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Kindness Frame


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Hello everyone, I've been playing this game basically since it came out, and I have a problem.  See, I've gotten bored playing this game, which is a real problem because I really like this game.  I've gotten invested in all the quirky people in this system, in my wonderful pets, in seeing what happens next, in trying out new things, in...well everything really.  But the grind doesn't do it for me anymore; I don't think it ever did.  And then something happened yesterday.

I went fishing, and after I was done, I took my fish to Fisher Hai-Luk, and I donated a few for standing, and she said that the ones I donated would go to help feed the people.  And I felt...good, in a way I don't usually associate with playing Warframe.  Which brought me to a realization: I may not care about the grind, but I do care a whole awful lot about the people in the world DE built.  

And this brings me to my request for you, if you are interested and willing to help: what are the kindest things I can do in Warframe, either for other players or for NPCs?

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Play regular missions on earth and Venus and ask low MR players if they need help, then spend a couple hours helping them along.  Give them all the basic essential mods (that you were just going to endo anyways), and help them with any questions they have.

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When I run into the rare need to feel like a good person, I use my Trinity Prime and head for Ludi, Ceres, which is a Hijack mission, in public queue mode. I do this because it is mandatory to complete that one and I remember how much trouble I had with it when I got there on my Mag with barely anything better than starter mods you have at that point.

Now I know there are a million ways to make Hijack pretty easy, one of them being Trinity of course, but most of the things that make it enjoyable, least in solo mode, are not available to new players at that point whatsoever.

Half my friends-list is either populated by people I met that way and ended up befriending me after telling me how tough a time they had with it OR people whom I helped with defending that objective during the Chroma story mission. 

Also I've been trying to give away mandatory mods like Streamline, Continuity and such, which we all have a dozen of, to exactly those newer people you meet in missions like that, but that always turned out to be a hassle because nobody is familiar at all with the trading system and one even thought I was trying to scam them after they saw that clan tax thing in the trade :D 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you all so much for all of the suggestions.  I honestly wasn't expecting this kind of support when I posted this question.  As for the suggestions, I really appreciate them.  I did the vast majority of the game on my own, and got most of my mods before they changed the drop tables (anyone else remember Damage 1.0?) so I never really experienced those things.  They also helped me come up with one of my own:

Anyone else need help with The Glast Gambit?

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Put that Corpus guy stuck in the Infested stuff out of his misery. Seriously. Ever since I noticed him in that circular hallway tileset I make sure to end his suffering when I pass. Other than Vor, there are few I'd leave in that situation.

As for players: I tend to answer a few newbie questions here and there in Region. I can do it long as Region can trigger me quickly, so I only read it for 15 mins or so at a time, but I like to help those new to the game. Especially if they are polite and ask other questions after I answer their first.

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Reading the title, i thought you wanted a frame that can kill by hugging their enemies to melt em with kindness.

On topic : look through recruit chat and help newbies there. You'd be surprised on how many cryotic/junction mission/juggernaut farm/limbo quest help gets asked.

Optionaly giving people limbo proof fragments/salad nav cords (or selling em for 1p. Sometimes people want to pay and i feel like giving a price however small it is would give them some level of accomplishment).

Edited by (PS4)watt4hem
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Hang out on high level spots in the star chart, especially the one arm of the Void where enemies just look at you and you become a blob of melted cheese.

Also, places like Caelus, Uranus and those two weird archwing missions, I forget what they're called, but one you have to traverse a long distance to destroy some ships and the other is chase and destroy some ship.

Lua defense 15 waves is a popular help request.

When Nitain alerts are on higher leveled locations, go to recruit chat and announce that you are taxi'g to the alert.

Put on Master Thief, join low level survival, just walk past the lockers and let the new players open them. Mark sculptures and kurias.

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I sometimes hang out with council buddies and moderators in the relay. The serene atmosphere in combination with the fashion frame circles will keep you entertained for hours. Literally. You can have crazy cool conversations and be in there forever. 

Tell you what - next time Baro comes, go to the relay an hour or three before his arrival. Join in on the convo, stand in the fashionframe circle(s) and be chill. Super calming. 

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20 hours ago, Ryim_Drykeon said:

Put that Corpus guy stuck in the Infested stuff out of his misery. Seriously. Ever since I noticed him in that circular hallway tileset I make sure to end his suffering when I pass. Other than Vor, there are few I'd leave in that situation.

