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Frames that can get better


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 I will get straight to it here are some frames which need some buffs :


  •  his decoy deal x amount of damage scaling with power strength. The clone will hold the weapon currently equipped.
  • increase invisibility timing , if octavia can get 30+ he should atleast be 1 minute
  • radial disarm increased range and roots for a few seconds
  • switch teleport applies a speed buff (weapon/warframe both)
  • change his passive please , some thing like he has increased base move speed or his weapons apply radiation.


  • has a new arrow which when fired she can teleport to it
  • new arrow which make an aoe when enemies walk in the aoe they become allies and fight for her (for a set duration)
  • ultimate arrows bounce to other enemies in a 40m radius(bounce 2 times, if it hits an enemy it will bounce to another one after killing it)
  • invisibility has less tax on movement
  • increase passive range


  • Teleport now makes 3 clones which attack the nearest targets ( they use finisher on the nearest 3 targets then attack for x seconds as decoys )
  • increase invisibility duration as well
  • blade storm now has a small aoe of focus like mesas ulti in which he can aim the targets.
  • blade storm has increased damage depending on the melee attack speed mods equipped, not just animation  ( no mods he deals 1x the damage , with other mods X times the damage )
  • blade storm used on a unaware target grants stealth kill bonus.
  • increase passive damage/duration


some of these are simple .
The recent Ash change was good , but annoying  as you need to aim every one down and by that time the room is cleared.

Edited by silvershadow0099
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9 hours ago, silvershadow0099 said:

Hi , your sophisticated well thought argument was huh-larious as well. have a "haha" reaction too. Good day.

The hilarious bit is taking 3 different approaches to stealth and assuming they should be the same.

22 hours ago, silvershadow0099 said:

 his decoy deal x amount of damage scaling with power strength. The clone will hold the weapon currently equipped.

Decoy isn't supposed to deal any real damage. It's a decoy.

22 hours ago, silvershadow0099 said:

switch teleport applies a speed buff (weapon/warframe both)

Sounds like an Augment idea. There's nothing about the ability that says it should do this innately.

22 hours ago, silvershadow0099 said:

radial disarm increased range and roots for a few seconds

This is a buff where none is needed.

22 hours ago, silvershadow0099 said:

new arrow which make an aoe when enemies walk in the aoe they become allies and fight for her (for a set duration)

Nyx sends her regards.

22 hours ago, silvershadow0099 said:

invisibility has less tax on movement

And will now have no ability to regain energy while invisible. There are trade-offs for a reason.


I lost energy at this point. These are all Augment tier changes being sold as things that would be innate.

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Ivara TP arrow sounds fun, and wonderful. 

Lessmovement restrictions too (I already is the augment).

Same with passive range increase--wonderful idea, though idk if it's necessary. 

Ult arrows bouncing... Seems excessive. 

Would be also be cool to have a shorter pickpocket delay.


Loki 1min invisi though... Wat? No man, that's crazy lol Octavia gets 30 secs when built for full duration. Plus you need to actually move to the music, to get it. Otherwise you can't get it. Loki is just *push button*  45ish secs maybe tho.

Loki could use some tweaks though. The decoy being able to damage, makes sense imo

Edited by Maka.Bones
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I like the Loki switch teleport idea. 

As an Ash main, the teleport change is very excessive and unnecessary, as are any damage increases to bladestorm damage. It's one of, if not the most powerful damage ability in the game already. 

I like the bladestorm aoe reticle idea. 

For Ash's passive i actually would rather it dealt  the same finisher damage over a shorter time rather than longer, but that's just me. 

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15 hours ago, peterc3 said:

The hilarious bit is taking 3 different approaches to stealth and assuming they should be the same.

Decoy isn't supposed to deal any real damage. It's a decoy.

Sounds like an Augment idea. There's nothing about the ability that says it should do this innately.

This is a buff where none is needed.

Nyx sends her regards.

And will now have no ability to regain energy while invisible. There are trade-offs for a reason.


I lost energy at this point. These are all Augment tier changes being sold as things that would be innate.


 are they not stealth frames with one ability already in common ? in case of ash and loki 2 abilities in common ?  its hilarious you didnt think t hat at all.

why cant decoy deal any damage ? is it set in stone some where ? if a specter can deal damage why cant a decoy ?

oh yea nyx sends her regards... to what ? they all have 3 to 2 abilities in common what is wrong with them having another similar ability or slightly worst ability ? bringing the argument that another frame has a similar ability so why do you need another is deplorable , they all have stealth , so would you take that out from one frame and make it exclusive ?

ivara cant regain energy(unless picked up orbs) already via zenurik or pads ... whats your point ? there is already a trade off.

