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DE, your development process needs a rework.


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2 hours ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:

So Titania isn't bad, shes just misunderstood?

What, like Limbo before his rework? Or post rework(whichever one it was) Oberon? They were just misunderstood?

No. They were bad. Like Titania is bad. And Khora.

Titania is awesome.  Limbo is unstoppable when used right.  Oberon is one of my favorite frames.  I ... really don't think you're helping your point, if you have one.

1 hour ago, Beartornado said:

It's a little bit tiring how often players say this about a developer.

The rigid controls you want are available in Blizzard's Overwatch. Weeks or months pass without balance updates, content updates, or even new heroes. They had one ARG for a new hero to get players excited and when there was backlash they decided to never do it again.

Surprise surprise the most common complaint from players is that there's no communication and it feels like they get nothing done. There's undeniable quality to most of what Blizzard puts out, but there's undeniable costs to that method of doing things. I'm much happier with DE's interaction with their playerbase, and as I've iterated in other threads they have at no point overhyped the Sacrifice.

This week is going to be high emotion because it's actually here, the fact that so many players are kicking so much dust up about it now is because they are excited for it. I'd call that successful on DE's part even if these players channel that excitement into criticisms that will be forgotten the second after the update comes out.

THIS.   In fact, earlier this year, DE, in particular Steve, actively tried to QUIET the "hype" around Umbra/Sacrifice.  Remember that DevStream where he was like "Shh. We're not talking about that" (paraphrasing) and then people got all mad at him for THAT!   DE literally can do no right, apparently.

If DE needs to learn -anything- honestly, and I think after 5 years with Warframe and almost 20 years in gave dev they do just fine, it's to definitely take all player "feedback" with a heavy, heavy dose of salt (thought I think it often provides its own!)

DE has done fine with this release.  I don't understand why people are complaining about something that is a complete non-issue.  Glad to see some people have reason, however.

1 hour ago, Blade said:

It was my opening statement of this post. I can see you actually did not read my post at all.

1. Teased in April.

2. Teased in July, said to be ready for release "in and around Tennocon"(2017)

3. Releases November 12th, a good couple months after being confirmed to release around Tennocon 2017.


This is bad hype management. I can't outline it more clearly than this.

So they supposedly, and let's be clear here, in your opinion, hyped it too soon this -1- time....and that condones all of this crap about how their who business marketing model is in dire need of rework, all according to the dude who is admittedly not involved or experienced in any level of game development?  

Right....next please.

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1 hour ago, Blade said:

I like all the re-re-re-re-re-iterations going on here.

Therefore, in light of all the re-re-re-re-re-reiterations we are having, I too will like to jump on the re-train. 

If we always expect to be disappointed, can we really be taken by surprise? I expected a week's delay, for DE to do their thing. 

If they can swing tomorrow, I would be very pleasantly surprised. Otherwise, back to the usual it's-not-coming-till-redtext-no-matter-what-they-say. 

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Yeah, I agree.

I think minimally DE should only be releasing trailers and hype stuff or even be giving any form of release dates after UAT is completed and 1 month prior to release.

Meaning, this should be how it happens:

Before 2017 - Let the Umbra hype die if there are no immediate plans to do anything about it. Do not talk about it. Do not even mention it. Definitely not in the many devstreams they did.

Late 2017 - DE can say they are working on the next cinematic quest but they shouldn't be saying when it will come and they shouldn't show Umbra considering people have been waiting for that for years.

End 2017 - DE can show parts of the development for the quest but they should not be saying anything in relation to time.

Early 2018 - After UAT is complete and all bugs are found by the testers, release the Tennocon 2017 trailer with a year 2018 release date.

Mid 2018 - 2 weeks before release, release the 2nd trailer we saw.

Mid 2018 - Release hypesite and show PC gamer trailer a week before release.

