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Operator Changes?

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I was wondering if we could have a few changes for the operators and I guess amps.

1. Can we have an age option for our operator? I was a skinny teen back in the days but I feel like we should be able to be as old as we want. Look at Quil Onkko, he gets to be an old man!

2. Operator dialogue makes me cringe. "My warframe is strong" (dies) "Oh well...". Some people might find the dialogue cool, but not me. I'd like to see my operator talk in missions, especially since Lotus abandoned us, but not if I'm gonna brag about how indestructible my Nyx is.

3. Could amps be able to have rifle mods attached? I like to use my operator in missions but since void damage is greatly resisted against pretty much every enemy, I barely scratch any enemies.

4. Can operators be able to actually talk? When I ask Onkko for bounties its like shoving a piece of paper in his face that says BOUNTIES.

5. Operators are way too slow. Watching any of the New Loka or Red Veil run makes me think, "we can't be this slow, can we?" Some cool mobility moves like bullet jump or wall jump could work because we know how to do all this ninja stuff, only we use it when we are in our warframes.

6. Why can't we be able to use melee weapons? We know stances and we know how to use them in our frames. Someone told me that a skinny kid could never swing the Jat Kittag but if the age option was taken into consideration, maybe they could.

7. A small thing but I don't really trot around my house like the operators do in their orbiter.

8.  Can operators have a little bit of shields? Syndicate soldiers have them, and this is like the 150th century. It's not that hard.

9. Can we have agile / noble stance variants?

10. Operator amp stance is just staring at the ground. Can the different stance types have different amp stances? As well as moving around or looking around when idle for like 10 sec?

Just a few things that I think would make operator game play more fun.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

2. Operator dialogue makes me cringe. "My warframe is strong" (dies) "Oh well...". Some people might find the dialogue cool, but not me. I'd like to see my operator talk in missions, especially since Lotus abandoned us, but not if I'm gonna brag about how indestructible my Nyx is.


I would love to see specific lines for every warframe...

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

1. Can we have an age option for our operator? I was a skinny teen back in the days but I feel like we should be able to be as old as we want. Look at Quil Onkko, he gets to be an old man!

he's not a Tenno, and we are "kids" as we stopped aging with the ship voidjump incident. 

6 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

3. Could amps be able to have rifle mods attached? I like to use my operator in missions but since void damage is greatly resisted against pretty much every enemy, I barely scratch any enemies.

i approve, also, why is that. isn't void supposed to be the most dangerous thing in the system? 

9 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

9. Can we have agile / noble stance variants?

i'd rather use Warframe stances XD




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1- the whole lore is built on them being kids and how they'll deal with what's happening in the world. you think a grown man/women would show that lvl of emotion/sadness during the apostasy prologue? that's basically asking for the ability to customize the iconic video game characters out there like solid snake...etc. not gonna happen 

also, 'plastic surgery' is a dumb excuse imo 

2- DE stated that the dialogue is really hard to make since there's different voices and each has to be recorded. it likely won't happen because of that 


3- the dmg is good enough against what the tenno should be used against, killing sentinets. it's not meant to be fought outside on the normal missions, that's why warframes are a thing 


4- same as 2 


5- they're kids that were sleeping for hundreds of years, you're comparing them to 007s over here 


6- again, they're kids, plus it wouldn't be fun or cool and wouldn't be a good game mechanic, basically redundant 


7- explain?


8- would be nice 


9- the current ones are decent enough and working on more would be a waste of resources at this point 


10- yes please!

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

3. Could amps be able to have rifle mods attached? I like to use my operator in missions but since void damage is greatly resisted against pretty much every enemy, I barely scratch any enemies.

amps should get amp mods, rifle mods wouldnt be balanced for amps


14 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

4. Can operators be able to actually talk? When I ask Onkko for bounties its like shoving a piece of paper in his face that says BOUNTIES.

lotta work for a minor immersion improvement


14 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

5. Operators are way too slow. Watching any of the New Loka or Red Veil run makes me think, "we can't be this slow, can we?" Some cool mobility moves like bullet jump or wall jump could work because we know how to do all this ninja stuff, only we use it when we are in our warframes.

void dash + naramon waybounds
also tenno have been described as having frail bodies


16 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

6. Why can't we be able to use melee weapons? We know stances and we know how to use them in our frames. Someone told me that a skinny kid could never swing the Jat Kittag but if the age option was taken into consideration, maybe they could.

frail bodies


17 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

8.  Can operators have a little bit of shields? Syndicate soldiers have them, and this is like the 150th century. It's not that hard.

this i agree with


17 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

9. Can we have agile / noble stance variants?

10. Operator amp stance is just staring at the ground. Can the different stance types have different amp stances? As well as moving around or looking around when idle for like 10 sec?

yes, more tenno stances, please



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11 minutes ago, Kyryo said:

i approve, also, why is that. isn't void supposed to be the most dangerous thing in the system? 