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12 hours ago, Maka.Bones said:

Ivara TP arrow sounds fun, and wonderful. 

Lessmovement restrictions too (I already is the augment).

Same with passive range increase--wonderful idea, though idk if it's necessary. 

Ult arrows bouncing... Seems excessive. 

Would be also be cool to have a shorter pickpocket delay.


Loki 1min invisi though... Wat? No man, that's crazy lol Octavia gets 30 secs when built for full duration. Plus you need to actually move to the music, to get it. Otherwise you can't get it. Loki is just *push button*  45ish secs maybe tho.

Loki could use some tweaks though. The decoy being able to damage, makes sense imo

ivaras ulti should bounce arrows , yes this is a plain buff. she is a underplayed frame and very niche. this would help give her more standing. also with the ceronos prime buff , its just like ivaras ulti , thought not as powerful but still a cheap knock off.(there is no uniqueness )

as regarding octavia , i have played ovtavia alot and have seen her picked on a daily biases , even 3 in a team at one time . she has everything , CC/damage/ unlimited invis/ move speed etc . She literally out shines any of these frames in one or more area. you can recase her abilities wiht out problem , have 30+ sec of invis with out the fear of it resetting because it is recastable , she needs a nerf .

thus it would be better to buff the frames which were actually made to use invisibility .

yes loki/ash and ivara should and must need buff as the newer frames out shine them in most areas . you( or well atleast i) dont see any of the 3 frames being played , nor in sorti or star chart . every games it nidus/ octavia/ember/rhino/mesa etc , even nezha get played more .

Edited by silvershadow0099
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10 hours ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

I like the Loki switch teleport idea. 

As an Ash main, the teleport change is very excessive and unnecessary, as are any damage increases to bladestorm damage. It's one of, if not the most powerful damage ability in the game already. 

I like the bladestorm aoe reticle idea. 

For Ash's passive i actually would rather it dealt  the same finisher damage over a shorter time rather than longer, but that's just me. 

Regarding ash , if he can use his clones for his ultimate , he should use them for his teleport as well.  by the time you execute some with a teleport , the room is dead. it would be a good survivability skill . and blade storm should do damage depending on the attack speed, because if the animation is effected and he does more hits , then should he not do more damage? 

his ulti having a reticle is a must because it has officially become a nuisance to put every enemy in the small dot to get them marked...

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4 minutes ago, silvershadow0099 said:

Regarding ash , if he can use his clones for his ultimate , he should use them for his teleport as well.  by the time you execute some with a teleport , the room is dead. it would be a good survivability skill . and blade storm should do damage depending on the attack speed, because if the animation is effected and he does more hits , then should he not do more damage? 

his ulti having a reticle is a must because it has officially become a nuisance to put every enemy in the small dot to get them marked...

Fatal teleport does even more damage than Bladestorm. Ash is an assassin, that excels in high level content. When you reach that point where no one else can effectively keep up with the kills he'll still be one-shotting enemies with Fatal Teleport. It's insanely high damage single target attack. If you want AoE you literally have Bladestorm for that. If the room is dead by the time you fatal teleport to an enemy then you are most likely wasting his skills is too low level content. And he has higher than average armor and health, invisibility and invulnerability in his kit. He has more survivability than almost every other non-tank frame.

Attack speed increase should affect the animation speed, yes, which would result in more damage per second. That doesn't mean he needs to do more damage per hit as well, that's flawed rationality.

I agree about the reticle, for quality of life, definitely. I don't use his Bladestorm enough for it to have become a nuisance to me and serves my needs when i use it, but it would definitely be a smoother process if you could mark more quickly. I also suggested in a separate thread to have the option to hold his 4 to automatically increase the number of marks on each marked target to max so you don't have to swipe back and forth on them to get 3 marks on them, which I think would be nice.

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52 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

Fatal teleport does even more damage than Bladestorm. Ash is an assassin, that excels in high level content. When you reach that point where no one else can effectively keep up with the kills he'll still be one-shotting enemies with Fatal Teleport. It's insanely high damage single target attack. If you want AoE you literally have Bladestorm for that. If the room is dead by the time you fatal teleport to an enemy then you are most likely wasting his skills is too low level content. And he has higher than average armor and health, invisibility and invulnerability in his kit. He has more survivability than almost every other non-tank frame.

