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Livestream #12 - Dev Q&a On August 14 @ 2 Pm Edt!


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Any plans for an endgame outside of grinding? Dojo PvP simply doesn't cut it.


Any plans to make the prices in platinum prices on the market less disgusting? 80 platinum (£4) for something that isn't even guaranteed to max your mod, or even boost it by a single level at higher levels is outrageous.

Warframes are priced at like £20 each, not worth it considering you can max one in less than 3 hours. Plus they don't provide THAT much of a change.

Weapons are priced similarly, they're just simply NOT worth it at all.


Can we allow mods to carry over to different frames without having to constantly equip and unequip them?


Can Plastids be given a higher drop pool? Most new items need +400 plastids, and that's rather silly since Plastids rarely drop in groups bigger than 22 and in the uncommon pool no less.

On a similar note. There is an immense over-saturation of Nano Spores currently. Perhaps some way to transmute common materials into uncommons/rares and vice versa?


Also will Longswords any many other Melee weapons EVER be made viable picks?

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I mean...


Enemy types: Where did Eviscerators go? Where are the Elite Corpus in normal missions? Are there new types coming en masse? Not sure about everyone else, but I'd love to see real enemy variety between level 1 and level 70, even level 40 enemy variety would be nice. Even if it's nothing more than the same enemies but with shields and different weapons(see: elite grineer).


Also...Dying for new Corpus and Infested types...why so Grineer fascination?

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So first of all i want to ask: Corpus Elite crewmen,those are only eventual enemies. After event,will you add them like standard enemies? (like with fusion moas).
As second: Weapon skins? Only melee uses currently "skins",like Dagger axe,brokk,manticore...

I would like some new skins for melee weapons,like rare Manticore,or more common Brokk. It would be great,if some great weapon,like Gram could have some new cool skin.
Third: Transmute option is useless,i used 4x V rare mods and i obtained decoy for it.....paid 36k....worthless,mind you buff it to be more fair?

Fourth: DUAL BRONCO PRIME-Will you ever add it? I just hope so for YESH!!! :3

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Hi my name is John and i want ask something about how to contact with the game programers
because i have a good idea for a new weapon...so here is the plan...
this will be a melee weapon a giant sword named
masamune from final-fantasy-X here is the link how it looks:
and i think this will be looks good with data like the scindo or fragor
with a little difference like this:
base damage 70 DamageType:ArmorPiercing and Normal attack rate:1.2...
this will be good if that weapon appears in the game...and thx if yes
.i know you dont have the rights to create this weapon without a license frome squaresoft
so maybe if we give another name like Terror or Renzo
and if we change a little apperance on the weapon
 where is the blade end then maybe it was a good thing afterall :D
the price will be for this weapon in platinum hmmm
...350.....and for a credit 150000...xD
There is a chance to talk about this Masamune sword plan on the next livestream?

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1# There are 2 ways to get Vauban, for plat and alerts. Can you add these parts to T3?

2# You're adding a lot of weapons, don't you think you should add a new solar system with new enemies?

3# If you don't want to make a solar system, could you make a city? which includes shops, teleports to the planets etc..? Solar system is so boring >.>

4# This is the most important question ... will be on the stream pink shorts? :D

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Is it known whether sentinal weapons will be changeable?


I was going to ask the same question, but let me further refine it:

- Are you going to give us an option to aquire alternative weapons for our sentinels? Maybe by clan research or obtainable in the Void? If so, will it be upgrades (let's say we switch the dethcubes mini-Gorgon with a mini-Supra) or would it be different types of weapons (like for example a shotgun)?


- Also, are there any plans regarding a new sentinel? I could imagine things like a utility-type sentinel here that also picks up ammo and ressources around you.

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1. I've noticed when glacing at the weapon feedback section that some of the biggest threads are expressing a lot of discontent about the current system for Primes. A lot of people are feeling that it marginalizes the usefulness of non-prime gear and discourages investing formas and catalysts into non-prime weapons. Though there are people defending the status quo too, it seems like a real point of contention. Do you have any plans to modify the current Prime system so people don't feel like their hard-earned gear is going obsolete?


2. Most events so far have centered entirely around the Corpus and Grineer, we had the Infested virus helping to destroy the Formians in that event but the Infested have yet to hold a central role. Will we be seeing a sudden outbreak of Infested up to something nefarious in our near future?

Edited by Deteno
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Thanks for updates, game keep getting better.


1. Chat - is there way to make chat window taggable to full screen heights?

it's slow and hard to scroll to find fast names that you looking for..,

also, once it's full heights, can font get 2 dots bigger ? 


2. Why in a Chat sometimes you can see names on the left, but can't find them on the right ?

is it refreshing to slow ?


3. When players whispering at you, is there way to make them change name color

on both sides of the chat window, so it's easier to find them for invite ?


4. In game menu Contacts  thingie has some recent players list.

You can invite from that list players to you clan, but not to the next game,

Can you add option to invite Recent Players to the game to that Contacts thingie  ?


