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Daily reward: 'Three shuffled options' should be removed or updated


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You log in and there are three options presented to you: Axi, Neo and Meso relic, or like what just happened: 2x Orokin Cells, 1x Orokin Cell and 10x Oxium.
Then, choices are hidden, shuffled, and you can "choose" the reward, but with no way to know where is the one you want. So whichever you "choose" it is predefined, like - no matter which one you choose, it will be 10xOxium, or Meso relic, since there is no transparent way to see how rewards are shuffled.

This is frustrating as:
- There is no way to 'guess' the one you want, since there is no transparent way of shuffling process.
- Why this system exists if we'll get predefined reward anyway? It can only frustrate if we don't get desired reward.
- There is 67% of frustrating outcome, and 33% of player satisfaction outcome.
- "Just give me a random reward, don't show me a better reward I needed more but was unlucky to get."

I think this unfair gambling login minigame should be terminated and replaced with default random login reward or updated with the way for players to track the reward they want in the shuffling process. Currently it masks a random reward with the false "choice". I hope there are more supporters of the idea. Thanks!

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I always kind of suspected it wasn't random at all. Like your reward is pre-determined no matter what you pick and the choice is just for show. But on that, it really makes no difference so there's no point in having a choice if we don't get to pick what we get.

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8 minutes ago, Unagi604 said:

I always kind of suspected it wasn't random at all. Like your reward is pre-determined no matter what you pick and the choice is just for show. But on that, it really makes no difference so there's no point in having a choice if we don't get to pick what we get.

Similar to the Payday cards at the end of heists. they show you three cards with three different options and shuffle em, but your reward was determined before the screen even loaded.

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Yeah, it's always been a rather stupid feature. Just give a single RNG reward. It's a useless extra mouseclick when picking the RNG reward from those 3 options. It's all random anyway, adding some mini game into it isn't even 0.1% thrilling. I always just click the middle option to get it over with. 

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1 minute ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

I think they should both remove the Shuffle and also make the prize scale with player`s MR because seriously, MR25 and im getting 100 Endo and 10K Credit rewards?

Or with days played? :)

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3 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

No because it wont motivate players to work towards higher MR and greater rewards.

I don't think MR should have impact here, this is why:
- MR already brings a lot of benefits for players to strive for: * Larger minimum mod capacity, * More free load slots, * Larger syndicate daily cap, * New MR restricted weapons...
Game already uses the almost full potential of MR
- in contrast, Daily reward system is simply there to reward you for: Daily log in.

Also, after MR16, is there a real need for you to try every weapon in the game? That far, many players decide which type of weapon / frame type they prefer. So if somebody doesn't like bows, one should'e be forced to max them all out in order to get a better login reward. One can be MR16 and have 4k hrs in game and a killer gear, so one shouldn't be punished for enjoying a certain gear over the other.

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It should be based on hours actively played. They have a functional enough method to make sure that simply being AFK isn't rewarded, so it shouldn't be hard to take care of that. It makes no sense that I can literally get on for 1 minute a day and collect the daily tribute and build up to the the otherwise unobtainable rewards that come up faster than a player who is active for weeks or months at a time then has to miss getting on because of work and other real life commitments, or simply traveling and being in places where they can't log in regularly. This, Guild Wars 2, and a few other games are silly in that less effort = more reward if you want to game the system when it comes to daily items.

As to the original topic, yes, the shell game is stupid. Why even shuffle the cards when there's no way to see how they're shuffled? Either treat us like the shills we are and just leave it random and hidden so we don't know what we missed out on, or let players simply pick which of the rewards they get on the multiple reward days.

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I'd be more iffy about it if the rewards where significant;y more substantial*...... but the only one I seem to get are the ones for credits.

So like 1k, 5k and 10k credits..... *glances over to 24+Million Credits*..... can't say I really care which one I get.

Tho even if I didn't have a glut of resources/credits the rewards you get from those are still typically less than you could gain from playing a single mission. 


*For an example of more substantial, say something like 1k Credits, 10k Credits and a Riven Mod. or 1K Credits, 10K Credits and a Booster. In those instances picking the credits would represent a substantial downside that currently doesn't exist. 

Edited by Oreades
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Why do you even care guys? It's yet another random daily reward, same as any others. We get something for free just by logging in and as those are not milestone rewards, there are no promises made on what exactly we will get so who cares how many levels of randomness are there under the hood? The "pick one of three" thing, so they show you a pool from which a reward is supposed to be drawn, why is that upsetting you? You don't seem to be particularly upset by lame rewards when it's "here's your reward" day... You'll still get what you'll get and it's not like it's dramatically important to get one particular thing out of three. The difference between them is not that huge and rewards themselves are not that valuable anyway.

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I rather like it, personally. Odd, I know, but hear me out. The rewards you get from daily logins are inconsequential to long-term players either way. A single Morphic or syndicate medallion isn't going to make much of a difference when you're likely already sitting on more than you'll ever use. So logging in and clicking that box is just a neat little "hello" from Warframe more than it is any kind of substantial reward. It's a routine of sorts. So when the roulette pops up, it's more a slight break from the routine than anything else; a moment where your loot table changes just this once, and you see what you could get. It doesn't really matter which card you click, or which reward you get, since it's random and inconsequential. It's just a quirky change from the mundane that doesn't really change much at all.

Now, if they were to change it, I think it'd be neat if instead we clicked on the single reward box, and three reward boxes popped out and opened up. Could be a fun surprise.

