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Archwing Is Awful


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5 hours ago, Legion-Shields said:

Keep thrusters on, but use whichever directional key is needed to keep moving in the direction you want.

Hrm, sounds awkward. Also doesn't match physics, which I think is what really bothers me about that. If I have no thrusters engaged, momentum should be maintained in the direction I was going to begin with, rather than arbitrarily pushing me in the direction I'm facing.

As for stopping, I just do a backflip and that stops me quick regardless of settings.

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I personaly love Archwing and think it is highly ignored by DE and it lacks content that would make it interesting, truly enjoyable and relevant. Everything about Archwing is good except for content for it and drifting while moving, I'd prefer we could just stop when we stop and not drift about and have slow side acceleration.

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On 2018-07-29 at 12:54 AM, DrakeWurrum said:

By the way, that Pursuit mission is really freaking easy once you get the right Archwing mods, depending on your Arch-gun. I used a Velocitus to do it the other day because I wanted to try my luck at a mod drop I don't have yet, and it one-shot the engines, one-shot each small orange point thingy...


If he doesn't like the pursuit mission, then he will surely hate that timed trench run mission. Hell! I love A-wing, but I truly hate that mission.

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2 minutes ago, TheMuslimGamerGB said:

If he doesn't like the pursuit mission, then he will surely hate that timed trench run mission. Hell! I love A-wing, but I truly hate that mission.

That one took me forever to get the hang of. I kept trying so hard to speed through it that I ended up going too slow. Gotta leave the boosters off and focus on maneuvering without stopping for enemies, and without hitting (too many) walls. It was rather satisfying when I finally pulled it off.

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7 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

That one took me forever to get the hang of. I kept trying so hard to speed through it that I ended up going too slow. Gotta leave the boosters off and focus on maneuvering without stopping for enemies, and without hitting (too many) walls. It was rather satisfying when I finally pulled it off.

I thank God that I didn't have to do it, as I had already unlocked the node before they changed the mission type. I still think that they should have kept in the A-wing interception mission that was on Earth, as it was a good introduction into A-wing interception for beginners.


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On 2018-08-02 at 5:41 PM, void_666 said:

I don't know man. Railjack looks cool. No doubt. But how deep is it going to be? Will warframe become a space sim?

Honestly i think it's just another gimmick like archwing.



According to Steve, it will become part of the core game and allow them to make seemless loading screens by having the ship fly to the destination.

The Railjack is likely the "Combat Ship", its likely we will be able to pilot the Orbiter or Landing crafts in the same manner.



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22 hours ago, Legion-Shields said:

you mean like you and half the people in this thread who share your opinion?

Don't dish it if you can't take it. Coming on to a forum and complaining like the way the OP has done, followed up by several others of you who all jump the band wagon, but don't give any constructive feedback. Instead, your side screams, "Archwing sucks so take it out!" or "I question peoples intelligence for liking it when it is obvious it sucks". You don't take into consideration others might disagree or actually do like it. So you sure do not consider solutions and just bring complaints. When you're called on it with a bit of the same spite you used against us thrown right back in your face, you get defensive like you're suddenly the victims. You're going to have to do a lot better than that, if you think what you said is some kind of gotcha or makes yourself look special or heroic.

I don't have the problems you have with Archwing and I attribute it to, I am skilled with Archwing. If you aren't that's fine, but don't get pissy when you cry foul being poor about it and I say you're crying, because you suck at it. GIT GUD or change your attitude. If this bothers you then maybe you should take that into consideration before you start or join another complaint thread with a negative tone the way this OP did. OP set the tone and look what it got.


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On 2018-08-04 at 7:46 PM, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Don't dish it if you can't take it. Coming on to a forum and complaining like the way the OP has done, followed up by several others of you who all jump the band wagon, but don't give any constructive feedback. Instead, your side screams, "Archwing sucks so take it out!" or "I question peoples intelligence for liking it when it is obvious it sucks". You don't take into consideration others might disagree or actually do like it. So you sure do not consider solutions and just bring complaints. When you're called on it with a bit of the same spite you used against us thrown right back in your face, you get defensive like you're suddenly the victims. You're going to have to do a lot better than that, if you think what you said is some kind of gotcha or makes yourself look special or heroic.

