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Warframe Revamped - Enemy reworks (Commanders, Prosecutors and Nullifiers)


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Greetings Tenno, and welcome to what may or may not become a series of forum threads.

In these posts I will be merely suggesting changes to some aspects of Warframe that I find either lacking or in need of improvement. Of course, this won't include the obvious stuff that everyone and their space mom's been rattling on about (like Universal Vacuum, which I personally think should be a thing but whatever), but more of a "quality of life" kind of changes, the more feasible stuff. I've been playing Warframe for quite a while now (and have posted a bit on the forums in the past, but that was years ago) so I like to think I know what I'm talking about, if you think I'm wrong feel free to add to the discussion, it would be much appreciated. Anyways, with the preamble out of the way, let's get on with it. 

Everyone here knows that DE has a firm grasp on art design, but there are quite a few enemies that I think could be changed in order to improve the game. Of course, I know that all of you read "Nullifier" in the title and are probably assuming I'm just gonna suggest nerfs, but hear me out first. In this thread I will attempt to list of all of the enemies that I find in need of reworking and will add suggestions as to what that rework might look like, and hopefully it will be something to your liking. 

COMMANDERS - These cone-headed Grineer marines have been in the game for as long as I can remember, and they haven't really been changed much (if at all) despite the game itself changing drastically. The underlying problem is simple, their Switch Teleport ability is nothing more than a nuisance that can easily get you killed in the silliest of ways on higher levels. There is no counter play to it, other than being too close or too far for him to teleport you, or simply killing him before he can even see you. Furthermore, their names come off as a bit too generic, especially since the Plains of Eidolon gave us Plains Commanders, Recon Commanders and Aerial Commanders (thus making it a tad bit confusing). So, to start off my list of suggestions, let's simply rename Commanders to Field Commanders. It's simple, fitting, and will prevent confusion. 

OPTION 1: The problematic Switch Teleport ability, which I believe should be altered so that instead of swapping players, the Field Commander swaps with other Grineer. This ability would be triggered if the Field Commander is attacked, allowing him to pick out any of his surrounding comrades and switch places with them. The Field Commander would prioritize heavier units with the highest amount of health and armor (Bombards, Napalms, Noxes, etc.) but with a few exceptions (he wouldn't be able to switch teleport with Bosses, the Grustrag Three, Arc Traps, or Capture Targets). Adding this change would make the Field Commander seem more like the kind of enemy who is in control of the battlefield and tactically rearranges his troops to his advantage, instead of just an annoying nuisance.

OPTION 2: Take away the Field Commanders ability to teleport entirely, replacing that ability with the ability to summon Grineer reinforcements and issue them orders (in a similar fashion to Drahk/Hyekka Masters). The numbers and composition of these reinforcements would range from planet to planet. For example, a Field Commander on Mercury would only be able to call forth two Lancers, two Troopers and two Shield Lancers, while a Field Commander on Sedna would be able to summon two Heavy Gunners, a Bombard, a Napalm, and two Seekers (or something like that). The Field Commander would then be able to issue three different orders, which are Advance (the Field Commander marks a single target, be it a player, NPC, cryopod, or whatever) and all Grineer in the area attack it), Rally (all Grineer in the area form around the Field Commander, effectively grouping all of them together in one place), and Entrench (all Grineer with unused Blunts deploy them in a line designated by the Field Commander, creating a wall of cover that the other Grneer can hide behind). 

In addition, I would like to suggest a change to his gear, as blasphemous as it might be to suggest this, I'd exchange his Grakata for a Javlok and a backup Brakk. The reason why I'd suggest this is simple - the Field Commander could potentially make good use of it in combination with his teleportation ability. The Field Commander could potentially use the Javlok and then throw it at the player (with a long windup and a loud priming sound as a warning) and then switch to his Brakk until he can retrieve it (either by walking up to it, or by teleporting on top of it). I imagine this would give the Field Commander a lot more firepower and also make him a lot more mobile, as he would be able to follow the players wherever they go, so long as they weren't out Javlok range. Therefore, in conjunction with this, I'd also suggest that Javlok Capacitors be dropped by Field Commanders instead of Prosecutors, which I'll be discussing next. 