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20 hours ago, UjaAca said:


You log in and there are three options presented to you: Axi, Neo and Meso relic, or like what just happened: 2x Orokin Cells, 1x Orokin Cell and 10x Oxium.
Then, choices are hidden, shuffled, and you can "choose" the reward, but with no way to know where is the one you want. So whichever you "choose" it is predefined, like - no matter which one you choose, it will be 10xOxium, or Meso relic, since there is no transparent way to see how rewards are shuffled.

This is frustrating as:
- There is no way to 'guess' the one you want, since there is no transparent way of shuffling process.
- Why this system exists if we'll get predefined reward anyway? It can only frustrate if we don't get desired reward.
- There is 67% of frustrating outcome, and 33% of player satisfaction outcome.
- "Just give me a random reward, don't show me a better reward I needed more but was unlucky to get."

I think this unfair gambling login minigame should be terminated and replaced with default random login reward or updated with the way for players to track the reward they want in the shuffling process. Currently it masks a random reward with the false "choice". I hope there are more supporters of the idea. Thanks!

this still happens ? i haven't gotten one of those in a year, though i didnt care for it at all i always picked the middle one and what i got didnt make me happy/unhappy. I mean it's a login reward.


you want orokin cells... farm them at gabbi - ceres or at helen - saturn

you want meso relics... farm them at io - jupiter

you want neo relics... farm them at hydron - sedna

you want axi relics... farm them at xini - eris

you want oxium... farm it in corpus fissures (though im sure there are better places)



I think this unfair gambling login minigame should be terminated and replaced with default random login reward or updated with the way for players to track the reward they want in the shuffling process. Currently it masks a random reward with the false "choice". I hope there are more supporters of the idea. Thanks!

What ? gambling... how is this gambling? it's not like you can do this again and again without stop you get the 3 choices and then once you've chosen you need to wait the next day and you don't pay for anything... How is that a gambling system?


the rewards that the daily login gives you aren't even that good to begin with unless we're talking about the 50 day marks

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well, that's why no one in the right mind, ever should play the 'shell game' - it always is a trick to fool the players out of their money... at least here in warframe we don't really get ripped off by it, only get fooled to think we have a choice ^^)

Edited by fr4gb4ll
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On 4/12/2018 at 10:03 PM, Oreades said:

So like 1k, 5k and 10k credits..... *glances over to 24+Million Credits*..... can't say I really care which one I get.

*For an example of more substantial, say something like 1k Credits, 10k Credits and a Riven Mod. or 1K Credits, 10K Credits and a Booster. In those instances picking the credits would represent a substantial downside that currently doesn't exist. 

If you are high MR. But veterans are not the only ones who play this game. Also, even if I have 500 cells, I'd rather choose 2 than 1, if the choice is presented to me. But here it is not a choice, just mimics the choice and it's frustrating. In a game. Games shouldn't have frustrating mechanics, even as dumb as this.

20 hours ago, Siilk said:

Why do you even care guys? It's yet another random daily reward, same as any others. We get something for free just by logging in and as those are not milestone rewards, there are no promises made on what exactly we will get so who cares how many levels of randomness are there under the hood? The "pick one of three" thing, so they show you a pool from which a reward is supposed to be drawn, why is that upsetting you? You don't seem to be particularly upset by lame rewards when it's "here's your reward" day... You'll still get what you'll get and it's not like it's dramatically important to get one particular thing out of three. The difference between them is not that huge and rewards themselves are not that valuable anyway.

Exactly my point. Why is there a reason to give a mimic of a choice to players? Remove the mini game, give a player a random reward like always and get on with it. It's arguable that all shown rewards are similar in value. You could get 2 Orokin cells, or an Axi relic, but you get an Oxium or a Lith relic. I may be MR25, but I still know the difference in value of those things. Rare resource VS common one, or staying in low defense mission for one rotation VS staying in high lvl defense mission all 4 rotations. In my book, those are extremes in value.

6 hours ago, hellodownthere said:

you want orokin cells... farm them at gabbi - ceres or at helen - saturn

you want meso relics... farm them at io - jupiter

you want neo relics... farm them at hydron - sedna

you want axi relics... farm them at xini - eris

you want oxium... farm it in corpus fissures (though im sure there are better places)

Thanks, but this is not the point. The fact that login rewards are 'not so valuable' or that they can be farmed doesn't justify having a mini login game that can be frustrating for many players, some don't care and minority likes it.

6 hours ago, hellodownthere said:

What ? gambling... how is this gambling? it's not like you can do this again and again without stop you get the 3 choices and then once you've chosen you need to wait the next day and you don't pay for anything... How is that a gambling system?
the rewards that the daily login gives you aren't even that good to begin with unless we're talking about the 50 day marks

Maybe it doesn't classify as gambling (as players are not investing) but it is giving a player the sense of choice, where in reality it is not a choice. This angers me because there was no reason for it at the first place. I started this topic because I disprove this mechanic in a hope that they will change/remove it. If majority of players are neutral and negative regard some part of the game, I don't see a reason why it should stay the same. Do you? They removed parts of the game that had a hard core fans (raids), they can for sure change something nobody cares about or hates.

15 hours ago, EmissaryOfInfinity said:

Now, if they were to change it, I think it'd be neat if instead we clicked on the single reward box, and three reward boxes popped out and opened up. Could be a fun surprise.

^ This would be a step in the right direction! Love it! <3

Edited by UjaAca
Removed double negation from the sentence.
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