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Buff Exodia Contagion


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23 minutes ago, MaggyYolokraut said:

it was perfectly fin in its state why did you have to change it how it interacts with covert lethality it wasn't broken

Do you realise that covert lethality specifically says dagger, meaning its only intended to work on daggers? Working with a seperate mechanic means its broken and should be fixed does it not? 


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vor 7 Minuten schrieb iDEBz:

Do you realise that covert lethality specifically says dagger, meaning its only intended to work on daggers? Working with a seperate mechanic means its broken and should be fixed does it not? 


okay then explain savage silence or enemy radar

Edited by MaggyYolokraut
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11 minutes ago, MaggyYolokraut said:

okay the explain savage silence


Savage Silence is a Warframe Augment Mod for Banshee's Silence that multiplies the damage of standing finisher attacks on affected enemies

  • Damage bonus is affected by Ability Strength.
  • Savage Silence affects standing finisher attacks: Stealth Attacks and Counterattack Finishers.
  • Also causes Silence's stagger to set enemies up for standing finisher attacks. Silence without the Augment will not set up (alerted) enemies for finisher attacks.
  • Enemies affected by Savage Silence also take increased finisher damage from Warframe abilities that deliver their damage via standing finisher attacks, e.g. Ash's Blade Storm.
  • Approaching stunned enemies upfront and killing them won't break the stealth affinity multiplier.
    • In similar fashion, 'bumping' into stunned enemies won't break the multiplier either.


there you go explained

Edited by hellodownthere
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53 minutes ago, MaggyYolokraut said:

it was perfectly fin in its state why did you have to change it how it interacts with covert lethality it wasn't broken by any means with the existence of TIGRIS PRIME, LENZ, LANKA , GALATINE PRIME, ATTERAX, STUN WRAIT, TIBERON PRIME and so on why cant we have fun?

Which one of those weapons one-shots enemies of ANY level?

If it's not about the level but just one-shotting then you can just go to Earth and kill everything there for pure fun.

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vor 12 Minuten schrieb Ksaero:

Which one of those weapons one-shots enemies of ANY level?

If it's not about the level but just one-shotting then you can just go to Earth and kill everything there for pure fun.

you know ther is something called survival and ther is something called synergy and then you have the lvl idk enemy and you want to kill him and he doesn't die that easily and then ther is the factor off fun you want to have fun don't you? see were im coming from ? i dont want to use the same s*** over and over again and i play the game now for 800h so it was acutely a very welcome Addison especially the way you could use it. it was very fun out of my perspective. i dont know what you consider as fun but i get my kicks out of killing high lvl enmeys and sing high dmg number and looking cool wile doing it.

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4 minutes ago, MaggyYolokraut said:

a very welcome Addison

If you say so, guy.

4 minutes ago, MaggyYolokraut said:

but i get my kicks out of killing high lvl enmeys and sing high dmg number

When is your next concert?


The mod was broken and not working as intended.  It could kill literal giants in one hit.  Now it's working as it was intended to.  There's plenty of other ways to get your cheese on without depending on without "tridolon trasher".

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Dude , DE fixed that interaction before ( I remember the time when I 1HK anyone with Dagger Zaw + Covert Lethality + Exodia Contagion / Epidemic then it got fixed ) and somehow it happened again. You know bugs always tend to reappear.

Chroma's damage formula should be fixed long ago but hey it wasn't a problem till Vex Fury Buff made Chroma one shot DE's most epic bosses up to date ( Eidolons ) and they had to fix him. Vex is still good ( needs some buffs to Scorn tho) , please don't dramatize it. Also DE will revisit Chroma when his prime comes.

Dagger Zaw itself is really good even without broken interaction. It's your problem to get used / addicted to insta-kill from a bug. It was obvious that it will be fixed.

Get over it and move on.

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26 minutes ago, MaggyYolokraut said:


you know ther is something called survival and ther is something called synergy and then you have the lvl idk enemy and you want to kill him and he doesn't die that easily and then ther is the factor off fun you want to have fun don't you? see were im coming from ? i dont want to use the same s*** over and over again and i play the game now for 800h so it was acutely a very welcome Addison especially the way you could use it. it was very fun out of my perspective. i dont know what you consider as fun but i get my kicks out of killing high lvl enmeys and sing high dmg number and looking cool wile doing it.

Out of my perspective enemy scaling system is stupid and not fun at all.

Difficulty should not be increased by bullet-sponging and absurd damage which makes every shot fatal as this doesn't promote players to do anything but try to bypass it. Introducing or keeping lazy, non-effort ways of bypassing the so-called "difficulty" doesn't solve the problem at all but only makes things worse.

So as you see, my understanding of fun is subjective, as is yours. If you think Exodia Contagion fix should be reverted for your fun, then for my fun the enemies should adapt to it up to the point when it doesn't affect them at all.

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so im back i dont even gonna read all of the things that you have written.  im just salty af becaus of the change but im getting over it. it was fun wile it lasted but now its gone and probably will come back in another broken form but probably not as an exodia idk. this thread was mainly an outrage thread and i simply let off some steam you all probably will experience the same thing or have experienced it.

exterminatus_enter_key_by_t_h_e_q651.jpg                                              so far well every one.


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The fix they made to the interaction between Covert Lethality and Exodia Contagion is a good thing, because it really sheds some proper light onto Exodia Contagion itself.

Exodia Contagion simply sucks, it really and truly does.  Contrary to its listed effect it does far less damage than your normal melee strike would do, sometimes lower than 1/10 of your normal damage.  On an attack that is less usable than your normal attack, cannot be done as fast as a normal attack, and has the risk of self-damage when used in close quarters.  Even when using it at high/max rank and at the range which triggers its damage boost, it sometimes still does less damage than a normal melee attack would deal.