I don't have the problems you have with Archwing and I attribute it to, I am skilled with Archwing. If you aren't that's fine, but don't get pissy when you cry foul being poor about it and I say you're crying, because you suck at it. GIT GUD or change your attitude. If this bothers you then maybe you should take that into consideration before you start or join another complaint thread with a negative tone the way this OP did. OP set the tone and look what it got.


Well you’re right that I have a very low tolerance for social bull.


Compensating for momentum is too easy, even in experimental mode. This makes it boring, and therefore unfun. The flight model takes no effort at all to get used to. How are you interpreting that as me having a hard time “getting it”? What twisted logic are you using to come to these conclusions?


And no, I don’t want Archwing to be taken out. I want it to be BETTER. As I’ve said over and over already, in this thread and others. I’ve given ideas in the past, nothing fully fleshed out, but things that I think are important and that would push the mode in what I consider the right direction. Something I’ve done here in this thread too. I want the overall pace of the mode to be significantly increased. I want everything to be faster. The priority is for the mode to be generally successful with the player base, so if that’s the wrong direction or angle to take, then so be it. I’ve already conceded some ground on the basis that Railjack may give players enough reason to invest more time into Archwing even if the mode itself doesn’t get any fundamental changes. Someone in an earlier thread made the same argument. 


This is the second time now someone has described my posts as revealing my thoughts on them to be some sort of god-given insight from up high. I dont know where you and the other got that impression. Maybe it’s projection. 

As to considering whether or not others might like something I don’t: that should go without saying. Again, you might just be projecting. 


If people are finding my posts to be spiteful toward them in some way, even when the only thing I talk about in my posts are things that have nothing to do with humans in general, maybe stop thinking you’re so instrumental in how another person perceives the world? I pointed out your post because I found it ironic, and now I find it even more so that you reveal it to stem from a tendency to believe things revolve around you and your fragile ego. If you can do that I’ll try a little harder to spend energy on making sure I don’t cross some subtle social convention.


And what is this logic behind calling someone bad because they find a mode too easy to be interesting? Spite? And is that supposed to be constructive?You brought that into this thread, not me. It’s clear that both you and those who seem to share your view here are ignoring any constructive feedback others have to give every time you say “just farm xp and level your mods” when everyone else is talking about the core gameplay (why is Archwing so unpopular again? And why is the rest of the game so good? Oh right, it’s not the mods, it’s the core gameplay).

Edited by Legion-Shields
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AW at first was quite a bit of fun, but then they screw the hell up with the defense mission addition (defense kinda, but forced to be out of affinity range), followed very closely by them BREAKING movement into some kind of 6 direction mutant movement system.   Then they spent a year refusing to go back to a rational movement system....which pretty much caused AW from interesting to utter crud.

The one thing that remains the same from the introduction of Arcwhing to today, is that those responsible for it are Extremely Arrogant.

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On 2018-08-03 at 8:10 PM, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

That is your opinion. I disagree. You think it's terrible, most likely, because you suck at it. That tends to be the pattern with players like you. You are not good at it, so you complain trying to force your opinion on others and shame them for not supporting your opinion.

Well it's nice that you have an opinion and that it's wrong.

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On 2018-08-04 at 6:19 PM, Legion-Shields said:

Well you’re right that I have a very low tolerance for social bull.


Compensating for momentum is too easy, even in experimental mode. This makes it boring, and therefore unfun. The flight model takes no effort at all to get used to. How are you interpreting that as me having a hard time “getting it”? What twisted logic are you using to come to these conclusions?

Where do I even start?

First, you sure took it personal when I was referring to your side. Which is not just you.... This is not about you.

It's so easy so therefore it's boring or unfun, wtf? Are you serious? That is opinion, nothing more. And a personal problem at that.

Again, I said," those like you".  Not you specifically. Drop the ego for half a second. You are stepping up to defend a position others like you hold. This isn't just about you. I addressed you as if you were the group you are siding with.

On 2018-08-04 at 6:19 PM, Legion-Shields said:

And no, I don’t want Archwing to be taken out. I want it to be BETTER. As I’ve said over and over already, in this thread and others. I’ve given ideas in the past, nothing fully fleshed out, but things that I think are important and that would push the mode in what I consider the right direction. Something I’ve done here in this thread too. I want the overall pace of the mode to be significantly increased. I want everything to be faster. The priority is for the mode to be generally successful with the player base, so if that’s the wrong direction or angle to take, then so be it. I’ve already conceded some ground on the basis that Railjack may give players enough reason to invest more time into Archwing even if the mode itself doesn’t get any fundamental changes. Someone in an earlier thread made the same argument.