This keeps customers' expectations low and the wait minimal.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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1 hour ago, Blade said:

Again, you're critically missing the point. I never complained about The Sacrifice - I complained about the similarities of the situation when comparing it to The War Within's timeline.

1. The Sacrifice was teased almost a full year ago. If we want to be technical, that's even longer than what happened in the case of The War Within - The War Within came out 5 months after it was first teased. And if we want to go back even further, Umbra was guessed to be 2 months away from being released to the international build. That was in 2015. That, is the pattern.

2. I never once said I was unhappy with time being spent on The Sacrifice, in fact I'm glad that it has taken so long, so as to ensure the high quality of the quest.

The majority of my argument here has been talking about DE's habit of hyping something months before being ready to ship, not about how long it has taken to make the quest.


The same exact argument I used when I was referring to The War Within was also the argument being used about the premature hyping of The Sacrifice. I really don't get why this is so hard to comprehend. 

Umbra's original hope for release did -not- have an accompanying quest, at first.  People saw ChinaFrame had it, they were salty they didn't have ExPrime, so...they demanded EmoPrime instead.

And, furthermore, we are NOT getting that Umbra, to this day, because China got Excal Umbra PRIME, we are not getting the Primed version, because of legal reasons. In addition to that, their contract required they NOT give out Excal Umbra as a drop or purchasable Frame, so they HAD to then develop a quest around him to give us "what we wanted".  

All that being said, this is to point out that the time frame you propose, all the way back to 2015, is NOT the start of The Sacrifice's timeline here.  That is false info, and I don't wish to see it perpetuated.

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5 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

I think 3 years for planning / making a single quest with 1 special posterboy frame is pretty pathetic.


I do hope in this 5 page thread someone has already stated this, but Umbra's first "tease" was the fact that he was in the Chinese version of Warframe as a "Founders" reward for them, since DE was contractually obligated to keep Excalibur Prime as an exclusive to our version's Founders. It was only when we as a community started demanding we get what China gets is when DE began making the motions to release this content to us. Wukong and Nezha were a part of this content as well - initially DE was not planning on bringing them over. (Note, this is all from memory so do with it what you will)

When it came to Umbra, they decided to make him a bit more special for us, and all that was mentioned of him was that he would be part of a quest later down the line. After that, the devs were very quiet about him. The next time they spoke of him officially was that trailer in last year's Tennocon.

Every other time we've heard the name Umbra, it was from the community. "Where's Umbra?" "When is Umbra coming?" "Cool story, but when's Umbra?" <---- This self-hyping nonsense has been going on for those 3 years you pointed out.

So no - DE has not been hyping Umbra for 3 years. We, the community have been.


Now, for those of you pointing at War Within: One of the bigger reasons why War Within was so heavily delayed was because its initial story was leaked and they had to redo it. That also means redoing cutscenes, dialog, and so on. Either way, they've since apologized for it and Steve himself said they are using it as a learning experience. Obviously they've done exactly that, since (unless something unforeseen happens) so far The Sacrifice will be due out this week (Thursday) as they stated it will be.

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Tenno, Tenno, Tenno. 

Why be hyped? This quest will be the exact same as all the others. 3-4 trips into a spy mission and a exterminate mission or a boss that will die in a 10 second battle. It's not going to be THAT exciting. Even Umbra is just going to be an Excalibur with slightly better stats and a scarf. 

Do a sortie. It's better than their quests. Oh but wait! I forgot, sorties don't have little overlay people talking to each other.

At this point, I'm pretty sure even DE doesn't know what their lore is anymore. 