PROSECUTORS - I've been playing the game since Prosecutors used to drop Vay Hek Beacons (and people nowadays think Harrow is too much grind), but have been relegated to irrelevance after this was changed. Now they only serve to drop Javlok Capacitors, and once you make one they become irrelevant again. This seems like a waste of a mechanic (especially since the Lotus still makes a fuss whenever one spawns), so I thought it'd be best to give new rewards for defeating a Prosecutor, while also encouraging players to continue doing so. The reward I have in mind would be a new kind of Gear item that I like to call Elemental Grineer Grenades (or EGGs for short). The blueprints and components for EGGs would be dropped by Prosecutors in a similar fashion to Juggernauts dropping blueprints and components for Pherliac Pods. The components for building an EGG would be EGG PrimerEGG Detonator and Elemental Regents. The crux of this idea lies on the Elemental Regents, as they are what would replace Javlok capacitors and give the different types of Prosecutors more relevance. Elemental Regents would come in four types (Heat, Cold, Toxic and Electric), and would only be dropped by their respective Prosecutors (a Prosecutor with a Heat Aura will only drop Heat Regents, but is guaranteed to drop at least one). Once you've acquired all of the required components, and are ready to build your batch of EGGs, you will get to select two Elemental Regents from your Inventory (in a similar fashion to how you choose two Sidearms from your Inventory when you start making an Akimbo). You could choose two Regents of the same type to make a "pure elemental EGG" or mix two different regents to make a "hybrid elemental EGG". Once built, the EGGs will be available for equipped Gear, which the player will be able to access in-game.The different types of EGGs would have different effects (in addition to simply inflicting damage and applying their respective status effects) depending on what elements they are made from. The list is as follows:

Heat EGG - Generates of flash of light that blinds all enemies caught in the radius, making them prone to finishers and stealth attacks. 

Cold EGG - Coats the ground in frost, and all enemies that walk over it will steadily freeze over until they are frozen stiff. 

Toxic EGG - Creates a puddle of toxic acid on the ground that damages enemies that walk over it. Enemies that have been doused by acid in the initial blast will drip puddles of the same toxic acid wherever they go.

Electric EGG - Conjures a maelstorm of lightning that arcs across the area, striking enemies, turning them into Tesla Coils (like Volt's Discharge). Tesla Coil-ed enemies will emit arcs of lighting as well, but enemies stunned by Tesla-Coil-ed enemies do not become Tesla Coils in turn.

Blast EGG - Enemies hit with the initial radius get coated with nitroglycerin which will detonate with another Blast radius after a few seconds or if killed. Blasts from coated enemies do not apply further nitroglycerin coating. 

Corrosive EGG - Enemies caught in the initial radius have their guns jam, making them unable to use them for some time, while reducing their damage as well (as it makes melee weapons rust). 

Gas EGG - Creates a gaseous cloud that slows down all enemies caught in it and infecting them. If the infected enemies get killed before the duration runs out, they will explode with another radial Gas effect.

Magnetic EGG - Generates a strong magnetic force that pulls all enemies and loot to it, ragdolling them and rendering them prone. The magnetic pull only lasts for a moment (acting like a mini Vortex) and will slow down the movement of all enemies affected by it.

Radiation EGG - Emits a cloud of radiation (like in Sorties) that effects all enemies caught in it with Confusion as well as amplifying the damage they take. The radioactive cloud will dissipate over time, 

Viral EGG - Releases a deadly Viral pathogen that infects enemies caught in the initial radius. The pathogen can be spread from one enemy to the next, so long as they are close enough, refreshing the duration with each infection.

As for the Prosecutors themselves and how they function, I'm not exactly sure how to change their mechanic (or if they should be changed at all) as I personally don't have too much of a hard time beating them, but that could be just me. If anyone has any ideas regarding this feel free to comment. 

