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[PC] Update 23: General Bug Report Megathread


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So I was curious if having Umbra inside the infested room would trigger any special lines or scenes and decided to google it (instead of waiting for Friday to have a fully matured cyst).

Through a glitch in the Arsenal it is possible to get Umbra (or any other Warframe) inside the Infested Room without having a fully matured cyst, but this leaves the game super confused. Apparently, it still thinks you have Nidus equipped, so Helminth's lines will play as normal. Using Transference and walking up to the chair will show the "Cure Cyst" prompt, despite it being your Operator (I've no idea what it'd do, so I avoided bugging it further), the door will also be permanently open even if you walk away from it as your Warframe. Nothing else seems to happen and it seems pretty harmless as well, but I wanted to report it here anyways. No idea if it's a known bug, but I can't find any posts about it either.


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As of today (at least from what I and a friend of mine experienced in the plains), Zephyr/Zephyr Prime seems to have a bit of a script error with her first ability. When her first ability is used to divebomb enemies while in the plains, she seems to have a chance to bug out and not return to her normal animations (i.e., after impacting with the ground, she's still floating as if she's in the air and falling, despite being on the ground) while still allowing her to attack. This mostly seems to be client-side related, but using the unstuck command or falling into a death trap (such as a small lake) exacerbates the problem even further, rendering her incapable of attacking and only being able to change directions by aim gliding. At this time, the only known fix is to be damaged enough to go into the downed state and wasting a revive in order to reset yourself.

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Fishing items doesn't work if your fps is below 20, the item used on the water just disappear when it touches the water and nothing happens

(I need to look at the sky to get the fps to increase and wait at that angle until the item falls on the water, otherwise it just vanishes)

Edited by Bonberjean
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I somehow spawned in dojo of other clan after mission! You can see by clan emblem on my shoulder that I'm form different clan.
I wasn't invited to this dojo. And now I'm not in squad, I'm alone in here. Can use dojo navigation and arsenal. 


Edited by Kraitharch
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NO BUG: Energy Color can be changed in the Attachment Tab.


The Energy color of the Skiajati with the Dax Skin isn't changing with the selected one:


Energy color was Green when i bought the Skin and I'm unable to change it. After doing some more testing, only the sheaths are affected from this bug, in Missions the Blade has the chosen Color as Trail Color.

Edited by Darkuhn
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Can anyone help me? I'm using the Excalibur as my starting Warframe and my friend told  me I should be able to mod the Exalted blade in my arsenal. However, it doesn't show up. Is this a bug?

Exalted Blade missing from arsenal:

Edited by IAmStarGazer
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As of the hotfix Wednesday, my Excalibur Umbra is dying to level 15 corrupted corpus crewmen when I run missions in the void to hunt for ayatan.

I was running low-level exterminate missions solo in the void Tuesday for fun after I forma'd him to add an extra vazarin polarity. The only things that got taken off him when I forma'd him were Flow, and Armored Agility but I was still doing fine even unranked in those missions. I was able to put Armored Agility back on once he reached rank 16, and had to wait until he was rank 20 to reinstall Flow.

The issues came when I hopped in to continue my rank grind/ayatan hunt at rank 19 post hotfix, only a few hundred experience away from rank 20. I started dying in a matter of a few hits to the level 15 corpus crewmen when I neared the end of the kill requirement, and got to a point where I had to run to extraction or risk losing everything with less than a hundred health left.

When I finished running that mission I ranked up to 20, reinstalled my flow, and tried to shrug it off as just a weird fluke. So I opted to run the mission over again in case it was just a glitch. I ran into the same issues, this time also finding it distressingly hard to even kill the level 15 corrupted crewmen with my Skaijati, still at max rank and completely unchanged since the moment I first got my hands on it. They were giving me a horrific time despite not having the eximus buffs or being near any ancients. Before the hotfix killing these enemies had been like cutting through butter with a hot knife, now it's like trying to knock down a brick wall with a tiny plastic sugar spoon. 

I ranked up again, put three ranks into my Umbral Vitality, one rank into Umbral Fiber, and one rank into Umbral Intensify and tried again. having 1,120 health and 802 armor should make me less likely to die, right? That's a good 200 more health than he had before I forma'd him... Nope. Same problem, same enemies.