Edit: About the only cut scene I would be interested in, is going back in time to watch the Tenno slaughter the Orokin and the reasons behind it. Buuuuut, we'll never see that. (read, the origins of the Stalker and how the Lotus originally infiltrated and turned the Tenno against the Orokin)

Edited by Dallyoop
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4 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:


I do hope in this 5 page thread someone has already stated this, but Umbra's first "tease" was the fact that he was in the Chinese version of Warframe as a "Founders" reward for them, since DE was contractually obligated to keep Excalibur Prime as an exclusive to our version's Founders. It was only when we as a community started demanding we get what China gets is when DE began making the motions to release this content to us. Wukong and Nezha were a part of this content as well - initially DE was not planning on bringing them over. (Note, this is all from memory so do with it what you will)

5 hours ago, Blade said:

The reason why I specifically didn't mention Umbra was because Umbra started off as a player expectation. DE never teased or said Umbra was coming to the international build until the players started to pressure them on it - which is a bit different than what's going on here with quest development.

Rest assured, I covered that in the second page.

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2 minutes ago, Dallyoop said:

Tenno, Tenno, Tenno. 

Why be hyped? This quest will be the exact same as all the others. 3-4 trips into a spy mission and a exterminate mission or a boss that will die in a 10 second battle. It's not going to be THAT exciting. Even Umbra is just going to be an Excalibur with slightly better stats and a scarf. 

Do a sortie. It's better than their quests. Oh but wait! I forgot, sorties don't have little overlay people talking to each other.

At this point, I'm pretty sure even DE doesn't know what their lore is anymore. 

This is the most negative and assumption-filled post I've read in a long time. TWW, the most recent big story update, had us doing many new and unique mechanics. Whether that's the same for The Sacrifice, I don't know. From the sound of it, you're comparing huge story quests with quests to obtain certain warframes. Apples and oranges.

As for the lore, it's not that hard to follow it if you desire to do so. While cryptic, everything so far has tied together surprisingly well. The biggest pieces we're missing have hints in the game and in those comics that have been released. Hell, people have already done the hard work for you by putting it all together. We got a healthy amount of loremongers in our community. That all said - Assuming the creator of the story doesn't understand their own story simply because you fail to do so is a bit much don't you think?


3 minutes ago, Blade said:

Rest assured, I covered that in the second page.

Ah, good.

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Titania is awesome.  Limbo is unstoppable when used right.

Titania IS bad . Her third ability and the guns on her ultimate are useless. Her first ability’s only saving grace is the status immunity they slapped on as an after thought. Her animations take way too long and often not get her killed. Her energy pool is far too low and her survivability is far too low for the type of buffs she’s giving, that are ALSO not effected by mods . Titania is fun to play if you just stay in her fourth mode. Otherwise you’re just defending a warframe that just doesn’t work.



and to Limbo, yes he is a great powerful warframe but what use is he when he can’t use his second power because other people keep force cancelling it with their machine guns?? Or when people complain about stasis or when they leave just because you’re a limbo. It’s funny people think his short revisit is going to ruin him when infact it’s going to make him more viable and way more liked in the community 

Edited by cookieknife
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5 hours ago, Katinka said:

So, you're saying they should just not tell us anything is coming until it's here?  Devstreams will be a lot more boring without previews of things to come.

He's saying they should learn to plan, and learn to estimate timelines properly. Like an actual company that ships things. I know, here in #fanboicentral that's not a popular concept.

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6 hours ago, Blade said:

Everyone remembers the controversy surrounding The Wait War Within, how it was teased in April, teased again as the big reveal for July's Tennocon 2016, and was stated to be released "in and around Tennocon, by Steve via a forum post. Flash forward to November 12th, a weekend release on a Saturday (oof) and the backlash was tremendous.

Since then, DE has made the choice to no longer put any kind of ETA or release date on upcoming content releases, which is completely understandable. However, the problem is they've started using "coming soon" and other variations of the phrase. The reason why this is a problem is because soon often denotes a unit of time much closer than a broad, even far out release date would. It creates an unrealistic amount of hype on our end, and a unhealthy amount of pressure on DE's end.

