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Everything posted by Yulfan

  1. Void Dash: Was a spammy mess that was totally incompatible with the addition of Warframe to mobile devices. That was obviously the main reason of this change, even if DE tried to sugarcoated it with many other arguments (like saying it was too fast for a "very fast paced parkour system", yeah sure). Completely trivialized traversing. We have to admit that, be it in regular tileset or open worlds, players were able to completely ignore parkour or vehicles and simply dash to the other side of the map (while spamming energy pizzas). Same reasoning as Itzal's Blink back in the day: it was too effective. Could be very frustrating when it came to precise aiming, as first seen against Kuva Guardians where if you missed the target and tried again in the same swoop, you could end up blinking around the target without ever hitting it. Void Sling: Doesn't feel good to perform AT ALL. The main appeal of Void Dash was precisely to be able to zap around very fast in a pure power fantasy way like Tracer, The Flash, Quicksilver, or like this scene from LoL's Warriors MV: Is a slogfest at the total opposite of Void Dash. It's so slow that anything is better than that. And the irony and peak 🤡 moment is that DE ended up adding teleportation in the open worlds because people kept complaining about how slow it was to move across the map. Is still highly inaccurate because you can't judge distances with this flimsy line that appear when charging the sling, resulting in the usual mess during every Void Angel fight: trying to hit the rotating balls, overshooting the target, trying to go backwards, missing again, having to reposition, pursuing the balls now on the other side of the Angel, missing once again, realizing you are out of energy, falling in the pit and getting ousted of the arena while raging. This phase of the Void Angel fight single handedly alienated the whole playerbase with Void Sling and is the main reason players went out of their way to optimize the dps phase before it: to not engage with the balls phase at all cost. I can understand that DE wanted to make it more mobile friendly, nerf the speed and make it more accurate, but they failed at each of these goals, on top of making it feel way worse (funny trivial: the shaky camera in the first iteration of Void Sling was so intense that it gave people motion sickness). Of everything they could have done to rework Void Dash, they chose the worst option. Especially since, in my opinion, the ideal solution has already been in the game for a long time: Cloud Walker. Make it shorter but faster and you have to ideal moving tool: not "too fast", feel good to use, don't ask too many input (just hold the button until it run out), and you can still steer your character during the movement when you need to hit a moving target. DE just had to copy/paste the ability, tweak the values, named it "Void Walk" and call it a day…
  2. One thing that still really impress me is the navigating tech of the Shadow from Sevagoth's Reap. For those that don't know, this Shadow (once launched in a direction) has a fairly unique ability to navigate in the environment and is able to circuvent obstacles along its way quite effectively. I always though that this tech would be very beneficial for many other things in Warframe. For example, a lot of grouping abilities do have problems with environment, and enemies ending stuck in various elements are fairly common. If these abilities could enjoy this tech so that affected enemies can more easily find their way toward the position they are intented to end up, it would make them a lot less frustrating to use.
  3. Meanwhile, Sevagoth Deluxe skin is still a broken mess. But in DE's traditional fashion, once a new update cycle started, everything else that was still bugged before cease to exist…
  4. What's even more frustrating is that it's post-"The Fragmented One" craze. They witnessed what players want for the endgame: challenges that push their understanding and mastery of their equipment and game mechanics to their limits. EDA is not that: it's just 3 regular missions we already know back to back with enemies more or less buffed and us more or less nerfed. Nothing original, nothing exciting. And the random loadout BS only adds to the frustration.
