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Slide Attack/Maiming Strike/Whip and Polearm range -- an absurd mixture of overpoweredness


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it's kinda up to each player in warframe about this opinion

for someone who go through 2 hours+ of hell level 1000+ doing something like this is kinda must because of how hard those thing are

for someone who still not able to do sortie yet will see these as over power but after you know riven something like this will not be op anymore

for me I happy with slide attack to win since I know you all will eventually be like that someday:crylaugh:

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vor 32 Minuten schrieb Midrib:

Theres no doubt that balancing should be generally towards endgame, but what is going on with Warframe right now is that there is no Endgame, Sorties & Index are the closest thing to it, but Sorties are 3 missions per day that generally don't go over Level 110.

So, if that's all we got right now, then that range of 100-150 should be the Benchmark at which Weapons should at least be efficient, and if it's a rare weapon or mod, it can even be powerful at those Levels. 

Just because there currently IS an undeniable lack of rewarding Endgame activities doesn't mean we should just give up and demand to balance the game around entry Level difficulty for enemies, as that would undermine even the last bit of endgame there is, and destroy any sense of progression. 

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3 minutes ago, rune_me said:

So let's say if that's true. I fail to see how that's a bad thing. Developers listening to the community should be considered a positive, yes?

It is true. You only have to look at how DE approaches it's playerbase to know. Weekly streams, bi-weekly devstreams, player designed content etc etc. They have a proper working relationship with the community.

I never said it was bad. I'm saying that DE should not listen to the minority like the OP who like to cherry pick nerfs for their own needs, all the while claiming its a "huge problem" when it's anything but that. 

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so... weapon buffs... bring new life to weapons, rivens, and make about everyone universally happy

weapon nerfs... do EXACTLY the OPPOSITE

the real solution is always going to be to buff the trash

As for maiming strike and such, please, do tell me how well that works against eidolons, and that is the direction DE appears to be heading.

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3 hours ago, Midrib said:

Not going to get into Coptering because its not really relevant to the argument at hand, but its pretty obvious why it was changed,  it doesn't really come from a balance standpoint as much as it came from a bad game mechanic that heavily restricted Melee weapons & movement.

Well to be fair it's relevant because of the point I was making - people claimed it was never gonna get changed and a feature. Never say never. Just like with AkLex Prime.

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On 12/03/2018 at 7:36 PM, Vindicus8235 said:

Can we please talk about the elephant in the room here?  Frames like Ember get World on Fire nerfed because it basically ruins the game for anyone else trying to play.  That was partially true but only worked up to around level 40 mobs.  Now slide attack on the other hand, ruins games up to at least 150 and beyond.  Sorties are a mind numbing bore-fest with a slide attack spammer as there's really nothing left to do since it's a super fast moving screen wide red crit aoe fest.  Please address this egregiously overpowered combo of things for the health of the game.  At the very least cap melee range to a few meters, since you know, it's melee; increase whip and polearm damage to compensate if necessary.  Thanks for your consideration.

Seems ur a ember fan I find that they didn't Nerf her enough there are too many other op female frames in the game Octavia next

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On 12/03/2018 at 7:36 PM, Vindicus8235 said:

Can we please talk about the elephant in the room here?  Frames like Ember get World on Fire nerfed because it basically ruins the game for anyone else trying to play.  That was partially true but only worked up to around level 40 mobs.  Now slide attack on the other hand, ruins games up to at least 150 and beyond.  Sorties are a mind numbing bore-fest with a slide attack spammer as there's really nothing left to do since it's a super fast moving screen wide red crit aoe fest.  Please address this egregiously overpowered combo of things for the health of the game.  At the very least cap melee range to a few meters, since you know, it's melee; increase whip and polearm damage to compensate if necessary.  Thanks for your consideration.

Seems ur a ember fan I find that they didn't Nerf her enough there are too many other op female frames in the game Octavia next

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)owenslim said:

Seems ur a ember fan I find that they didn't Nerf her enough there are too many other op female frames in the game Octavia next

She's one of my least favorite frames.  The nerf didn't affect me personally in the least, sorry to burst your bubble.

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20 minutes ago, (XB1)MerlyBR said:

you know you could just go on solo. And if DE nerfs it a bunch of people will start to whine about it so no no meme strike nerfs its pretty rare already

Nah I think I'll continue to play public games.  I doubt DE balances around post-nerf whining concerns.  Slide attackers are about as rare as butter.

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I was playing Hydron last night, you know, leveling the Dex weapons, spinning my way around, when I noticed that all the enemies kept dropping dead in front of me, but not by my attack. I ran to another spawn point, and another, not a soul. I literally had like 4 kills by the end of the first round. Everyone was wondering what was killing the enemies so fast. By the end of the second round we realized it was a Trinity player that was doing all the kills. I followed him around to see how. The player was basically bullet jumping, spamming Link and doing something else that I couldn't catch, and every enemy in the vicinity dropped dead. By the end of 5 rounds, the Trinity player had 92% of the total group damage...