The heck happened DE? What changed with Umbra that wasn't mentioned? I've had to start grinding ranks solo on M Prime just so that I can survive with my now rank 22 Umbra, with a build identical, but more powerful mod-wise, to what I had on him from the night The Sacrifice dropped and I added him to my arsenal.

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When I fire the entire mag of my pyrana prime, more than half the time it will forcibly change my weapon as if I ran out of ammo. This only happens if I expend the whole magazine and it does not occur if I reload before the magazine reaches 0.

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I'm reporting this Excalibur bug where you cant see the exalted blade inside the arsenal and of course you cant mod it in any way. This has been comfirmed by several peoples like me that with a brand new account selected Excalibur as their first warframe. I also tried to forma him with no succes. I still dont know if this bug affects Excalibur umbra aswell since i have not reached that point yet, my opinion is that it shouldt since it looks like it affects only Excalibur if chosen as the very first frame and it doesnt do this with anyone who had him before the update. Here are some screenshots that show you the problem with a brand new exca and with the same exca after i used a forma and unlocked the exalted blade ability again.

Brand new excalibur

Excalibur after the forma

Excalibur after the forma

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I hate to report this because i love playing mesa but if you have a secondary with hydraulic crosshairs and sharpened bullets on it her regulators will also get those procs without being able to equip the mods during peacemaker.....sorry mesa peeps.

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Pyrana prime is still bugged after the update. Forced switch to primary/melee when buff runs out during an auto reload. EXTREMELY annoying. Also, can we please get an icon showing the buff and it's duration? Seems sporadic at applying sometimes, like sometimes when it should proc its gimmick it doesn't and other times it does when it shouldn't. 

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3 hours ago, Kono-Dio-Da said:

When I fire the entire mag of my pyrana prime, more than half the time it will forcibly change my weapon as if I ran out of ammo. This only happens if I expend the whole magazine and it does not occur if I reload before the magazine reaches 0.

Same issue here, before and after today's hotfix. Annoying as hell when you're trying to forma it. 

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getting issues with Pyrana Prime switching weapons instead of reloading. not sure of cause or any specifically consistent trigger other than the clip being empty. once i switch back to it, it reloads but will repeat the issue. if i reload it and then switch to another weapon and back then it'll work for a few clips but then the issue comes back. i was having this issue on hydron mostly.

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So currently this glitch happened basically i had my melee weapons out as mesa and going in and out of turret mode bugs u out and u wont be able to melee continue to do it again u get stuck on this animation and u cant do anything i got permanently slowed i couldnt run couldnt do anything really only fix is when u die (when u go down your hand is clutched out in the same motion and cannot shoot) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1417678742 

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Hi Tennos ! I can't find my Umbra and the Skiajati in my Arsenal. When I open the Codex it is on my own , but not in the Arsenal ….!

So I can't go on with the last mission from the Quest! I bought Slots , I relogged more than 20x . Nothing!   Ah : I can see the new mods by other Frames from me. So maybe someone could help, I even wrote a message to the support! Thanks Tennos 🙂

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24 minutes ago, Zheo2011 said:

Hi Tennos ! I can't find my Umbra and the Skiajati in my Arsenal. When I open the Codex it is on my own , but not in the Arsenal ….!

So I can't go on with the last mission from the Quest! I bought Slots , I relogged more than 20x . Nothing!   Ah : I can see the new mods by other Frames from me. So maybe someone could help, I even wrote a message to the support! Thanks Tennos 🙂

Did you build him?

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7 hours ago, nokturnihs said:

Also, cannot polarize to the new Tau symbol slots. Would like to. Especially if players accidentally de-polarize umbra stuff (I didn't but it is a concern to think about.) 

Tau slots are meant only for the Umbra stuff. I agree that you should be able to add one back to Umbra, or the melee, but not on other stuff..

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Codex Quest, there  are 9 mission  I have to do , cant Play the 9th because Umbra is not in the Arsenal , I got the new mods when I Change to loki or someone else. so I finished the 8th Mission where I can put the Equipment to Umbra , then the pc went down because the power was away . after restarting Umbra isn't in the arsenal


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2 minutes ago, Zheo2011 said:

Codex Quest, there  are 9 mission  I have to do , cant Play the 9th because Umbra is not in the Arsenal , I got the new mods when I Change to loki or someone else. so I finished the 8th Mission where I can put the Equipment to Umbra , then the pc went down because the power was away . after restarting Umbra isn't in the arsenal


Is it possible to build him again, in your foundry?

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