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Juggernaut's Shotgun Darts: Too Lethal, and Here's Why


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26 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Mythical Warden said:

Stalker can be shredded if you got a warframe with a CC ability. As an example, Harrow. I've used his first ability many times to hold him in position and annihalated with a Tigris Prime. It's pretty easy.

I only have an issue with Shadow Stalker when he spawns on another player and unlocking a door (due to forced lockdown), has me greeting Shiny lasers. (Usually Kuva Flood  with Shadow Stalker)

As for CC: he is sonly affected by CC Abilities that work on bosses.

Sonic Boom/Silence/Soundquake/Paralysis/Prolonged Paralysis/Reckoning/Banish/Stasis/Rest/Rage/Sleep Arrow/etc... Do not work on Stalker

Stomp, Codemn, Magentize, Ice Wave Impedance, Dessication, Blind, and others do work and do not get dispelled.

Stalker still succumbs to Sonar stack spam and 1-shot.

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15 hours ago, CapnToaster said:

Ok I recently timed this. There must something wrong with this enemy's AI. Standing in front of him, using Volt Shield to block his quills, the Juggernaut sat there for literally THREE MINUTES doing nothing but the quill attack, not exposing his weakpoint even once. Only after THREE MINUTES of continuously spamming this one attack did he finally rear up on his legs to get oneshotted. He must have used it one hundred times in a row. Do you not think this is excessive even in the slightest?

The top of his back is a weak spot too where he shoots his quills from. The spot is weak just before he shoots.

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I sat there spamming arca plasmor at his mouth and back where the quills come from, nothing happens. Also tried jumping up and down on his back doing melee slam attacks while he did his quill thing, still nothing. After maybe 5 or 6 mins he got stuck standing up and we were able to kill him. And yes the quill attack is over the top damage-wise and he loves to spam it.

This was IIRC level 70, level 100 is even funnier.


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