NULLIFIER CREWMEN - I can practically hear the screeching right now, but I'll press on regardless. I think Nullifiers should be buffed. Make them bigger (Tech-sized preferably), give them more health, and replace their Lankas with something better, like Opticors. However, Nullifiers should only spawn one at a time, and whenever they do the Lotus should give a clear warning (just like Prosecutors). This way, there will only be one Nullifier at any given time (maybe two if you count the Nullifier Target), but making them more challenging to fight against will make defeating them all the more rewarding. Speaking of rewards, one would wonder what would be the point of making Nullifiers a big deal if they don't offer anything to the players other than challenge. So here's my idea that will tie them closer with Prosecutors again (I'm envisioning Nullifiers as Corpus/Corrupted versions of Prosecutors), have them drop blueprints and components for a Gear item. This Gear item would be the Projector Drones that hover over the Nullifier's whenever they activate their force fields. All Nullifiers (the Corpus, Corrupted and Target variants, as well as their Eximus forms) would drop the Projector Drone Blueprint, Motor, Antenna, Receiver and Propeller, and upon building your Projector Drone it will be added to your Gear. Once used, a Projector Drone will latch unto whatever object, NPC, or player you plant them on, and they will create force fields around them (using the player's energy color). These force fields function the same as the ones created by Nullifiers you encounter, but with a few changes. Firstly, these force fields do not prevent you or your fellow Tenno from casting abilities, nor does it cancel any you've already cast. Secondly, it will block out the aura effects of all Eximus enemies so long as you are within the force field. Thirdly, once the Projector Drone is destroyed, it stays destroyed (meaning you'd have to deploy another one from your Gear inventory). This would allow players to defend objectives (Endless Defense, Ship Sabotage, Mobile Defense, Excavation, Interception and Hijack missions), VIPs (Rescue and Defection missions) as well as each other by planting Projector Drones (albeit only one at a time and with a considerable cooldown between uses, much like Air Support Charges). Just imagine playing ODD without having to worry about losing all of your energy because there's a couple dozen Parasitic Eximus Chargers running around, or making Defection missions actually fun since you wouldn't have to babysit the Kavors as much. The possibilities, much like the missions, would be endless. 

NOTE: I was also thinking of minor changes to a few of the other enemy units, specifically Shield Lancers, Combas and Scrambuses. I think I might not be the only one to say that Shield Lancers are pretty damn annoying on all levels, as their shields block literally everything you throw at them and they can constantly keep knocking you down with their rush attacks. My idea is to simply make it so their shields are breakable (much like Crewman helmets, but with more health) and once a Shield Lancer loses his shield he will instead switch to using Dual Vipers, giving them additional DPS potential. As for Combas and Scrambuses, they can be quite annoying to deal with, and besides the mods they occasionally drop killing them doesn't feel satisfying in the least. The idea is to make it so whenever a Comba/Scrambus gets their helmets blown off, they create a feedback loop of static noise that stuns both the Comba/Scrambus, as well as all Crewmen/Techs around them. Killing a Comba/Scrambus will not trigger the static noise stun, not even if they die while their helmets are still on. This would urge the players to aim at their weak spots for maximum damage, making them (and all of their Corpus buddies around them) prone finishers, should you be able to aim right. 

And that should conclude my first Warframe Revamped thread. If this one receives sufficient support, then I might make more of them in the future (maybe with a few of my own sketches added in to help visualize it all). I wasn't sure if General Discussion was the ideal place to post it, but if by any chance it isn't, do tell and I'll try to relocate this thread elsewhere. 

With all of that said and done, I'll be looking forward to your feedback.

Edited by ND999
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At first when reading the nullifier part I was like "Are you insane? my magnitize is getting destroyed by those guys in late game". But then I saw you wanted to make them more as a boss kinda enemy and have them less spammed around and I totally agree on that, I hate having 10 nullifiers just nullifying everything I have, it's just not fun. It would indeed be way nicer if theres one but who's a challenge to defeat.

