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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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1. Using the right stick to zoom in and out on the navigation seems usless since there no way to move to map in any direction.

2. Will the button shortcuts in arsenal return? (Example Y = Upgrades, X= Appearance) For the quick ease of getting to the menus with out dragging the cursor to the appropriate tab

3. Selecting relics. Instead of having to select the relic to see its loot table can it just auto appear and select once to run it? The way its now it feels time consuming to rapidly select through a large number of relics to find out what they drop while having the timer go down in endless fissures leading not having enough time grab the right relic or selecting the wrong one. 


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vor 23 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Nifes_Edge:

I personally like this new U.I, yes it has some issues i dont deny that, but everything has some teething issues when they are first implemented.  We just need to be patient and wait for updates, im sure DE are currently working on fixes. Complaining and badmouthing aren't going to help DE need constructive feedback.

No one is badmouthing.

what most people brought up as constructive critizism:

- bring back A X O D Shortcuts (seriously!)

- fix loadout preview

- fix mostly not being able to turn the frame around in arsenal

- eliminate double clicking on choosing weapons

- bring back item previews (e.g. Relics, etc.)

- D-Pad Functionality 

i can‘t tell how frustrating it is right now to use the UI... sorry i love this game, but i just feel pain in all menues now 😕




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5 minutes ago, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

...I imagine this was a prerequisite for the new UI and that will likely be the staring point for major improvements. It's on an entirely different framework. The question is how much time do they spend patching this compared to making the new UI better. It's a classic problem for software development that has a unique answer every time depending on each set of circumstances.

I agree with everything that you've posted.  Additionally though, I question the wisdom of rolling these major UI changes during a blackout period before a major event like Tennocon.  Even if this change was in the name of reduced code size and optimization, OR as a setup for a new framework from which to build a new warframe experience, why not wait until the rest of the UI changes that are coming, instead of bolting on these changes to the existing framework?  No matter how you look at it, judgement in many aspects of this roll out is severely lacking (at least from my perspective, as an end-user).

Perhaps MAYBE these changes work better in the new UI that's coming? (giving D.E. the benefit of the doubt).  Then again, if that is the case, why put this out there in a 1/2 way measure?  Also, if this is in preparation for what's going to debut at Tennocon, why not WAIT UNTIL AFTER TENNOCON?

Not only does this hurt the community by handicapping the BASIC functionality required to play warframe, it completely kills the confidence of the user base in relying on the judgement call of the devs to make these big changes to the future.  The question I keep asking myself is, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, D.E.?  

FWIW: I too am an "IT" person - I'm not just someone who is crying about changes to warframe.  Without touting my own credentials but to clarify my perspective, I was responsible for creating the base Windows image for a previously prominent financial firm.  This included the absolutely most critical and hard-to-please end user, the dreaded NYSE floor traders (if even the smallest desktop icon or menu item changed, you would DEFINITELY hear about it!).  I had 13,000 desktops under my purview, including patch management on a global scale, for 10 years (in this industry for 20).  Speaking purely from experience, before ANY patch, service pack, application or any change made it to production, it was thoroughly tested by my team, then a small external test group comprised of each department, and after that all the managing director's from each department had to approve each and every change, and then and ONLY then, would I approve a cascaded roll out.  This was on the basis of each quarter and patch / release notes sometimes were the size of "War and Peace".  We NEVER had an issue that compares to the scale that this is, NEVER in 10 years.  BTW...any and all desktop changes (patch / release notes) where fully released BEFORE said roll out, in order to have everyone voice their issues beforehand.  I would never dream of handling my desktops as this update has been handled - I would have had my head handed to me and be looking for a new job (and that's NO JOKE).

I hope D.E. can stem and reverse the tides of revolt and fix this. 

D.E., you REALLY need to make it up to us; this was really a BIG CLUSTER (and quickly, BEFORE TENNOCON) or I fear this will shortly become a chasm too far to traverse.

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Please Please Please Remove the cursor if I wanted to play with a mouse or keyboard I would have installed warframe on my PC. One good thing is in trading chat it allows us to not use /w anymore which is nice and also looking at rivens that are posted in trading chat, but everywhere else it completely stinks and makes me want to throw my controller through my 4k 60" TV 

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Ooof. This. Is. Horrible!! What an abysmal clunky system. Very difficult to run drop menus while playing! I can't see this as helping any Xbox player . I understand with over 2700 hrs of game time I may have some muscle memory issues, but this is ludicrous. 

Also took away the preview window for preloaded layouts. Really takes away the advantage of having something ready to go for select frames and mission types. Just have to use the horrid cursor system with no d-pad assistance then guess as to what is loaded in the slot. 

Fishing is the worst. No select all for fish rendering. The fishing effector simply drop to the bottom of the water when tossed in. Also the view for illumination which is usually about 120 degrees has gotten worse! Seriously wasted tough to build resources trying to fish! Plus selecting changes causes weapons to return, shooting fish, thus killing the chance at fish. 

