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Everything posted by PublikDomain

  1. Edit: I might have a different understanding of what this means as the OP. For failed missions, yeah you should have to start over. But squad filling could be very useful for other cases like migrations or endless missions where it ends for a reason that isn't your fault, like because you disconnected or because everyone but you decided to leave. Should be pretty easy to do tbh. Conceptually, at least. When you disconnect or are the only one that chooses to stay after a vote, you're immediately put in the waiting queue on a loading screen/new menu. No Orbiter, no changing gear, just plonked into the queue screen. You can stay and wait there as long as you like, and when a slot opens it'll auto-join you to the new group. If you don't want to wait, you can choose to continue by yourself and open your new party for others in the same situation, or you can back out and leave the queue and start over with a new premade. From a technical perspective it's not really that hard either. You're already allowed to join certain mission types before certain cutoffs, at which point the mission stops being joinable, so there's no reason missions can't also be reopened too. And with DA for example it's really just 3 different missions in a row. There's no technical reason you couldn't search for squads in mission 2. The hardest part would be maintaining state, which could be yucky but isn't an unsolvable problem. A feature like this would be really nice not just for DA, but also for example endless missions where everyone but you backs out. If you're the last guy you could wait at wave 20 and if someone comes along you could keep going. Or maybe a better example is the Circuit, where you want to keep going but no one else does. So you sit in the round 12 queue and as soon as a public party makes it to round 12 with an empty slot you get joined in.
  2. Come to think of it, I'm surprised we don't have perfect-reload mechanics. Like you say we've got them on the Drifter, and there are also similar perfect-shot mechanics like on Naratuk. This would be nice, and DE could then add mods and Arcanes that have "on perfect reload" conditions. I'm not a particularly huge fan of multi-button QTEs, though we do already have some "mash E" QTEs in a few places. I wouldn't really mind if it's for really big enemies like Necramechs, Exploiter, Jackal, Archons, etc. They'd need to add in failure states, or maybe the QTE only speeds it up. Either way it'd be more interesting than sitting around watching the cutscene play out. I definitely think standard Parazons ought to be spiced up as well. Enemies that are open to the Parazon should become downed like we do, where they stop taking damage but then bleed out after a few seconds. Then if you do take the time to run over and Parazon them they'll drop an additional loot roll on top of whatever Parazon mod effects you have. And then there could be medic units that can pick up downed heavies! Special units that do special things when finished would be neat as well. Say you Parazon a Guardian Eximus so it boosts nearby players overshields. Parazon an Energy Leech and it restores a little energy. It'd be nice to have enemies you actively seek out to kill not because they're dangerous, but because killing them will give you something you want. We actually have this! Sort of. Units like Ancients and Scorpions can grapple you, and then you can actively break out of their drag. I think it's just broken right now and either auto-completes or has a really easy activation condition like just pushing melee. Un-neutering these enemies would be nice to see so they're actually engaging. There are also enemies like the Ropalolyst which currently have an unbreakable grab which could definitely do with a "mash E" QTE to escape, and player Bonewidows can already do a grab-and-carry so enemy Bonewidows could probably do it to us which would be cool. Liches can grab you too, so a QTE to escape would be nice. I also find it funny that there are so many of the typical "not in my Warframe" and "just go play XYZ instead" when these are all things Warframe already has in one form or another.
  3. I'd like to know if custom movement animations can be revisited. It's historically been a "no", but we now have our fourth floaty frame and I can only imagine there will be more in the future. It's a big bummer that I can't walk when I want to walk, and I can't float when I want to float. Just look at poor Dante: He deserves to be firmly planted. I'd also like to thank Rebecca for giving the bunny bros a big W this year. I've been asking for permanent years for literally 10 years, and while the pay-to-keep scheme is a big yucky it's a step closer to full permanence. We're still sorely in need of an option to hide these and other silly cosmetics though. And thank you for Deep Archimedea. It's fun. 👍
  4. Just look at this spooky boi! Just groovin'! But use any of the grounded animation sets on any of the frames with floating movement sets and it all falls apart. When you sit still or melee, you're on the ground where you've paid to be. Move, and suddenly you're floating. This is also particularly noticeable when dashing and jumping, where there's a yucky foot shuffle/slide as the hovering and non-hovering animations try to blend: This is true for Titania, Wisp, Caliban (who has floating idles but doesn't even get a floating movement set), and now Dante. And if you pay money to buy any of the floating animation sets to use on landlocked frames, the same thing happens just backwards. You float until you start moving and then your frame plods around. Why walk when it can float? Are Warframes stupid? I can't walk when I want to walk, I can't float when I want to float. It's lame and it sucks. There are only going to be more of these kinds of idles and movement sets in the future, so make the movement sets swappable! I know that custom movement sets aren't free, but neither are custom idles and you sell those anyways. Custom movement sets are something people will happily pay for just like they happily pay for custom idles. And if you can support the existing custom floating movement animations which you already have, that means you'd have the tech to do other types too. A big chunky heavy movement set for frames like Rhino and Atlas and Qorvex and Hildryn, a light bouncing movement set for frames like Nezha and Loki, playful movement sets for frames like Yareli and Mirage and Octavia, a sneaky movement set for frames like Ash and Ivara. Movement sets for new frames, movement sets for deluxes, maybe even movement sets for Primes? There's so much possibility here!
