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Console Tenno: Server Upgrades @ 9 AM ET on Feb 14.


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Happy (early) Valentine's Day, Console Tenno!

We've got some server upgrades for you to celebrate the occasion!

You may have noticed over the past little while places like Dojos, Relays, Cetus and even matchmaking have been having issues.
At 9 AM ET tomorrow we are upgrading servers to fix that!

First we will be upgrading matchmaking and presence servers.
Next we will upgrading all 'Hubs' - Dojos, Relays, and Cetus.
And that's it! Your friendly neighbourhood Red Text will usher in the upgrades for those of you online during the scheduled time.

These upgrades may cause a handful of users to lose connection briefly! Most of you shouldn't feel a thing.

Cheers, early lunch for Konzu!


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1 minute ago, (PS4)CommanderX2014 said:

You guys know their is around 170+ people that work on warframe just 170+ and look how good this game has become a few bugs can be fixed always and this game will keep going up the charts until its the best game worldwide 


Your point is? Nobody is complaining, they are listing issues they have in terms of bugs. Those that are not aren't really being all that serious. Clem is a beloved character, one the playerbase loves talking about. I am confused why you are acting as though we are insulting DE. (note: if that was not your intent, then I just read the meaning behind your comment incorrectly, which I apologize for)

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