Attack speed increase should affect the animation speed, yes, which would result in more damage per second. That doesn't mean he needs to do more damage per hit as well, that's flawed rationality.

I agree about the reticle, for quality of life, definitely. I don't use his Bladestorm enough for it to have become a nuisance to me and serves my needs when i use it, but it would definitely be a smoother process if you could mark more quickly. I also suggested in a separate thread to have the option to hold his 4 to automatically increase the number of marks on each marked target to max so you don't have to swipe back and forth on them to get 3 marks on them, which I think would be nice.

Fatal teleport just opens them up for finishers ... thats it , according to your statement banshe excal or any other frame with finishers deals more damage then blade storm . finisher damage is dependent on the weapon or any modifier , such as CL with daggers , it can one shot any one regardless of level. even excal bansee and other frames with blinds are better because they have an aoe , ash just has single target.

the room is dead because the 3 other people on my team have killed every one...

okay let him deal more damage per second dependent on attack speed.. no issue there.

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2 minutes ago, silvershadow0099 said:

Fatal teleport just opens them up for finishers ... thats it , according to your statement banshe excal or any other frame with finishers deals more damage then blade storm . finisher damage is dependent on the weapon or any modifier , such as CL with daggers , it can one shot any one regardless of level. even excal bansee and other frames with blinds are better because they have an aoe , ash just has single target.

the room is dead because the 3 other people on my team have killed every one...

okay let him deal more damage per second dependent on attack speed.. no issue there.

Except it doesn't just open them to finishers...it makes the enemy receive an additional 200% damage from the finisher as well. Trust me, he's been my main frame for years. I know his augments.

Again, based on his skills he excels in high level content, or solo. Not low level content. Let the Embers and Banshees take out the weak enemies. For the most part you should focusing on Eximus units, and Heavy Gunners, Bombards, Ancients, etc. That's how you play Ash. 

If you want a frame that takes out a hundred trash enemies in a couple seconds then you're playing the wrong frame. It's literally not what's he's build for.

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42 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

Except it doesn't just open them to finishers...it makes the enemy receive an additional 200% damage from the finisher as well. Trust me, he's been my main frame for years. I know his augments.

Again, based on his skills he excels in high level content, or solo. Not low level content. Let the Embers and Banshees take out the weak enemies. For the most part you should focusing on Eximus units, and Heavy Gunners, Bombards, Ancients, etc. That's how you play Ash. 

If you want a frame that takes out a hundred trash enemies in a couple seconds then you're playing the wrong frame. It's literally not what's he's build for.

By default, Teleport already opens enemies up to Finishers. Fatal Teleport automatically triggers the Finisher + increases Finisher damage dealt

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You should have used a different title: "buffs to the warframes I play". If anything, Loki and Ivara don't need a buff. At all. Quite the opposite. Ash might need some help but except a complete redesign I don't see that happening, and if it happens, it certainly isn't by making it more fool-proof than it already is. Having more complex warframes to use is fine, it's fun and it brings diversity. Not everything has to be designed around room temperature IQ requirements.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

Yes, it was the OP that said the augment just opens them to finishers and nothing else. I was correcting him.

My bad , yea fatal teleport does do increased damage  and executes a finisher , but im talking about the skill not the augment at all. why bring the augment in to this ?

also what ash does on 1 enemy other frames can do that in an aoe with blinds etc...

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56 minutes ago, silvershadow0099 said:

My bad , yea fatal teleport does do increased damage  and executes a finisher , but im talking about the skill not the augment at all. why bring the augment in to this ?

also what ash does on 1 enemy other frames can do that in an aoe with blinds etc...


On 2/19/2018 at 5:36 PM, silvershadow0099 said:

Fatal teleport now makes 3 clones

I brought it up because in the original post you clearly stated that you wanted the change to the augment. "Fatal teleport" is the augment....

Other frames an open multiple enemies to finishers at once, but they cannot actually execute the finishers on most of them in a single cast without assistance from your team so it's more for crowd control in most cases.

You're asking that Ash be given the ability to summon that coordinated team to do the finishers with you.

Guess what? That's exactly what Bladestorm is.....

