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[PC] Update 23: General Bug Report Megathread


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I love everything about Excalibur Umbra and it has quickly become one of my favorite frames. I very much love the fast pace melee style he has and his level of mobility. So I don't know so much if this is a bug or not but it is the one thing that bugs me endlessly when playing him. And that is when I void dash across a map, come out of void mode and my operator to just be teleported right back to my Umbra which is still standing where I initially started my void jump. No other frame performs that way so I'm inclined the think that is not what was intended for Umbra. I've take to jumping into the air and using his slash dash to get around faster since void dashing is so frustrating with him. A change on this to match the rest of the frames would make him all kinds of perfect in my eyes. 🙂

Edited by Murdermurdermurder
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I was running endless IO a couple hours earlier and starting from wave 14th I cannot call out my Operator


press 5: nothing happens and no text/inform shows up

I killed myself and revive myself: can't fix the bug either

jump out of the map: still can't fix the bug


The other skills have no functional problem

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Donno if it was posted here yet (just doing a quick bug report on the fly) but can't equip Excalibur Prime skin/helm on Umbra, you can equip Dex and original, and seemingly the other skins as well... just not Prime.

Also Vazarin's Protective Dash stops working on Umbra if you dash into "yourself" to heal then go back into your own frame to control it.

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Not sure if it has been posted before so I'll just put this here because I cant enjoy one of my favorite frames anymore. During today's sortie I found out that if you strip enemy armor with Oberon's hallowed ground + reckoning combo, it messes up their hitbox. It may be hard to see in the related pic but im emptying an entire magazine into them and the bullets seem to phase straight through. Melee still works sometimes and weapons with AOE or a large projectile like the arca plasmor still do damage.

Edited by WhipOnLean
(regular reckoning also messes things up)
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Excalibur Umbra now kills the Operator when he dies instead of going into the default Warframe A-Pose for when Warframes don't have an Operator in them. Additionally If Umbra goes out of bounds it kills the Operator as well instead of making the Operator "ring out" like all of the other frames do when they fall out of bounds in Operator mode. As it stands Umbra stacks tons of "Transference Static" on the player to no fault of their own and prevents them from using their Operator.

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After alt-tabbing multiple times the camera for some reason just skips a few frames and "teleports" until the game is restarted, or sometimes sensitivity is doubled most times it's both, making it hard and frustrating to be consistent when aiming (can be seen here with a nasty freeze in between https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/AnxiousMellowDiplodocus).
Also sometimes going into operator usually turns my camera 180 or 90 degrees, going back into the warframe doesn't teleport the frame to you but the other way around (also FOV resets when going back to Umbra).

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Player's gunshots towards enemies that were placed on a ragdolled (Whether that was with void dast or Zephyr's final ability) and recovered were not taking damage only through melee is they only way to kill consistently.

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Upon transferring back into excal umbra I get static and lose the shields and health that comes with the debuff. I understand the reason I think, I am teleporting back to where I left Umbra and that makes the game think that I died in Spoiler mode

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3 hours ago, Murdermurdermurder said:

I love everything about Excalibur Umbra and it has quickly become one of my favorite frames. I very much love the fast pace melee style he has and his level of mobility. So I don't know so much if this is a bug or not but it is the one thing that bugs me endlessly when playing him. And that is when I void dash across a map, come out of void mode and my operator to just be teleported right back to my Umbra which is still standing where I initially started my void jump. No other frame performs that way so I'm inclined the think that is not what was intended for Umbra. I've take to jumping into the air and using his slash dash to get around faster since void dashing is so frustrating with him. A change on this to match the rest of the frames would make him all kinds of perfect in my eyes. 🙂

This is due to him having sentience outside of transference, and it is kind of irritating.

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Not sure if you guys know this already, but if you equip a scanner and activate exalted blade it seems to create a hybrid of both stances, the one equipped on your melee and EB's stance, furthermore, it seems to no longer use EB's mods, but your melee's ,mods instead, I have done this using a SImaris scanner and Xcal Umbra, also, transferring back into Umbra makes the game think your operator died and apply transference static, though I believe this has already been brought to your attention.

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Been having a really annoying bug. Since the update the knockdown abilities of Meg and Banshee removes any hitboxes from enemies. This might be because they get ragdolled. They can only be killed by melee weapons afterwards which is really annoying and ruins my main. My weapon shots fly right through them no matter where I shoot at.

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Dunno why, but for some reason i dont have access to excal umbra animation set on any frame that is not umbra. I got everything sent out through the Ordis message at the end of the quest with the exception of that. it doesnt even show when i search for Umbra.

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I do not know if others have said this before, but while in the arsenal, Kronen Prime fails to show status effect visual I.E. Toxic, Gas, viral etc, and the models blink in and out of existence at random intervals. As far as i know, it is exclusive to Kronen Prime, common Kronen works as intended!