  5. Which will be true of any online game. Sometimes people quit or disconnect, it happens. In the olden T4D days if you were waves deep and your Frost disconnected, you made do until the next exit and bailed. If you lost too many people in a Raid you wouldn't be able to proceed. Host Migrations have existed since forever. This isn't anything new or particular to this mode.
  6. Are they the same for everyone each week? Mine were the same four.
  7. That's going to depend on your personal ability to overcome these missions solo, and on whether you hate multiplayer more than you hate losing out on the potential rewards. A handicap kinda by definition makes things harder. It might not be a challenge you like, but it's undeniably more challenging than the alternative.
  8. Yeah, that kind of sums it up. You can solo it, but it's going to be a lot harder than with teammates. That has always been an option. 👍
  9. Quellor's great, what a wonderful gun. But I like mine with a ton of fire rate so I lose out on strict DPS, but it's ultimately just another Slash/Viral thing :( Toxin + Metamag Gorgon, though. Chef's kiss. Not really sure what the heck it is but tons of fire rate and multishot so I can just dump Toxin procs which helps along Primary Blight, plus Metamag for the unique petrification. I can turn things to stone in like a second? It's super goofy. And it works on a lot of things you wouldn't expect! The Incarnon mode is boring and stupid (just make single-target into AoE duh), but the Heat turns into Gas at least which I'm a big fan of.
  10. Of course it does? Trying to do these kinds of missions with a Fulmin that looks like this: Is definitely harder than if I had one that was all kitted out! Or some Primed Incarnon whatever with Rivens and Arcanes out the wazoo. So you understand? We're only in this mess due to the obvious lack of balance. If we can take whatever we want, because of that exact same obvious lack of balance everything falls apart. DE has no other option than to rely on things like the gear RNG, attenuation, immunities, etc. to make a challenge anymore. And it's certainly not perfect! But it's the best they can do when the community S#&$s their diapers at every change. Does it? It incentivizes collecting everything and having good builds for everything. It's Warframe's core gameplay loop cranked up as far as it can go. It's a mode most accessible to people who have everything and have done everything. And I'd rather have a million plat delivered to me on a golden Grate Prime every morning. It's not. It is! It's an optional alternative that grants you additional alternative rewards. Edit: heck, the mode itself is an optional alternative to Netracells.
  11. You get an armor strip! And you get an armor strip!
  12. Does having your perfect setup with no restrictions make the mission harder or easier? Easier. Does working within the confines of random equipment make the mission harder or easier? Harder. It might not be your definition of difficulty, but gear RNG does unequivocally make the mode harder than if it weren't there. Which, for a mode intended to be more challenging than others, is fine. You can make it easy, which is definitely not difficulty, and as has been established you'll just get fewer rewards. Yes, you have to do it... once. So do it. Then you'll never have to do it again. You can do something once, right? If you want the final 50 Vosfor, sure. But 50 Vosfor isn't much at all and can be acquired in much higher quantities elsewhere, so if you skip it you can take any one item of your choice and still get the big Diamond reward cache. You can take an invincible frame, a Mesa, Torid Incarnon, anything! Yes, and...? Playing the mode fully is mandatory to get the full reward. 🤷‍♀️
  13. But you're not locked out of anything? You can get all of the rewards in Deep Archimedea from Netracells and elsewhere. In fact, with the tables cleaned up your chances for top rewards from Netracells are the best they've ever been! You're right that people often bring up the gear randomizer, but why can't they just ignore the gear randomizer? You say it should be optional. It already is. And when you poke a little these complaints boil down to "I want the full prize but I don't want to fully participate". But you don't get your Sortie or Archon Hunt reward for only doing the first mission. You don't get 40 minutes of Survival rewards for staying only 20 minutes. You don't get as many rare Prime parts using only Intact Relics. If you want the reward, do the content. If you don't, that's fine. You can play without the gear randomizer, and if you still don't want to participate you can do Netracells. There are so many options for you already that don't involve dumbing the mode down and making it into yet another loot pinata for people to smash into paste and throw away. I think you're vastly overestimating the impact of the negatives and vastly underestimating how trivial you can make this content if you use whatever gear you want.
