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Everything posted by (PSN)Unlucky1307

  1. Seer, stug, dakkadakka grakata, vipers, marelok, grinlok, any one of the sniper rifles for god's sake (just make the buffs and incarnon forms to them near useless on eidolons)
  2. I like the thematic nature of it only being secondaries. Besides, when we have secondaries like the incarnon atomos, incarnon lex prime, and incarnon despair do we really need anything else while also being hyper mobile and getting a 200% crit buff? Heck even before those recent additions we had the tenet plinx, kuva nukor, and tenet cycron. I'd say at most let her toss thrown melees when they're able to be used with a secondary normally like a glaive plus lex.
  3. Have you considered being faster? I know that sounds condescending and rude, but I don't mean to be. I'm running on a PS4 with probably close to the slowest load times in every group and I've had this issue a grand total of one time myself. I've also seen people take so long to get ready that the guy running a PS4 is going in before them which at the point I see that I'm concerned that they may genuinely not know how to play and their choices won't improve over a random selection if I did wait on them. Just based on my own experiences, this seems to be a non-issue. I will say I only ever run steel path though, so that could have an impact on the players I'm often with and the lack of issues I've seen.
  4. I'd say primed vigor and primed shred are both fine to have behind a login wall, since although they're unique and provide extra power, you can get their full effect with other mods, unlike PSF. It has nothing to do with meta, the ability to fully ignore knockdowns and staggers is entirely unique to PSF outside of certain abilities/passives, which makes it uniquely positioned to be the only login mod reward you can't make up for with other mods. I hardly touch explosive weapons anymore since the ammo nerf, but still hate running without PSF because it makes the game feel so much worse when you get knocked down and die due to it. At least when I choose to forego any defensive mods outside of PSF and die I can say it's a skill issue and I can do better or build better, but when some random garbage knocks down an otherwise full tank build frame long enough that it dies in steel path because it doesn't have PSF that feels like it's outside of player control and unpleasant. Don't get me wrong, it's annoying when your own weapons do it too, but not near as bad as some random ass enemy knockdown you didn't see coming ends you.
  5. This would be a great thing to do, since many people likely bought boosters for the weekend to make up for having to work during the week or just for the double resource weekend then got screwed over. As well as people who just had boosters going in general and because they played the circuit, got no benefit at all. The first post is getting edited as people make too much noise about particular issues. It wasn't there initially. If you look at the initial post you can see an edit was last made Friday at 05:32 PM by [DE]Momaw and every one of your quotes was from Thursday.
  6. I like some power being behind milestones. It would be nicer if those milestones were tied to in game progression, but it also feels good to log in and get useful mods. Primed sure footed shouldn't be gated like that though, since it's necessary for a whole class of weapons to work effectively and cautious shot is only a thing for primaries.
  7. I'd say when the game feels like a "chore" or something that you feel obligated to do, rather than something you're doing for fun. Even at MR30 I'm still having fun with the game, so that point can vary for many people. Although given recent updates and pushes towards weekly content, it might start to feel like that for more people sooner rather than later.
  8. EDIT: Thanks to whoever merged this in, I haven't run interception in forever so I didn't even know it was a bug and being worked on, I thought it was simply the anti-afk system disliking my slowva. How on earth does this even happen in a solo interception? I had it pop up twice while just doing a solo 4 wave run and I just don't understand how that even happens when it's just me playing the mission and I didn't outright fail the mission. I was playing as Nova and slowing the whole map, but I wasn't just sitting afk since the enemies kept taking points back, especially eximus units. Anyone know how to avoid this sort of crap happening? I was really hoping to grind out some Axi H6 relic farming, but losing half my rewards doesn't really appeal to me. Seems like steel path farming for relic packs might just be the better option.
  9. I actually find the pathos clamp portion of the grind to be pretty reasonable. That being said, the circuit grind is a bit much to get to rank 10 for people like me that normally only play on weekends or for a couple hours here and there during the week.
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