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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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what id like to have, is once a mod slot has been formad that slot can be freely changed without resetting the level, as most of us end up wanting to change up our builds, also i want each build have independent polarities, quite often we have trouble fitting 3 different builds with the same polarities, could u please consider this

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I feel like a lot of these little band-aids and "changes" (aka nerfs), especially to Ember, are all point to a largely unaddressed issue DE has been quietly avoiding for years now - the exponential enemy scaling. Sure, we got some nice tweaks where some Warframe abilities finally scaled with the enemy levels but it just doesn't solve the problem. The more DE keeps dodging this and tries to adjust/nerf/overcomplicate Warframe abilities the more annoying it gets.


Embers I have run with in missions level 60+ don't use WoF for killing, they use it for the CC and use Flash Accelerant for damage. The damage fall-off from WoF is very noticeable once you hit the 60+ level range, and those Ember players certainly aren't using WoF throughout the entire run. They mostly use it for emergency situations because the CC is invaluable. I get that speed-runner Embers can be annoying, but this really isn't the way to go about it. This just comes off as a lazy, poorly thought out nerf. 


Mag...I do love Mag. But please, stop adding on so many additions to Warframe abilities in general. Don't turn her into another pre-rework Oberon where his Reckoning did at least 10+ things. Just make her abilities scale with enemy levels. Polarize can one-shot low level enemies, but as I go into sortie level missions I'm finding myself spamming it more than I'd like to, especially against Grineer due to the absolutely insane armor scaling. Making the shards scale with power strength isn't addressing the issue at all either. C'mon DE, as one of the three starting frames Mag deserves more than this.

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People seem to be overlooking the grand scheme of things:

1. Whether the damage increase will be enough to not only damage, but kill high sortie leveled grineer. Such as Kuva Guardians successfully.

2. Since the range on her ult has been nerfed, which when combined with her Firequake aug makes a semi passable attempt at CC, will she have some form of damage reduction? She now has to move closer to the enemies that will normally kill her with minimal effort and Ember isn't exactly a tanky frame by any means.

Some of the things I stated can be overlooked, but that specifically ties  to her damage bump being enough to carry the rest of her kit.

We also need some other mechanic for fireball to be able to work in tandem with her other abilities, cause it just seems to be acting as useful as an ingrown toenail at this point. For instance, the wiki says Fireball's damage does not stack...maybe that can change.

Lastly, please tweak her passive. The fact that you have to haphazardly come across an enemy using fire damage is so unreliable and dangerous (players that's ever been burned by an enemy using fire damage knows exactly how dangerous this is) that I can go through an entire mission without it being activated since the requirements result in me risking immediate death or burning myself (which is another annoying caveat for getting this passive to work). Wouldn't it be more beneficial if she herself can activate it in some way that doesn't require a gimmick.

Edited by (PS4)xX-GunHound-Xx
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First of all the damage of many first should be plain raised and every frame should have the ability to charge it. Basically all the projectile based first, so even Frost's one and eventually Zephyr's second, should be brought to Gara's level of damage and mechanic. They also should synergize with the kit. Frost Freeze already destrys the globe, but it should grow strength and size if cast over an Ice Wave. Same for Ember, casting Fireball through a Fireblast should create a cone of damage like Frost's Ice Wave. Same should apply for Volt and synergize it with Shield.

I think Oberon doesn't need this as its first does a good amount of damage and rebounds between enemies, and Oberon really teached me how useful a first that works can be, especially because they're one handed cast that can be shot while reloading weapons.

I think this is a simple and quite elegant solution to solve loads of problems

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Mag player here. While any improvements done to her are always welcome, I do feel that the mentioned changes are still lacking.

The post mentions that Mag is supposed to be a CC frame, but the changes were focused on damage and support. While the shard damage buff is good on paper, this improvement is basically useless against the Infested who does not have shields or armor.

I suggest increasing the pull strength of magnetize to make it at least useful against infested who can easily escape it.

