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Has there ever been a disposition change

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9 hours ago, (PS4)tissot555 said:

We just don't see things the same way. For me there are two reasons I don't think stats should change. 

1) Investment. It's not just about the plat that people have spent on rivens; there are plenty of players that spent their TIME on rivens. Getting the riven, earning the kuva, rolling the riven and then earning more kuva because RNG is a fickle mistress. It's not a true "balance" in my opinion, because it's just based of popularity. DE gave certain weapons a five disposition because no one used them and it worked. People started getting rivens and started using those guns. Then what, are you going to tell me it's a good idea to lower the disposition and make the weapon unpopular again? Sounds like a stupid plan to me.

2) I personally like the idea of some things in a game like this to be exclusive. It's like limited collectors edition items in a way. For the players that bought or rolled a great lanka riven they get to keep that. The lanka will always be a good gun for them. If you didn't get a lanka riven, oh well. You'll have a chance at the next best riven when the dispositions change. Then trading would be so much fun. If I was lucky enough to get a god roll lanka but not a good roll "whatever gun" then I can trade. And yes, prices would be crazy, but so what. Just becasue you can't afford them or don't want to pay for them, that doesn't mean anything to the people who do. 

I'd also like to add that Im relatively new to warframe. When the 50% off plat hit, I bought a ton of plat becasue its what I wanted to do. I never saw or heard any warning about riven stats changing. It's because prices were so high, it never even crossed my mind that rivens could change. I'm willing to bet almost 100% of new players buying rivens don't know either and I think that's a problem.

You said it, You are new to Warframe, i suggest watching and understanding a bit more before you start theory crafting, DE wants their game fun, if you believe that spending time getting strong riven rolls and languishing in trade chat for hours on end is fun, then good for you, however a lot of casual players who aren't aiming to be Pros, try-hards or min-maxers would just want when they enter a Pub match, to just play the mission and not be bothered by aiming for most damage or most kills like some players do, Balance passes happen because DE doesn't want one guy  in a mission killing everything without making much effort while the rest of the team sits around twiddling their fingers. Its the reason Synoid simulor and telos boltace got hit with the nerf hammer, those who paid a ton of plat for rivens for simulor cried, but nothing could be done, same would apply here, if you have a so called "God Tier" riven for a weapon and DE notices that the weapon polularity has spiked because of the high numbers you can get, they will change it whenever the balance pass happens, and whether you like it or not, your riven is gonna get some of its stats cut. But suggesting   because your riven existed before the balance pass and shouldn't be touched, only those after is foolish. By your logic, only letting an item have its stats affect it after the change happens only if a new one is made would mean the those who had ember before her rework shouldn't have had theirs touched either, only players who craft a new ember, same with oberon before his rework, and puddle pirate also. 

Edited by Cebian
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Riven stats have to change. I agree that that could be expressed to players in game somewhere, but rivens are meant to be a way for DE to balance weapons automatically instead of actually being good at balancing things.

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No one but de knows if the dispositions will change. What I recommend doing is not worrying too much about it, and either ignore rivens since they aren't necessary (content really isn't high level enough), or purchase/trade them with the idea that they very well COULD change since dispotions have changed in the past. 

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12 hours ago, (PS4)tissot555 said:

I hear a lot of talk about an eventual disposition change with weapons. Has there ever been one? What happens to riven stats, do they go down if a disposition goes down?

If so I really don't think that's how it should be handled. I think the rivens that are already out there should remain unchanged and it should just be that stats change on any riven rolls from there on out. 

People spend tons of plat on some of these rivens. It would be different if there was an OFFICIAL disclaimer that riven disposition was subject to change, but I've never seen such a post....

I believe one long term player told me there has been 2 (maybe 3) changes in the past.
Usually on very major patches. IE: Plains of Eidolon, Shrine of the Eidolon

As for keeping current rivens as so...while "I" selfishly would love that. That kills the entire point of the Riven system & if you ever thought Riven prices are INSANE now....
*cringes at the thought*

Rivens are intended to allow players to use weapons of choice for late/endgame content by providing the dramatic stat boost required for such content, hence creating weapon diversity & no longer punishing players for not using whatever the "Meta"/"Best" loadout was thought to be.
The disposition system is meant to prevent everyone from using the exact same loadouts & facerolling. Promoting weapon diversity.

There is an Official Disclaimer, I believe when you first get a Riven the game informs you about dispositions.
The issue is that after that one time message it's easy to forget. Typically disposition changes are not "night & day" changes. Unless it drops from say a 5 to a 2.


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I personally think once a year there should be a riven reset (maybe even every 6 months) , and they are all adjusted (for better or worse) to fit the new usage stats of the weapons.

I fear DE is a little afraid to do this because of all the ppl spending 1000+p having a big 'ol cry...

