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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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7 minutes ago, NZ_CodeBlue said:

This is how I feel when I read the balance update.

Too bad cause I was planning on buying all the packs. I guess I will take my chances with the relics and fissure runs :(


Then don't buy them no ones forcing you to and frankly, no one really cares I'm sorry to say...

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Random thoughts I feel like tossing out.

Someone suggested making World on Fire less of a straight damage ability and more of a 'Make Everything Else She Does Better' ability. I'd probably be cool with that, provided the rest of what she does was still good.

Make Fire Blast's area of fire not the dorky-&#! ring, just make it a solid sheet of fire.

Rework Fireball into an exalted weapon. On activation, Ember just puts away her weapons and throws fireballs for her normal attacks, consuming energy per fireball like how Artemis Bow works. Primary for faster firebolts, secondary for a slower fireball that explodes in an area and leaves a patch of fire. Y'know, like what Fireball's current description says it does and you've never fixed.

Accelerant is fine.

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6 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Shield does not work well, it has to be Flat DR in order for tanking.

But this is outside of the fact that WoF was never a damage source for higher content, it was always used for proc and FQ.

I'm talking about adding more armor to her not shield 

Edited by paul5473
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1 minute ago, DeltaPangaea said:

Random thoughts I feel like tossing out.

Someone suggested making World on Fire less of a straight damage ability and more of a 'Make Everything Else She Does Better' ability. I'd probably be cool with that, provided the rest of what she does was still good.

Make Fire Blast's area of fire not the dorky-&#! ring, just make it a solid sheet of fire.

Rework Fireball into an exalted weapon. On activation, Ember just puts away her weapons and throws fireballs for her normal attacks, consuming energy per fireball like how Artemis Bow works. Primary for faster firebolts, secondary for a slower fireball that explodes in an area and leaves a patch of fire. Y'know, like what Fireball's current description says it does and you've never fixed.

Accelerant is fine.

that would all be good if Ember wasnt as squishy as she is

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RIP ember, speaking as someone who has a double energize set on ember there is NO point to ember over frost now as a kill frame.  Yeah, you heard me right, frost is a kill frame with his 4th ability having a much larger range than WoF as well as the ability to completely strip armor away with his 4th and the augment for frosts 4 gives him and his teammates all a major boost in terms of survivability.  Ember had 2 useful abilities, now it's just accelerant and the augment that's useful and why use that over rhino roar ever when rhino doesn't instantly die with iron skin and a fourth that has the same CC capabilities of ember's 4th (which is to say, not much.)  You do this change right before unvaulting ember, and your wallet will hurt because of it.  Now you have a bunch of people saying rework ember, which now with this change is in dire need as ember has a $*#& first ability, 2nd ability really isn't that special, 3rd is a poor defensive ability, and now the 4th is crap.  Good job gutting the queen of low level missions by the way as ember, even with blind rage, trans fort, intensify, power drift, augur secrets, and growing power isn't taking down level 100+ enemies.  

Good job nerfing chroma too.  So people assemble teams of 4 that are the fastest at killing a teralyst to grind more effectively.  There will always be a best at X frame/weapon as it's mathematically impossible for this not to be the case short multiple frames/weapons being capable of consistently hitting the damage cap of 2 billion something damage.  

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1 minute ago, DeltaPangaea said:

Rework Fireball into an exalted weapon. On activation, Ember just puts away her weapons and throws fireballs for her normal attacks, consuming energy per fireball like how Artemis Bow works. Primary for faster firebolts, secondary for a slower fireball that explodes in an area and leaves a patch of fire. Y'know, like what Fireball's current description says it does and you've never fixed.

Or simply make it scales with specific weapon mods like Atlas Landslide, tap for the primary firebolts or hold for the slower fireball (charging animation would be cool)

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Just now, phoenix1992 said:


I think she needs more base stats for this to happen effectively. The effective EHP of ember right now is horrid, adding only armor (that can also be dispelled) would not cut it in my opinion.

Yeah she needs some help lol i think they are looking at her 1 - 3 powers as well soo maybe they could revise her base stats as well

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1 minute ago, Xsoskeleton said:

Or simply make it scales with specific weapon mods like Atlas Landslide, tap for the primary firebolts or hold for the slower fireball (charging animation would be cool)

That'd work too, I just like the idea of swapping to fireball mode.

Get some fancy passive particle effects around her arms while it's active and stuff, it'd be cool as hell.

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18 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Vex Armor - Fixed a longstanding issue with number calculation being multiplicative. Boosts now apply before upgrades instead of after, making the ability consistent with all other damage boosting abilities. Overshields are now considered for Vex Armor. Chroma's Vex Armor remains one of the top performing damage-multipliers in the game - and it's now an aura! Instead of just being focused on Chroma, it can now benefit allies in range.

In light of these changes, as a long time Chroma player can we please have the ability to toggle Vex Armor in exchange for a slight energy drain effect? If so hopefully it won't scale too hard if at all, I like the math being re-adjusted but I feel that with its current state of being duration based you end up sacrificing quite a lot of that range that you want the aura to work with. In that regard a toggle would be more effective as you would be able to build more into range without having to worry as much about getting those 60+ second buffs going xD.

On another note though really digging the Spectral Scream changes, it feels more like an ability that I can see being used a bit more often now rather than it being just a "Meh it's too low damage to matter" first ability. The ability to move at almost if not full speed will really help make it feel like you are an actual dragon frame now, though now we just need the effigy wings to sprout during it to turn full dragon mode whilst using it (as we won't be aiming, no need to see what we're doing amiright?). In a sense it kind of goes back to as to why range would become more of an important stat on Chroma leading to bonus synergy with Vex Armor becoming a toggle ability.