There are many (and more efficient) ways to clear a room other than spinning a melee with MS. Should we nerf them all?

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3 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

I was playing Hydron last night, you know, leveling the Dex weapons, spinning my way around, when I noticed that all the enemies kept dropping dead in front of me, but not by my attack. I ran to another spawn point, and another, not a soul. I literally had like 4 kills by the end of the first round. Everyone was wondering what was killing the enemies so fast. By the end of the second round we realized it was a Trinity player that was doing all the kills. I followed him around to see how. The player was basically bullet jumping, spamming Link and doing something else that I couldn't catch, and every enemy in the vicinity dropped dead. By the end of 5 rounds, the Trinity player had 92% of the total group damage...

There are many (and more efficient) ways to clear a room other than spinning a melee with MS. Should we nerf them all?

I think trinity link + castanas is a new meta

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3 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

I was playing Hydron last night, you know, leveling the Dex weapons, spinning my way around, when I noticed that all the enemies kept dropping dead in front of me, but not by my attack. I ran to another spawn point, and another, not a soul. I literally had like 4 kills by the end of the first round. Everyone was wondering what was killing the enemies so fast. By the end of the second round we realized it was a Trinity player that was doing all the kills. I followed him around to see how. The player was basically bullet jumping, spamming Link and doing something else that I couldn't catch, and every enemy in the vicinity dropped dead. By the end of 5 rounds, the Trinity player had 92% of the total group damage...

There are many (and more efficient) ways to clear a room other than spinning a melee with MS. Should we nerf them all?

This post isn't about Hydron.  I think Ember's nerf was unwarranted for the same reason that nerfing methods of clearing level 30 mobs for any frame or playstyle is.  Slide attackers do what you described at all levels of the game, can you see the distinction?

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If DE were going to do something about it, they would have already. What side of the fence you're on matters little, as it's apparent that its current implementation is here to stay. You're not going to get very far attempting to change the way other people play, and you will only bring yourself grief complaining about it.

Your best options are to play with others who play similar to you, or play Solo. Squad play is largely understood to be fast and achieve reward quickly. Solo play is for enjoying the kills, the scenery, and playing how you want to. You're expecting to exact your will on others in terms of multiplayer gameplay. It won't happen.

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4 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Slide attackers do what you described at all levels of the game

No, they don't...

Sorry, misread. I thought you said "attacks."

I bring my Secura Lecta to Sortie 3 and it's rare that I one-hit anything. It usually takes 2-3 spins or a spin and primary to finish off. I end up just using my primary as it is more efficient at those higher enemy levels.

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On 3/15/2018 at 2:01 PM, WhiteCr0w said:

If DE were going to do something about it, they would have already. What side of the fence you're on matters little, as it's apparent that its current implementation is here to stay. You're not going to get very far attempting to change the way other people play, and you will only bring yourself grief complaining about it.

Your best options are to play with others who play similar to you, or play Solo. Squad play is largely understood to be fast and achieve reward quickly. Solo play is for enjoying the kills, the scenery, and playing how you want to. You're expecting to exact your will on others in terms of multiplayer gameplay. It won't happen.

Nah I think I will continue to bring the issue into the light.  I appreciate your concern for my well being though.  I assure you I am quite alright!

After DE fixes slide attacks you will still be able to use that playstyle, it will just be more in line with other playstyles in the game.  I'm very excited for when they get around to it; which I'm confident they will.

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13 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

After DE fixes slide attacks you will still be able to use that playstyle, it will just be more in line with other playstyles in the game.  I'm very excited for when they get around to it; which they will.

Not to seem elitist, but enjoy thinking DE can put me and some other players in line with the majority of casual players :).

DE will never get efficient players in line with the casual majority. Case in point is how the XP farming meta has evolved over the past 3 years and will never stop evolving to give the fastest XP. The same was done to Raids, Eidolons, Damage, and efficiency in general missions.

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1 minute ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Not to seem elitist, but enjoy thinking DE can put me and some other players in line with the majority of casual players :).

DE will never get efficient players in line with the casual majority. Case in point is how the XP farming meta has evolved over the past 3 years and will never stop evolving to give the fastest XP. The same was done to Raids, Eidolons, Damage, and efficiency in general missions.

That's fine, you should keep pushing for max efficiency of course.  Not being able to completely stem the flow of people searching for max efficiency is no reason to leave clear outliers such as slide attack untouched though.  It'll just be a small hurdle for a player such as yourself to tackle and, it would appear, easily overcome.

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