Pull could also use a buff since it is easily outclassed by other CC options. I suggest improving its synergy with her other abilities to make it useful. One option is to make Pull interact with Magnetize. If Mag is aiming at a bubble, Pull will rag doll enemies in and around the bubble into it's center. This will make her Magnetize more useful against all factions. Alternately, you could also synergize Pull with the shards created by Polarize, giving Mag damage reduction equivalent to the number of shards pulled to her similar to Nova. This will improve her survivability, another of Mag's current weaknesses.

I hope you keep looking at her. The changes to Volt and Excalibur's new augment has made Mag the weakest of the three starters. I really hope she can one day reach the same level of fun and viability as the two other starters.

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6 hours ago, Fire2box said:

you can still max out focus per day on Adaro sedna with equinox, banshee even rhino. sleep equinox, sonar banshee, forgot how rhino worked but I think stomp statis prevented them from spotting. the key is to maintain 500% stealth xp booster. As long as you are good at it, it won't take more then 7 runs or so to hit daily focus cap.



I know of all those builds i tried to use them but they dont go through with playstyle i know that's my problem but i dont have most of the time to forma for new builds i had already put sone time for the current builds and now they are taking it away. That's what making me freaking angry

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when you cast her 3 a big fire ring will expand knocking off enemies right? well how about when you cast her 1 on the stationary fire ring, it'll create the big expanding fire ring again to keep knocking down enemies?

ofc this will need balancing, since she'll be an AOE lockdown frame, maybe shorten the range? but banshee's SQ is also an AOE stun so idk : / 


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I brought up the topic a while back but unfortunately my ideas don't tend to gain much traction.  I suggested that certain base elemental frames like Ember and Frost have a voidal variant to their base element or a superior version, much like Hydroid charges, for more damage and range.


The idea for Ember was Super Heating.  Super Heating was done to enemies and caused a Ember specific debuff to those affected.  Not only did the fire proc panic but it would also melt armor, reducing the speed and armor of targets for a little while.  Charging Ember's Fireball making it either a molten, voidal flame ball, or flame thrower of voidal energy could be a nice touch.  Her #3 caused incoming damage to become super heated and if Ember was struck by super heated projectiles or enemies she'd take less damage, and gain energy.


One or the other not all of course. I went into far more detail in my original post but I'm too lazy to look it up.  Still there's hoping I suppose.  Fire just doesn't cut it against armored enemies.

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Is it possible to include some small changes to Titania as well? It's a little disappointing to not see her get any love when just simple things could go such a long way for her. Higher base energy (her energy pool is very small compared to other caster frames), innate vacuum during razorwing, and making her 3 target fixed in place would help immensely with her current state.

Also refreshable vex armor for chroma pleaaaaaaaaaase. His tankieness being completely inconsistent is the sole reason I stopped using him over other tank frames.

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World On Fire - 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half.



With World on Fire plans to be more expensive Energy-wise the longer it is active,  there is an issue over the other two offensive abilities of Ember. While I do not see any reason to change Accelerant right now, Fireball and Fire Blast are two abilities that should be considered looking into. This also addresses Ember's passive which only grants Energy if she is ever affected by Heat. I feel that the recent changes from Warframes have also taken into account making passives much more convenient for many contents. Ember's passive is heavily limited.





  • MECHANIC: MELTING POINT - Each cast of Ember's Fireball, Accelerant, and World on Fire stacks a {Temperature Point}. Could also gain {Temperature Point} if ever affected by Heat Proc but this passive reduced Heat Damage to Ember by XX%. Based on the amount of {Temperature Points} accumulated, Ember gains the following passive effects:
    • Renders Ember immune to Cold Procs
    • Ember's body temperature heats up allowing XX% Damage Reduction from enemy projectiles
    • Each {Temperature Point} improves the damage of Heat and DoT effect of Heat procs
    • A threshold of {Temperature Point} can cause Heat procs from Ember to also melt enemy Armor based on the damage dealt from the Heat proc
  • PASSIVE OPTION #1: OVERHEATING STRIKES - [Inspired by the Fired Up Sentinel Mod] Each attack Ember initiates  via Primary/Secondary/Melee amplifies the Heat Elemental Damage the attacks does. This buff will gradually decrease over time if Ember is not attacking.