What happened D. E.? I can't understand how this would reduce load on servers or help in the least? What console audience did you test this with? At least can you give us a toggle mode to go back to the non-cursor method like arch wing has? Same for select wheel in fishing! 

I appreciate the work on updates, but for Xbox this one is not going to win you any fans. 



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I seldom complain about anything DE makes because I always believe it's for the best. However, the virtual cursor, to me, is very unnecessary and extremely uncomfortable. My biggest gripe is the removal of the square and triangle keys to quickly access appearance and builds, respectively. I have to manually aim the cursor and avoid skimming through the option so I don't pick the wrong one. Dragging mods and having to put the cursor on top of the Warframe so I can rotate it is also a massive hindrance. Please, revert this or, if reversal is out of the question, at least allow us to:

▪Press square to access appearance

▪Press triangle to access builds 

▪Allow us to rotate Warframes without having to drag the cursor over to it

▪Allow weapon/Warframe/color/Syandana/attachment previews without having to click the X button. Having the cursor hover over the selected option and preview it, should help mitigate the issue.


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This Cursor Update is garbage. You cant navigate a cursor with a joystick and expect to be precise. Change fit back to how it was. Their was nothing wrong with the previous version. Were not pc, were console players, and many people are having such a hard time operating this pointless cursor update. I hate it. Thats my feedback

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After reading a few threads I can say that a lot of people are right, these are the consoles, not the PC where they have the needed tools already for cursor use. You over did it too when we're the players that use D-Pads because it's smoother, easier, and faster for us. Sure, there are a few improvements here and there, Like for instance, scrolling through the mods. One of my personal complaints is that it took forever to go through mods but this cuts down the time majorly. Having to drag and drop though, now it feels like we're moving at a snails pace. It's also causing a lot of issues from what I've heard, like a friend of mind being unable to leave their Warframe on the Plains of Eidolon. Though why did you change the fishing setup? I'm now experiencing issues with throwing bait because when I try to throw or access the bait with Triangle the map gets pulled up which is exactly what happens when I try to use my second power through the Ability Menu. All in all though, don't make things so cursor heavy. After a full day of giving it a try it's just way too heavy on the cursor, I'm not saying get rid of it entirely, it's just too cursor based now.

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The whole cursor navigation feature is definitely not my thing, maybe it can be an option for people who prefer it.  I agree with the majority of the posts here, too time consuming and not as smooth as previous UI.  If possible please roll back the cursor feature or give us the option to use it.

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As a console user, the mouse cursor needs to have a disable option, with the cursor enabled i don't have the control over my warframe as i did before and its causing me to not want to play this game anymore, which is something i don't want to happen. please put in a hotfix disable option.

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i have the old interface back or atleast the option to change it back please i didnt realize i was on a pc console now i like chage but NOT THIS ONE. can you make the cursor toggle-able please, if not the old interface atleast that. old interface was more console friendly with the abxy short cuts this one is more pc oriented ... which we are not keyboard and mouse users and the cursors arnt helpful at all sorry to be negative but please concider the controller we use daily next time and our capabilities



Edited by (XB1)Hunted lil One
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I have put hundreds of dollars into this game supporting it for all the good things other game makers failed to do with the scifi topic but i have got to say this NEW UI forcefully makes the game damn near unplayable.... if your going to take my money then give me your filth then clearly ive invested into the wrong thing... the ui was fantastic before at minimum give us an option to revert between the two UI's... 

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Can't agree more with the backlash against the cursor.

Furthermore, I've had the thing bug out on me already, as for some reason it was stuck on "grabbing" the chat scroll. Every time I moved the left stick up, it scrolled the chat up. Had to reboot WF a few times. Which is a chore on its own, b/c "loading screen, press "A", loading screen, press "A", loading screen".

Some things are quite positive, such as clicking names and links in chat window, as well as the fluidity of the menus (before the update there would be a slight delay between choosing warframes/weapons/whatever). 


But, if this update means that there will be a smaller delay (if any) between PC and console updates, then I'd rather wait a year before updates are rolled out, and have the old system back in place.


At least when you increase the cursor size to max, you get a neat floating Ordis you can mess around with.


Oh well, at least this will give me the time to play the other games I downloaded but didn't play because I was too busy playing WF.

So long guys, I won't be missed.

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This post is created for the sole purpose of enabling myself and the many other users to voice their extremely painful concerns, being posted infinitely and literally, on every channel in the game regarding the new update, specifically the UI.


The patch that happened last night is the latest in what I like to call “are you even testing this?” Phase of stupid choices; and for us console customers, if you’ve visited a public channel recently, you’ll notice you cannot lament enough.

As if having the ability to melee through walls and objects (something thats been here for 5 years and was a signature of the game) being taken away wasn’t enough, we now have a ludicrous new UI, one that forces us to become PC users... only, you know, we’re not.

