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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Arc1723 said:

While I'm just going to assume most people attending Tennocon in one way or another are PC players, I'm morbidly curious as to how this affects their attendance...

Wouldn't it suck if they finally released the Sacrifice, and no one played it because the interface broke the game?

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I have to say I don't like the new cursor at all. I liked the old way we used to navigate the hi. I would like an option to set the cursor back to the old way. I'll be honest it makes me not want to even play feels like warframe is trying to copy destiny.

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Il y a 5 heures, (PS4)MAAL770 a dit :

First, I would like to say that Warframe has become my favorite game to play on PS4, thank you for such an awesome & creative game! With the UI changes in this recent update however, it has taken a negative change with me because it has taken the things that separates console users from PC users. I applaud the work & dedication put into the changes; however, I don't like feeling like I'm playing on a PC, when I only prefer to play on console.

Without the use of the PS4 touchpad, it takes too much to do things now and is more difficult (scrolling from one side to the other on maps & in arsenal), when recently I could have just pressed a Triangle or Square button. These shortcuts and easy navigations make me love playing on console rather than PC, which recently has been taken away! Is it possible to have an able/disable option to the recent changes?

Also [Bug Report], it took me 5 min to enter Kuva survival match, but the rest of the kuva fortress let me enter immediately!?

Again, Thankz DE for a great game, and sorry for the negative feedback....

DE don't care about your feedback! They show their true face! 

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Wow....+900 posts/reply's to this thread.  I believe this topic is one of the FASTEST growing topics D.E. has ever had (and it's only been about 24 hours for console users).

I've posted a few times concerning this topic and I've again, tried to play Warframe with this D-pad update.  I - GIVE - UP.  I've been playing for 3 years and it NEVER took me 10 minutes to mod a 'frame/weapon etc.  Cursor speed does NOT FIX OR ADDRESS THE ISSUES (at last for me).

I completely understand the goal and can respect the issue you bring up - spaghetti code - it's ugly, I know.  

Clearly though, with all due respect (and I do mean respect Steve - I watch everything Warframe, Dev streams, Xbox@1, PS4 Stream and Prime time) implementing these changes on the OLD UI is O-B-V-I-O-U-S-L-Y not working, at all. 

Also, doing this before Tennocon just made a happy and forward-thinking event turn miserable.  People were completely psyched for Tennocon - now, I dread to see how people are going to treat you guys.  It ain't going to be pretty and for the first time since joining Warframe, I fear this may be the beginning of the end.

Truly, there will always be people in the world that will always complain that "you've moved their cheese".  This, however, is much more than that - this change has rendered the BASIC UI nearly unusable for console Tenno.  This change has caused a LOT of bad blood and it's only getting worse.  Reading though this thread from the beginning, coupled with the fact that there are very few responses from the D.E., things are becoming more and more vitriolic towards D.E.; that does no good for ANYONE.

If you read my previous posts in this thread, I've been close to this kind of situation in my career, but since I don't personally know you or the D.E. team, I can only guess as to what kind of hit this change has done to the morale of your team.

I have a suggestion for a path forward that I believe will help people (all concerned); please hear me out:

  • Someone at D.E. needs to say SOMETHING to the community - either by post or an impromptu live stream with Q&A, addressing this backlash, and not just that you're monitoring this thread - that comes across (to me at least) as very unresponsive to the community 
  • Rollback this iteration of the D-pad control and TEMPORARILY restore the old functionality ASAP - this will immediately stop all this fury.
  • Have Tennocon and bring back some of the LOST MOMENTUM and Warframe EXCITEMENT that this update has caused the community degrade - a few well placed apologies wouldn't hurt either.
  • Re-implement the D-pad functionality, with any/all bugs fixes and optimizations with the NEW UI you've been sneak peeking for a while now.

 In this way, I believe you will stop the potential mass exodus, stop the hemorrhaging and begin the process for a new future thinking UI framework on the RIGHT FOOT.

One other thing - I am not trying to tell you or anyone what to do.  I Loved And Played Warframe for 3 years now, solely on console.  I have seen whole games be utterly destroyed by less than this. 

Also, as a side note and again, not telling you how to do your job, it struck me that if the DEV team made the D-pad work like the cursor keys on the keyboard, in fact, completely the same, I think this would fix SOME of the issues, in addition to a LOT of the other tweaks and suggestions on this forum.

