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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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15 minutes ago, (PS4)zhurang555 said:

I am coming back to thank DE for adding the shortcuts for consoles and for listening to their players (very important), but this UI still has a long way to go, some of the menus are still too small for us console players to press on the options when highlighted, this is specially true when you try to invite people from chat or to open the option to look for the names and i accidentally pressed on an item over and over again from the main chat.

The big difference between Destiny and Warframe when it comes to the user interface is that Destiny never had so many menu options and the menu options they do have are big enough that you rarely miss click/pressing when you want to do something or you want to go somewhere.

My opinion still stands, get rid of the cursor or give us an option to NOT have it, slap on your coat of prime paint that the team wants to drag us all into, which looks good but this game at least the console version did not need their experience to be messed with, we just needed something new that added upon what already exists and that works (very important), a way to freshen things up.

Like i said on my other posts, this update was phenomenal when it comes to the improvements to the quality of the game play, but it was overshadowed by negativity when you guys decided to add the cursor and take out all the shortcuts that made the game much more easier to navigate.

Did you not read my post that pointed out some of the flaws within this whole update itself? Well doesn't matter now but they broke too many things to rush a poor UI. 

I can't even fish without changing my controls now, the option to play Khora as a tank/dps has been diminished, the lighting changes have only created additional grind in the dojo. The lighting changes ruined my lisets interior. 

The list could go on but these are my big issues thus far with an update. 

If DE wants to continue with this grand vision UI go ahead, but don't break things that worked in sacrifice for something that's only a half finished concept.

I know that I certainly won't be treating the game the same way, I've reached MR25 and played this game for the last 4 years. Tragic to think that a UI would turn me off my favourite game. Warframe was the underdog that spent years working to beat the competition and now that DE has succeeded they decide to throw it all away.  

Edited by (XB1)Dova Seniorious
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On 2018-06-05 at 11:39 AM, (XB1)SickPuP said:

Feedback from an Xbox One X user:

1. Navigating the foundry using the D-pad is much slower because it is waiting on the new virtual cursor animation to slide to the next selected value. 

2. When a menu open a default value should be selected and the cursor moved to that value.  Users can no longer click "talk" and then select the first option with a simple button click.  The user must move the D-pad or move the virtual cursor over the menu to activate it.

3. When using the D-pad to the navigation places like the foundry or offerings it should scroll when I go down.  Scrolling only works using the right joystick.  

Overall my experience with the new virtual cursor is negative and would severely warn people before begin playing the game because it can be off-putting.

Seems as though they have fixed the arsenal navigation, and added back the use of buttons to open: equip, appearance,  and upgrade menus. 

My continued problem is the game freezing when I try ro load into Cetus. I was able to go to the Plains from orbit, but it froze shortly after entering Cetus. Tried walking from landing platform, and had the same problem. Did a hard reset of Xbox and issue persists. Will have to try reseting router next. But I really dont think the issue is on my end.

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22 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

And there in lies the issue. Most people wouldn't use it, which means less data for DE to collect. Even unhappy people can help locate and track down issues. Just them saying "it sucks" is irrelevant when most of their problems of that nature are solved with the actual UI (No idea why everyone is calling control mechanics UI, they are controls, not an interface) that is releasing with the Sacrifice.

I disagree, people giving constructive feedback via the forums and perhaps Twitter should be more than enough data. The "it sucks" and like minded posts mainly help to bury the posts giving feedback.

Also the reason why people are just using UI is because it's easier than saying "UI, control input, navigation and button mapping " all the time which are the system people are having issues with.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)deathwolfclaw666 said:

I disagree, people giving constructive feedback via the forums and perhaps Twitter should be more than enough data. The "it sucks" and like minded posts mainly help to bury the posts giving feedback.

Also the reason why people are just using UI is because it's easier than saying "UI, control input, navigation and button mapping " all the time which are the system people are having issues with.

And with people being unable to switch, DE has more people testing it, and thus more people posting it on the forums. Most people saying "it sucks" can easily be ignored by a dev anyways.

The main issues are the speed of the cursor since it didnt "snap" to buttons as easily as before, and the new UI fixes that better than it currently works. That resolves the slow speed of the cursor as well since you can easily zip around by snapping to buttons. The config saving is a distinct problem, yes, but the buttons got switched around and since configs save buttons that was likely the cause. The UI itself hasn't changed yet, so any problems with that are either irrelevant and going away in the Sacrifice update, or are a mixture of the existing UI with the previous problems. Personally Id just call it controls, but eh, semantics at that point. Id be more interested in people's feedback on the controls after the UI hits and see how well it fixed the problems or not, but I can see why releasing it now can fix mechanical issues before the big quest hits. Nothing sucks more than controls being busted when big content releases since the content is there, waiting, you just have your experience blocked or disrupted by broken controls.