  14. They'd have to tell us, but likely they render all enemies and occluding objects to a buffer using your camera's perspective. The way it works is probably that each enemy gets assigned a random color and all of their pixels get drawn in that color. The sky, walls, and other occluding geometry get rendered in black. This gets done every frame as a normal part of the rendering process., and you end up with a picture that looks sort of like this: (Not exactly, but it should help illustrate the method) If you want to know if the brown house is visible, you check the latest buffer for any brown pixels. If there are pixels in the right color, the house is visible. If there aren't, try to the next method like raycasts. Doing it from a second position like your frame's "eyes" isn't impossible or anything, just more costly and less accurate. Not only would they need to take this picture from a new, second perspective, it'd also be from a perspective that doesn't match the player. Your frame might not see an enemy you do, so it will feel like it missed when it shouldn't have. One of the things to remember about a good LoS is that it isn't just about strictly answering "is this object visible", it's just as much about the player's feeling that something should be visible. Not really, raycasts are relatively cheap and the few they're doing should be good enough. One is too little, a hundred would be too excessive, but there's a sweet spot where it's enough to be accurate without much cost.
  15. If you have some specific system in mind you'll have to elaborate, but in general you can just do the latter. That's allowed. Go to recruiting, join any of the many people hosting, say "hey should I bring anything specific", and organize. That's what DE says is recommended for this mode: a party that has "carefully prepared their Loadouts and is ready to take on the challenges ahead". So prepare! Get ready! Because of how the rewards work everyone in the group gets one free pick. You can take a favorite weapon or a necessary frame, whatever you want. If you want a Frost, bring one. Or you can go without - when I ran the Mirror Defense last week we had no hard defensive frames at all. There was a risk of failure, and the optional Necramechs were a bit concerning, but this is meant to be a challenging mode. The risk of failure is a normal part of that. For many of us it is fun. Organizing your squad, actually cooperating for the first time in years, trying new things, overcoming adversity. It's great! I'm really looking forward to the weekly reset later today so I can go again. This kind of mode won't appeal to everyone, of course, and that's why it's so great that you can ignore the RNG and much of the challenge. You're not forced to do anything. If you don't think a part is fun, you don't have to do it. Play it the way you think is more fun instead. It'll be easier to do, ofc, and you'll get less for taking the easier route, but you're not forced to do anything. You can stay in your comfort zone if that's what you want.
  16. If you do half the mode you get half the reward. Sounds fair to me?
  17. If you don't like the mode you don't have to play. I think it's quite good and fun already. Maybe it's just not for you? That's OK. There are a lot of other things for you to play. The RNG is entirely optional, so what's the hold-up? If you want to do DA/EDA without the RNG you can. You just play. The only difference will be how many rewards you get.
  18. "I think you should check recruiting before suggesting that it's hard to find a party". Just check recruiting. Filter for EDA, Deep, Elite, etc. There are so many people advertising open parties.
  19. I have had no issues finding groups?
  20. With Incarnons it feels like the "place" for these kinds of weapons is to just turn them into AoE.
  21. Support it is. You could try the nuclear option which is doing a full reinstall, but that's a lot of data if you have a cap. The biggest no-no with VPNs is when you use them to bypass regional things, like trying to get a discount by purchasing with other region's prices. Can you pick a VPN server from within your country? That'd be the safest.
  22. News to me as well. I often play as Khora with double Primed Animal Instinct so I can see forever, and it's always annoyed me that the vertical distance didn't keep up. If this is changed then great! Maybe shade them more red/blue if they're below/above you too.
  23. As usual, contacting support is your best bet: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us In the meantime you could try verifying your cache: Click the gear icon on the top-right of the launcher, then Verify under Download Cache. I don't know if it'll solve your issue but it's quick and worth trying.
  24. It's a bit pithy but necessity is the mother of invention. If you get some weird weapons and a frame you aren't familiar with the best way forward is to try it out! The only option you've been stripped of is the option to not try anything different - which is an option that hasn't actually been stripped at all! Because best thing about DA is, everyone is able to pick what they want and can still run the missions and simply be efficient and get on with it. They just won't get as many rewards for taking the easier route, which let's be honest is the real issue at hand: a lot of you want the same rewards without putting in the same effort. That's all it is.
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