  • Can be charged to increase damage and blast radius or can cause multiple bonfires to erupt from Fireball's impact creating environmental fire hazards for the enemy.
  • Stacks XX {Temperature Point}



  • Stacks {Temperature Point} while World on Fire is active



  • Consumes XXX {Temperature Point} instead of Energy if the total amount of {Temperature Points} reaches a certain threshold resulting in a more powerful Fire Blast. Will consume Energy if the threshold is not met.
    • Fire Blasts' damage and range improves based on the total amount of {Temperature Points} accumulated
    • Can turn the area inside of Fire Blast's ring into a molten field (OPTION)
    • Fire Blast exhausts heat accumulated from Ember's {Temperature Point} providing some Health Recovery (OPTION, based on Ember's Phoenix appearance)
Edited by FoxFX
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47 minutes ago, DeadMansChest said:

Not when enemy scaling is exponential. WoF has a sharp drop in damage around the 60+ levels due to the exponential scaling (especially against Grineer) so all it has at that point is CC through Firequake + range mods.

Take away the range, what are you left with?

Another mag like warframe 

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5 minutes ago, fatpig84 said:


Actually it is is nerf. Overextended Embers already deal pitiful amount of damage for the sole purpose of using Firequake.
Reducing the range of WOF, directly affects how Firequake works and WOF only affects 3 targets at once.
So to get the desired CC effect, CC Embers must fight even at closer ranges than before. 

And I dunno how is the damage buff calculated but my 250% power range Ember WOF does only 280 dmg.
Doubling it isn't going to hurt sortie level mooks, in fact this only serves to nerf a single build. 
Honestly just increasing the energy drain is enough, range doesn't even need to be touched at all.

So either DE re-works firequake accordingly or give Ember some of her tankiness back.
*hint hint bring back Overheat*


Regarding CC Embers, I understand what you are trying to say. Personally, I'm not a fan of Firequake, but you are correct regarding the CC Range build of Ember, that I can see the direct disadvantage coming their way, so I suppose it is correct to consider it a nerf for CC Ember. Your 250% Power Range Ember however, that might be because you are using it on high-leveled Eximus. I did run Ember on Sortie 2 with my usual 200% and 299% power strength, and they still can do it just fine (Not Sortie 3, unfortunately). 

With that experiences being said, that is why I still don't want to group the entire thing as a nerf, not until I actually experience with it first hand, since doubling the damage might be able to make my current build run Sortie 3. I do agree with you though that the range doesn't need to be tweaked.

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11 hours ago, Aexic said:

Very disappointed with the Chroma and Ember nerfs. 

Agreed if Embers range is decreasing id like to see an armor buff its her range that keeps her alive having to constantly jump around to stay alive takes away from melee and gun play.

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If this changes comes through on ember and banshee i am literally throwing them away from my orbitter to deep space coz they will most likely to become like a zephyr to me.

Coz i dont use sonar build on my banshee i use quake build to farm focus on hydron because i am not skilled player to keep rhat 500% stealth bonus on me.

And as shown in the devstream ember will be more useless then sheever was like i only do low level stuff on lower end of star chart only if alerts are there and even there due to her range nerf she will be most likely be die with one shot of a bombard.

This is exactly why DE needs to put up a poll system and actually make sure they listen to what majority of the players need coz that quotation that banshee quake is the least fun ability from them seems like to me come from an adrenaline junkie who just wants to keep on pressing buttons to kill

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I like this what you wrote Blacque. Her first fire ball ability could be a charge ability when you put more energy into it the more damage and aoe you does and you could ragdoll enemies also due the blast procs.