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22 minutes ago, (XB1)Dova Seniorious said:

Did you not read my post that pointed out some of the flaws within this whole update itself? Well doesn't matter now but they broke too many things to rush a poor UI. 

I can't even fish without changing my controls now, the option to play Khora as a tank/dps has been diminished, the lighting changes have only created additional grind in the dojo. The lighting changes ruined my lisets interior. 

The list could go on but these are my big issues thus far with an update. 

If DE wants to continue with this grand vision UI go ahead, but don't break things that worked in sacrifice for something that's only a half finished concept.

I know that I certainly won't be treating the game the same way, I've reached MR25 and played this game for the last 4 years. Tragic to think that a UI would turn me off my favourite game. Warframe was the underdog that spent years working to beat the competition and now that DE has succeeded they decide to throw it all away.  

No i did not read this entire thread (or yours) because it might take me 30 minutes to an hour to analyze each comment and to respond to them with my own criticism, also i understand everyone is frustrated and the last thing i want to do is argue with someone over the internet for something like a video game, i am just ONE more member of this community that opted to make a post to give current feedback, not engaging in endless tirade about what i think is right and what i think is wrong, I don't have time for that.

In my other comment i made it clear that i am a grown man and i don't like to come to the forums to complain about the state of a video game, but i decided to do it because i have family and friends who play this game and they have shared their concerns to me.

Also i am another player that plays this game and contributes on the regular to DE and Warframe, that someone like you decides to quit or leave the game does NOT ruin my night of sleep, there are MANY things wrong with this update as YOU mentioned, but most of what you mention are bugs and problems that belong to another thread, this thread is about the UI interface and how players find the addition of the "mighty" cursor added.

Stop directing you anger and frustration to others here, you are not helping anybody here, not even yourself, so just stop whining and report the problems that you see to the appropriate channels.



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25 minutes ago, (PS4)zhurang555 said:

No i did not read this entire thread (or yours) because it might take me 30 minutes to an hour to analyze each comment and to respond to them with my own criticism, also i understand everyone is frustrated and the last thing i want to do is argue with someone over the internet for something like a video game, i am just ONE more member of this community that opted to make a post to give current feedback, not engaging in endless tirade about what i think is right and what i think is wrong, I don't have time for that.

In my other comment i made it clear that i am a grown man and i don't like to come to the forums to complain about the state of a video game, but i decided to do it because i have family and friends who play this game and they have shared their concerns to me.

Also i am another player that plays this game and contributes on the regular to DE and Warframe, that someone like you decides to quit or leave the game does NOT ruin my night of sleep, there are MANY things wrong with this update as YOU mentioned, but most of what you mention are bugs and problems that belong to another thread, this thread is about the UI interface and how players find the addition of the "mighty" cursor added.

Stop directing you anger and frustration to others here, you are not helping anybody here, not even yourself, so just stop whining and report the problems that you see to the appropriate channels.



I never intended to direct anger to others in this thread, I am merely giving clarification as to why this update was a failure, I've listed my concerns about this update in other threads already amd I'm not alone as a long time player who is frustrated. I've stated numerous times what I dislike with this UI but that's towards the first few pages of this thread. 

If you are offended by my response I apologise but DE has still alienated a large population of their console playbase and they expect us to tolerate it after a few fixes. 

Edited by (XB1)Dova Seniorious
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Toggle off switch for cursor. So If you didn't want to use cursor.  We could have the old interface or the opinion to select what areas the cursor is active. Like for example turn off cursor function in the foundry, Arsenal, Modding, or gear selection. This way everyone's happy. You could cross platform this idea probably aswell.

Edited by (PS4)eric13021
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There's absolutely zero reason not to add the ability to disable the cursor and remain with the old format, which was better, it was optimized for consoles. NOT EVERYTHING IS PC. NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO PLAY LIKE ON A PC. IF WE WANTED TO PLAY ON A PC WE WOULDN'T BE ON A CONSOLE. HOW IS THIS SO HARD TO GRASP.

The frustration almost makes the game unplayable. Menu navigation takes forever. And I like how you add that whole "while people are getting used to the change and will eventually be able to zip around the menus". Guess what, DE. This isn't a change that we asked for and that needed to happen. This is a massive downgrade. Fix the things that are broken. Leave the things that work the hell alone.