Once again, thank you for your time and I truly hope you are able to fix this mess, because [DE]Steve, I have faith in you and the teams at D.E., but don't wait until after Tennocon....it may be just too late by then....This is my heartfelt sentiment. 

By all means, if anyone agrees with this, please UPVOTE this post - and sorry for the length.  :)

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Although I personally don't like the new UI, do not get rid of it. There are people who are actually enjoying it. So it would be unfair to them for its removal. Instead why not, like others have suggested, make it a toggle option. That way it would keep both sides happy.

The main problems I have with it are;

•It is a lot slower and fiddley to navigate the menus.

•Having to double click "X or A" to select weapons, Armours etc.

•No shortcuts. I'm constantly pressing Triangle and Square to mod and colour my stuff still.

•Dragging and dropping mods to slots takes up way more time than it should.

I know I could buy a mouse and keyboard but I'm on PS4 not a PC. The UI is visually pleasing but Virtual mouse is not needed.

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I didn't like the cursor menu's on Destiny, and after months and months of playing that game, it didn't get any easier, or better, or much quicker. On a game all about speed and fluidity, I'm not sure why you would change what was a quick and efficient menu set up to this. It might work on PC because you can just flick the mouse around, but you can't do it on console.

Trying to use the hybrid pad/cursors controls isn't much better because the dpad will only select as far as the specific menu you are hovering over. If you want to go to the next menu along, you then need to move the cursor over the next menu. And then removing shortcuts on the arsenal was unnecessary, they can still work with the cursor controls and would speed things up. Oh, and dragging and dropping mods.... that really awkward.

I don't know if this has been suggested previously, I'm aware that this is all part of a unifying process to bring the console and PC builds closer together. However I don't know why you just don't bring a proper control pad set up to PC (because I'm sure some PC gamers would prefer that), a proper mouse and keyboard set up to console, and then a toggle on the menu to switch between the two. You keep everyone happy then.

Edited by (PS4)neinohnein
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)AlexiaWesker said:

Although I personally don't like the new UI, do not get rid of it. There are people who are actually enjoying it. So it would be unfair to them for its removal. Instead why not, like others have suggested, make it a toggle option. That way it would keep both sides happy.

Who is "actually enjoying it"??? I want names of people I can talk to and actually ask them why they do...

Just saying that someone on Mars likes something doesn't mean that there are actual people on Mars... 

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I would like it to be possible in addition to the changes made, add the old options when changing the place of the modifiers in my builds, without the need to drag any cursor, it is something I do not have much fluid and unnecessary, in consoles that cursor is not needed, not be able to visualize the syandanas without first pressing X or talking about having to equip or move the warframe to see how it fits, consider a cursor cancellation option from the game options, where any player can choose which mode to use, the mode old or new

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4 minutes ago, Jimmypdp said:

Who is "actually enjoying it"??? I want names of people I can talk to and actually ask them why they do...

Just saying that someone on Mars likes something doesn't mean that there are actual people on Mars... 

Not sure if trolls but there was people in WF chat saying that they liked it 😕 but a mass majority of people were saying its terrible.

Edited by (PS4)AlexiaWesker
Spelling change
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)AlexiaWesker said:

Although I personally don't like the new UI, do not get rid of it. There are people who are actually enjoying it. So it would be unfair to them for its removal. Instead why not, like others have suggested, make it a toggle option. That way it would keep both sides happy.

The main problems I have with it are;

•It is a lot slower and fiddley to navigate the menus.

•Having to double click "X or A" to select weapons, Armours etc.

•No shortcuts. I'm constantly pressing Triangle and Square to mod and colour my stuff still.

•Dragging and dropping mods to slots takes up way more time than it should.

I know I could buy a mouse and keyboard but I'm on PS4 not a PC. The UI is visually pleasing but Virtual mouse is not needed.

This has to be the weakest argument I have ever heard. It would be like someone saying that despite raising taxes and having it be disliked there are a few people who like them so we are going to keep them anyway. Here's a hint: you won't be getting reelected.

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I don't know why DE thought it was a good idea to add a cursor to a console version of the game. This is the reason why direct PC ports are garbage on consoles. This is actual, literal regression in a console game. Nobody likes browsing the internet on PS4, why would you implement that into your game? Leave it to DE to fix something that isn't broken. Again.

Edited by (PS4)Ishimura_Elite
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9 minutes ago, Jimmypdp said:

Who is "actually enjoying it"??? I want names of people I can talk to and actually ask them why they do...