No. staying for a long time in the Void is dangerous, not brief Void energy damage. Void damage is only really powerful against sentients, not Grineer or Corpus or any other type of enemy.

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And i still hope that "The Sacrifice" quest is something like we must give up the "2 body system" where we leave or warframe -suit behind to be in operator mode and instead merge with our warframe so that we get more health / shields / movement in operator mode...and instead of leaving the warframe (behind) we now just have 1 body that transforms (like a werewolf, if we change to operator mode and we get too much dmg we transform automatically into our warframe again)...but i dont think the sacrifice is about that, since we know what happened to Rell, but maybe we can find a way to make it better, ok no it will never happen....when it happen this way, then i am really surprised, but DE is good at making surpirses....man i wish i would know what happens in the sacrifice....i am soo curious about that and the time seems sooo long....well time to play warframe so i dont think that much about "The Sacrifice"...  :heart:

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The Operator will never match (or probably even approach) the effectiveness of the frame and the weapons and abilities it uses. Full stop, that's it. No to existing mods on either the Amps or the inevitable melee weapons. Said melee weapons will be unique to the Operator and nothing will cross over.

Lore says they don't age, so they don't age.

Can you bullet jump? No? Then why should the Operator? If you want them to move faster, there's a Focus node for you. Want to move really fast? You can just spam the exact same button combo as bullet jump and move very quickly while also being invisible and invincible.

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2 hours ago, peterc3 said:

The Operator will never match (or probably even approach) the effectiveness of the frame and the weapons and abilities it uses. Full stop, that's it. No to existing mods on either the Amps or the inevitable melee weapons. Said melee weapons will be unique to the Operator and nothing will cross over.

Lore says they don't age, so they don't age.

Can you bullet jump? No? Then why should the Operator? If you want them to move faster, there's a Focus node for you. Want to move really fast? You can just spam the exact same button combo as bullet jump and move very quickly while also being invisible and invincible.

Void magic man. We're in the age of laser shooting squids, and dogs that lay eggs.

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Void magic man. We're in the age of laser shooting squids, and dogs that lay eggs.

We should just win loot by pushing a button. I mean, Void Magic, right?

You get that doesn't justify anything just being shoved into the game, don't you?

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2 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

I'm saying nothings impossible. DE is full of surprises

No, there are many things that are impossible in this game given what we know. This game won't stop being a Third Person Shooter. DE will not be doing genderswap skins for the frames. The Operator will never get close to or match the ability of the frames to dispatch enemies. They are mechanics for niche situations. To borrow something from the idiots who say they would stop playing if Operators weren't removed: This is Warframe, not Waroperator. 

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15 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Konzu Onkko? Last name is Onkko, right?

No. Onkko is the guy in the Quills hut. Konzu is the lunch-eater who gives out quests. I do not believe they are related, but they were once friends.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2018-05-16 at 8:50 PM, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:



On 2018-05-16 at 8:50 PM, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

1. Can we have an age option for our operator? I was a skinny teen back in the days but I feel like we should be able to be as old as we want. Look at Quil Onkko, he gets to be an old man!

I agree. I like to see The Tenno as a definition of badassary and the thought that they are just some skinny kids mind controlling the humanoid exosuits... I mean... look at the Mag or Excalibur's Corpra Skin! Mag looks like just a bodyglove with a helmet and Corpra Excalibur looks like an experimental Corpus Warframe. Would you ever want them to be just some puppets on the strings of some kids? I say that we get to choose age and the way of using a Warframe. The actual option, which is operator controlling a Warframe in the Orbitier (Available only for younger Operative) and a new one, which is simply putting the Operator in a Warframe (Available only for older Operative).

I mean... the actual option looks so one gender sided anyway. Nobody would want to be a skinny boy looking like the basic protagonist of a bad 3D animated kiddy show in one of the Disney's channels! I bet that over 85% of players have a female Operator, not because of the Weeb fetishes, but because nobody wants to look at the stick-armed boy. If you consider that, even the Grineer Arid Lancer without a mask or a Corpus Crewman with a helmet shot-off can be more badass.