5. Why in CV Scouts become invisible once you start firing at them ?

Sentinel can see them all the time, but once they move I can't see them.


6. For the next event, is there way to announce more in advance all  

all rewards and conditions of getting them.


7. Is there way for the next event add completion bar to  forum event announcement page

and maybe time counter to the dead line, if it applies ?


8. Is there chance that, if progress bar will be added to the announce  page,

show not only percentage, but number of target kills or etc.,

till mission goal is reached ?


9. "

  • New RNG fixes – Enemy and Level specific drops for more efficient hunting!"

 Where do we go to learn about what and where to hunt ?

If all this info exist only on WIKI, since game has no manual,

is there way to add WIKI access link or something to game menu ?


10. The Mod Transmutator 


    Somehow there still no way to trade for what you are looking for...


    as step one you should be able to select from the list of what ever is available

    for trade what you may want.

    step two, depending on the Tier of desired mod get a request to give up 3/6/9 mods,

    selected, randomly by server, for every "trade" = different every trade attempt..

    step three, if you can let go those mods, pay the price and get what you are looking for.


    One attempt to trade per day, just to stay within some DE traditions..

    or pay double to for every next attempt to trade on the same day :)



  • Dojo Construction Upgrade Phase 1: “On the Grid”

 I don't see how to remove hallways to update them to new "grid",

without loosing labs & etc..

is there way to start "HOW TO" page on the forum with instructions on how 

to do this and that within the game ?


12.  Thank You.

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The problem I'm having is that once I put my powers on my warframe there isn't enough spaces for all the mods I would like. I have plenty of spare mod points but no space so my question is have you considered doing something about this? also feel free to point out that I'm being a silly noob if that's what I am being. I have attempted to include a screenshot but I'm struggling to get it to work so yeah...


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Absolutely dig the new warframe idle animations, and the new reload animations for some of the guns. Awesome job and thanks for that!


 -What new animations are in the works now? Could we PLEASE have dual pistol twirling as an idle or reload or other animation?


- Not totally unrelated: When are we going to get our hands on dual vasto? 


(you know... so we can REALLY live out our ninja-cowboy fantasies)

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I'd like thatI wish there was a story in warframe. okay, is a multiplayer game without a precise history but I'd much. can I give you a small trace of history that I have?

In fact, you could make a concorsoper the best story.
ok, other questions: 1-a new infested enemy(in the event,probably)?
2-i see that the stealth mission is very difficult (more enemy, unexpected spawn behind you).  It's happens to be a challenge or a possible excuse to "to hell with stealth * imitation of Al Pacino * VIOOOLENCEEEEE!"?
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Q1) will we get a better chat system?


Q2) Will the rare alert weapons have any distinguishing features in future aka bone sword, dark sword to make them worthwhile flaunting/ using?


Q3) Is there something that's going to be done about single hitting melee weapons like the plasma sword to make them viable over the heavy weapons that hit multiple targets? 


Q3) What's the progress with the spider man ability? :P (grappling hook (please can we swing from it!) ^^)


Q4) Are there any new frames coming out soon?


Q5) Can we have more ways for solo players to join void missions, for instance if someone has a void key but no one online to play with, can they make it online so people can join?


Q5.3/4) Can we have an option NOT to be host, I know mine sucks and would prefer if the person with the best hosting ability were to host void missions using my keys.


Q6) Can we please have unique animations for each weapon, its one of the main reasons I love this game - for its animation quality, and so many of the long swords are almost exactly the same its very dull to use them.


 Q7) What are the plans for Endgame? I have over 200 hours play time, almost all the weapons, frames, mods, and during this event is the second time I am starting to get bored of the game. (Notice I said second time as I came back it after the new update came out ^^)



Love the game and the live streams! Cant wait to hear about update 10!

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Few questions/topics I'd like comments on.


1. What's the long term plan for "End Game Content"?  We all know it's beta, but I KNOW you guys are working on something.


2. I've posted a few idea threads about end game content, which included, but isn't limited to: Moa Racing (FF7 style chocobo races... but with other players); MMORPG Dungeon/Raid style games (with better host migration if someone's internet sucks); Full armor AND weapon customization/upgrades via loot from the last idea; "Battlegrounds" virtual warfare testing... group PvP.  What do you guys think about that stuff?  More specifically, when are you releasing the Moa Racing/Engineering?


3. Why do the extra helms have perks and drawbacks... why can't gear just have perks?  And later on AWESOME gear has a major perk, and a drawback... or something along the lines.  In other games, drawbacks come with "cursed" gear, otherwise, why wouldn't we optimize everything about our Warframes?

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Is there anything you can reveal about the future prime weapons and prime warframes? With the current system having new void game types associated with the gear we receive, the future of prime gear seems awfully limited without a lot of changes.

i think that all warframes weapons and sentinals should have a prime version. i have a loki and i think that loki as a prime would look cool.

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Will we get a "Show duplicates only." Mod filter ever? Will we see more Clan vs Clan content in the future (Not as a serious Clan Wars type thing, but like how the police departments will have basketball games vs the fire department, just good ol'skill honning battle)?

