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Individual Extraction in Survival


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24 minutes ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

No there has always been that system. I shouldn't have to wait for anybody else to leave a mission. I am supporting individual extraction. that's what I am "on" about. As I so clearly said in my post.


"There are no downsides to individual extractions aside from singling out leeches." ~ me.



I guess I’m free to disagree?

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PUGs should be a free for all. Those are the ones you should be doing if you want a 5 minute squad. You are not going to recruiting to do 5 minute survival missions or what have you. 


I think it's a great idea to let people decide to extract in 5 minutes. You've successfully completed the mission. They already allow you to do it in defense waves. Sometimes two will leave and 2 will stay. The two who stay know the risk. They continue to play despite knowing 'less enemies', 'less loot' etc. So the few people saying it's a problem here, I'm sure, it's really only a problem with a minority.


I don't see a lot of people's problems.. I mean it's a non-debated about issue with defense... Why shouldnt it be treated the same.

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Given I can sit for hours spamming 1, 4, and 3 on my Octavia in survival I frankly have no issues with people wanting to leave at the 5 minute mark. I do not require someone else's rewards nor help to do what I want. 

If you want to do long haul survivals and cant/wont do it solo might I suggest not doing them with PUGs?

Edited by BallisticSalsa
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On 2018-07-15 at 10:00 PM, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

Because the rest of the team would be left a man down. Why should they be punished just because you queued for something you didn't have time for? Those are both you problems, not theirs. 

It's bad enough that they get punished either way. You should get your punishment too.

Are you actually serious? The same argument can be used at the contrary : "why did you join a pub surv for an endurance run instead of recruiting people all agreeing on the duration of the run?"

People should never be forced into the playstyle and choices of other team members, and infact defense works perfectly even with the possibility to quit the game individually, I see absolutely no reason why this is still not a thing for survivals and excavations, as for any other present and future endless mission.

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On 2018-07-15 at 6:35 PM, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

Then play a spy or something if you can't commit the time. Don't drag others down just because you're greedy.

If I have to go pick my kids up in 45 minutes, I'm not going to start an hour and a half long movie and then whine when the movie doesn't bend to my time constraints.

If I go into a survival fissure, I'm expecting 4 reward options at the end of the round. If you leave that forces me to either play with 3 rewards or leave and start back at a first wave A rotation. That's you screwing my finely managed play time. You shouldn't be rewarded for that.

I don't bail on people cause I respect other peoples time. God forbid I expect other people to respect mine. On the rare occasions that I do have to bail, I feel so bad about it that losing my rewards isn't even a thought. I know empathy is a dead quality in online games, but give it a shot sometime.

There is no set time dedication though. The mission is 5 minute waves. That means that is the base time that people are justified to leave at. Dont think that everyone playing these are universally required to go to 20 minute intervals, because frankly that is just elitism.

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29 minutes ago, Cloud said:

Are you actually serious? The same argument can be used at the contrary : "why did you join a pub surv for an endurance run instead of recruiting people all agreeing on the duration of the run?"



37 minutes ago, BallisticSalsa said:

If you want to do long haul survivals and cant/wont do it solo might I suggest not doing them with PUGs?


These exactly.


I don't know why people assume that a pub game means anything but " A group of people want to complete the mission" the mission is complete at 5min/5 waves.

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13 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

Then hang the team work I will solo everything. I will do everything myself. I'd rather not work with people who can't solo 5 minutes on their own "TO COMPLEET DA MISSHUN"

If you are just here to complete the mission.. then why do you need a team? Solo it. Someone accused me of being carried yet it was someone who was all for spending the minimum amount of time in the mission. Say it one more time because I will always be able to spend 30 minutes to an hour in a survival on my own. Project your carry on the moon. 

The writers of the outrage narrative seems to be completely against common sense. 

If you are capable of soloing it, then you are capable of going 20 minutes solo or with a 3 man team instead after the first 5 minutes.

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3 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

The point is to join a team to go further than an hour. 


That's fair.

Oh, wait a minute. You asked them to make sure they wanted to go further than an hour right?

No? really?