So, please, DE. Make the age an option during The Second Dream quest. (Some new lines and cutscenes if choosed the old Operative. Choose the option during the scene with the Operative falling down) And what about the controversy that would come if only the newer players were able to choose an older Operative during the quest? Just let the older players to replay the quest once and choose again.

Please, Digital Extremes.

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7 hours ago, Commander_Havoc said:


I agree. I like to see The Tenno as a definition of badassary and the thought that they are just some skinny kids mind controlling the humanoid exosuits... I mean... look at the Mag or Excalibur's Corpra Skin! Mag looks like just a bodyglove with a helmet and Corpra Excalibur looks like an experimental Corpus Warframe. Would you ever want them to be just some puppets on the strings of some kids? I say that we get to choose age and the way of using a Warframe. The actual option, which is operator controlling a Warframe in the Orbitier (Available only for younger Operative) and a new one, which is simply putting the Operator in a Warframe (Available only for older Operative).

I mean... the actual option looks so one gender sided anyway. Nobody would want to be a skinny boy looking like the basic protagonist of a bad 3D animated kiddy show in one of the Disney's channels! I bet that over 85% of players have a female Operator, not because of the Weeb fetishes, but because nobody wants to look at the stick-armed boy. If you consider that, even the Grineer Arid Lancer without a mask or a Corpus Crewman with a helmet shot-off can be more badass.

So, please, DE. Make the age an option during The Second Dream quest. (Some new lines and cutscenes if choosed the old Operative. Choose the option during the scene with the Operative falling down) And what about the controversy that would come if only the newer players were able to choose an older Operative during the quest? Just let the older players to replay the quest once and choose again.

Please, Digital Extremes.

Yes and people who say the Tenno are supposed to be kids according to Lore, technically a 17 year old is still a kid. There's also no age variation, they all seem to be 13.

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11 hours ago, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo said:

Yes and people who say the Tenno are supposed to be kids according to Lore, technically a 17 year old is still a kid. There's also no age variation, they all seem to be 13.

If they only added the arm bulk and overall height options, I'd be set already. Screw the face, I'm gonna put Zariman Hood and close it anyway. Just let me have the height of my Excalibur.

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Le 04/06/2018 à 20:11, Commander_Havoc a dit :

I mean... the actual option looks so one gender sided anyway. Nobody would want to be a skinny boy looking like the basic protagonist of a bad 3D animated kiddy show in one of the Disney's channels! I bet that over 85% of players have a female Operator, not because of the Weeb fetishes, but because nobody wants to look at the stick-armed boy. If you consider that, even the Grineer Arid Lancer without a mask or a Corpus Crewman with a helmet shot-off can be more badass.

Agreed. Another way I see current operator customization is so "one gender sided" is because of how feminine most appearance options look. It's my opinion.
I change my operator's appearance and gender from time to time, when I'm tired of their look.

But I could be a picky 6 years old and argue that (most) male frames don't look as good or are as interesting to play as female frames.

In addition to OP's points, I'd love operators to be more expressive. Face, dialog, body language (animations, etc). More hairstyles, perhaps a more intuitive "face selection" (but it might just be me).

Le 16/05/2018 à 20:50, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo a dit :

9. Can we have agile / noble stance variants?

I'm not sure if this is what you were referring about: we have 5 (I think ?) difference stances/animations corresponding to each focus school. Variants would indeed be cool, maybe not a priority.

Le 16/05/2018 à 20:50, (XB1)oOJeshuanOo a dit :

6. Why can't we be able to use melee weapons? We know stances and we know how to use them in our frames. Someone told me that a skinny kid could never swing the Jat Kittag but if the age option was taken into consideration, maybe they could.

Yes ! Either this or operator having operator-specific melee weapons, that wouldn't consist in just a blade attached to the Amp, Assassin's Creed style 😉

IIRC, our operators have been in pods for ages, which would explain their physical shape, don't quote me on that.

Le 16/05/2018 à 21:10, CandyManCriminal a dit :

lotta work for a minor immersion improvement

Yes. This is true for some of this thread's suggestions. Now I'm sure DE take suggestions into consideration, but they have priorities (and a ton of work for the time being) so let's see where it goes.

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