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Frost Prime


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That's a Prime I made to look like the non prime one, sure the color may be a bit off, but you can't tell me they don't look very similar.

Compared to other frames, Frost is probably the worst for looking the same as his non-prime counterpart.

A post from

probably sums my problem up.

"...and when I go into the arsenal to compare Frost Prime and it's Default Frost there is NO DIFFERENCE between them, only the lacking amount of gold bits that it has for the Prime variant and his Helmet and it has some pattern lines compared to the Default Frost and the default one has very few lines & patterns.."

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A warframe that looks strikingly similar to its prime counterpart? That's unprecedented!

How are we supposed to even be able to tell them apart! They have completely different abilities and are played in entirely different ways and can't do the same things as each other at all!


Wait, no. It doesn't matter because they are the same thing, one just looks prettier unless you have the worse sense of decorative taste possible.

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8 hours ago, GrandTheftMano said:

Update the textures for Frost Prime. AFAIK it's the only warframe that looks exactly the same as its non-prime counterpart.

Excalibur Prime, Frost Prime, and Mag Prime are all basically the same model as defaults with slight gilding. Mag probably became the worst of the bunch after DE started PBR everything with the only real difference after is the 4 floating bits on shoulders and legs.

If we are going to talk about an actual model update it should be in the scope of all them. Not that DE has any incentive to do anything especially when parts of the playerbase will defend the existing model even though they are free to equip the default model (or DE could just keep it a classic skin).

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48 minutes ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

and a head that looks like a cyclops skull....

I wasn't speaking of helmets because the helmets are fine. The point is if you put the default Mag helmet on a Mag Prime body with random ambiguous coloring (honestly it just needs to be the same coloring if you had them both in the same area), you'd need to get real up close to inspect that Mag if you wanted to know if it was a Prime or not. The same goes for Excalibur and Frost.

Every Prime after Mag (note that it was Ember and also the beginning of PA), the designs of Prime really started to evolve with new base body models (Nyx is probably thee tamest though still way better than Excalibur, Frost, and Mag). For example, if you put a default Hydroid helmet on a Hydroid Prime body you could tell the difference even from fair distance because they are that different. Hell, if you put a default Excalibur helmet on an Excalibur Umbra body you would know immediately that it was an Umbra (at risk of salt pouring in you could put an Excalibur Prime helmet on an Umbra and still know it was an umbra from a distance).

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