This issue is arising again with The Sacrifice - a quest that has been in the works for presumably a few months now, and was originally teased almost 11 and a half months ago at Tennocon 2017. DE has again jumped the gun by trying to give a release date/timeline before the update was ready to ship (read, READY TO SHIP, not "close") and as it stands now, they are dangerously toying with the risk of failing to meet said timeline - there's hardly enough time left in this week to get the release out and still have a solid day or two for bug-fixing, unless DE wants to stay over the weekend.

Going forward, I think that it would be beneficial for DE to give themselves more time than they need, to have an INTERNAL RELEASE DATE (read project deadline), and not one that is publicly announced. This way they have the option to work on it at their pace, without the community breathing down their neck as badly as they are right now, and if they ever happen to finish working on a project ahead of the planned deadline, then they can drop it as a pleasant surprise for everyone. 

The moment you drop a teaser on something, the clock starts ticking. The moment you tell someone something is coming soon, they'll start ramping up their expectations to an unrealistic level.

"Everyone remembers the controversy surrounding The Wait War Within, how it was teased in April, teased again as the big reveal for July's Tennocon 2016, and was stated to be released "in and around Tennocon, by Steve via a forum post. Flash forward to November 12th, a weekend release on a Saturday (oof) and the backlash was tremendous."
There were definitely a lot of issues with the management and release of War Within, but I don't think the change in policy was a knee-jerk reaction to player backlash. 

"Since then, DE has made the choice to no longer put any kind of ETA or release date on upcoming content releases, which is completely understandable. However, the problem is they've started using "coming soon" and other variations of the phrase."
The other options are "don't say anything at all" (bad for player retention) and "give deadlines that may or may not be accurate" (bad for player perception). I think they're making the right call here by meeting in the middle. 

"This issue is arising again with The Sacrifice - a quest that has been in the works for presumably a few months now, and was originally teased almost 11 and a half months ago at Tennocon 2017. DE has again jumped the gun by trying to give a release date/timeline before the update was ready to ship (read, READY TO SHIP, not "close") and as it stands now, they are dangerously toying with the risk of failing to meet said timeline - there's hardly enough time left in this week to get the release out and still have a solid day or two for bug-fixing, unless DE wants to stay over the weekend."
They've said they intend to give out daily updates regarding rollout, and seem reasonably confident they can ship this week. I would argue that they have a bit more insight into their process, and at this time there's no reason to do anything other than take those words at face value. For all you know, they finished the update last week, haven't found a single bug, but their QC procedures require three hundred individual playtests and the entire staff is playing the update right now and screaming at clunky void children. 

"Going forward, I think that it would be beneficial for DE to give themselves more time than they need, to have an INTERNAL RELEASE DATE (read project deadline), and not one that is publicly announced. This way they have the option to work on it at their pace, without the community breathing down their neck as badly as they are right now, and if they ever happen to finish working on a project ahead of the planned deadline, then they can drop it as a pleasant surprise for everyone. "
They have an internal release date. There isn't a single successful company on planet earth that doesn't have internal timelines. And they also don't have a public release date, they have an informal projection and that's fine for this kind of work. The whole underpromise-and-overdeliver strategy is a good one, but for this kind of work it isn't necessarily the best one; transparency is better. 

"The moment you drop a teaser on something, the clock starts ticking. The moment you tell someone something is coming soon, they'll start ramping up their expectations to an unrealistic level."
You can't manage other people's reactions, only your work; sane people don't flip their lid when a game update is a few days late or they succumb to their own unrealistic expectations, and designing your business practices around a portion of your fanbase that is patently mental isn't exactly a solid business strategy. 

DE isn't perfect, but this isn't something I think they should be faulted for. That said, I understand where you're coming from and you make some excellent points about managing expectations in a well-written post. Well done. @Blade

Edited by MadHatHacker
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6 hours ago, Blade said:

Going forward, I think that it would be beneficial for DE to give themselves more time than they need, to have an INTERNAL RELEASE DATE (read project deadline), and not one that is publicly announced.

