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Everything posted by MagPrime

  1. Just finished up my second week of new hire training and I have another ten to go.
  2. Getting this updated and I'm not sure if Lua is listed or I'm just not seeing it?
  3. The tiny house is going to have floor to ceiling shelves as well as loft storage/bedroom. This trailer is bigger than all of my previous places in the last decade, excluding my 2 bedroom house. Facebook reels also showed me a neat trick for doubling up on shelf usability; elastic strips on the bottom of the shelf that holds the books while the top of the shelf can be used for more books! I'm also moving towards a projector instead of a television set up. It'll use more power but a small projector on a white sheet or on the side of the tiny saves a lot of space. I also stumbled across an interesting storage unit; 3 standing shelves on wheels that are stored in a cabinet. The top half of the outer panels can be designed to fold down for counter space on either side. Pre-ordering one limits the dimensions but it's a pretty simple design to replicate & change to fit my needs. That's just the image I have saved, not the design I'm using. But It's what I'm going to put my craft supplies in & a second unit will be my kitchen pantry & storage for appliances.
  4. I learned the hard way that favoring a leg can cause more than just back problems - I had issues with a weakening of my pelvic floor due to compensating for my old right knee injury for so long. PT suuuuuucks so much but I'm not randomly getting pain in my lower abdomen & hip so bad that it makes me, someone with a huge pain tolerance, cry out when it hits. Take care of your bodies y'all, it's the only one you get.
  5. Well that's. Annoying. I like the fashion Drifters have, if Operators had the same stuff, I would use my inner child more. Sling speed isn't bad, it's just the regular walking/running that gets me.
  6. Mind Step. I'm so used to the crack squirrel energy of Warfrmaes that running around as the Operator or Drifter is almost painful with how slow it is.
  7. I'm looking at using Naramon more, mainly because I don't like how slow the Operator is, and working on a new Amp/Arcane combo. These are awesome though!
  8. I didn't know there was a bug, mainly because I made hundreds and forgot about them. The resource cost isn't that high & I use them 3 to 4 times a mission, d depending on the map. The amount of scannables & tokens I've found outweighs the small cost, personally. I've been able to progress faster in the newer areas because of it.
  9. I've discovered pear & cinnamon hard candies. These are So. Good.
  10. I used to do it for my nephews when they visited for the weekends & we went all out; pancakes, waffles, crepes, bacon, sausages, eggs, hashbrowns, potatoes, etc. sometimes we had enough left overs for breakfast the next morning lol It was less a cost thing and more about having fun. It's been a couple years since I've had them stay over, so it's been a few years since we did it. When I get the tiny house done, I should have them over for a breakfast party.
  11. I'm a little ashamed I didn't think about breakfast for dinner, honestly.
  12. This would be nice to have. I've accidentally rushed some things because of lag; I thought the controller had gone unresponsive but it was just delayed and next thing I know, I've rushed something when everything catches up. Having more player customization on the UI would be amazing.
  13. Dinner was a mess, made chicken with paprika, white rice & steamed broccoli. But now I really want to make bread so I can make cheesy garlic bread. Warm, fluffy, garlic cheesy bread, mmmmmmm
  14. I have to figure out what to make for dinner tonight and I hate it. Part of me wants to make bread, though.
  15. Ah yes, not falling in step with the malcontents automatically makes me defending DE. If you want to know why there was no livestream, maybe check the subforums dedicated to communicating that? Or asking your questions to someone with [DE] before their name? Or do you not know any other subforum than General Discussion?
  16. I'd have to watch livestreams to know but they tend to happen when I'm not able to get online. I do know that it wasn't mentioned in any of the promotional content on the site or in game. And DE has acknowledged the misstep, keeping the community in the loop with what's happening in regards to changes.
  17. Not when you put a multispeed fan in there... But ngl, I have several YT videos about making my own PC case and I do have plans on making it look like a tome...
  18. I am Off Topic, just ask @Letter13 but also I didn't say anything about anyone being off topic? We've already established DE is at fault and that this isn't false advertising.
  19. Keep in mind, I'm the person who used a cardboard box as a computer case for a couple weeks.
  20. ...if it had bacon at the start, then it'd be a bacon cheeseburger, not just a cheeseburger. Unless where you are all cheeseburgers inherently come with bacon? Now I'm hungry.
  21. Ah, you're new, that explains it. Keep doing your main story line quests, you'll be introduced to more than "left click to shoot" as well as multiple sources for shards.
  22. Nah. DE uses quests to introduce new mechanics as well as lore, skipping those would leave players trying to use things with no instructions or tutorial. Putting the lore & tutorial into a quest is a two birds, one stone situation.
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