Edited by (PS4)Riko_113
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:


I brought it up because in the original post you clearly stated that you wanted the change to the augment. "Fatal teleport" is the augment....

Other frames an open multiple enemies to finishers at once, but they cannot actually execute the finishers on most of them in a single cast without assistance from your team so it's more for crowd control in most cases.

You're asking that Ash be given the ability to summon that coordinated team to do the finishers with you.

Guess what? That's exactly what Bladestorm is.....

My bad again , didn't realize it since i use to the name fatal tp....

yea blade storm does some thing of the sort , since the damage is limited to the ability not the weapon. If you get CL dagger with excal blind or a range dps bansee they will wipe out the whole room easy . while ash is still killing that one enemy...the thing is his tp is limmited to him self and if that is the case for ash being a solo assassin then he shuld have more to get because you have hordes of enemies to kill not just the one.

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5 minutes ago, silvershadow0099 said:

My bad again , didn't realize it since i use to the name fatal tp....

yea blade storm does some thing of the sort , since the damage is limited to the ability not the weapon. If you get CL dagger with excal blind or a range dps bansee they will wipe out the whole room easy . while ash is still killing that one enemy...the thing is his tp is limmited to him self and if that is the case for ash being a solo assassin then he shuld have more to get because you have hordes of enemies to kill not just the one.

Ah, then the tp name was just a misunderstanding between us since we were referring to two different things. lol

For Bladestorm it's not entirely limited to the ability. But it would be insanely OP to have fully modded weapon damage dealt room-wide for instant damage. Even for Ash a lot of the damage comes from the guaranteed bleed proc, enhanced by his passive.

Unless the enemy is level 500 no one in the game would be killing a room of enemies with CL dagger faster than Ash would with Bladestorm. There is no reality unless you are completely unmodded that would happen while Ash was still working on one enemy. That is insanely hyperbolic. In that situation you wouldn't be using TP, you'd be using Bladestorm. TP is a mobility power that also assassinates a single target, it shouldn't be used to clear the room like a 4th power would.

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

Ah, then the tp name was just a misunderstanding between us since we were referring to two different things. lol

For Bladestorm it's not entirely limited to the ability. But it would be insanely OP to have fully modded weapon damage dealt room-wide for instant damage. Even for Ash a lot of the damage comes from the guaranteed bleed proc, enhanced by his passive.

Unless the enemy is level 500 no one in the game would be killing a room of enemies with CL dagger faster than Ash would with Bladestorm. There is no reality unless you are completely unmodded that would happen while Ash was still working on one enemy. That is insanely hyperbolic. In that situation you wouldn't be using TP, you'd be using Bladestorm. TP is a mobility power that also assassinates a single target, it shouldn't be used to clear the room like a 4th power would.

i agree that would be OP , but i simply ask for the buff that his damage be increased with the attack speed mod only since the animation is increased why not the damage or instances of damage ?

further since ash is an assassin his ulti should count for stealth kills since they leave no trace.

the thing with CL dagger is that , we dont do long runs any more the max we get to is level 100? 110 ? so at the level any one with a decently modded build can clear rooms easily.

my issue with as is that his 3rd ability lacks any "OMPH" , yea you can tp to an enemy and use a finisher but are you really going to tp to every enemy one by one just to kill them with the animation playing ?

Edited by silvershadow0099
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While it's nice to see someone thinking outside of the box, and I do find some of the ideas intriguing, some of the proposed changes do seem a bit unnecessary or moving outside of their current playstyle.  That said, a teleport arrow does sound interesting if nothing else.

It's no secret that some frames still require some love.  Personally I feel Equinox could use a few tweaks.  To that end I started a thread for it.


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17 hours ago, SixDimensions said:

While it's nice to see someone thinking outside of the box, and I do find some of the ideas intriguing, some of the proposed changes do seem a bit unnecessary or moving outside of their current playstyle.  That said, a teleport arrow does sound interesting if nothing else.

It's no secret that some frames still require some love.  Personally I feel Equinox could use a few tweaks.  To that end I started a thread for it.


Equinox might need buffs too , the only time is see Equinox  is in low level mission since ember got nerfed

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Yuki5e7en said:

I would like to see an augment or an ability rework that gives Titania healing to her and her allies.
I'm seeing a hidden potential in her but it seems neither DE nor ppl care much about her. 

Interesting concept. Like allies grab the souls from Titania's first ability and get a small burst heal or something?

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