  5. In the last hotfix thread released 3 hours ago, they said that the daily reset was a mistake and they reverted the loadout selection back to what it was the first time… Spoiler: It did not. Instead there is yet another selection of unappealing warframes and weapons i never bothered to craft and/or build. Thankfully, i already completed my Elite DA run. Since the last stage of rewards are just 50 pitiful Vosfor, we are able to ditch one line of the loadout selection and bring a warframe or a weapon we find useful and fun to use (contrary to all the other stuff we never bother to use forma/potatoes/adapters on for a reason…). In my case, i went with Sevagoth (which was luckily in my original loadout selection before all the rerolls shenanigans) which is a warframe that i really like and have played long enough to understand it's playstyle, it's pro and it's cons, and that i want to bring in the most difficult missions to push it to it's limits and to challenge my mastery of it. Like i already did with The Fragmented One during WitW. And honestly, Deep Archimedea is in the end really underwhelming. It's just 3 regular missions back to back with enemies more or less buffed. Nothing original. I tried to play along the first time, but now i already don't care anymore. Next week i will also ditch one line of the selection and bring my Sevagoth once again, and tweak my build to face the modifiers and missions. And like that Deep Archimedea already became an unexciting weekly chore…
  6. It didn't revert back to the first loadout selection that i had. Instead, there is now a 3rd selection of yet another warframes and weapons i don't use and/or like and i have no intend to spend time and resources on. Thankfully, i already completed my Elite DA run. Since the last stage of rewards are just 50 pitiful Vosfor, we are able to ditch one line of the loadout selection and bring a warframe or a weapon we find useful and fun to use (contrary to all the other stuff we never bother to use forma/potatoes/adapters on for a reason…). In my case, i went with Sevagoth (which was luckily in my original loadout selection before all the rerolls shenanigans) which is a warframe that i really like and have played long enough to understand it's playstyle, it's pro and it's cons, and that i want to bring in the most difficult missions to push it to it's limits and to challenge my mastery of it. Like i already did with The Fragmented One during WitW. And honestly, Deep Archimedea is really underwhelming. It's just 3 regular missions back to back with enemies more or less buffed. Nothing original. I tried to play along the first time, but now i already don't care anymore. Next week i will also ditch one line of the selection and bring my Sevagoth once again, and tweak my build to face the modifiers and missions. And like that Deep Archimedea already became an unexciting weekly chore…
  7. I totally agree. I'm not advocating for removing this daily reset, but my case is showing that: The fact that there is no indication anywhere that the loadout is reset daily can lead to being bamboozled like i was. We can't comfortably prepare a loadout that we may consider as viable for our future run, even though it is a weekly mission. Unlike the Circuit were the quality of the loadout rolls is traded for their quantity (timer of only few hours and ability to force a reroll), we have no way of influencing DA's rolls. If this daily reroll is meant to stay, we should at least be able to reroll it (to create the same dynamic than the Circuit) and/or lock it to prevent an unwanted reroll. I didn't made a suggestion before but here is mine now: Make the reroll manual. And to prevent abuse, either add a cost to it (with Vosfor for example) or limit how many reroll you can do per day.
  8. The RNG loadout really is THE weak point of Deep Archimedea and a very lazy way to make the game "challenging". The only message this system is sending is that it's your fault if you didn't grind the game enough to have every single existing weapon farmed, crafted and modded, with potatoes and exilus/arcane adapter installed. And as i painfully discovered today, having this loadout being refreshed daily kills the slightest desire to carefully prepare your run… There is a game that I really like: Arknights (tl;dr: gacha game, hero-based tower defense, characters with rarities and abilities. Nice stories and musics btw). They had this game mode named Contingency Contract (now retired after 3 years and 13 seasons) where the goal was to tackle very challenging stages while adding modifiers to increase the difficulty. So very similar to what we have here. The difference is that the player had the freedom to choose a very large number of modifiers in order to create a tailor-made challenge. The more the player pushed the cumulative risks of the permanent map, the more he was rewarded (with a special currency to use in the event shop). On top of that, there was challenge missions asking for specific modifiers, as well as achievements asking to reach at least a certain level of difficulty (el famoso "Risk 18") to unlock medals for bragging rights. If the player was dedicated to reach at least Risk 18 on the permanent map and to do the additional maps that rotated daily, he was able to obtain all the rewards and medals. Here is some examples of modifiers you could find in Arknights' CC: Obviously, such modifiers could not be used in Warframe, since their gameplay are very different. But the game design philosophy make it that, comparatively, Arknights' CC had a much healthier and more satisfying gaming environment since it did not take the choice out of the player's hands. The player could still choose amongs his entire characters roster (minus some very specific but still optional modifiers, like banning one specific character's archetype), and going beyond the already challenging Risk 18 had no other use than push his own strategy, planning and management capabilities even further (even if it's a tower defense, Arknights can be very intense when you need to switch and relocate characters on the map to face various waves of enemies). Coming back to Warframe, I think using RNG to push players to use other frames is not a good idea (and as many already pointed out in other topic, it's not like The Circuit where decrees can compensate for a weapon's weaknesses). It should be a thoughtful choice made by the player himself to face obstacles made to challenge certain aspects of a warframe. As already demonstrated by the secret and optional boss "The Fragmented One" during "Whisper in the Walls" update, Warframe's players want challenges that push their their mastery of the game's mechanics, not of their ability of mindlessly grind every single equipment in the game. This confusion between mastery and farming already exist with the "Mastery Level" which has absolutely never reflected the player's mastery in the slightest but only his ability to pex a lot of warframes and weapons to level 30 or 40 at least once… A Legendary 2 can realistically be a worst player than a Mastery 17 or even 9 because all he has ever done is to grind a lot of stuff without having a real understanding of it (not targeting anyone, i'm only throwing numbers randomly 😛). And for that, we need more modifiers: if you choose a modifier which causes shields to take 200% additional damages, you are not going to take Hildryn. If a modifier divides Overguard gains by 2 or 3, you are not going to choose warframes that rely on it. If a modifier drastically reduces shield regen, you will choose something other than shield gating in order to survive. If a modifier cut your powers efficiency by 25% or 50%, you will not choose a caster-frame. If a modifier disables invincibility abilities after 5 seconds, you should avoid them… Or maybe you will still choose to take these modifiers and instead build your warframe specifically to bear the burden! But the choice should still be ours.