On a final note, Good job DE and I hope that good things come to our local resident dragon frame in future! :D

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18 hours ago, AlekVen said:

Thanks for the info.


The Mag changes seem...


Okay, now that I read through it, it sounds bad in this one spot: 

So imagine lv20 enemies. Polarize one-shots them. Shards scale to max.

Imagine lv100 enemies. Polarize deals like 1% of their health. Shards almost don't scale.

I understand it's still a flat buff cuz of Power Strength scaling, but COME ON you can't actually mean that Shards get less effective the higher the mission level is.


Her ult change just seems like a yet another bandaid. At least I hope it heals Mag's own Shields. (would also be nice if it could create Overshields, that'd be neat, but probably too much)

It does over shield look at the qNa

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2 minutes ago, paul5473 said:

Yeah she needs some help lol i think they are looking at her 1 - 3 powers as well soo maybe they could revise her base stats as well

It is complex issue, Paul.

I don't mind playing melee brawler Ember, but the rework must be efficient for more people. Currently there are far too few players that bother to develop Ember in order to evaluate melee builds.

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4 hours ago, MonkeyWaffles said:

- Instead, I recommend accelerant to be replaced as a passive instead. Heat damage done by ember is multiplied by 2x.  Blast, Gas, & Radiation damage multiplied by x1.5 [since these three damage types are fire based]

- The original accelerant would instead work like what you would expect an liquid accelerant would do [ie. napalm]: Leaves a patch of accelerant on the ground. Casting accelerant as per usual would do a minor stun. Any enemies caught in the accelerant patch will have a minor slow effect.

Whoa, you really like it op, don't you? I would suggest to multiply heat damage by 100x, because... why not


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12 minutes ago, BadWeatherGaming said:

So you are mad Frost is protecting the target and you cant be in a field somewhere hitting the targets from far away? Frost needs to stop bullets to keep the enemies outside the globe from shooting the target. Not to mention the slowing effect of any enemy that enters it. You are the only person I have ever heard talk of Frost in a negative light. its not hard to be on the target you are trying to defend.

That's why I have mentioned INFESTED MISSIONS and in the most times you are not aware of its problems - on the most non-Infested mission, as long as Frost is not mindlessly spamming Globe and blocks everything there is no problem because we can sit inside of the globe. ...and, as you know, if Frost do that he is annoying as Limbo even on non-Infested missions.


Infested missons are diffrent; you don't need to block the bullets unless you are on the sortie-level excarvation missions(in this case you NEED frost despite it is an Infested mission because Mutalist Ospreys can insta kill the excarvator). And putting globe means we need to face to face the Infested melee enemies, and only if we move at least some distance we can't hit the other side of the globe. -_-;; Just for slow down the Infested we have much more better tools too, include Avalanche of Frost himself!

Edited by DroopingPuppy
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3 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

It is complex issue, Paul.

I don't mind playing melee brawler Ember, but the rework must be efficient for more people. Currently there are far too few players that bother to develop Ember in order to evaluate melee builds.

Yeah very true

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Nice, no more Ember cheese, guess I'll dust my Equinox off the shelves once all these are implemented.

Lol higher damage and energy consumption at halved range with WOF?

Ember will be dead before that WOF kills anything, unless Grineer / Corpus Ranged Units are getting a Range Nerf to their guns too or did I miss something here?


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6 hours ago, Darkfeather21 said:

I use her first all the frickin' time, and her third is pretty effective, when you have a crowd or need to defend an objective for a little bit.

Ironically, I actually use her four pretty rarely.

But I like the passive idea you have, and the Charging mechanic from Hydroid should really get spread around more, that's a nice little thing.


Thanks for sharing your experience with Ember. It is a surprise to see you rarely use her 4th.


I also feel before changing around Ember, her passive needs to be severely reviewed by both [DE] and the Warframe community. I feel the topic of Ember's passive gets dismissed a lot.

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2 minutes ago, yrtsim3k said:

Nice, no more Ember cheese, guess I'll dust my Equinox off the shelves once all these are implemented.

Lol higher damage and energy consumption at halved range with WOF?

Ember will be dead before that WOF kills anything, unless Grineer / Corpus Ranged Units are getting a Range Nerf to their guns too or did I miss something here?


Nothing. You better replace Ember with Equinox, and Ember becomes simply useless, exactly what you said. How terrible....

Edited by DroopingPuppy
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If anything this ember change is like somethign rushed out of nowhere simply based on people angry over ember taking all the kills with her 4.

WoF good(+) or bad(-) changes, imo:
(+) Damage rises, but (-) for importance considering the health/armor scaling is still a monstrosity, and this skill barely have damage scaling
(-) Range shrinks

(-) Energy Drain rises
(-) Trying to make WoF still viable for Firequake augment like it was before (or currently, until all this change comes) will probably cost u more energy per specific time for retoggling once per 5 seconds to keep max range.

Edited by Xsoskeleton
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20 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Then don't buy them no ones forcing you to and frankly, no one really cares I'm sorry to say...

That statement coming from you made me feel insulted.

I can’t take any of your opinion seriously after reading your posts.

In saying that, I only have a few components left on each prime variants :)

Edited by NZ_CodeBlue
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