Wait, how do you know they dont? All software and programming have planned management. You make zero sense.

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1 hour ago, AlMcFly said:

It's a waste of time.  At least DE has the balls to do most things in the game their way, not on every whim of the bipolar fanbase.  We live in an era where the greasy-faced keyboard warrior demands perfection from their service providers and ridicules the efficacy of those in charge, between their shifts flipping burgers.  Nobody is happy with what they have or what things are.  Everyone is looking for what they don't have, and looking at what things aren't.  

This is sadly the modern state of gaming and customers in general, and it really upsets me because they don't seem to understand how good things are for them. Again, I hate to sound like the old guy here with the "Back in my day--" but it's true!

1 hour ago, IceColdHawk said:

I was just forecasting the outcomes for, should DE break yet another promise instead of having learned to keep to promised time frames. I wasn't jumping the gun (yet) so chill your panties.

Making fun of people for hoping for some content again after this half a year has been the literal most content-dry time frame ever is just plain out toxic. Sure, some people might be ungrateful. But you guys aren't better in the slightest.

 I'm not making fun of anyone.  I, first off, would also be included in that delay, moreso as a console player even.  I also honestly and seriously meant what I said.  These players need to learn some patience and understand boundaries.  Until DE starts taking pre-paid DLC payments, everyone can just chill the hell out.

45 minutes ago, Aggh said:

They also don't release updates (let alone content) at nearly the pace that DE does.  Blizzard has the luxury of being able to take their time, very few f2p studios have that option.

This is something I don't think alot of people seem to "get".   If you're gonna feed a pack of animals, you "hype" them to get them to all gather close by so you can make sure everyone consumes what you're tossing out there.  It also ensures nothing goes to waste.   In the case of marketing, they're making sure we're all ready and hungry to consume this content so they can maximize plat sales (as they ARE a f2p) and also make sure their metrics of players during release satisfy their investors.  

But yeah, people think DE lives in a little box and only lives to make free stuff. lol    Blizzard and DE are completely different in scale. Thank  you for noting that.

43 minutes ago, cookieknife said:

I think DE needs to size up and upgrade their team. Warframe makes them plenty of money 

So, you're assuming Warframe makes them "plenty of money" based on what metrics?  You're also making a huge assumption that all of their "profits" sit around and do nothing in a giant Scrooge vault.  It gets reinvested. PoE wasn't free.  Hotfixes aren't free.  None of what they do is free... So where are you getting your numbers from? 

They employ over 250 people.  At an average of about $20k/ year per employee, and that's not even factoring in taxes and insurance, etc, that costs them $500,000/yr.  That's ALSO not factoring in server costs for files, equipment they work with, their office space, their investors/shareholders' cut, and so on.


20 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:


I do hope in this 5 page thread someone has already stated this, but Umbra's first "tease" was the fact that he was in the Chinese version of Warframe as a "Founders" reward for them, since DE was contractually obligated to keep Excalibur Prime as an exclusive to our version's Founders. It was only when we as a community started demanding we get what China gets is when DE began making the motions to release this content to us. Wukong and Nezha were a part of this content as well - initially DE was not planning on bringing them over. (Note, this is all from memory so do with it what you will)

When it came to Umbra, they decided to make him a bit more special for us, and all that was mentioned of him was that he would be part of a quest later down the line. After that, the devs were very quiet about him. The next time they spoke of him officially was that trailer in last year's Tennocon.

Every other time we've heard the name Umbra, it was from the community. "Where's Umbra?" "When is Umbra coming?" "Cool story, but when's Umbra?" <---- This self-hyping nonsense has been going on for those 3 years you pointed out.

So no - DE has not been hyping Umbra for 3 years. We, the community have been.