  9. Yesterday, i've done my first regular DA run with Sevagoth, Vectis Prime, Ocucor and Mire. My Vectis Prime and Mire were really lackluster (and my Ocucor had the wrong build on it), but thankfully my Sevagoth don't need them to delete everything. However for DA Elite, since it used THE SAME Warframe/Primary/Secondary/Melee selection, i wanted to have better builds on my Vectis and Mire, so i went to do the usual thing (forma, leveling, you know the drill). Then I went to bed. And right now, after login to the game to put my loadout to test with DA Elite, i discover that everything i've prepared went to nought because Warframe/Primary/Secondary/Melee selection has been randomized again after daily reset time! Even if the menu say the reset is expected in 2 days+ (for weekly reset). WTF? Is that normal? Do we have only 24h to prepare the randomized loadout for the run? How the hell are we expected to tackle the challenge with such a time window? This is BS, even more since my new selection is even worst than the previous one… EDIT: And if this is intentional, this is predatory too! Incentivizing to use various warframes and weapons is a good thing, sure, but most players don't have all the stuff in the game, and don't already have a build for every single one of them. And it takes time, formas, potatoes, exilus and arcane adapters to prepare them for the challenge. With so little time, the player can be pushed to skip farming and crafting and instead bying them directly on the market. In my case, i used formas and adapters on my Vectis Prime and Mire. I already had them, but i have very little stock of them. And now theses ressources have been completely wasted because i never intended to use these weapons before, and certainly will never use them afterward. It's depressing and leaves me with a very bad feel of this game mode.
  10. In the new gamemode Deep Archimedea, you can revive a fallen ally by killing a Void Angel (marked with the player's glyph). When dying with Sevagoth and entering his tombstone/bleedout phase, even if we are revived before the end (either by an ally or by ourself), a Void Angel (with our glyph on it) will still appear. But killing it is useless since we are still alive.
  11. EFFING FINALLY! I had lost all hope to see this happening \o/ Ok now, you just need to rewire emissives colors on Sevagoth's Deluxe skin:
  12. You can shoot it with regular weapons. Also, no need for order: as long as the same symbols are activated, the path will open. The problem is that it's very easy to miss wich symbol are active because it's only shown with a second symbol overlaying the first one. It need a better visual feedback.
  13. Same mission, same stair. When running or bullet jumping, you only get respawned once, but moving any slower get you caught in a respawn loop. And it's very hard to get out of it. I wasn't the host, but it still happened to other teammates:
  14. There is this specific spot that force us in a respawn loop (like falling out of the map). I'm not the only one experiencing this. See video:
  15. Here is the catch: it’s not like the Energy Colors option is really gone. It’s still there, but hidden. You can still give different energy colors to your Shadow. The roundabout way is to simply give Sevagoth the energy colors that we want on the Shadow, and then use the Copy Main Colors option on the Shadow to apply these colors to it. Same deal for Shadow’s Ephemera: we copy the wanted colors to the Shadow, then use copy again on the accessory customization menu. After that, revert Sevagoth’s energy colors as you want. So no: Sevagoth and his Shadow customization still behave like any other warframe. Hidding the Shadow's energy colors is only a thing to give an illusion of symbiosis between the two, but at the price of our own customization freedom. It's more than likely a bug, since it's only occur with the Shadow spawned by Reap. When you are using Sevagoth's 4 to completely switch to the Shadow, his head is perfectly normal. I showcase it in my linked topic.