And Exodia Contagion has always sucked.  The only thing that did act as its saving grace was this specific bug that caused it to actually be doing more damage than it currently does when working as intended.  Before this change occurred, I've been testing out Contagion on a handful of Zaws (I've got 14 of them total currently) and prior to this change, I could not justify using Contagion on a single one of them except for my glorious little dagger.  And it was painfully clear to me that there was a bug at play in why it actually did damage on a dagger but was painfully useless on anything else.

Fixing bugs is a good thing, even if sometimes it results in something being nerfed.  Because then it allows room for things to move forward in a more appropriate way.

So what's the appropriate direction in this case?  Exodia Contagion simply needs to be buffed by a noteworthy amount.  And no, not to the same degree/function it used to be using.  But just amp up that baseline damage value a bit on the attack.  Because right now, it's very clearly non-viable.  I even threw it onto the highest possible damage per hit Zaw that can exist in-game currently, which is a comically slow hammer.  This Hammer holds up splendidly well in high level play despite being comically slow, dealing hits in the multi-thousands with relative ease as one would expect.

Same hammer, same build, except on lower level foes, I've seen damage numbers in the hundreds range if I'm lucky when using Contagion on it.  This was before the recent-most patch too, mind you.  And that has not changed at all with the patch.  Once (this one did garner a good laugh from me) I hit a level 60 enemy for a whopping 75 damage with Contagion, using a Hammer that has around 2k total base damage.

So all-in-all, Contagion is simply junk and it always has been total junk.  It was just exploitable due to a bug before, and now it's been properly revealed for what it truly is.

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1 hour ago, Bobtm said:

Exodia Contagion has always sucked

Gotta agree. What made it so good was the bug, but now that has been fixed, there's 0 reason to even use this arcane. It's a shame considering how fun it was nuking a small radius, then watching the bodies fly into orbit and disintegrate; even Bolkors and Firbolgs on the last bounty didn't stand a chance, lmao.

It went from 1-shotting Gara with a maxed [Vitality] [Arcane Guardian] [Gladiator Resolve] and 90% damage reduction, to barely being able to break Valkyr Prime's shields. From destroying Bolkors in one or two hits, to sometimes seeing a number in the hundreds, rofl.

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4 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

one shot DE's most epic bosses up to date ( Eidolons )


The point is that it was high risk, high reward. Kind of like Tonkor back when it was good.


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I do agree that after the recent nerfs DE should buff Exodias in general. Crafting and ranking them up requires ton of resources/wisp and they end up not being worth it at all. Even some damage increase would be fine just so its more usable, right not it tickles/impact procs the enemies which arent really useful.

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I just stopped playing the game altogether. Throwing things at the enemies was fun to me. It required skill and positioning to not blow yourself up. Now I'm forced to spin to win again which I simply refuse to do. I did that before the parkour 2.0, I'm not going back to looking like a freaking idiot.

DE keeps saying the game is too easy, the enemies are bugged and need buffs, our weapons are too strong, etc., meanwhile they play with god mod on all their dev streams...

It's a horde mode shooter ffs, it's dynasty warriors in space, just let as kill things! Stop thinking your game is more than it actually is.

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their problem is that they are unable to fix anything but just turn it into S#&$

in this state its worthless to use exodia c.

like with most of their eidolon stuff.

is anyone even still killing eidolons ?

Edited by tailorchris
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So after some more thinking and testing (thanks @Gaia) I have a theory as to why Contagion damage is weird.

On 2018-05-02 at 8:30 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Exodia Contagion's interaction with Covert Lethality, resulting in the +100 damage being applied to the projectile damage multiplier instead of the base projectile damage.

Exodia Contagion deals 400% damage after 30m. Which (roughly) equates to damage * 4. With Covert Lethality it probably was damage + 100 * 4, which explains the absurdely high damage. The fix might have been (damage + 100) * 4. The problem is that the damage now jumps all over the place, with only CL equipped, regardless of what else is modded and where Contagion is thrown from. So maybe there is some kind of random damage component that multiplies with CL's damage now, like (damage + 100 * randomdamage) * 4. Maybe it even has something to do with the explosion. Whatever it is, it isn't consistent. So right now I'd consider Contagion bugged instead of nerfed.


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On 2018-05-02 at 9:32 PM, Stoner said:

They nerfed the range. It's stil super OP and... might get you killed more often than not lol

It's far from OP.
If quick melee from the dagger does a ton more damage than the projectile that comes out of it... there is something wrong.
In this case it isn't even useable. The damage it does is so little I wouldn't even bring it allong any longer in high level missions.

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Amazing. Just took my zaw dagger with this arcane on sortie. It cant freaking scratch lvl 60 corpus bois. Nice work, DE. That arcane was only useful due to this bug and now this ''endgame'' content is worthless garbage that only can be used only for killing Mercury. You really should reconsider how this arcane (and exodia epidemic that is literally the same  worthless garbage) work. Srsly, i love how those two work by concept, but they are really useless now. Like, it's supposed to be endgame since it's event content, that require a damn ton of resourses to build, but it can't do damage at all. That's sad. 

At least you can't oneshot yourself with it.

Edited by yasyadefen
more ranting
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I am so disappointed right now. I spent days farming for [Exodia Contagion] I grinded the POE plague boil all for nothing, (nothing was broken until DE devs broke it) I give up wanting to be part of the grind. The only reason I built a Dagger Zaw was for [Exodia Conatagion](W)[Covert Lethality].I would have considered myself dedicated up until now,and now I am looking at how much time I have wasted in my life playing this game.


Edited by ViDeoGaNGSTeR
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