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Your top 5 list of great frames for the Plains?


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The COMMUNITY has SPOKEN!!!111!!

well a small part of it did.

Here are the 5 frames for PoE according to the community in Alphabetical order. 









As you can see there are 7, that's because 4 of them are tied in 1st place and the other pair tied in 3rd place.


Honorable mentions

Mesa, Loki and Rhino!


Also another personal honorable mention

Nezha! Dude's fast!

also, Excalibur! I don't know if it's good or how he did it (I've never used excalibur before) but he manage to out "fly" my Zephyr and got to Cetus first by a considerable margin. 


Personal thoughts,:

Please remember that this database of sorts are really for relatively new players so I want to give a brief summary of which frame they can focus on getting first to enjoy a certain amount of PoE without dying all the time but actually being a great teammate. 

Chroma is relatively difficult to make, you will need a few rare mods to make him really good too. If you are near the place where you can easily farm the mods you need then he is a very viable option.

Ivara is relatively mind numbing to farm. All those spy missions are easy if you stick to one but if RNG is not on your side, you will end up with a lot of dual stat mods and relics but no components. BUT, you can get her as early as Uranus (which is the first t3 spy I believe) so if you have the time and want to master Spy missions then why not? (though to be perma invisible, you will also need some mods like Chroma)

Nova easy to make (normal one). You will need some mods at least for duration and some power to make her more useful and then you will need mods for efficiency to actually use her kit in the Plains. But definitely one of the easier frames to acquire and very viable even in late game. (I use a potatoed normal Nova, energy does become a problem from time to time)

Oberon the immortal goat. Definitely not for beginners and one of the slower frames (for me, though I think stat wise Frost is chunkier?) but once you manage to get a few mods for efficiency and power then he becomes quite viable especially for hunting Terry, Harry and Garry. Cheap prime at around 70 when I bought it and you can also farm him (though if you are reading this at the date posted then void traces might be better spent getting the unvaulted primes) I can't say anything about the normal goat tho as I got him too early in game and remember seeing great potential but I just didn't have the mods for him.


You can acquire her after War Within(?) if not then Second Dream. Relatively easy quest if not tedious but offers a good chunk of lore. As for the frame itself, you can fly and you can use her to cheese some Riven challenges. Apart from that I can't say much, make sure you have a few corrupted mods or some plats to buy some (they are relatively cheap at 15p)


Easy to acquire even if he isn't your starter frame. BUT just because you have a rank 30 Volt does't mean you should head to the plains and do tier 5 bounties. Please at least potato the guy so you are not a burden to your team, remember he can be a bit squishy depending on the enemies, at the least he is not a frame that is meant to take damage. But apart from that, really easy to acquire and that mobility is really great as it doesn't cost too much energy. 


I haven't used Titania in the Plains but I used Zephyr to do dog fights with the ships and it's pretty awesome! In any case S/he(?) can get around quickly and has a pretty decent defense skill that negates most bullets to give her survivability, good health pool too. Easy to acquire and is either a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none frame or a very flexible frame in the plains depending on who you are asking. In any case this is a good "gate-way" frame if you are pressed for choice on which to use in the plains.


I must account for my Biases, if you read below you will see which ones I use but I did try to be as objective as possible :)

Also Nezha, I don't use him anymore (though I should probably do) but dude's fast, he's really fast! 


DO NOT start a flame war, this is a top 5 and it is YOUR top 5! :) 


Today I just tried Zephyr again in the Plains and made me want to potato her (him? I don't know) but that is clearly only due to mobility and got me thinking that even in mobility maybe Titania got her beat? But I haven't used Titania yet, and furthermore, maybe there are other frames that are good and as a community, we can all share it so other people may also gain from differing perspectives. 


So I hope to start this with the aim of knowledge sharing, please try to follow this format and try to keep it as brief as possible :D


Top 5 (you can put it in order or not, up to you) NOT in any order


Her 4 makes any fight of any level rather doable no matter who you are playing with and mobility wise she's up there BUT since I'm using a non-prime, energy can be quite a problem especially if you are running max duration build. 


Shields for Terry, Harry and Garry, that mobility buff and his 1 and 4 can be quite handy in tricky situations BUT a bit too squishy if you are running max str, duration and some sprint speed.



Mobility is amazing, she also has a really good health and shield pool making her quite tough plus her anti-bullet skill, incredibly fun when you are going toe-to-toe with dropships too BUT I haven't used her that much and just about to potato her so I can't say much, she seems very average but average also means versatile.


No top 4 and 5 because of mobility. Trinity would be awesome and Oberon for just chilling, but Oberon is incredibly chunky and most other frames will need an archwing and I haven't used Titania yet.


So that is MY top list, please share yours. IF using the archwing and spending 3 to 5 per mission does not bother you, then please feel free to share your Top frames but please do state that you don't mind using that resources. 