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On 2018-06-15 at 6:54 PM, Peetroolkah said:


after hotfix .2 was applied less than an hour ago, I experienced for the first time this screen. Session unavailable. No mouse cursor. Screen no more reacts to ESC or any other buttons except app switcher (ALT-TAB).


This seem to be very simila to issue described here




IIRC, you could just use spacebar to hit the "Ok" button. Though that doesn't fix the no cursor issue on loading screens. That's just annoying. Especially when you're trying to communicate with people you're trading with ASAP.

Edited by EdsBusy17
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i have a problem when i'm using excalibur umbra on a match where i am not the host, every time i use the transference to get back to my excalibur i get the transference static debuff and i return to the place where my excalibur is in the moment i press 5 like when the operator dies. Other thing that happens to me when i'm not the host of the game is that when i use  snow globe ability the percentage of health remaining to the globe is not desplayed i only get a 1 all the time have the skill active and sometimes when i recast it the number changes to 2,3 and 4 and i can't know how much health the globe has on the moment i'm defending something with the skill

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So I found a rather funny bug for the Plains. Switching to operator on the plains causes me to be unable to use any abilities at all, even canceling transference. Also the operator is immune to all damage. In order to cause it happen you have to have Umbra equipped, and go into the gate to the plains as the operator. The only things you can really do are interact with objects and void dash around. If Umbra is killed, you will go back into the warframe, but upon transferring out of it, you are back to being immune and unable to go back. This does not happen with other frames, and you have to be an operator when you go through the gate.

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Excalibur Umbra doesn't pose properly in the Dargyns, nor can he leave. To leave the Dargyn I had to crash it and then my excal went invisible. To fix this bug I went into operator mode it then it was the based excal with no head for a bit. Then after getting out of operator mode my Umbra wasn't in the right colours. THEN to leave The plains of Eidolon I went into Archwing and then my colours were back.


I can't seem to add the photos via the link so here it is: https://imgur.com/a/2rMELkC

Also no clue why they are so low quality but hope it helps 🙂

Also also the pictures are out of order and rearranging them didn't work. Just try to connect the dots from the text above to the images, it can't be that hard *sweats*

Edited by SSI_Jay
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Excalibur Umbra is in cut-scenes, when I (re)play quests. I replayed the Apostasy Prologue, and there Umbra was, following my operator, as I picked up the Lotus' helmet. I also noticed Umbra follows me into the Quill's shop.


Is Umbra allowed into these situations, since he's not a normal Warframe? Since he has memories, and is conscious?


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11 minutes ago, SSI_Jay said:

Excalibur Umbra doesn't pose properly in the Dargyns, nor can he leave. To leave the Dargyn I had to crash it and then my excal went invisible. To fix this bug I went into operator mode it then it was the based excal with no head for a bit. Then after getting out of operator mode my Umbra wasn't in the right colours. THEN to leave The plains of Eidolon I went into Archwing and then my colours were back.


I can't seem to add the photos via the link so here it is: https://imgur.com/a/2rMELkC

Also no clue why they are so low quality but hope it helps 🙂

Woah, it looks like he took on some of the Dargyn's customization! The colors even look like those of the Dargyn!

EDIT: It reminds me of the Octavia bug, where it would save the Operator's customization as Octavia.

Edited by AJman14
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Transferring back into excal umbra gives you a stack of transference static, even though the operator didn’t die. This definitely happens when in a squad as a client, I haven’t checked if it happens as host or not.

Additionally, transferring both in and out of umbra reorients the camera in a seemingly random direction. I assume it points the camera in a consistent compass direction but I’m not sure. This definitely happens as a client in a squad; I haven’t checked for myself, but I’ve been told in squad that it doesn’t happen when you’re the host.

Finally, the loading screen (both loading into a mission, and returning from a mission) seems to stall a lot more often now. Previously I almost never encountered this problem (probably less than five times in the 2.5 years I’ve played warframe), but since update 23 I’ve had to alt f4 out of an infinite loading screen multiple times. The issue seems to be most prevelant later at night, I assume when fewer people are online and the game has to try to connect me to squads with less reliable connections.

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Hi again. I know you most likely hear this alot but I figured I'd say what I know about the bug.

The dreaded infinite loading glitch seems to be caused by alt tabbing in full screen, I tried in in windowed mode and it didn't happen. It also appears to downgrade the graphics on your warframe and items and appears to limit your FPS in those loading screens to 29-30. Goodluck again 🙂

Edited by SSI_Jay
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12 minutes ago, AJman14 said:

Excalibur Umbra is in cut-scenes, when I (re)play quests. I replayed the Apostasy Prologue, and there Umbra was, following my operator, as I picked up the Lotus' helmet. I also noticed Umbra follows me into the Quill's shop.

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Is Umbra allowed into these situations, since he's not a normal Warframe? Since he has memories, and is conscious?


I say leave it. I'd prefer this to no Umbra in these scenes.

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