Just saying that someone on Mars likes something doesn't mean that there are actual people on Mars... 

I have meet one of “some people” and his reasoning was compelling “I main on pc and use Xbox to stream so I’m used to it” kek so us console peasants have to stick with it cause pc master race likes it. Would like to see someone that only plays on console that loves the new mouse. Cause for me it’s garbage.. hey guys just remember your graphics look better now there’s always that and maining warframe WILL be a thing cause folk won’t want to mess with it 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

This has to be the weakest argument I have ever heard. It would be like someone saying that despite raising taxes and having it be disliked there are a few people who like them so we are going to keep them anyway. Here's a hint: you won't be getting reelected.

I'm just pointing out that there are better ways that they could have gone about this. They made the archwings controls changable, why not do the same with this?

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I've tried very very hard to work with this new update. The Cursor update. I/We need our old controls back. Simple. We play on Console for a reason, to use a controller. The controller on CONSOLES is far more superior than a mouse and keyboard. I've read through multiple pages in this thread looking at peoples views and I tried to give it more testing time before I added my two cents. The new cursor update does not work. It does not belong on Consoles. Even if I plugged in a mouse and keyboard (which I have tried) the controller is still needed. 

Attempting to make navigating through menus as fluid as the pre-cursor update is a major fail. I shouldn't have to use a Controller, Mouse, and Keyboard to enjoy a game I put 5,800 hrs into. This is by far the worst update. I've been gaming  on consoles since Atari and I have never played a game on a console where most of the actions were done by a cursor-like UI. 

Trying to Navigate through my list of 2,000 relics is a pain. Why? Because hovering over each relic does not show me which parts I can get from each. Instead I have to click on each relic individually, and then double click just to select a relic. Same to be said when scrolling through my long list of weapons. Same to be said for syandanas. Yes this can be fixed by allowing the stats, parts, equipment to to be displayed when hovering but this will not be a fix for how unintuitive the cursor UI operates on consoles. There needs to be an option to revert back to the old UI. You know that UI that actually WORKED?

Changing settings in the options menu is a pain. Having to scroll over every little thing does not work for me and I am sure it doesn't work for most console players as this thread has reached 40 pages and 20,000 views in a day.

This is not an attempt to bash PC players. This is an attempt to get DE to understand that a MAIN Cursor-like UI does not work on Warframe for Consoles.

Thank You.

Edit: Discovered that Weapon stats cannot be compared to each other from the Equip menu because of there being no way to hover to view stats. 

Update: Hot fix inbound readded X[]O^ options to Arsenal on PS4. Thank you DE. Keep the hotfixes coming baby. Still need to be able to utilize the D pad the same way we can with the Analogs, infinite scrolling with the D Pad. As of not it is still only possible with the Analogs. Examples: Scrolling left and right through mods. Infinite scrolling with the Analogs. Can only scroll to the end of the window with the D Pad before it stops. 

Also hovering over Relics, Arsenal items. Needs to display the info while hovering. Edit: (Stats can be viewed by hitting [ ] on the weapon.)

Edited by (PS4)dA_BLoK_iS_hOt
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Absolutely loved the game when I discovered it early this year. It's been the only game I've played since.... Until now. I've literally spent over $1,000 on this game and now they dump this garbage pc based UI on us console players. I don't care what the excuse is, nor do I want to hear any more "I like the new UI for the most part". It's like someone taking your steering wheel out of your car and putting in a keyboard and mouse there. "For the most part" it might work, but that just doesn't make sense so why the hell would you.


Edited by (XB1)psyops6
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Just now, (PS4)AlexiaWesker said:

I'm just pointing out that there are better ways that they could have gone about this. They made the archwings controls changable, why not do the same with this?

I 100% agree with this but the argument you made was not the same. The reason DE made this change was so that player could use a keyboard and mouse or controller and have the same UI regardless of platform. The problem is that the controller UI is lacking in so many ways that it might as well not exist.

Now factor in that the number of people that use a keyboard and mouse on consoles is very miniscule considering the total number of units sold and the cursor UI has almost no benefit to anyone except DE.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Hrafn-Fel said:

I also had guild members saying they liked it till they used.

Exactly, if they gave us a toggle option it would keep everyone happy. People who use the old style can go back to what they're comfortable with, people who like this new layout can continue to use it if they wish. Like I said to another guy, Archwing controls where changed so people could go with what felt better for them personally.

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