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  1. I think the greater issue is that DE is insistent on babyfying stuffs in the game without putting much regard to the player who already got accustomed and forces everyone to embrace the new change and no way to opt out of the babyfied things. So much for accessibility option that sometimes end up worse.
  2. pretty sure far before void sling added u can already do toggle/hold crouch so u dont get that screen seizures from going in and out void mode while spamming jumps
  3. I dont like the charge mechanic, it makes sling spam felt clunky. If it was tap for short sling vs hold for max range sling i wouldnt mind as much. Heck, maybe add tap/hold invert to it so we can somewhat bring back spam tap for max range sling akin to old void dash.
  4. Dante's LoS requirement for tragedy still kinda inconsistent from what i've tried again recently. At this rate its probably better to remove the LoS check but reduce the area into cone shape akin to Dark Verse itself if u still wish to nerf Tragedy. It will stay somewhat true to the "sight requirement" idea and stays more true to camera point of view but without the inconsistent Line of Sight checks.
  5. i dont mind big numbers what i do mind is loss of functionality when u got that big number. Some frame still functions by taking damage personally so the moment they got overguard they lost all that functionality. stares at the nearby lizard whose scales softened since overguard donors are a thing.
  6. This is nowhere near standard this is just beginner build.
  7. if u look closely the 2nd day Weapons lineup has no primes or incarnon genesis variety. My point being the game actually avoided ALL weapons with prime and incarnon variety. My previous run (left side) already uses burston prime incarnon and silvaegis prime. Velox Prime isnt out yet for like maybe for another month lemao.
  8. i'm honestly amazed the game is capable and managed to avoid every single prime weapon and incarnon related weapons literally in the next day. comparison of launch day lineup vs today's lineup on my end
  9. i know there's a first time for everything but first time for both "Augment affecting base stat of an ability" + "augment reducing stat" is kinda too much. Too hasty of a decision.
  10. Would be better to add a minimum radius where it guarantees hit while further radius still retain LoS check., like half inner radius guaranteed hit, half outer radius LoS check. Since we can still melee around us and inflict slash status around with it.
  11. speaking of things that lost its value stares at my excess regal ayas that has near zero value cuz i already colelcted all prime and prime accessory releases so far but they insisted in stuffing cosmetic bundles with it
  12. I mean its still heavily impactful, most ability that changes range value of said ability usually only adds % of mod stat like other mods, not affecting base value let alone nerfing base value.
  13. This is straight up nerf, no matter how you gonna sugarcoat it. LoS requirement is terrible change. At least make it have LoS bypass for shorter radius, like half the range, since a lot of times LoS requirement makes your high range modded ability kinda dont matter since there are just objects the enemy can get behind from which makes enemies in your melee range somehow managed to escape the ability.
  14. Final Verse should still have LoS bypass for shorter radius imo, LoS requirement is just abyssmal when appleid to new tilesets with so many objects in the way that a simple chair at the corner of my screen can make LoS requirement abilities not work to enemies who manages to have like 1 cm of the thing in front of them
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