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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I agree. It would also be nice if things like bushes obstructed their view. And if they had to look for you for if you decide to run/hide as opposed to immediately knowing your position when they are alarmed. Generally stuff that makes AI seem more alive rather than mindless drones we just shoot.

  2. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    nobody gonna mention Teshin? if he weren't tied to the neglected PvP mode, he'd be even more awesome. he's like our space dad. sure he worked for the Queens, but that was because of an old Orokin Oath that was BS anyaway, and sure he showed us some tough love in the War Within by almost feeding us to the golden maw, but you know he just wanted us to grow stronger, which we have now. I'd love him to ultimately replace fake Lotus as our guide. he's got a much smoother voice and is just generally more badass.

    Totally. Go team Teshin!

  3. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    I know plenty are making feedback on this but id thought id be a bit more constructive if I explain something that seems off to me , now im not unhappy with the ability as it functions nay, I am fine with the sword/blender vacuum effect ,it looks and seems to function well in that regard to her kit. But it seems to imo make her having sword hands a bit pointless as when the ability activated she goes into a nyx like 4 locked pose and floats about and you cant use her claws? which seems odd for an exalted weapon frame as well as a gore frame imo

    my feedback is instead of her becoming locked to a non animated posed state let her use her sword hands to attack in an exalted mode with the blender of blades active about her 

    giving her a good claw ability to those not instantly slain inside the blade vacuum , and allowing for more slashing and hacking on the users part.

    imo this would place her effectively as a melee combat exalted , as excal has his energy wave blades, wukong has his extending staff, valkyr has invulnerability, and then garuda would have a blade area and sword hands to attack with 



    Sounds good to me. Her design begs to get more use of those claws.

  4. 16 minutes ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

    The overall balance(mainly power creep and scaling) that is leading the game into a cycle that leaves players feeling like their progression was meaningless and a waste of time making them frustrated with nothing left to do and just leave to never come back.Making the game too easy or artificially difficult making the game feel unrewarding,boring and no possible way to have any endgame.

    And then you propose to remove all the things that give the feeling of progression and provide only a vague idea of a "system" to replace it. I can agree that some mods, like all the multishots, could be removed (and base damage mods could be buffed to compensate), but removing all vertical progression (upgrading mandatory mods is a part of it after all) will just make the game even more repetitive and boring.

    Also, how would you compensate the removal of all these things to players that put effort and maxed them?

  5. 45 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

    that's what they already do, the problem is they take too long to add anything new as they began to recicle old stuff for new players,
    but forgot that a large bunch of old players are hitting on that rock of "there's nothing else to do" / "already have everything" / "Tired of doing the same thing over and over"

    Hmm, I shouldn't have phrased it like that. Don't know what I was thinking

    Before in Warframe there were no serious content drought because DE managed to update the game quickly enough to give players enough stuff to do. But there is nothing to keep us going for the long run, really. Especially when there are players that have pretty much everything in the game and enough resources so immediately craft new things when they come out. Since I'm convinced that the game will not be updated as often as it used to there is a need for a buffer, basically to kill time, but not necessarily by doing one tedious thing over and over. 

    I see 2 things that could be done about it. The first is to take those game modes (Rathuum, Index, Onslaught) and make them more interesting – add leader boards to all of them, but most importantly, add interesting rewards. They can even rotate to have different pools every couple of weeks. It might be an artificial extension, but still. It can't be stressed enough how important interesting rewards are. Not mods, endo, or exilus adapters, but things like new weapon skins, syandanas, sigils, noggles. Things of multiple use that we can show off, no things that we  either already have or won't fit in our builds. 

    The second option is to take the aforementioned game modes and connect them via a new system that will, for example, allow players to upgrade their gear. And this is something aimed at more veteran players. It might be a way for them to also burn through some of their stockpiled resources. It has a potential of revitalising underused missions and wouldn't be limited to running one mission over and over again. Basically there is a place you sacrifice resources you get from special missions to upgrade a weapon. Think of gilding, but with more steps.

    And that's it.

  6. 18 hours ago, (PS4)robi191291 said:

    The problem it´s not the drought content, it´s the almost 0 options that the game have to prevent this. Drought content it´s natural, i don´t expect DE release content every week and big updates every 3 months. I expect that every content that DE release have impact in the game, will be polished and no forgotten, that at least of every 5 updates one improve the progression of the game (give endgame, more mission with enemys more harder) 

    This right here is gold. 

    We have currently quite a few game modes which could be fun and rewarding, but after you get all the stuff you need there is no reason to come back. So why not improve those game modes? Introduce rotating rewards, or seasons, add more cosmetic items or a new vertical progression mechanic that would use those forgotten missions to upgrade our equipment. For example, why not give us an ability to turn some weapons into their prisma variants? I'm sure it would keep players occupied for some time.

  7. I never considered prime items to be things newer players should aim to get right away. I mean, sure, they are free to do whatever they want, but not everything should be available immediately from the start. And it's not like you would craft all the primes at the same time. 800 orokin cells sounds ridiculous, but when you break it down, the most expensive primes require 15 orokin cells, which is not a lot.

    This is also why you see many veteran players complain nowadays – because they feel DE takes away all the things they were grinding for.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Frontez said:

    So uhm... You are the Tenno, You operate these powerful machines, You do all the fighting, all the movement, You are the soul and the mind of the warframes (except umbra - he has his own) and yet you can't do any of that jumps, slides, or wallruns in your body... To control a warframe, first you will have to control yourself, "If you are nothing without the suit, you don't deserve it" So why can't we just do some parkour as we do in our warframes - not the same, but something to make us feel powerful outside our battle machines - We need new movement for the operator, DE! And a Clem Prime but we all know Clem is already perfect...

    Operators don't have superhuman bodies so it's no wonder they can't perform some of the moves they do while in warframes. That being said, I would like to see a expansion of operator move set – aim gliding at least, maybe some more realistic parkour. Or they could just get similar moves but with different animations, to reflect their void abilities.

  9. 2 minutes ago, DarthBane1 said:

    I doubt they'll come back. 


    I mean, raids were really only used for Arcanes. They transferred this to Eidolons. Many people don't like this as it is now very common to get arcanes. 


    However, when raids were being used it was very hard to do. This is because even getting a group of 8 people together let alone a good group that worked together was hard. 

    And don't forget that they broke very often.

    If trials are ever to come back, it will not be in the same shape or form they used to be.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

    What the #*!% are you talking about? Are you blind or just doing a very lame bait that has no place in this community?

    The OP is asking for more hairstyles like those shown in his post. Maybe try understanding before making a rage post next time.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    People leech in more than just ESO. Matchmaking changes would help the whole game, not band-aid one mission. A vote-to-kick system is not ideal in my opinion as it could be abused easily. There is no easy solution as stricter matchmaking requires more waiting around for missions. Recruit chat and clans are your friends. The best thing to do when you encounter a leecher is to make your own team as you can pick and choose who you want in your mission.

    I know and I agree with you. I should have clarified I meant this specific case rather than the whole game in general.

  12. What did you expect when picking up a bow? That it will shoot arrows like Boltor? Your comparison is unfair, of course bows won't be able to mow down enemies – they're bows. You don't expect automatic fire from sniper rifles now, do you?

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