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New Fonts: Mostly An Improvement


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I like the cleaner look on the vast majority of text now, but a few words/numbers here and there are far too thick (i.e. squad member stats in the mission progress menu) and look quite off compared to the rest of the game. The Star Chart looks nice by the way, well done!

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Honestly my view is different... I personally don't feel the font is as clear as the old one on things like the chat box and I can't look at it for a long time without needing to look away to refocus and then look back at it.  I can't quite put my finger on what it is but there is something 'off' about it, at the moment I'm thinking it's because the font might be a narrow version which has then been made bold but without knowing the font's Steve has picked it's a little hard to gauge. 


And on a personal note, I do design, I hate the mixture of sans serif and serif typefaces.  While it can work, it doesn't with the choice of fonts that DE has chosen to use imo. 

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text is certainly much higher quality across the board, though some text seems 'too bold' (the main 'Escape Menu' is a prime example, but other things are this way as well), and small text seems to have gotten blurrier than it was before, strangely.
Chat set to Small Text Size in particular while certainly has smoother characters, looks... slightly blurry all around for some reason i can't really place my finger on why though.

the Solar Map does indeed look outstanding. it didn't look bad before but this is much better even so.
the outlines on Nightmare Missions is great, means you can always tell what is Nightmare. now if only the same could be said about Invasion/Syndicate? and it would also be great if Assassination Nodes stood out in some way, not by icons or outlines but by having some extra design stuff around them perhaps, to make the Node look fancy and important?

Focus Menu descriptions look top notch, super clean and smooth.

in world UI prompts and such look great.

a few of the things at the Relic Station are 'too bold'.
owned count and the amount of Traces is too bold for its own good.

i can't read Focus Icons on the Equip menu anymore. they're unreadably blurry.

do the Health/Shield numbers of the main Player look... strange to anyone else? something doesn't look quite right.



ah! here's a great example of the new text doing great things.
this looks really sharp, and it isn't so bold that it looks weird.


those that aren't sold on the Font choices also may have a point. i don't dislike some of the Fonts, but they're distinctly different looking from what has been used for quite some time. (or maybe the amount of bolt on some makes it look like a different Font)
for me, all i'd have to say on that is i'd probably prefer Warframe to use Sans Serif Fonts for things presented in Capitals, but *shrug*.

Edited by taiiat
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8 hours ago, taiiat said:

some text seems 'too bold' (the main 'Escape Menu' is a prime example, but other things are this way as well)

That's what I was trying to get at in my original post. The main flaws of the new fonts are that some are too bold.

6 hours ago, FlatDevice said:

The serifs on the new menu font need to GO.  Please bring back the sans-serif, DE!  

I generally agree with this, serifs in digital reading are seldom pleasant to read. There are exceptions where they are nice to look at, but the new menu unfortunately isn't one of the exceptions.

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Imo the shadows of the text have killed text in WF.  Every letter looks like it's trying to be 3D, and it's giving me a headache because it's like trying to watch a 3D movie without glasses.  The image is split and looks far worse.  I'd have preferred the low-def, old text to this, by far.  And I can't escape it, either, since there are almost no instances of not having text on the screen in WF. 

Edited by shootaman777
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