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I really like your nullifier ideas. Great detail in the thread and I totally agree that Nullifiers should be less common but more menacing. I would like to add that DE should remove them from being Artic Eximus. Those would be overkill imo.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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5 minutes ago, Shockness said:

At first when reading the nullifier part I was like "Are you insane? my magnitize is getting destroyed by those guys in late game". But then I saw you wanted to make them more as a boss kinda enemy and have them less spammed around and I totally agree on that, I hate having 10 nullifiers just nullifying everything I have, it's just not fun. It would indeed be way nicer if theres one but who's a challenge to defeat.


1 minute ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I really like your nullifier ideas. Great detail in the thread and I totally agree that Nullifiers should be less common but more menacing.

I always thought Nullifiers should be a big deal, considering the fact that they can Nullify Warframe powers of all things. Having them be mini-boss tier would only be a matter of fact, and it would make defeating them all the more gratifying. Plus, I hate Sortie Defenses where there's twenty of them running around while being forced to make sure that the Bondage Bob doesn't get killed. 

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Commanders could certainly be more... commander-y. Teleport doesn't really fit the whole battlefield control thing IMO. Maybe make it a special encounter like the Prosecutors but for all Grineer planets. Have them spawn with a squad of heavies, and give them special abilities based on what units they're leading.

For example a Commander leading a bunch of Bombards could mark a player for the seeker missiles to home in, a Napalm Commander can point on a specific area for the Napalms to shoot at denying entry from that area (Napalms might need some rebalancing with this though), a Nox Commander can order Noxes to charge at players, etc. Just some random ideas on the top of my head. Basically they're there to sort of enforce the AI to do something threatening to the players instead of the seemingly braindead stare-at-the-tenno-before-shooting dudes we slaughter everyday.

Otherwise I like the other ideas. Other units like the Comba/Scrambus could use a touch up. They used to be the better alternative to nullifiers back when the drone wasn't a thing and nullifiers block low firerate guns, but now they're the more obnoxious bunch with the UI scramble/nullify combo.

Edited by TotallyLagging
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1 hour ago, TotallyLagging said:

Commanders could certainly be more... commander-y. Teleport doesn't really fit the whole battlefield control thing IMO. Maybe make it a special encounter like the Prosecutors but for all Grineer planets. Have them spawn with a squad of heavies, and give them special abilities based on what units they're leading.

For example a Commander leading a bunch of Bombards could mark a player for the seeker missiles to home in, a Napalm Commander can point on a specific area for the Napalms to shoot at denying entry from that area (Napalms might need some rebalancing with this though), a Nox Commander can order Noxes to charge at players, etc. Just some random ideas on the top of my head. Basically they're there to sort of enforce the AI to do something threatening to the players instead of the seemingly braindead stare-at-the-tenno-before-shooting dudes we slaughter everyday.

Otherwise I like the other ideas. Other units like the Comba/Scrambus could use a touch up. They used to be the better alternative to nullifiers back when the drone wasn't a thing and nullifiers block low firerate guns, but now they're the more obnoxious bunch with the UI scramble/nullify combo.

I contemplated something along these lines, but opted for the other thing instead. I do like the approach and it could make Field Commanders (I'd like to call them that from now on, if you don't mind) feel more like they're in command. Then again, there's also the question of "if Grineer have teleportation technology, why aren't they using it more often?" which would be reason enough to phase out the switch teleport entirely in favor of a true commander role. 

How's this? Make it so Field Commanders have the ability to summon Grineer troops to their location (visually represented by them standing still and bonking their Javloks on the floor, similar to Harrow's noble animation with a Speargun). The composition of these reinforcements would vary from Region to Region. On Mercury it would merely be regular Lancers, Troopers, and Butchers, while on Sedna it would include Bombards and maybe Napalms. He can summon reinforcements only once, and when he does these troops will prioritize defending the Field Commander (attacking the player who attacks the Commander first and foremost, never leaving the Commander out of their sight, etc.). Giving the Field Commander the ability to give out some basic orders would be nice, but not quite sure if DE would be able program an AI of that level. 

