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Individual Extraction in Survival


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18 hours ago, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

1)If I have to go pick my kids up in 45 minutes, I'm not going to start an hour and a half long movie and then whine when the movie doesn't bend to my time constraints.

2)If I go into a survival fissure, I'm expecting 4 reward options at the end of the round. If you leave that forces me to either play with 3 rewards or leave and start back at a first wave A rotation. That's you screwing my finely managed play time. You shouldn't be rewarded for that.


1. No, you pause the movie like a smart person and watch the rest later

2. Well, you better lower your expectation if you're going into a public match buddy, nobody has to do anything for you. Leaving after Rotation A is perfectly fine because the mission has been completed after that point.

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1 hour ago, CupcakesMoo said:

It's time for me to remind everyone that this will never be implemented. You may now continue with your war. 

well, I guess people who want individual extraction will have to continue complaining about not being able to, and everyone else will complain when 2/4 people drag them out of the mission 😕

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On 2018-07-15 at 7:35 PM, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

Then play a spy or something if you can't commit the time. Don't drag others down just because you're greedy.

If I have to go pick my kids up in 45 minutes, I'm not going to start an hour and a half long movie and then whine when the movie doesn't bend to my time constraints.

If I go into a survival fissure, I'm expecting 4 reward options at the end of the round. If you leave that forces me to either play with 3 rewards or leave and start back at a first wave A rotation. That's you screwing my finely managed play time. You shouldn't be rewarded for that.

I don't bail on people cause I respect other peoples time. God forbid I expect other people to respect mine. On the rare occasions that I do have to bail, I feel so bad about it that losing my rewards isn't even a thought. I know empathy is a dead quality in online games, but give it a shot sometime.

GREEDY? Coming from the guy who wants to hold others hostage just because he wants to earn more reward's. 

Dont be a bloody hypocrite KingGuy. Seem you and CupcakeMoo are the greedy ones here for wanting to hold others hostage or have those leavers forfeit half their rewards to their teammates just because they want to leave early. 

frankly endless fissures are the ones i will stand with you on. if their is a single mission fissure like spy those who want to only open 1 should run those otherwise Endless locks you in for a minimum of say 2 or 3 relics. but outside of Fissures? Absolutely not. no reason players should be locked in for a set amount of waves or such just because the other members want to continue on. however to play devils advocate tho. they are being punished. by that in fissures. by not getting any more rewards. 

"I don't bail on people cause I respect other peoples time. God forbid I expect other people to respect mine" 

this may come as a shock to you King. but that goes both ways. you want others to respect your time? then respect theirs by actually letting them to leave when they wish. also in regards to empathy is a dead quality in online games. i agree and you are a prime example of that by not respecting the wishes of others. 

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Again, PUGs are the issue as you cannot know what another player's available time is. As a result there needs to be a way to allow players to extract once they have completed the mission's objective. If you want to go longer with a full team then just use a premade group. It really is that simple.

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I never knew how much I wanted this until I got stuck in a survival with people looking for Argon Crystal. Which admittedly I was also looking for but while I was happy with one or two they decided to go totally ham.......and refused to leave until every single crate.

Thankfully they where all super inattentive of the life support and I had no reason to bother with it or god knows how long I would have been stuck there. 

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В 16.07.2018 в 01:01, CupcakesMoo сказал:

Since you BRILLIANT people insist on bringing this up again. I will, myself, repeat thus. 


If you want individual extraction you must surrender half of your gathered resources to the rest of the group who are there to keep going. 

Change my mind. 

Have you ever played a defense mission? Im guessing no. You should try it, it will chanfe your mind.


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2 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

Have you ever had an interesting point in your entire life?

You have to play defense missions to get through the game. 

There you go. Explain to me why you think its fair that in defense people can extract after 5 waves but it is ludicrous to leave after 5 mins in survival.


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В 16.07.2018 в 03:00, (PS4)KingGuy420 сказал:

Because the rest of the team would be left a man down. Why should they be punished just because you queued for something you didn't have time for? Those are both you problems, not theirs. 

It's bad enough that they get punished either way. You should get your punishment too.

The set time where you can extract is exactly 5 minutes.

If someone wants to stay longer it's their problems. Just like that, they should be able to either 1 complete whatever time they wnat to, solo or 2 be prepared to leave if they can't and need to get carried past 5 minutes.

Either way, that's what you get for not playing solo and rerlying on randoms.

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On 2018-07-15 at 7:35 PM, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

Then play a spy or something if you can't commit the time. Don't drag others down just because you're greedy.

If I have to go pick my kids up in 45 minutes, I'm not going to start an hour and a half long movie and then whine when the movie doesn't bend to my time constraints.

If I go into a survival fissure, I'm expecting 4 reward options at the end of the round. If you leave that forces me to either play with 3 rewards or leave and start back at a first wave A rotation. That's you screwing my finely managed play time. You shouldn't be rewarded for that.

I don't bail on people cause I respect other peoples time. God forbid I expect other people to respect mine. On the rare occasions that I do have to bail, I feel so bad about it that losing my rewards isn't even a thought. I know empathy is a dead quality in online games, but give it a shot sometime.

nah man I want to go for a 4 hour survival... respect my time and don't abandon the team... are you stuck with me for the next 4 hours? 

so who decides that you have to stay for 4 reward options? who made that call? what if i am expecting 2 rounds of AABC?


so when i queue up for a survival mission... how much time do i need 20? 40?60 minutes?? and who decides that?