Then why did you expect them to?

No reason at all? interesting...

And you blamed them when they decided to leave before the time that you never confirmed with them?

Equally interesting...



Edited by (XB1)PredakingXYT
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On 2018-07-16 at 12:01 AM, CupcakesMoo said:

Since you BRILLIANT people insist on bringing this up again. I will, myself, repeat thus. 


If you want individual extraction you must surrender half of your gathered resources to the rest of the group who are there to keep going. 

Change my mind. 

No they don't. I've killed for those resources and helped, none should get half of what I have just because I left

Change my mind.

But I'd like to give you an advice. It seems you like to be carried, you even want half of whatever X player got.

Could I suggest you to play the game and get good? You'll be able to solo survival 1h+ with the right frame/weapons/mods+rivens.

Edited by Rayden_Tenno
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21 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

So you refuse to answer my question, call me a coward, and demand that i make it my job to translate your mindless drivel? 


i am under no obligation to answer your question when you refuse to answer another persons question. simple as that. you clearly have a horrid amount of double standards, something ive learned to spot due to my participation in political discussions. 


CupcakesMoo: i dont need to answer your question


also CupcakesMoo: you need to answer my question


i called you a coward because thats what you are when you dont answer someone's question and instead dodge the question entirely. ill happily answer your question when you become honest and answer his question. 


Mindless Drivel? seems you lack the common sense to realise to be taken seriously you need to answer someones question if you want them to answer yours. its a 2 way street Moo something you lack the understanding of.

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18 hours ago, Rayden_Tenno said:

No they don't. I've killed for those resources and helped, none should get half of what I have just because I left

Change my mind.

But I'd like to give you an advice. It seems you like to be carried, you even want half of whatever X player got.

Could I suggest you to play the game and get good? You'll be able to solo survival 1h+ with the right frame/weapons/mods+rivens.

its amazing how entitled someone like CupcakesMoo is. wanting people to forfeit half of their earned rewards just because they want to leave earlier after the mission objective has been accomplished. common sense would dictate that he has no right or claim to those resources for any reason unless he himself earned them. its nothing more then a entitled brat who wants other peoples rewards for doing nothing. 

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20 hours ago, (XB1)Madinogi said:

its amazing how entitled someone like CupcakesMoo is. wanting people to forfeit half of their earned rewards just because they want to leave earlier after the mission objective has been accomplished. common sense would dictate that he has no right or claim to those resources for any reason unless he himself earned them. its nothing more then a entitled brat who wants other peoples rewards for doing nothing. 

I know, he's just mad. If this happens he won't be able to be carried never again.

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On 2018-07-15 at 11:14 PM, CupcakesMoo said:



And @ everyone else who thinks they should be able to leave for free

So basically you want to just say "GOT MINE LOL TIME TO ABANDON MY TEAM"? And you can do this any time for free? 


Look at it from the other side. Why should players be forced to play longer than they want to? Why should they be trapped in a mission for 30+ minutes, unable to do anything until everyone else decides they've had enough? 

Many players just do survival missions as part of their progress through a planet and aren't necessarily wanting to farm. 

For me personally I start to get cramp in my mouse fingers & wrist after 20 minutes. 

If the rest of the team aren't done by then I simply go to the extraction point then AFK. 

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7 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

Since people kept ignoring my messages I will do the same and throw random objects. 

What's the point of recruit chat if no one uses it? 


Most of the time I can't understand a damn thing that's said in chat. It looks like a stream of random gibberish to me. 

Also wonder how many responses I'd get to, "Survival mission 20 minutes max cause my hand cramps up" 😆

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Throwing my lot in for allowing individual extraction or maybe an option to force people to stay a certain amount of time if it's a premade group.

Like others have said, people are already capable of bailing on defense at wave 5. Also, I get that it sucks to lose people, but in public groups, there were no prior agreements on the amount of time to be spent in an endless mission. If someone wants to go an entire hour and someone just wanted to do a quick 5-10 minutes before getting off for the night, why does the former feel justified in having the latter punished? The only case in which I would agree is if it was a premade group. If it becomes too difficult as the number of people dwindle, then DE can figure out a way to scale it down appropriately or you can go find a premade to ensure that people stay for a set time - don't force an agenda on random people in public groups.