As for players: I tend to answer a few newbie questions here and there in Region. I can do it long as Region can trigger me quickly, so I only read it for 15 mins or so at a time, but I like to help those new to the game. Especially if they are polite and ask other questions after I answer their first.

Are you actually able to kill him? I think I tried once and it didn't work. If it's possible, I'd definitely do it. It kinda hurts to see him like that. Not because he's a Corpus and I know that there are lots of good Corpus out there, but because I know what the Infestation does to someone. I've got detail in the spoiler below. Some of it is speculation, but for the most part, it's taken from direct lore in the game. (Codex entries, Alad V's dialogue from various quests, etc.) 


The Infestation.

The Infestation is more than a disease - it is a horror of twisted flesh, monsters made into reality. The blight consumes its victims, transforming them into unrecognizable atrocities controlled by rabid impulse.

The Infested are a single-minded scourge that belongs in the realm of nightmares, but instead chooses to invade ships and colonies, leaving only death and destruction in its wake. -Warframe.com description of the Infestation.

This seriously sends chills down my spine. I don't know why. "The Infestation belongs in the realm of nightmares, but instead chooses to invade ships and colonies, leaving only death and destruction in its wake." 

I know, I know, Warframe is heavily centered around dreams. But this analogy is really a disturbing on for me. It's almost as if your nightmares, the worst things you can see at night while sleeping, the things that can only exist in a world where there are no limits to the horrors you can see, decided to break the borders of the universe and find you in the real world. It's terrifying to me. I've had dreams about Warframe, many of which involve the Infestation in some capacity. There was one dream I had where I was a... Corpus I think? Regardless, I was on a ship with several people that I know in the real world that were adapted into the Warframe universe via my dream. The Infestation began to grow on the ship, it sealed off the doors before we noticed it. By the time we found it on our ship, it was too late. There was no escape for us.

The rest of the dream is what makes me have such chills when reading that description above. 

There is no hiding from the Infestation. When taking the lore of the game rather than the gameplay, once exposed to something as simple as the air where Infestation is will condemn you. The Infestation travels in a nearly infinite amount of ways; on ships, on Infested life forms, through the air you breathe. It has been described as traveling through spores in the air. 

In my dream, I was not the first to fall. I saw both sides of the horror; watching someone be Infested, and being Infested.

First it was one of my close friends. It was terrifying. First she simply felt sick. She tried to pass it off as just being something she ate that day. (Maybe it was... the Infestation can probably manifest in food until it's consumed where it can take control from the inside out...) I tried to believe her, but I couldn't. We'd all seen the Infestation on the ship, closing off our exits, making certain that help couldn't arrive...

Next was the more terrifying part. Much like many sci-fi/horror films where someone is taken control of by an external force (Ghosts, monsters, aliens, etc), her body was strangely changed and misshapen. It is a little to gruesome for me to want to describe in detail, but I'll put in some bits and pieces to help paint the picture of the horror. 

First her eyes changed color. Like Neewa in The Glast Gambit where one of her eyes was purple instead of her normal golden yellow color. (I might not remember that properly.) My friend's eyes were changed to be a neon pink in the iris and a sickly yellow in the whites. Her veins around her eyes became more visible and changed to be a dark purple, almost black color. This happened in many other areas such as the wrist where the veins are easily visible. She became pale before the Infestation finally began its true work. (Note that all this happened over several days.) She wasn't killed. We had no ways to kill her. Her family was on the ship and couldn't stand to watch her in pain as the Infestation took her being under its control, but no one could bear the thought of trying to kill her in some way. I brought up the idea of using one of the steak knives or something and trying to kill her, but no one could take it upon themselves to take her out of her misery. And so the horror continued.

She began mumbling to herself and reacting to us as if we were monsters. She hid herself every chance she got. Eventually others of us became infected as well. I was still not taken yet. She (My friend) disappeared for a time. When she showed up again, I couldn't recognize her. There was Technocyte (The weird squishy substance all over the Infested we see in-game and in the back of Ordis) had wrapped around her body in odd ways, distorting her image. It had its own arms, much like the one on the Helminth Cyst. It began taking her body apart and reassembling it, much like the Grineer chargers. 