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#1: will we get more mods to function with puncture properly or is this a limiter so some weapons work with it and others don't?


#2 will we get more information on weapons built into the game without having to require the wiki + tests + data miners for information? maybe I just like know my numbers by looking at stuff before I buy it or work to build it. 

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Q: Are Sentinels working as intended? A while back, you stated that precepts would control how Sentinels function, a sort of AI. But each Sentinel only has one precept really, aside from the priority order you can place mods in. Shade only has the option to shoot with revenge or not at all. Wyrm and Deathcube only  have the option to shoot when an enemy is near, or not at all. Any plans to expand this so we can really customize our Sentinel behavior? :)


Q: Will the Void key system be reworked so we don't have to back out and kill our party every time the mission is complete?


Q: Are you trying to take big chances and testing event designs to gauge player reception? I'm not complaining, but what do you think of the idea of continuing events for a set time frame, rather than a condition that ends them? Of course this is related to the Corpus Scout event and the Fomorian Ships before it. (I got my points in both events so I am unaffected personally.)


Q: Will Warframes ever have more than 4 abilities each? Specialization is so fun!



The problem I'm having is that once I put my powers on my warframe there isn't enough spaces for all the mods I would like. I have plenty of spare mod points but no space so my question is have you considered doing something about this? also feel free to point out that I'm being a silly noob if that's what I am being. I have attempted to include a screenshot but I'm struggling to get it to work so yeah...

Not really the place for that question. Ask in Bug section or Players Helping Players. You could be experiencing a number of issues, but I don't think they are related to design, for DE to answer.

Edited by gell
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1. More alternative body parts. When do we, or do we even get them?

2. Separating stats from looks. Some new helmets are looking cool, but the stats are useless. Can we get stats as separate customization part - alt Systems?

3. Can someone explain once and for all, that we won't have clan battles, 10+ players boss runs, friendly fire, PvP missions?

4. What are you going to do with Solo players, since they are whining how the co-op game is unfair when you're playing solo?


5. There are rumors, that next Prime frame will be Mag - can you confirm or deny it? If not Mag - which Frame should be next?


6. Community polls maybe? About next new Prime weapon, frame, frame Prime, weapon, enemy? Let us choose. I'm not saying about Design Council-like influence on the game, but polls would be definitely nice.


7. More content from community? How about making a weapon every once in a while, which design is taken from forums? You know, like "fanmade weapon of the month" We have lots of nice ideas for weapons/frames on the forums, but... Well, they are only ideas. How about making them real?


8. Can DE state, that tophats, monocles, hearth patterns, cat ears, wings, N7 armors do NOT fit in WF universe? There are more and more topics about new customizations recently, and huge part of them is about adding hats or flower patterns...


9. Scarves. DE said about scarves some time ago, and that's it - nobody knows anything else. Can we have more details?


10. Token system. Now boss drops should be fixed, so I'm not entirely sure about this, but... Can you tell us more about it?

11. Void drops. How is that possible, that after dozens of Void runs you have dozens of Latron Prime Stocks and Barrels, but no receivers? Technically they have similar, if not equal chance to drop. Yet some Prime parts are extremely rare.


12. Connecting 10 and 11 - can we get Token System for Void?

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The new batch of weapons just allowed people to get rank 12. Thank you!


Now, are there any new weapons that will require a rank higher than the current highest rank (rank 7)?


Is there any incentive to being in a high rank (aside from the upcoming rank up bonuses) like a title, unique skins, an aura glow of some sort (random ideas feel free to update, tweak or altogether throw these out~basically cosmetic stuff) that only the highest rank tiers can get to (so if the highest possible rank becomes 13 those who have the items equipped will get it un equipped and will be able to equip the items anymore until they reach rank 13) encourage people to go and rank up?


change topic SET 2


Since warframe is a PVE game and a big part of the game is collecting things. Is there anyway that we can get a "trophy room" screen? This one is more like a glorified checklist of the things you have like alt helms, mods, weapons, etc. ? the clans are getting em, why can't we have soemthing similar; something to look at when the chips are down and all that jazz. :3


change topic again SET 3


Competitive events are amazing. it turns the grind of events into something more spectacular (it's all in the head lol)! (even though we didn't top :D )


however, is there anyway to get more functionallity for the clan screens like being able to monitor your clan's active and current squads, which missions they are doing, and what menu they are looking at exactly (aresnal, mod screen, foundry, the solar system screen~zoomed out, seconds/minutes of inactivity~no mouse movement or kb movement~, who they are grouped with, etc) this will make clan squad management easier without taking the attention of people from the games.

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Q1. Since the overhauled Infested Ancient design clearly differs from its older version not only in quality but also in style, is it fair to assume that the normal Infested enemy design will be updated up to fit with their "big brothers" again?


Q2. Have you thought about a cover mechanic exclusive to stealth play, as in a "hold movement key X to press your body up against a wall/floor/ceiling, minimizing visibility" kind of way?

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