What do you think? 

EDIT: As for Combas and Scrambuses, I agree that they can be a bit bull, but I honestly have no idea what I'd do with them. Having them be Prosecutor-ish wouldn't work, since that's what I plan Nullifiers to be. Maybe make it so hitting their helmets creates a feedback loop that stuns them (and maybe all nearby Corpus) for a bit? It ought to be something interesting and rewarding to pull off. Might deliberate on this further. 

Edited by ND999
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1 hour ago, TotallyLagging said:

Commanders could certainly be more... commander-y. Teleport doesn't really fit the whole battlefield control thing IMO. Maybe make it a special encounter like the Prosecutors but for all Grineer planets. Have them spawn with a squad of heavies, and give them special abilities based on what units they're leading.

For example a Commander leading a bunch of Bombards could mark a player for the seeker missiles to home in, a Napalm Commander can point on a specific area for the Napalms to shoot at denying entry from that area (Napalms might need some rebalancing with this though), a Nox Commander can order Noxes to charge at players, etc. Just some random ideas on the top of my head. Basically they're there to sort of enforce the AI to do something threatening to the players instead of the seemingly braindead stare-at-the-tenno-before-shooting dudes we slaughter everyday.

Otherwise I like the other ideas. Other units like the Comba/Scrambus could use a touch up. They used to be the better alternative to nullifiers back when the drone wasn't a thing and nullifiers block low firerate guns, but now they're the more obnoxious bunch with the UI scramble/nullify combo.

hmmm i dont agree with it spawning in with a bunch of heavies, it should spawn with a squad of units of various types, eg 2 shield lancers, 2 heavy gunners a bombard and some lancers, i do like the idea of them buffing units under their command though. 

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22 minutes ago, ND999 said:

I contemplated something along these lines, but opted for the other thing instead. I do like the approach and it could make Field Commanders (I'd like to call them that from now on, if you don't mind) feel more like they're in command. Then again, there's also the question of "if Grineer have teleportation technology, why aren't they using it more often?" which would be reason enough to phase out the switch teleport entirely in favor of a true commander role. 

How's this? Make it so Field Commanders have the ability to summon Grineer troops to their location (visually represented by them standing still and bonks his Javlok on the floor, similar to Harrow's noble animation with a Speargun). The composition of these reinforcements would vary from Region to Region. On Mercury it would merely be regular Lancers, Troopers, and Butchers, while on Sedna it would include Bombards and maybe Napalms. He can summon reinforcements only once, and when he does these troops will prioritize defending the Field Commander (attacking the player who attacks the Commander first and foremost, never leaving the Commander out of their sight, etc.). Giving the Field Commander the ability to give out some basic orders would be nice, but not quite sure if DE would be able program an AI of that level. 

What do you think? 

EDIT: As for Combas and Scrambuses, I agree that they can be a bit bull, but I honestly have no idea what I'd do with them. Having them be Prosecutor-ish wouldn't work, since that's what I plan Nullifiers to be. Maybe make it so hitting their helmets creates a feedback loop that stuns them (and maybe all nearby Corpus) for a bit? It ought to be something interesting and rewarding to pull off. Might deliberate on this further. 

I was thinking of that too but I felt that would be too generic. It'd just be the lancer version of Drahk/Hyekka masters. Maybe they could spawn their own special units? Those that are directly under the Commander should have better gear after all. But yeah, AI limitation is sadly a thing.

Though last time I heard DE scrapped some ideas off Damage 3.0 (unrelated to IPS rework btw, it was something about removing damage mods like Serration and the likes) in favor of reworking enemy AI to make enemies harder to deal with.

Granted, that Devstream was on... February or March 2017... 

31 minutes ago, YandereWaifu said:

hmmm i dont agree with it spawning in with a bunch of heavies, it should spawn with a squad of units of various types, eg 2 shield lancers, 2 heavy gunners a bombard and some lancers, i do like the idea of them buffing units under their command though. 

Well they could always command other units when the main squad dies. Point is they're there to make other enemies more threatening without resorting to artificial difficulty like bumping their damage or armor up.