Now, for those of you pointing at War Within: One of the bigger reasons why War Within was so heavily delayed was because its initial story was leaked and they had to redo it. That also means redoing cutscenes, dialog, and so on. Either way, they've since apologized for it and Steve himself said they are using it as a learning experience. Obviously they've done exactly that, since (unless something unforeseen happens) so far The Sacrifice will be due out this week (Thursday) as they stated it will be.

Thank you for pointing these out.  I think people keep putting blame for things on DE that they forget we players did to ourselves.  

6 minutes ago, cookieknife said:

Titania IS bad . Her third ability and the guns on her ultimate are useless. Her first ability’s only saving grace is the status immunity they slapped on as an after thought. Her animations take way too long and often not get her killed. Her energy pool is far too low and her survivability is far too low for the type of buffs she’s giving, that are ALSO not effected by mods . Titania is fun to play if you just stay in her fourth mode. Otherwise you’re just defending a warframe that just doesn’t work.



and to Limbo, yes he is a great powerful warframe but what use is he when he can’t use his second power because other people keep force cancelling it with their machine guns?? Or when people complain about stasis or when they leave just because you’re a limbo. It’s funny people think his short revisit is going to ruin him when infact it’s going to make him more viable and way more liked in the community 

I get by just fine with Titania.  She's not one of my main frames, but I never have issue using her.  And yeah, her 4th is fun.  It's a game. What more do I need than fun?

Limbo is fine, as is.  Players are the issue.  Limbo post-rework will be fine too.  

4 minutes ago, (XB1)mickeyjuiceman said:

He's saying they should learn to plan, and learn to estimate timelines properly. Like an actual company that ships things. I know, here in #fanboicentral that's not a popular concept.

Can you or your local weatherman -reliably- tell me the weather for Philadelphia, PA, at 8pm on June 29, 2019?   How about two weeks from now on Friday?  Heck, can you promise it won't rain tomorrow?

Point is, life can be unpredictable.  What seems like a very doable project can get complicated, but once the cat is out of the bag, the players won't let it go.  So I wouldn't say DE's bad at any of those things.  I think they've just hit some speedbumps that they don't talk about because talking about issues with Umbra/Sacrifice implies bringing up the topic OF Umbra/Sacrifice which in-and-of-itself is more harm than good.

I've worked in game development.  Did so for a few years, in fact.  You cannot predict hiccups.  And it doesn't pay to explain the machinations of dealing with these things to the players because it fixes nothing, wastes time, and confuses everyone.

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39 minutes ago, MadHatHacker said:

DE isn't perfect, but this isn't something I think they should be faulted for. That said, I understand where you're coming from and you make some excellent points about managing expectations in a well-written post. Well done. @Blade

Appreciate it! I've since changed my mind, or at least my stance on several things since this thread started. Found a lot of the conversation here very engaging, and it brought up a lot of factors I hadn't really thought about.

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Can you or your local weatherman -reliably- tell me the weather for Philadelphia, PA, at 8pm on June 29, 2019?   How about two weeks from now on Friday ?  Heck, can you promise it won't rain tomorrow?

Just want to point out, this is a terrible example. The weather men don't make the rain.


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5 minutes ago, Blade said:

Just want to point out, this is a terrible example. The weather men don't make the rain.


...but they DO predict the distribution/patterns of how things will play out.  DE is being accused of not being able to accurately measure how timelines will work, and not being able to have perfection within a projected window of months/years.  I'm arguing that there are too many variables, much like with weather, to accurately predict how what they are confident will work tomorrow will actually work tomorrow.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

...but they DO predict the distribution/patterns of how things will play out.  DE is being accused of not being able to accurately measure how timelines will work, and not being able to have perfection within a projected window of months/years.  I'm arguing that there are too many variables, much like with weather, to accurately predict how what they are confident will work tomorrow will actually work tomorrow.

Mmmm, that's a bit of a stretch I think.

You're in a much better position to predict things - variables aside - on something you yourself are making than you are in trying to put a timeline on something you're just observing from the outside. You don't have that inside knowledge.