The accelerant could blind the mobs within a 10-15 meter long-wide ring also boost her first and fourth damage. 

The third ability could work like how it works now but an addition over time increase in range and decrease in damage with the ability to stun enemies.

Her last would be better if the cap removed or expanded to 10 units at the time. If they make it more energy consumable and decrease the range then she is in the same boat now like volt and these frames need to jump into the middle of battle so they need some survivability in guarantee to not be oneshoted by any mob while they cast.

Ember lucky because she at least given 100 armor when she was also low armored but the Volt still use the same 15 what he given from the beginning.

Volt have speed and shields but that not defend you so much only the speed and parkour but still you can be oneshoted so he needs some armor.

Ember needs a passive which increase her damage potential overtime when heated up.

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Just now, (PS4)Anfffy said:

Agreed if Embers range is decreasing id like to see an armor buff its her range that keeps her alive having to constantly jump around to stay alive takes away from melee and gun play.

Even with an armor buff she will most likely be one shot after 100+ enemies

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Im VoltHertz in other games since 2003! This frame Volt got my soul on a this game, and now I like to travel throw space for more power on this Volt! My builds are too good, and I keep testing and recyling them all the time, I keep my mind for some hours on many days making perfect and delicius builds. Please make Volt even more nice again! Cause Im here for POWER and more POWER!!!
(pls put more 6 shields to get at maximum 12 shields, dmg scale on shots are so low now)


Have a nice run.

Real name: Volt Hertz
Human name: Yuri Herdt 

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I cannot remember when i have last used the 1st and 3rd of Ember.
I agree that her 4 was vastly stronger than every other skill but nerfing the range so hard will prove her somewhat useless in any content past level 50 since she cannot ragdoll anymore with FireQuake.

Your idea of "temperature" as a stack sounds so much more promising... why does DE only do their half-hearted tries instead of doing some new around mechanic such as yours. It's sad.

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I personally would love to see a full on Mag-neto Mag, but I don't think that's what DE's original intention was when they started with her.

Her Pull needs to stop pulling targets out of the Magnetize bubble, it's counter-intuitive to the Magnetize skill. This is especially relevant when you build for power strength, as you will often yank every enemy way beyond your Magnetize bubble. Really your only hope when using Pull while facing a Magnetize bubble is that you charged up the bubble enough that anything that touches the bubble dies, otherwise you have enemies all around you getting back on their feet. Personally I think Pull should Push enemies away as well, but that's just me.

Magnetize needs to be more consistent in holding in enemies. Currently, any enemy with charging attacks (infested chargers and ancients) can easily run past the bubble due to their unique charging animation. 

Polarize is planned to have scaling shards, I simply want to know how that will affect armor/shield stripping. Does that scale as well now? If not, I would prefer that any sort of direct damage is removed from Polarize in favor of a scaling ability that is able to strip armor and shields as well as returning shields too Mag. That said, I would almost prefer a completely new ability as cheap on demand armor strip/shield strip is a bit overpowered. A possible new ability would essentially be a railgun idea, where Mag shoots a high-damage punchthrough projectile that can supercharge the AoE bubble damage in her Magnetize.

Crush is fine how they are planning to work it. I have always loved the animations, it simply needed to protect Mag in some way while she was stationary, and I think adding shields while ulting does that fine. That said, the extra damage Crush does to enemies in the Magnetize bubble, should apply to all enemies inside the bubble, not just the original host of the bubble. Unless it already does that, but I don't think it does.

Edited by Aimop95
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vor 8 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Riko_113:

She needs to be reworked.  Don't throw around the word nerf as if it makes it any more valid a point. She is getting stronger with this rework, as any true fan of hers will appreciate. 

She's getting weaker. There might even be a 1000% damage increase but if the range shrinks to non-existance what's the point.
Ember is squishy and needs to avoid getting hit. If the range is so low that enemies aren't stunned by Firequake anymore Ember will bite the dust in any higher-leveled content!

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