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While a cool idea, I feel like EGGs don't fit very well into the game, simply because the Devs already turned down the idea of Grenades before (but then again, never say never.... they once said vehicles would never be in Warframe and here we are with Dargyns). However, there's a Warframe/weapon that can accomplish basically everything in your list of eggs, and I just genuinely feel like consumable offensive equipment doesn't match the speed of the game very well.

Great idea for the Commander. Would always like to see them be more relevant.

Not sure if I agree with Nullifiers. Giving them opticors would be hilarious (and terrifying,) but I honestly think they're ok as is. They fulfill their job (albeit annoying) quite well; force you to change your combat approach for a while in order to defeat them. Believe it or not this helps break up the monotony of the game.

EDIT: Actually, after thinking about it, I realize trying to fight off 30 thousand nullifiers is no fun, so reducing the spawn rate of them would be a good idea. However, they shouldn't be rarer than bursas, I feel. A spawnrate change would probably be the best course of action.

Please understand that while I may sound overly critical, I'm just voicing my own personal opinion. Good job thinking these things up though, there are many more things that you can look at that I look forward to seeing your take on :)

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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12 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

I was thinking of that too but I felt that would be too generic. It'd just be the lancer version of Drahk/Hyekka masters. Maybe they could spawn their own special units? Those that are directly under the Commander should have better gear after all. But yeah, AI limitation is sadly a thing.

Though last time I heard DE scrapped some ideas off Damage 3.0 (unrelated to IPS rework btw, it was something about removing damage mods like Serration and the likes) in favor of reworking enemy AI to make enemies harder to deal with.

Granted, that Devstream was on... February or March 2017... 

Well they could always command other units when the main squad dies. Point is they're there to make other enemies more threatening without resorting to artificial difficulty like bumping their damage or armor up.

Yeah, the Drahk/Hyekka Master comparison did come to mind. You have Tyl Regor who has his Drekar Manics and Drekar Manic Bombards, so him having unique entourage units wouldn't be too far fetched. As for AI limitations, I think the Field Commander would make do with only three commands: 

1 - Advance: The Field Commander points to a single target (be it a player, a hostage, or a cryopod, or whatever) and all Grineer units around him do so.

2 - Rally: The Field Commander orders all Grineer units in the area to form around him, creating a form of "circle the wagons" kind of formation. 

3 - Entrench: The Field Commander orders all Grineer units with undeployed Blunts to deploy them in a line before him, creating a wall of sorts.

It's not much, but it would give the illusion of them being competent leaders who can order troops around in a true Commander fashion.

4 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

While a cool idea, I feel like EGGs don't fit very well into the game, simply because the Devs already turned down the idea of Grenades before (but then again, never say never.... they once said vehicles would never be in Warframe and here we are with Dargyns). However, there's a Warframe/weapon that can accomplish basically everything in your list of eggs, and I just genuinely feel like consumable offensive equipment doesn't match the speed of the game very well.

Great idea for the Commander. Would always like to see them be more relevant.

Not sure if I agree with Nullifiers. Giving them opticors would be hilarious (and terrifying,) but I honestly think they're ok as is. They fulfill their job (albeit annoying) quite well; force you to change your combat approach for a while in order to defeat them. Believe it or not this helps break up the monotony of the game.

Please understand that while I may sound overly critical, I'm just voicing my own personal opinion. Good job thinking these things up though, there are many more things that you can look at that I look forward to seeing your take on :)

The Grenade thing only came about because I couldn't think of anything else to incorporate the Prosecutor's elemental theme into. I tried coming up with a few uses that would prioritize utility over damage, as I think Grenades should be used to flush out enemies rather than outright kill them. I haven't heard of DE saying no to grenades, but then again I don't really follow the Devstreams. I might want to give it some more thought and see what else I can come up with. 

