pop a snow globe and sit there until Lotus does her thing (usually enemies stay outside the bubble...), rinse and repeat. If Limbo's Cataclysm is similar, I don't see an issue. You're using a WF's ability to its absolute advantage in a situation it is completely suited for.

If you're bored with this approach, Solo or teaming up with people not using Limbo is definitely the way to go.

Edited by HazedTG
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