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Host Migration - Sanctuary Onslaught [Fixed]


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14 hours ago, tucker_d_dawg said:

host migrations definitely feel like they are failing and getting stuck on the image of the ship flying with a restart required as the only way out more since the update.

In addition, all the "Connection to host has been lost you will be returned" and "Session unavailable" dialog boxes can not be acknowledged also requiring a game restart.


exactly it happened to me 4 times today and every time I had to Alt+F4 out of the game because I can not even click on the "Connection to host has been lost you will be returned" and "Session unavailable" dialog boxes

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Addendum: Same thing happened today when I wanted to join a group on Sedna. Seems someone else was faster than me, they finished wave 5 or who knows. Well, the thing is, I got the message that I can't join and got stuck in the loading screen again.

Please, what is this?

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As per title, what a piss take.


Game after game tonight in Sanctuary, not completed one due to some (Insert over the top derogatory remark here) player deciding he is either too special or onslaught is too hard. Not completed one Sanctuary run today as yet again with every game I played tonight, at level 3/4/5 some player decides to leave and the team are stuck in the loading screen pap. So three times from rank 25 to rank 30 then someone leaves and I have to turn the game off as it just fails to let us back in mission. And there I am back at the beginning.


DE, you should implement a squad button that allows the remaining three players to put a three day ban on anyone deliberately leaving mid level, though maybe fix Sanctuary again 1st.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

The usual advice is going to recruit tab or clan and get players who will stay to set point, in a pug match players can leave whenever they want. Second advice is to communicate to the squad, I know such a farfetched idea may not be logical to some but it helps.

this doesn't help when a player disconnects due to connection problems. everyone gets them from time to time.

host migration issue has come back after the sacrifice update. 



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Its been a while since Sanctuary came in...It was buggy and I cursed this game for not being able to farm Khora, since someone always left faster and was stuck in a host migration, where you could only alt+F4 -> lost all loot). Now in theory its patched (said in the newletter), yet I returned to the SUCKTUARY->wave 8-> host left-> STILL STUCK IN #*!%ING MIGRATION. I dont care if its not polite and I have no manners right now, cause I literaly wasted HOURS for nothing!!!
And this is the point  (not mentioning the new S#&$y UI design and small stuffs like that) where I started to curse this game! My love for the game started fadeing aways since Plains of Bugolodon, and it still continues to decay sadly.
Where I dont have as much time to play this otherwise once great game, bugs, glitsches, and frustrating things like these makes me want to curse this thing all together!

But if im at it let me summarise my view on the game since then:
- Plains of bugolodon:
Was very buggy(quests, achievments, etc...), very unfairly grindy also performance issues. Now paste is more humanlike, less buggy...still lost much time there as well as the will to do anything there or in Cetus for that matter.
Oh and what was the problem with LoR and JV? I loved those RIP (for now as they said its only temp. removed...well this is a long temp now).
Arcanes are puked out like candy from the Eidolons now, so even lost the sence of greatness when you did an instance
- SUCKtuary:
Buggy as hell (no gate, host migrations, sudden efficiency drops to 0, etc), very repetitive after a few runs (with 0 loot, just to add) -> overal #*!% it as it is right now.

And there you have it. Try to enjoy the game, where like the only things you loved or want to do are gone or broken.
PS: No way in hell Im gona buy Khora for platinum, get this S#&$ migration foxed already!!!

PPS: To Sephalon Simaris: #*!% your experiments and synthesis, make your world #*!%ing NORMAL!!!

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Please DE fix this host migration bug! It ruins fun for everyone! We only waisting our time, because we got nothing(no exp,no focus, no rewards) after we alt+f4 after this bug!
This bug still here since you relased onslaught!
off: The Sacrifice quest was amazing! Can not wait for replay it!

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Im having a continuous problem with Onslaught, and it always happens with elite. 

Basically in nearly all missions after several zones there's a host migration, who ever survives then has to sit in their ship waiting for nothing to happen and eventually give up and use Alt F4 to get out.

This is not much fun, and like the gates at PoE failing, its something that prevents me from playing these missions. 

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9 minutes ago, NightStep_Potato said:

I was just about to post the same issue... and im sill here siting in the loading screen, waiting and hoping it will fix itself... 


I just did, and now there's three of this right up at the top


Atl + F4 here we go...


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