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Featured Prime Time Display Images [OFFICIAL THREAD]


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@[DE]Megan  I understand that this thread is specifically regarding "Display Images", but the title is Fan Art, and art comes in many forms.

In support of a friend's newish Warframe Podcast (The Fave's Cast!)I created a number of Warframe Radio Commercials.  One is advertising toroids, another advertises amps... but the one that I'm most proud of is this kitgun advertisement for Zuud's Murderizers (on SoundCloud).

I know this is off-beat by compare to what y'all typically share, but I wanted to share and submit it because... well... it is my Warframe Fan Art.  🙂

Whether it gets shown on stream or not, I hope y'all enjoy!


Edited by CheTranqui
removed odd and irrelevant disclaimer
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Hello! My username is Malphrus and I play on the PC version of Warframe.



This is Janessa and her trusty Drahk companion Samodeus. Inspired by Cephalon Samodeus' unique dialogue I named my max height kubrow after him.


"You probably don't even appreciate what you have now. My life. My soul. My art."

-Cephalon Samodeus


Cephalon Samodeus is the Cephalon thought to be responsible for creating all Mods (including Riven Mods) within the game. The development of Samodeus' lore was not yet complete in time for the release and was scrapped. This made me sad. So I thought to revive the Cephalon in the form of a Drahk companion. Cephalon's are the minds of human individuals, turned into digital intelligence's after their deaths. The idea here is (what if?) what if it wasn't just humans that were turned into digital intelligence?



Edited by Malphrus
Art was squished for some reason.
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I wish you like my rendition to Ivara, my fauvorite design. I imagine her as if she was a wild cyber elf hunting Greneers on earth. I would be very happy If its shown in the next prime time. Have a blast missions tenno`s. Thalnis


Edited by Thalnis
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