  16. With the lighting change in the Orbiter, the Lua Planter has become completely dark: The Piccha Planter lost some textures on the wing things and the roots inside: We can also notice that the affected parts become reddish and transparent on the preview screen:
  17. Usually, Ivara Prime has a different invisibility effect than her non-prime counterpart: the "starlight" effect. With the addition of customizable invisibility effect, this special effect is gone now and Ivara Prime is using the regular effect instead:
  18. In the PC Update 35.5 patchnote, there is this fix: DE, you still are missing a critical problem: EVERYTHING IS TIED TO THE ENERGY COLORS ! THE EMISSIVES COLORS SETTING STILL DOES NOTHING ! I still don't understand how you can miss something so basic after 52 warframes and who know how many skins. So, a quick reminder: The EMISSIVE colors are for the glowing parts on the warframe. In this case all the transparent materials you "fixed". The ENERGY colors are for the powers FX of the warframe, so particles, lights and all the fireworks. In this case for example, things like Shadow's trails or Gloom's fire ring. Let me show you my Sevagoth with his default skin to make it extra clear: In the current state of Sevagoth Glaukus skin, BOTH the transparent materials AND powers effects are tied to the energy colors setting, when the transparent materials should be customizable with the emissives colors setting instead. Here is Sevagoth with the Glaukus skin. As you can see here, the red of the EMISSIVE colors are nowhere to be seen. The transparent parts only take the ENERGY colors: So, dear DE, can you please be more careful on what you are doing and properly fix this skin emissive and energy colors. ____________________________________________________ And while we are at it, Sevagoth's Deluxe skin still has some flagrant problems: Litteraly every extra elements of this skin are clipping with the main body, incuding syandanas, the belt, the chains, the auxiliary attachment and the tendrils from his right shoulder armor. Shadow's Reap still has his head completely shoved inside his body when cast:
  19. DE, you still are missing a critical problem: EVERYTHING IS TIED TO THE ENERGY COLORS ! THE EMISSIVES COLORS SETTING STILL DOES NOTHING ! I still don't understand how you can miss something so basic. Sevagoth is your 46th warframe. After the last 45 and who know how many skins, we could have thought that the difference would be obvious to you, but apparently not. So, a quick reminder: The EMISSIVE colors are for the glowing parts on the warframe, in this case all the transparent materials you partially fixed. The ENERGY colors are for the powers FX of the warframe, so particles, lights and all the fireworks (for example, Shadow's trails or Gloom's fire ring). In the current state, BOTH the transparent materials AND powers FX are tied to the energy colors setting, when the transparent materials should be customizable with the emissives colors setting instead. So, dear DE, can you please be more careful on what you are doing and properly fix Sevagoth's Deluxe skin. And while i'm at it, Shadow's Reap still has his head completely shoved inside his body when casting:
  20. Problem solved in the weirdest way possible: i installed GeForce Experience Ôõ I was quite busy recently so i didn't had time to try the last few advices (DDU, Defender, msconfig). But i wanted to do a bit of recording yesterday for another game (more specifically, i needed to "last 5 min record" feature) so i installed GFE. And later when launching Warframe, i discover that the game started immediately… \o/ My guess is that when i installed GFE, i also updated my driver. It still confuse me tho because i always keep my PC up to date, but maybe GFE have access to driver update earlier than regular Win Update, or it completely ignored it all this time (is this even possible??). Anyway, problem solved. No more 2 minutes waits, it's all that matters ^^
  21. Well, seems like Sevagoth Deluxe has become a forever-bugged-skin like many other…
  22. Haha, don't worry, i've been busy too. And it's not really an urgent issue: it's just 2 min in the end x) No, i don't play a lot of games at the same time, and i tend to uninstall the ones i'm not actively playing to free space. For example right now, i've Warframe, FFXIV, No Man's Sky and Helldivers 2 installed on my computer. And i don't think they can be considered as very very large. I'm using Avast, but i've put Warframe on it's exception list, so it shouldn't even try to mess with it. But maybe i've done it wrong. The path i gave is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\*". Should i put the Steam folder as a whole in the exception list? I'll try Defender and msconfig this weekend.
  23. Thank you for your input 👍 So, i tried to change the shader cache size to 10Gb and even 100Gb, but it didn't change anything. The game still has this long booting time. So i set it back to the default value. When it come to the task manager, since i'm not sure what value to check, i took screenshots (it's in French, but the values should be at the same places). But overall, nothing seems to reach insanely high values. - Here is what it look like when the "invisible" game window appear (during ~2 minutes): - And here is what it look like when the update keyart appear, followed by the login screen after a short loading: I haven't tried the DDU yet since it seems like a fairly heavy procedure. I'm currently reading their guide: https://www.wagnardsoft.com/content/DDU-Guide-Tutorial
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