I can see both sides of the argument for premade groups, but for public groups, I don't agree in the slightest on punishing people who do the minimum to complete the objective and then have other things they want to do. You'd basically be holding them hostage with your own schedule with no prior discussion.

Edited by Arthanc
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Is there any reason why people starting that mission couldn't be queued in to replace the leavers?  Leavers get to leave, stayers get to stay, and the new person might get lucky and get the better rotation rewards more quickly, as well as benefiting immediately from increased resource drops.  This might need an instance menu though, so someone entering a mission could choose a new instance or join the 2hr+ survival that's already running, great for those who are bored by the lower level stages of endless.

High level clans/groups might be able to organise an eternal instance by rotating players in and out, which could be kind of cool.

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On 2018-07-16 at 12:01 AM, CupcakesMoo said:

Since you BRILLIANT people insist on bringing this up again. I will, myself, repeat thus. 


If you want individual extraction you must surrender half of your gathered resources to the rest of the group who are there to keep going. 

Change my mind. 

I dont get it. Was that supposed to be a joke, a meme or you being serious?

Individual extraction would benefit those that wanna stay. 

1. Difficulty would be rebalanced for 3 people. Not that important but still.

2. You'd get more loot. This because #4 waiting at extraction wouldnt "steal" mobs.

3. More life support for your group since #4 waiting at extraction wouldnt "steal" mobs and ignore life support.

4. You'd get more affinity since #4 waiting at extraction wouldnt "steal" mobs.

5. Points 2+3 become even bigger reasons if you have a Nekros in group.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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Being an Xbox 4 year vet, I fully support personal extraction or a drop in/drop out matchmaking system. I am one of those players that likes to play longer than the average player, but time and time again I am forced to play at the bite size players' conditions. Allowing players to extract after the first objective like in defense, is a perfect solution. This has been said before. It allows for the freedom of those players who wish to continue the ability to do just that, continue. It's not a punishment if the players choose to continue. They can extract if they want to any time, if something isn't to their liking. Currently, it's a punishment to extended players when they are forced to play the bite size players conditions. It down right spoils my fun. It's very frustrating when you start a survival hoping others will join wanting to farm resources with you, just to have one or more of those players run to the exit after 5 minutes and spam the rest of the squad the extraction display until the rest of us fall in line and exit. This gives the bite size player all the power in public matches. This is clearly unfair to anyone who wants to play longer. We are forced to recruit or play solo. Recruiting always ends up with me teaching the recruits how to play ( does no one watch youtube tutorials?)  and I just want to play. And not play solo. I have no problem if some random player joins and then leaves after the first objective is done. As long as I get to keep going I don't care where the other players go. I am just tired of having my fun be bite size when It doesn't have to be.

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I would greatly appreciate and support the idea. Not all the times I am up to stay for 30-40+ minutes, especially if the team is not able to do so (for different reasons.) 

I don´t want to risk being stuck in a mission because the game force me to do so, leaving me with only 2 choices, abort and lose everything, or continue even tho I don´t have time/or don´t want to. 

Also, I don´t see why I should lose half my rewards because I don´t want to do hours of the same thing. I´ve done my 20-40-whatever minutes, got a full rotation, and I want to go. Unless stated otherwise at the beginning, and we all agreed at staying until a certain point, I don´t get why I should continue. Same for whoever joins and leaves in the first 5-10 minutes. Stuff irl can happen, same as not being up for it anymore. No one should be forced to do something they don´t want to, because then it would stop being fun.

Edited by Lelinyth
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Agree with this. Individual extraction in survival and interception should be a thing. 

You want a 10 - infinity mins of survival/interception with other players? Go organize a team using the recruit channel. Plain and simple. 

Can't find other player who have the same idea?

  • Go matchmaking and pray they also have the same idea.
  • Ask them nicely, maybe they'll think about it and join you.

If everything fails? Go SOLO.

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