I never said you specifically and those parts I used the word "you" are in reference to your side and those who share your point.  Stop being so defensive and read what people write instead of part of it and getting all upset.

On 2018-08-04 at 6:19 PM, Legion-Shields said:

This is the second time now someone has described my posts as revealing my thoughts on them to be some sort of god-given insight from up high. I dont know where you and the other got that impression. Maybe it’s projection. 

As to considering whether or not others might like something I don’t: that should go without saying. Again, you might just be projecting.

No projection here. From my perspective, you jumped me for saying something to another poster. "you mean like you and half the people in this thread who share your opinion?" You didn't address the main point of my post and when straight for the part that upset you. It looks pretty egotistical from my end, when someone does that.

And again for the third time, read this carefully. When I wrote the word "you" it was in the context of you equals your side of the debate. Not you as an individual. You keep making it about you. Why?

There is no need to keep quoting you. You are desperate to make this about you. Who is projecting? You interject yourself in places that are not talking about you specifically. Straw man my point and turning it into an attack on you personally. Take a breath dude. I am not your enemy. 

I have been playing video games for over 35 years. I have seen uncountable numbers of players in games. I have experienced enough to see patterns. Many who complain about things in games, complain because they need an excuse to make up for the simple fact they just aren't very good at it. It's no different than in real life when someone gets upset and becomes a poor sport or sore loser. If you are not one of those people then I wasn't referring to you and you have no stake in that debate. If you interject yourself into the debate, placing yourself opposite position of the person you are talking to. It is assumed you are speaking from that position. Taking it personally ruins any credible thing you would have stated.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Where do I even start?

First, you sure took it personal when I was referring to your side. Which is not just you.... This is not about you.

It's so easy so therefore it's boring or unfun, wtf? Are you serious? That is opinion, nothing more. And a personal problem at that.

Again, I said," those like you".  Not you specifically. Drop the ego for half a second. You are stepping up to defend a position others like you hold. This isn't just about you. I addressed you as if you were the group you are siding with.

I never said you specifically and those parts I used the word "you" are in reference to your side and those who share your point.  Stop being so defensive and read what people write instead of part of it and getting all upset.

No projection here. From my perspective, you jumped me for saying something to another poster. "you mean like you and half the people in this thread who share your opinion?" You didn't address the main point of my post and when straight for the part that upset you. It looks pretty egotistical from my end, when someone does that.

And again for the third time, read this carefully. When I wrote the word "you" it was in the context of you equals your side of the debate. Not you as an individual. You keep making it about you. Why?

There is no need to keep quoting you. You are desperate to make this about you. Who is projecting? You interject yourself in places that are not talking about you specifically. Straw man my point and turning it into an attack on you personally. Take a breath dude. I am not your enemy. 

I have been playing video games for over 35 years. I have seen uncountable numbers of players in games. I have experienced enough to see patterns. Many who complain about things in games, complain because they need an excuse to make up for the simple fact they just aren't very good at it. It's no different than in real life when someone gets upset and becomes a poor sport or sore loser. If you are not one of those people then I wasn't referring to you and you have no stake in that debate. If you interject yourself into the debate, placing yourself opposite position of the person you are talking to. It is assumed you are speaking from that position. Taking it personally ruins any credible thing you would have stated.

Interjecting on behalf of others was my original intent, yes. Agreeing with them on the one topic that matters in this thread means I have a stake in the argument, so of course I'm going to take their side. It annoys me greatly when I see someone immediately assume ignorance or incompetence to explain away differing opinions, and to do so misses the point entirely and serves only to derail the conversation. It certainly doesn't contribute anything.

When I use the word "I", I'm not referring to me specifically, I'm just trying to make it easier for myself to articulate my points. If I pepper my language with phrases like "on behalf of", and "those of us who think x" constantly, it starts to become a chore for both parties to get through.

How is being bored by easy things a problem lmao. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. To the contrary, I find those who get satisfaction from doing things they find easy to be distasteful (doing something to relax is a different story), especially in competitive games where you find those players who purposely look for less skilled players to prey on them.