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funny part of this thread is that all arguments so far of people being against the idea pretty much dies by the merit that not one, but two different "infinite" game modes allow this already. (Defence and Sanctuary Onslaught)


and that there is one unmentioned here argument that can on it's own ruin any hopes of it getting reasonably implemented - can game engine properly even handle extraction points present in other modes extracting only a part of the team?


because in all the instances that does not require full team to extract you are extracted throught different ways.


also bonus points - could it be setup in a way preventing accidental extraction too?



and on the last but not least: how diffircult would it be to change code responsible for it for every mission type in the game.

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13 minutes ago, Oreades said:

*Interception-chan will remember that*

If they managed to pull it off with sanctuary onslaught im sure there is a feasible way to do implement it with survival. As far as interface goes, you can have a popup just like void fissures and give an option to extract. Voila

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5 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

Tell me why you think YOU think they are different. 

or how about you instead answer his question instead of dodging like someone who has no argument to make?

he asked you a question so answer it, not dodge it. 


from my and others perspective you have no rational argument against it and come off more as a pouty brat/pseudo dictator who only cares about himself so much that hes willing to have his teammate forfeit half of their rewards to him, just because they got done what they went their to do. Moo. the people who extract will not have a negative impact on you. you are free to stay and continue going. by implementing individual extraction everyone  wins. including you. 

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this thread is starting to go down the drain. perhaps if people could actually talk about this issue without resorting to childish behaviour, maybe DE would take this topic seriously and actually consider adding solo Extraction, or if not, explain why it wouldn't work.

I don't see how it's anything other than a good thing. people have the option to leave. and it's just that; an OPTION. options are never a bad thing because they aren't forced on you. it would greatly help a lot of time constrained players, and I myself, while not time-constrained often, don't want to spend 40 mins on EVERY survival if I want to do other mission types as well. once again, the easiest solution is to go Solo, which I do, but this isn't for everyone as they may not have the gear or will to go that far, and then there's the problem of enemy Spawns being very lacklustre in Solo, which makes levelling equipment take longer.

Solo extraction would also be of great benefit in Kuva Survival, especially if your team keeps failing to protect the Harvesters from tougher enemies. now instead of being dragged along, you'd be able to keep your Kuva that you've earned up until that point. it's not unfair to leave and keep rewards: you've still played up until that point to earn them, you should keep them. if you want more, you stay longer. it's not rocket science. considering how many people I see on here complaining about how terrible their PUG teams are, I'd have thought more people would be championing solo extraction because it would make PUGs a lot better, as if your team insists on going the full stretch but don't have the gear, skill or whatever to back it up, you can bail out before the game becomes a train wreck.

hell, I'd even consider going Public more often if we had this, and that benefits everyone: it benefits me because more enemy Spawns = more Affinity, and it benefits other people because I can help them if they need it. the two main reasons I solo survivals are because A: I don't want to be dragged around and have to forfeit rewards that I earned in order to leave, and B: if I have to deal with something IRL I can pause the game, deal with it and come back. with this implemented, I can leave to avoid being dragged around, and I can leave if something is gonna stop me from playing for a bit. and everyone would have this option.

there is no downside to this. we should be pushing for this more often, but in a constructive manner, not like the manner this thread has been showing so far.



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1 hour ago, CupcakesMoo said:

And you have absolutely no platform. Its your job to answer what I posted. Why are they different? 

i have no real stake in this conversation but man are you delusional. You were asked a question. you dodged it. and now refuse to answer just like a Coward. at this point no one should take your posts seriously if your not going to be honest. plain and simple. but if i am to pick a side. its Pro Individual extraction. you frankly have no real argument to make for being against the feature. 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Madinogi said:

i have no real stake in this conversation but man are you delusional. You were asked a question. you dodged it. and now refuse to answer just like a Coward. at this point no one should take your posts seriously if your not going to be honest. plain and simple. but if i am to pick a side. its Pro Individual extraction. you frankly have no real argument to make for being against the feature. 

Honestly just ignore him. My conversation with a wall was more constructive. Id gladly sell you a "platform" (wtv that means) for 100p 😉

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1 hour ago, (XB1)SlagInGristle said:

There could be a new endless game mode with spawn in quit/ only mode. Like cod ( I guess ) has? 


Quit "stop or discontinue (an action or activity)."

So to you quitting is only quitting if it is done by one person? But if everybody wants to quit it's, what? A job well done?


There are no downsides to individual extractions aside from singling out leeches.

Edited by (XB1)PredakingXYT
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31 minutes ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

Quit "stop or discontinue (an action or activity)."

So to you quitting is only quitting if it is done by one person? But if everybody wants to quit it's, what? A job well done?


There are no downsides to individual extractions aside from singling out leeches.

There’s a vote system now you know - if more want to leave then it ends. What are you on about?

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)SlagInGristle said:

There’s a vote system now you know - if more want to leave then it ends. What are you on about?

No there has always been that system. I shouldn't have to wait for anybody else to leave a mission. I am supporting individual extraction. that's what I am "on" about. As I so clearly said in my post.


"There are no downsides to individual extractions aside from singling out leeches." ~ me.



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