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2 minutes ago, Blade said:

Mmmm, that's a bit of a stretch I think.

You're in a much better position to predict things - variables aside - on something you yourself are making than you are in trying to put a timeline on something you're just observing from the outside. You don't have that inside knowledge.

Mhm, and none of us has that "inside knowledge" about DE's planning strategies/deadlines/etc, correct?

Point is, you -cannot- cast variables aside to make your point.  The variables ARE the point.  Do you get what I'm getting at?  Not being malicious here, I'm honestly trying to communicate this.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Mhm, and none of us has that "inside knowledge" about DE's planning strategies/deadlines/etc, correct?

Point is, you -cannot- cast variables aside to make your point.  The variables ARE the point.  Do you get what I'm getting at?  Not being malicious here, I'm honestly trying to communicate this.

6 hours ago, Blade said:

If something happened that postponed this, say the death of a loved one or something along those lines, I'd imagine that they'd let us know beforehand - like the cancellation of Prime Time due to the passing of TotalBiscuit.

I understand what you're saying, and I think I already covered this part about unforeseen issues throwing a wrench in the plans, whether they were social or as a direct result of the development process.

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Reading through some arguments. I'm just going to say...

"Be careful what you wish for..."

DE could very easily turn into every other Developer out there & not communicate until it's some patch "they" (the company) feel merits communication.
Do you really want DE going to route of Bungie, Blizzard, Zenimax, & etc?

Because that'll mean, no more bi-weekly dev streams, no more dev workshops, no more behind the scenes previews/showcases/reveals.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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9 hours ago, Blade said:

Everyone remembers the controversy surrounding The Wait War Within, how it was teased in April, teased again as the big reveal for July's Tennocon 2016, and was stated to be released "in and around Tennocon, by Steve via a forum post. Flash forward to November 12th, a weekend release on a Saturday (oof) and the backlash was tremendous.

Since then, DE has made the choice to no longer put any kind of ETA or release date on upcoming content releases, which is completely understandable. However, the problem is they've started using "coming soon" and other variations of the phrase. The reason why this is a problem is because soon often denotes a unit of time much closer than a broad, even far out release date would. It creates an unrealistic amount of hype on our end, and a unhealthy amount of pressure on DE's end.

This issue is arising again with The Sacrifice - a quest that has been in the works for presumably a few months now, and was originally teased almost 11 and a half months ago at Tennocon 2017. DE has again jumped the gun by trying to give a release date/timeline before the update was ready to ship (read, READY TO SHIP, not "close") and as it stands now, they are dangerously toying with the risk of failing to meet said timeline - there's hardly enough time left in this week to get the release out and still have a solid day or two for bug-fixing, unless DE wants to stay over the weekend.

Going forward, I think that it would be beneficial for DE to give themselves more time than they need, to have an INTERNAL RELEASE DATE (read project deadline), and not one that is publicly announced. This way they have the option to work on it at their pace, without the community breathing down their neck as badly as they are right now, and if they ever happen to finish working on a project ahead of the planned deadline, then they can drop it as a pleasant surprise for everyone. 

The moment you drop a teaser on something, the clock starts ticking. The moment you tell someone something is coming soon, they'll start ramping up their expectations to an unrealistic level.

The reason The Sacrifice was DElayed was becasue they were making PoE and that took a lot more hands on deck them DE realized. So a lot of things were put on the back burner. Also PoE was the big Tennocon 2017 reveal. The sacrifice teaser was just that, a teaser. Now DE did give some windows for release. But they still never gave a definite release window. And DE is still just an Indie studio, they dont have the resources that studios that are under publishers have.

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They did rework it... they keep things a lot more quiet now due to past complaints. I feel like the community needs to grow up a bit and realize ETAs are just that, estimates. Things change, especially when it's based on a creative process. If you aren't a fan of waiting, do what normal people do and find something else to spend your time on. 

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