Everyone in the dream was based on people that I knew in real life. But they were all infected before me, so watching them like this was absolutely terrible. They began trying to kill me, telling me to become one of them, much like Alad V and like the Infested bosses. Eventually I became Infested too, but on the outside first. I found it on my right thigh when it started. I tried to cut it off with a hot knife, but it didn't work. It slowly expanded across my body. It was painful, extremely painful. Much like the pain I felt when I broke my arm. (Real life) My skin began to change color around the Technocyte. I was fighting the Infestation's control as hard as I could, but it was getting hard. Luckily the Infested was only sticking to my leg for the most part, so if I could cut my leg off, I could stay out of the Infestation's control for a little while longer. Maybe until help arrived.. the problem was that I couldn't amputate my own limb.

Just as all hope was lost, I heard a massive ruckus on the other side of one of the sealed doors. There had been other people on the ship in other areas that I hadn't been with when the Infestation took control. I knew for sure that they had been Infested because of the noises I had heard prior to now. But this wasn't Infested...

The door began to glow. I could feel the heat from it when I approached. The Technocyte on the door began to shrivel and die. (Heat is the Infestation's weakness) My leg was close enough to the door that the Technocyte began to fight back and move me back away from the door. I couldn't fight it. It had control over my leg. I was at least thirty feet away from the door when it finally melted away. An Ember Prime walked through and began shooting fire at the Technocyte on the walls, killing it. We were finally saved! Or, at least I was. My friends all seemed to be past the point of no return. 

The Ember walked up to me and began speaking. (Like how the Tenno speak through the Warframe in The War Within.) It was a female's voice, one that was kind and welcoming. She asked if I was alright or if I was light headed, queasy, etc. I felt none of these things, but she noticed the Technocyte on my leg. She pulled out a heat dagger (Actual weapon from the game) and began to whittle away at the Technocyte. It wasn't long before a few more Warframes entered the room. Among them was a Nezha, a Chroma that was currently attuned to heat damage, and an Excalibur Prime. He was clearly the leader. He held his Exalted Blade with the Chromatic Blade augment equipped and set to fire. He noted the Ember working on my leg and began taking action. He ordered the Chroma to leave his pelt at the door to keep back any other Infested and took the Nezha to go find survivors. The Chroma began looking in the other direction for survivors as well. 

The Ember sat back on her heels and looked at my leg. Even though she was a Warframe, I could tell that she was not satisfied. She seemed almost sad. Maybe it was the fact that the flame on her helmet died down a bit (Being an Ember Prime with the default helmet) that made me think she was sad. She told me that she was sorry, but they had been too late. The Technocyte had already gotten inside my leg. She would have to amputate it if I wanted to survive. I accepted, reluctantly, and she began to work. She activated Accelerant to up the heat on her knife and began cutting painfully, but precisely at my leg, careful to not damage too much. Since there was so much heat on the knife, if sealed off my veins and arteries and kept me from bleeding out. The pain wasn't as bad as the Infestation on my leg had been, so it barely affected me. I was too exhausted physically and emotionally to care to deal with the pain, so I just let it happen. After the ember finished her work, she set the amputated limb on fire to help rid it of the Technocyte. Why she did this, I didn't know. Maybe she viewed it as a corpse of sorts, burning it out of respect? 

The Excalibur Prime along with the Nezha returned with one of my friends that was missing an arm and his lower leg (Likely amputated as well) and another that was missing both legs and had some kind of incubating contraption on his left arm. The Ember picked my up and the Chorma returned without any survivors. He collected his pelt and the team of Tenno carried the few survivors to extraction.

If you managed to read that wall of text, congratulations! You have earned my respect. I know it was extremely long, but I think it was rightfully so. It goes into detail on what the Infestation does. Almost everything in the spoiler is actually cannon to how the lore describes the Infestation. The gameplay makes it function slightly differently, hence the lore aspect of it. 

So if possible, I will definitely kill that crewman every time since I know what he is fearing. I actually have the power to put him out of his misery, and I intend to use it properly and mercifully. "With great power comes great responsibility." 


However, another thing that I do in Warframe to help out other players is I try and buy them stuff when they need it. (Slots, reactors/catalysts, etc.) I finally have the means to do so, and I have actually done it a few times. I look forward to doing so more in the future since I can now use trade chat effectively enough to get a constant stream of platinum into my pocket. 

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