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A region chat supension should not ban you from all the chats.


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Don't test the systems, learn from other players instead, don't be that guy who is the actual test subject.

I also find fair that a user with inapropriate chat conduct should be banned from all chats, atleast you learned the lesson.

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4 hours ago, Cryedra said:

Guys i'm not b*tching about getting suspended. I'm saying that a region chat ban should not ban you from other chats since it severely affects the gameplay.

That's the point. It's a swift, harsh lesson that should be taught once. 

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4 hours ago, Cryedra said:

So i was testing the kickbot i was just curious if it was going to ban me for Typing Nezha and tagging [kinetic siphon trap] just curiousity i could live without region chat for a week. Then i got supended (obviously) but from ALL the chats. I think even the squad chat is unavailable. I want to farm nidus and it's miserable to farm solo. I can't recruit. I can't ask a friend. I can't pm them. (Most of my friends are friends that i gained in-game.) I can't even trade. Neither communicate with my squad. Yeah i deserved the ban but this is a problem that should be fixed. Not being able to talk with your squad or trade is a big disability for a game like warframe.

...and..... will you do it again ? 

its quite a deterrent tbh........ with the threat of full comms ban for "testing" bad words in chat or otherwise being toxic and trolling, that you know to be triggers for the bot and mods......


Its called putting your hand in the fire and getting it burned....... next time you don't put your hand in the fire.

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5 hours ago, Cryedra said:

So i was testing the kickbot i was just curious if it was going to ban me for Typing Nezha and tagging [kinetic siphon trap] just curiousity i could live without region chat for a week. Then i got supended (obviously) but from ALL the chats. I think even the squad chat is unavailable. I want to farm nidus and it's miserable to farm solo. I can't recruit. I can't ask a friend. I can't pm them. (Most of my friends are friends that i gained in-game.) I can't even trade. Neither communicate with my squad. Yeah i deserved the ban but this is a problem that should be fixed. Not being able to talk with your squad or trade is a big disability for a game like warframe.

Apologies for all the people who see nothing in your post but an opportunity to dogpile for personal and social points.

I would agree that the suspension from all game chat seems excessively punitive. It's part of why I just advise players to communicate over different platforms, or at least never to use the major "public" chat channels.

There are just too many mines in the minefield, and the tone of statements like "glad you learned your lesson" should tell you a lot about the attitudes people are bringing to these discussions. There's almost no winning.

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7 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

Apologies for all the people who see nothing in your post but an opportunity to dogpile for personal and social points.

I would agree that the suspension from all game chat seems excessively punitive. It's part of why I just advise players to communicate over different platforms, or at least never to use the major "public" chat channels.

There are just too many mines in the minefield, and the tone of statements like "glad you learned your lesson" should tell you a lot about the attitudes people are bringing to these discussions. There's almost no winning.


The problem is that he tried to circumvent by testing strategies. That's the main reason the chatbot goes heavy on the users. Yes it is unfair but the lesson needs to be learned once. If the punishment is mild people will repeat the offence searching for more vulnerabilities of the chatbots. That will make the moderation harder. See?

Edited by Felsagger
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2 minutes ago, Felsagger said:


The problem is that he tried to circumvent trying to test strategies. That's the main reason the chatbox goes heavy on the users. Yes it is unfair but the lesson needs to be learned once. If the punishment is mild people will repeat the offence searching for more vulnerabilities of the chatbots. That will make the moderation harder. See?

I do understand the point you're trying to make, but I can't agree.

A more robust system of automated warnings and pre-written explanatory moderation messages would likely do a better job of making a functional compromise between all the competing needs in play here.

I think it can be done better, in part because I have personally gotten better results in chats of comparable size using different methodology than what DE currently employs. There's practically no way to say something like this without sounding arrogant, but part of the reason I think better methods exist is because I believe I have found and successfully used them in the past.

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14 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

I do understand the point you're trying to make, but I can't agree.

A more robust system of automated warnings and pre-written explanatory moderation messages would likely do a better job of making a functional compromise between all the competing needs in play here.

I think it can be done better, in part because I have personally gotten better results in chats of comparable size using different methodology than what DE currently employs. There's practically no way to say something like this without sounding arrogant, but part of the reason I think better methods exist is because I believe I have found and successfully used them in the past.

Ok, if we choose the persuasive route instead of the punitive. 

Yes, there could be filters or deleted words in order to prevent abusive behavior. Everybody here took a good slap of that bot and learned to behave. If we use a better robust code that mean heavy programming cleaning out the bad words but that could literally undermine freedom of speech. However if the user agreed with the terms of service then there is no problem to delete some words without the kicking of seven days. 

But all behavior is recorded and archived. Mathematics and physics are rude because they do not forgive mistakes. If DE pedagogy seems rough on the edges then the assessment for it must be done in a way that makes discipline a fair transaction. If DE is soft, people will abuse, if DE is harsh people will behave. Where we draw the line where people behave and get persuaded without the harshness of the punishment? 

Yes there are better methods for everything and there are way better techniques to adjust the behavior of the individuals. Maybe the chock therapy is not the best one but the chock is strong enough to remind people that DE is not soft with the discipline. Imagine if in a public show Rebecca or Steve gets an unfair insult by one of the public? How they would feel after all the work and sacrifice they made with the business? 

These Canadians must get heavy because there are people with different levels of understanding and behavior. They have to draw the line somewhere. It's far from perfect but if the guy was testing the bot in order to dunk few insults in the future he got disarmed and discouraged. That is prevention but is quite harsh. 

But if you tell me that such chat ban stops transactions for future purchases then DE must find another strategy because a potential client can simply abandon the game. How you keep your client happy with a good behavior but if he goes berserk he must understand that there are limits? How can that be achieved? 

Edited by Felsagger
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6 hours ago, Cryedra said:

So i was testing the kickbot i was just curious if it was going to ban me for Typing Nezha and tagging [kinetic siphon trap] just curiousity i could live without region chat for a week. Then i got supended (obviously) but from ALL the chats. I think even the squad chat is unavailable. I want to farm nidus and it's miserable to farm solo. I can't recruit. I can't ask a friend. I can't pm them. (Most of my friends are friends that i gained in-game.) I can't even trade. Neither communicate with my squad. Yeah i deserved the ban but this is a problem that should be fixed. Not being able to talk with your squad or trade is a big disability for a game like warframe.

Are you asking for sympathy? You broke a rule and got banned, maybe next time you won't "test" something. Maybe you should spend more time playing and less "testing" the ban bot. Your whole thread seems ridiculous...

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If you demonstrate that you cannot use the chat responsibly, it really shouldn't be any surprise when your chat privileges are revoked. 

Going into the chat with the intent of baiting or 'testing' the kickbot, and then complaining about triggering the kickbot and losing your chat privileges is like assaulting a police officer to test their vigilance and then complaining about your being arrested and locked up. It's silly and doesn't do you any favors. 


Why this is even an issue is beyond me, it's ridiculous. Locking.

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