The new and idiotic mouse cursor design significantly slows and impedes any and all actions you take in the game, and while being able to directly click on a players name in trade chat is great, it isn’t worth the loss of a perfect and functional UI that again, we’ve had for 5 years.

It’s slow, clunky and flat out dumb, making everything overly painful, from simple tasks like picking accessories and colors (shoot me in the face) to customisation of gear and modding.

Especially unfortunate is the fact that this wasn’t an optional addition, as you cannot turn it off. Why would this be forced upon us? Who even saw this coming? It was a complete surprise, the kind thats on fire on your door step when you answer the door.

It is one thing to continue to force unwanted gameplay changes on your player base, but in my opinion, unacceptable to break a user interface, one that has been perfect for years. Would you draw on the Mona Lisa too?

And also, the lighting in the dojo and subsequently, my orbiter has become incredibly jagged and weird, the final result being janky shards of black and gray shade and a loss of resolution on many of my collection items, the kind i paid platinum for. This makes them look like they were rendered in PS2 graphics, so an extra “yay” for that.

In conclusion; however good, good intentions seem to be, perhaps gauge the opinion of your player base before doing anything drastic such as this. People look forward to updates, new content and bug fixes, etc. However, when we go from a fully working and fun game an hour earlier to a broken and tampered experience an hour later, people feel deflated and question their continued support of the game.

Especially true with a major content patch arriving around the corner.


Please leave your thoughts and opinions, be they positive, negative or whatever is on your mind. If you can, try to keep stupid and troll-like remarks to a minimum, as the purpose of this post is to try and rapidly resolve the issue for us all - at the very least, making the UI changes Optional.


Thank you.

Spelling errot
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OK, my initial reaction to the changes was wholeheartedly "this f'in sucks"

I have run a few dozen missions since then, and my reaction is now, "this f'in sucks" 


Having said that, some constructive thoughts...

bumping the cursor to 100 does make it suck a lot less. make that the default. 

OK, i guess that's about all i have on the constructive side of what was released.


On another tangent, what does that tell us as console players about DE's priorities? It seems that they are trying to make the two consoles follow the path of PC as apposed to integrating the three. If they want to make this game into a KB and M game, cool. How about giving us a heads up that that is the plan. Sure, you'll lose a ton of players, but some people like playing that way. It would seem to make more sense to have an integrated system that goes both ways. How about instead of forcing a broken mouse system on console because "it's too hard to code three different systems", you figure out a way to have kbm and controller both operate on all three systems. I'm sure there are pc players that would love to arrow tab through the menus as fast as we used to be able to. Come up with a system that allows pc players to mouse or use the arrows. 90% will probably stay with mouse, but 10% might love being as efficient as console. Maybe 10% of console players aren't playing while lounging in a chair and would love to have a mouse and keyboard instead of a controller that does it all. For the rest, bring back d pad navigation. 

Edited by (PS4)hubris_007
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Xbone here.Long time tenno. This UI is meant for PC not console. This is a huge step backwards for console. Not 1 single person in clan or alliance have warmed up to this cursor UI.  To many clicks to get anywhere.  It's all about the clicks. Space ninjas need to be fast and adding more clicks,move from pad to cursor to pad to where am I? this is not fast. Speed up the cursor? Go to trade chat and use the cursor sped up. It feels like DE with this UI did not take into consideration the console players as do many others I've spoken with. This hurts. Give Console the option to use the old way. Thank you. 

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I guess people don't watch the Dev Streams, because when the UI was shown off on there in a more complete state, it had working D-Pad support. As a PC user I agree that I would have preferred it be up for use now, but I am guessing the Frankenstein's Monster system we're using atm just doesn't support it.

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22 minutes ago, KokoroWish said:

I guess people don't watch the Dev Streams, because when the UI was shown off on there in a more complete state, it had working D-Pad support. As a PC user I agree that I would have preferred it be up for use now, but I am guessing the Frankenstein's Monster system we're using atm just doesn't support it.

d-pad is working, but the way how it works is nonsense

Even if u try use cursor u will notice 1 thing - what u can interact with is depends on where actually cursor is. Keep tracking cursor is impossible bcz some stuff binded to buttons. Even something simple as chat is utter nonsense now. 

Edited by (PS4)KresTias
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à l’instant, KokoroWish a dit :

I guess people don't watch the Dev Streams, because when the UI was shown off on there in a more complete state, it had working D-Pad support. As a PC user I agree that I would have preferred it be up for use now, but I am guessing the Frankenstein's Monster system we're using atm just doesn't support it.

Why DE  bring out an unfinished update/UI? 

And DE don't care about all the comments here for console tennos! The game is broken on consoles now. The first rule for a Free2play gameis: DON'T MAKE ALOT OF CHANGES IN A SHORT TIME! 

For what is this UI good? I mean the new UI in the future. I don't get it. 

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