But cmon... I've never see anyone with Staticor in their loadout, yet it has a disposition of 1... Would love a reset to dispositions, and ALL rivens.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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18 hours ago, (PS4)tissot555 said:

We just don't see things the same way. For me there are two reasons I don't think stats should change. 

1) Investment. It's not just about the plat that people have spent on rivens; there are plenty of players that spent their TIME on rivens. Getting the riven, earning the kuva, rolling the riven and then earning more kuva because RNG is a fickle mistress. It's not a true "balance" in my opinion, because it's just based of popularity. DE gave certain weapons a five disposition because no one used them and it worked. People started getting rivens and started using those guns. Then what, are you going to tell me it's a good idea to lower the disposition and make the weapon unpopular again? Sounds like a stupid plan to me.

2) I personally like the idea of some things in a game like this to be exclusive. It's like limited collectors edition items in a way. For the players that bought or rolled a great lanka riven they get to keep that. The lanka will always be a good gun for them. If you didn't get a lanka riven, oh well. You'll have a chance at the next best riven when the dispositions change. Then trading would be so much fun. If I was lucky enough to get a god roll lanka but not a good roll "whatever gun" then I can trade. And yes, prices would be crazy, but so what. Just becasue you can't afford them or don't want to pay for them, that doesn't mean anything to the people who do. 

I'd also like to add that Im relatively new to warframe. When the 50% off plat hit, I bought a ton of plat becasue its what I wanted to do. I never saw or heard any warning about riven stats changing. It's because prices were so high, it never even crossed my mind that rivens could change. I'm willing to bet almost 100% of new players buying rivens don't know either and I think that's a problem.

Well you see, you are missing some important things. Your 95% stat roll will still be a 95% stat roll, so you lose nothing in the grand scheme. If you are going to say that old riven stats shouldnt change then by that logic old weapons shouldnt change either when they get nerfed or buffed. Both have impact on invested time and resources. However a sensible person understands the need for balance in order to not screw up the whole game.

Or let me put it this way. Would you be OK with your system if suddenly say the Soma series would go from D1 to D3? Or is it just a one way ticket for you when things turn more pupular and get a more restrictive dispo?

Also there is no excuse with being new. Saying you never saw or heard anything means you didnt really look. I'm fairly new myself, started out somewhere in october or novemeber last year and I knew what I needed before getting into rivens and deciding if it was worth it or not. The prices on rivens mean nothing when it comes to DE balancing because the prices are set by players based on demand and popularity.

You are also likely to lose your bet. Most of those that feel like spending on rivens early on will have info about it, you simply dont spend on things you really dont know about. I havent bought a single riven since I started, I've sold a few sure, but never bought a single one. I've let Lootcifer guide me into what weapons I should use and I've had a fairly nice outcome so far which has made the game far more enjoyable than the meta.

And a little sidenote to one of your other posts. You can be an adult and a millennial at the same time. Millennials by definition go back to the baby-boom era of the 80's.

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18 hours ago, rune_me said:

New players almost never buy rivens. Riven trade and sales is very much an endgame thing for long time players. If you bought one as a new player, then you are the exception to the rule. Consider that there is no content in the game at all you need a riven for. It's just the cherry on the top and you can enjoy your desert just fine without it. So you should never ever spend plat on a riven if there is still things you actually need in the game, because those things will always be more important than a riven. Once you no longer have anything to spend your plat on, then you can start buying rivens.

Also, you don't have to worry, disposition almost never changes. I think they nerfed the Aklex riven disposition when the prime came out, otherwise I don't think I have ever seen a change to riven disposition that actually mattered to anyone.

You're severely underestimating how quickly people can get to higher MRs.  I know people who have gotten to MR 20+ in a couple months.  People like to complain about the grind in warframe, but there are so many games with worse RNG and monetization.  People coming from those games blast through content really fast so it's not really all that unheard of new players to be buying rivens.

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50 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And a little sidenote to one of your other posts. You can be an adult and a millennial at the same time. Millennials by definition go back to the baby-boom era of the 80's.

Yea, but millennial was being used in a condescending way, which made it clear to me he basically using it as another term for stupid kid

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2 hours ago, Bl00dRedRage said:

Simple solution, don't spend a bunch of plat on rivens when they are not even needed to get through any of this game's content. Rivens are a terrible design choice that DE really shouldn't have even implemented.

I love rivens

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On 2018-05-09 at 6:33 PM, (PS4)tissot555 said:

I am literally a new player who got into rivens soooooo...you try again. 

If you are at the MR level to be able to equip a riven, you are not a new player. New players are not almost entirely through the game's available story line. They are figuring out how to unlock junctions and asking what their first Warframe should be. You are mastery rank 8 at least if you are using Rivens, at minimum 5 if you are obtaining them but not using them. You are at least at Sedna, which starts at level 30 and ranges to 45 for normal missions. To survive that you require decent gear that you have put some time into and mods to allow you to survive. You have experienced enough of the game to no longer be new to it.

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