Edited by nokinoks
Updated, added tallied list of frames
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If I want to speedrun :




If I want survivability :


If I want some damage : 




Overall I just use volt with orthos prime and swing all my way through victory


Edit : sorry no top "5"

Edited by Nottezio
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12 minutes ago, rudman88 said:

1. Nova


3. Volt

4. Chroma

5. Trin

3,4,5 i sPOE ( i still not sure hwo to use harrow)

Nekros? Very interesting pick, mind telling us your reason?


4 minutes ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:
  1. Octavia
  2. Octavia
  3. Octavia
  4. Octavia
  5. Octavia

I may have an addiction.

I can understand xD I have had to stop playing her for a while because I can hear her song when I'm working. Not good for real life efficiency, no mods for it. lol

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1 minute ago, nokinoks said:

I can understand xD I have had to stop playing her for a while because I can hear her song when I'm working. Not good for real life efficiency, no mods for it. lol

I turned the volume sliders off a long time ago. There isn't a song in the world that I would want to listen to for that long. Sweet silence, or Spotify.

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Just now, Nottezio said:

If I want to speedrun :




If I want survivability :


If I want some damage : 




Overall I just use volt with orthos prime and swing all my way through victory


Edit : sorry no top "5"

List is still comprehensive even without the top 5 so that's cool.


What weapon do you use with octavia that maximizes her multishot? Because I imagine you can't get the buff properly if you use something with a low fire rate. Mind sharing your technique? Maybe you use a high fire rate secondary or something like that? In terms of energy spent / speed ratio, who is best among your speed-run frames? Also, I assume you use a lot of archwing with Inaros?

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2 minutes ago, nokinoks said:

List is still comprehensive even without the top 5 so that's cool.


What weapon do you use with octavia that maximizes her multishot? Because I imagine you can't get the buff properly if you use something with a low fire rate. Mind sharing your technique? Maybe you use a high fire rate secondary or something like that? In terms of energy spent / speed ratio, who is best among your speed-run frames? Also, I assume you use a lot of archwing with Inaros?

I rarely play Octavia, I'm just using her for the buff for my squad.

Can't decide between volt and titania. Depends on your build, volt is efficient, but titania is faster with the razorwing blitz, but you have to spam the skill which requires lot of energy. Nova in the otherhand, there's some cases which my titania beat novas speed and some cases it doesnt.

I don't use archwing very often, just at the end of the mission with every warframe

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No mention of Nezha? Terrific frame for the plains imo. Build for speed and you’re zipping from objective to objective. Being a jack of all trades means all mission types can be handled very efficiently.

Otherwise anyone who can aoe clear or is highly mobile is great. CC frames seem to suffer from all the openness.

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22 minutes ago, nokinoks said:

Nekros? Very interesting pick, mind telling us your reason?


I can understand xD I have had to stop playing her for a while because I can hear her song when I'm working. Not good for real life efficiency, no mods for it. lol

Nekros, more loot and drop,

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1. Limbo because I like being the one with the boss invincibility phases, and the defense/escort missions are a breeze.

2. Ash because I like to kill stuff. Now with extra clones.

3. Zephyr, 3 is protection, 4 to control the fight, 1 vantage/bye ghouls, 2 is emergency CC,  ++ mobility 

4. Mag, take your cat for farming, don't need vacuum, and say good bye to armor. Augments to spice it up 

5. Saryn, 2 to remove procs especially on Ghoul attacks is great. 1 is bread an butter as always

Edited by Jeoxz
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1. Octavia - Don't like Liberate or Vault Defense? Pop 1,3,4 and watch memes or mine a few rocks in the meantime.

2. Volt - Whooooosh! and it's done.

3. Titania - Better than PoE-adapted archwing 

4. Ivara - Fishing in peace.

5. Chroma - Still great for hunts, but now more of a teamplayer.

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used zephyr in plains engagement with jetstream build and arca plasmor or other kind of aoe inducing projectile weapon, although for some reason jetstream wont boost projectile speed as much as it used to be after the recent zephyr change for some reason, it is faster to move around with 1st skill change however.

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I tried my best to send my full set through the crater-filled ringer, but, in the end, only two crawled out the other side.


In the daylight hours, when the skies are hostile and the patrols roving, my Limbo takes to the field to sidestep their shelling and bullets in the rift. A dash of banish for the escaping drones and convicts, a pinch of Rift to defend the opening vaults, and a smidgeon of Void dash after eating a sudden barrage while fishing, and I'm all set for a resource feast.


In the darkness however, when the skies are clear and the voms begin to roam, I don a Titania to travel to my fishing destinations ever faster, without spending material upon the issue of Archwings. Her foe-levitation and distraction capabilities are the sprinkles and icing on top of the cake, to get through unexpected patrols quickly.

Edited by Unus
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