On 2018-08-04 at 7:46 PM, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Don't dish it if you can't take it. Coming on to a forum and complaining like the way the OP has done, followed up by several others of you who all jump the band wagon, but don't give any constructive feedback. Instead, your side screams, "Archwing sucks so take it out!" or "I question peoples intelligence for liking it when it is obvious it sucks". You don't take into consideration others might disagree or actually do like it. So you sure do not consider solutions and just bring complaints. When you're called on it with a bit of the same spite you used against us thrown right back in your face, you get defensive like you're suddenly the victims. You're going to have to do a lot better than that, if you think what you said is some kind of gotcha or makes yourself look special or heroic.

I don't have the problems you have with Archwing and I attribute it to, I am skilled with Archwing. If you aren't that's fine, but don't get pissy when you cry foul being poor about it and I say you're crying, because you suck at it. GIT GUD or change your attitude. If this bothers you then maybe you should take that into consideration before you start or join another complaint thread with a negative tone the way this OP did. OP set the tone and look what it got. 


This is what I saw when I wrote my previous response to you.

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50 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

they need to remove missions with archwings...yes its very bad!

No they don't, because Archwing is freaking awesome. They need to add more of them.

I look forward to being able to use it in Railjack.

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27 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

No they don't, because Archwing is freaking awesome. They need to add more of them.

I look forward to being able to use it in Railjack.

I personally hate AW, but I don't expect everyone to share my opinion. The community is pretty divided on it, but from just the forums it's seems most dislike it. Of coarse that could be just the opinion of the forums. I just wish it's wasn't tied to progression. Then it would be optional and everyone would be happy.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Samsquanch-01 said:

I personally hate AW, but I don't expect everyone to share my opinion. The community is pretty divided on it, but from just the forums it's seems most dislike it. Of coarse that could be just the opinion of the forums. I just wish it's wasn't tied to progression. Then it would be optional and everyone would be happy.

People usually vocalize in forum boards like this to complain, but not to praise. It's something any game dev has to be very aware of when considering player feedback.

I'm not saying Archwing is perfect, because the controls do not seem intuitive right now, but I don't think it deserves some of the hate people give it.

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8 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

People usually vocalize in forum boards like this to complain, but not to praise. It's something any game dev has to be very aware of when considering player feedback.

I'm not saying Archwing is perfect, because the controls do not seem intuitive right now, but I don't think it deserves some of the hate people give it.

I agree the controls and getting snagged on everything kinda kill it. To me all the narrow hall ways and graphics seem to mesh together making it hard to navigate without having to look at the map all the time. It definitely has potential, hopefully in the future they iron out the little annoying things. Love or hate I never see it going away, since theyve dumped alot of resources into it. 

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On 2018-07-29 at 1:52 AM, DrakeWurrum said:

I actually don't have a problem with the things you're complaining about. I do thoroughly enjoy Archwing. It took some time to get used to how different it is, I'll admit, but it grew on me.

My complaints come down to how few Archwing missions there are, and how slow it is to grind up affinity for archwing gear. Also how low chance some of those non-rare mod drops are. (Some of the uncommons are 2%?!)

I think the same and now im an archwing lover, I never get tired of doing missions even if they are only a few, all my archwing gear has already 2 or 3 forma and when new players ask for archwing help im always there ready to fly.

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There will be further work with archwing once Railjack begins to work. 

1. Targeting system needs to be reworked. The warframe flies off the enemy and shoot backwards but the gun is aiming in front of the camera. At least the gun and animation needs some work there. 

2. The archwing needs some sort of momentum physics to make it more accurate. If you accelerate and stop accelerating you still continue moving in a straight line. That at least needs to be improved. 

3. Missile swarms can improve the battlefield. Enemies are aggressive but their flight patterns seems erratic and always suicidal. They throw themselves to their funeral. They need some sort of life preservation in their combat. 

4. Archwing needs better weapons and a larger variety of enemies to make it memorable. It has a lot of potential. In Plains of Eidolon you could switch with your archwing reaching larger carriers and flying fortresses of the Grineer. 

5. The displacement altitude increase or decrease (up and down) are too slow. needs to be faster. In atmospheric flight you are supposed to stop due to drag forces. 

6. More levels on the tile sets could increase the bounding box for the archwings. At least they can be used in few occasions more than just the strict archwing missions.  


Archwing is not awful. It only needs more development and work. 

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