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There's absolutely zero reason not to add the ability to disable the cursor and remain with the old format, which was better, it was optimized for consoles. NOT EVERYTHING IS PC. NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO PLAY LIKE ON A PC. IF WE WANTED TO PLAY ON A PC WE WOULDN'T BE ON A CONSOLE. HOW IS THIS SO HARD TO GRASP.

The frustration almost makes the game unplayable. Menu navigation takes forever. And I like how you add that whole "while people are getting used to the change and will eventually be able to zip around the menus". Guess what, DE. This isn't a change that we asked for and that needed to happen. This is a massive downgrade. Fix the things that are broken. Leave the things that work the hell alone.

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Going back to the old ui would be great. I've played on pc with mouse and keyboard and didn't like it much. Most of the time when I'm playing warframe I'm lying on my bed so even having mouse and keyboard support would be annoying. Lying down with a controller in hand feels more natural.

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Working with the changes it’s not so bad but I do have a few things that bother me. When signing into the game it is hard to read the text so I don’t realize I need to press the button. It would be nice if that text was a little bigger. 

Another major issue is with the arcanes. It takes so many times to press the button before it actually equips. At one point I counted 16 times I had to press. 

I have other complaints but it’s nit bug fixes for you, just personal problems lol. 

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With all the respect you deserve, I hate the cursor, it is a waste of time moving across the whole screen, i really don’t see an improve sorry. Also, the start menu is quite slow as is the foundry, mods are awfull to organize and i’ve been feeling kinda slow at changing weapons in-game. Sorry and sincerely a long-time user.

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The cursor takes too long imo (I have it at 300). Toggle option will make everyone happy. I say, why not! Someone said on the first page make left thumbstick press toggle it on and off. That sounds good to me. But I disagree with making the cursor the default side. The first quest in the game is already boring. Don't kill off new players by UI-ing them to death. 

Edited by (PS4)Lethal_Ocelot
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@[DE]Danielle @[DE]Steve

I've been withholding feedback till I'd had some time to get used to the interface and how the cursor works (and let me add in that I'm hoping this means that XB will be getting some keyboard and mouse love at some stage in the future, but that's probably a Microsoft thing) and to be honest to start with it took some getting used to.  It was still clunky, but now that you guys have hotfixed in the shortcuts and sorted out the dragging of mods bit I'd say it's in a great place especially if people just bump up the UI cursor sensitivity.

My 2 small points of feedback are:

1) make the default for cursor sensitivity at least 100 (it's currently 30 if memory serves), that way there will be a massive drop in the number of sluggish UI complaints for people who didn't realise this was an option

2) take a look at the "default position" (not sure whether there's a technical term, for this) of the cursor on each UI screen.  For example, in the Arsenal my cursor always starts on the bottom right of the screen but I need to be in the top left.  Maybe you could work out a "initial snap to the most important menu" mechanic just so people don't need to travel across half the screen to do what they need to.

Other than that I'd say it's working well now and I'm looking forward to how these changes fit into the wider UI shift.

Whenever there are major changes there will always be growing pains and often a massive backlash for your user base, but I just wanted to say thanks for pushing through and addressing people's concerns and thanks for making a game we all love. 

You do realise the only reason WHY people scream and shout and complain as much as they do is precisely because they love the game so much, and that's all down to you guys!

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Is it just me but even after the hotpatch for the shortcuts that only half of the shortcuts actually work... (shortcuts for chat dont work and some in other places aswell) 

still needs a toggle for the cursor, its so painfull trying to use a cursor with a joystick.... again this is not PC this is Xbox/PS4 if we wanted a cursor we would play PC...

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8 hours ago, (PS4)Ishimura_Elite said:

Hotfix brings the hotbuttons for the arsenal back, but the cursor is still there and the D-pad is busted, so it doesn't really make much of a difference.

I'm not gonna be satisfied until they remove the cursor entirely or give me the option to go back to the old system so I can pretend it doesn't exist. Cursors in a console game are completely unacceptable.

I think this is just the first of several fixes they will be putting out. Most importantly it does show they are still listening and paying attention. I think we can breathe easier now and have a little patience while they fix all the issues.

To have this first hotfix so soon, shows they are working hard.

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15 minutes ago, (XB1)SpankAnTank said:

Is it just me but even after the hotpatch for the shortcuts that only half of the shortcuts actually work... (shortcuts for chat dont work and some in other places aswell) 

still needs a toggle for the cursor, its so painfull trying to use a cursor with a joystick.... again this is not PC this is Xbox/PS4 if we wanted a cursor we would play PC...

Occasionally weapon selection doesn't work for me, I just back out of the Arsenal and go back in to resolve it.

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