As for Nullifiers, I also think they're fine as they appear in regular missions, I really don't mind them either, but it's in Sorties that the pain really shows itself, when you have dozens of them spawning all at once and they make it nearly impossible to do anything. I don't really share the same vitriol for Nullifiers as some people do, but I still think they can be worked into something more interesting than just a "no no, you can't use abilities here" mechanic that arbitrarily slows down the pace of the game. 

Yeah, I don't mind criticism, I welcome it, as doing so opens up room for improvement. Glad to have some diversified opinions on this thread. 

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Well hell a nullily idea I can actually get on +1. I really also like the commander change, we need it to be less cancerous and have them actually fit the role of officer (that and have enemy npc actually use different weapons to spice things up)

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Yes yes yes.  But something that isn’t getting a yes from me is the grenade idea. I’m sure DE have, and would, say no to it. 

However, I would like to see this as a series of threads. I’ll be closely looking at this.

And I do think you were right to put this in General Discussion, for those that think this should go in Fan Concepts, mainly because not as much people look at Fan Concepts as they do at General Discussion.

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1 hour ago, EndermanBeast said:

Yes yes yes.  But something that isn’t getting a yes from me is the grenade idea. I’m sure DE have, and would, say no to it. 

However, I would like to see this as a series of threads. I’ll be closely looking at this.

And I do think you were right to put this in General Discussion, for those that think this should go in Fan Concepts, mainly because not as much people look at Fan Concepts as they do at General Discussion.

Considering that you're the third person already to have told me that the Grenades are something DE said no to, I suppose I should really think of something different. So far, the only thing that comes to mind are mines, allowing players to lay them down on the ground and have enemies walk over them to trigger their effects. It might be a bit too much like Teslas, and Minelayer, so I may need to think further on the subject. 

And yeah, I do plan on making multiple threads, where I would be able to propose feasible changes that aren't too obvious. I'd happy to see more people on board, the more the merrier. 

Also, I figured that most people don't go to fan concepts because you'd mainly just see a ton of Warframe concepts of varying qualities, so I figured General would be more grofitable to post on. As it turns out, it was. 

Edited by ND999
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Due in part to multiple people saying that DE doesn't want any 'nades in their game, I figured I should rework the EGG idea into something else. One idea that came to mind was this:


Blueprints for Exitus Arcanes drop from Prosecutors (albeit at a low rate) and necessary components required to craft them are Elemental Regents (that Prosecutors also drop). The EGG idea would carry over somewhat, with each Prosecutor dropping blueprints for Exitus Arcanes and Elemental Regents that correlate to their respective elements. The kicker of the Exitus Arcanes is that they can be equipped on all non-Zaw melee weapons and they are one-time use only. Meaning, an Exitus Arcane, once equipped, will last for only 24 hours before expiring. Upgrading the Exitus Arcanes will make them permanent, and that process functions in pretty much the same regard as any other Arcane. 

The point of Exitus Arcanes is to provide an easy way to acquire simple Arcanes to new players, as a sort of introduction into the whole mechanic The fact that they expire would urge them to seek out more (and permanent) Arcanes, which in turn would lead them to the Warframe, Magus, Virtuous, and Exodia Arcanes. I'll just list four Exitus Arcane ideas for now, to give a few basic examples as to what these would do: 

Ignition - (Triggered when wall attacking) The weapon projects billowing flames, propelling the Warframe further and creating a radial wave of Heat damage upon hitting an enemy or landing on the ground. 

Permafrost - (Triggered when slide attacking) The weapon leaves behind a slope of slippery ice. Enemies that walk over the ice will slowly freeze over and have a chance to slip and fall, rendering them prone.

Acidity - (Triggered when ground slam attacking) The weapon creates a pool of acid that deals Toxic DoT. Enemies caught in the initial splash are doused, and they will leave behind small acid puddles wherever they go.

Maelstrom - (Triggered when charge attacking) The weapon electrocutes all enemies hit, turning them into Tesla Coils. Tesla Coils will project arcs of electricity that will zap all nearby enemies for a short period of time.

Hopefully, this idea garners more acceptance than the Grenade one. If not, then I guess it's back to the drawing board with me.

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